Summoner, He is Never Alone

Chapter 364

Ye Xu couldn’t get involved in the matter of holding a preschool, and he didn’t bother to get involved in this, so as not to take care of himself. So he ended the call after just one sentence, leaving Marven Ye with a headache.

The task here has to be continued, and Ye Xu successfully found the first task target.

Although it is intended to distribute flyers to families with children, it is not for all families. Some people’s children are too old and have already studied in other schools, or give up this path and go to normal schools. These people can let it go.

That is to say, in the end, the families Ye Xu needed to hand out flyers all had younger children at home, and the number of children in the family should not be too many, lest they read the flyers and have no money to send their children to school. Fortunately, the mission helped to screen out the target, Ye Xu didn’t have to judge by himself, as long as he had no brains and followed the prompt to distribute the flyer, it would be ok.

During this time, in fact, most people are not at home and go out to work. A small number of families have full-time housewives or those who need to stay at home to take care of their children, so they can chat with Ye Xu.

Those with no one at home have no choice but to stuff the flyers into the yard and wait for them to read it when they get home. For the rest of those with family members, Ye Xu didn’t say much. When handing out the flyer, he casually reminded the limitations and prospects of the summoner profession, and let the parents take care of it.

The task progress judgment on the system side is very simple, that is, when the flyer is sent to the yard of the other party’s house, it is not required to be delivered to the parents, nor is it required that the parents must read the flyer. Some parents even dismissed it and were unwilling to accept the flyers. It didn’t matter. Ye Xu only had to quietly stuff the flyers in when he passed by the family’s yard.

After he was done stuffing and leaving, even if the parents cleaned up the flyers, it wouldn’t affect him from completing the task. However, if you don’t continue to stuff the flyers after being rejected in person, this link will be broken.

Ye Xu had no choice. When he was rejected, he could only say: “The flyers are all written on paper. You can keep the table legs or sell the scraps.”

Paper is not cheap in this day and age, at least one copper coin is required. This price is very expensive for ordinary NPCs, so children use pencils to write when they are studying, and then erase them when they are finished. The Magic Academy is more straightforward, writing with magic ink, and sending the finished waste paper to a specific place can clear the writing on it and turn it back into blank paper.

Although the flyer that Ye Xu gave was printed with special ink that was difficult to remove, so that it could no longer be used as waste for residents, but it was not affected by selling it to waste recycling stations. People who recycle waste can easily turn it back into white paper, and a flyer can sell half a copper coin.

The budget-conscious NPC housewives quickly noticed the profit inside, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​​​refusing. They even wanted to get a few more from Ye Xu, but unfortunately Ye Xu was given these flyers on a per-capita basis, one for each family. After giving too much, some families would be gone, so what else could he do.

The housewives who couldn’t get more paper were disappointed and had to hope that the neighbors would discard the flyers after reading them so they could pick them up and sell them. However, the residents of this area are all in a similar situation. There are very few neighbors who “can’t live a life”, and most of them are more diligent and thrifty.

In order to avoid being surrounded by NPCs begging for flyers, Ye Xu quickly slipped away after delivering them. After finding out, I felt that some of the housewives who came to the news failed to block him. These people were all family members who did not meet the requirements of Ye Xu to send the flyers. I heard that someone here sent papers and came here to see if there was a chance to take advantage of it. Who would have thought that? People run so fast.

They were a little unhappy that they didn’t earn extra money. But it is human nature to join in the fun, so there are still many people who borrow leaflets from the past, wondering what the content of that person is.

In this way, although they did not distribute leaflets to these people, they successfully achieved the achievement of spreading the Summoner profession among them. But it’s useless for the time being. They don’t have children of the right age at home, but at least they left a little impression. Maybe adding a child at home will come in handy in the future.

But in fact, compared to Ye Xu’s leaflets, the bunch of little dragon cubs behind him are really attractive. Ordinary residents living here have never seen such a rare race as dragons.

Fortunately, Ye Xu let the dragon cubs wander freely. At first, they followed Ye Xu’s buttocks honestly, and after a long time, they scattered to explore everywhere. In twos and threes, they can leave Ye Xu up to 500 yards away. There are only 200 dragon cubs in such a large area. In fact, they are still very scattered. In the end, Ye Xu didn’t follow many around.

So when Ye Xu’s flyer was halfway through, no one found out that he brought the dragon cub. Many residents came out to watch the fun, thinking that it was the dragon cubs who went to this area to play together, and did not connect them with Ye Xu, who distributed the leaflets.

Some smart people imagine that seeing Ye Xu, a stranger, not only did not connect him with the dragon cub, but reversed the logic of cause and effect. He thought that the dragon cub came here to play first, which made the street lively, so Ye Xu, the flyer, followed the sound.

The strongest testimony is that Ye Xu has been staying in the medium-sized area of ​​the dragon cubs, and will not run to the edge or out of the dragon cub’s range of activities. And the closer to the center, the more people watching the lively event, and the easier it is for him to distribute flyers.

Ye Xu was also convinced by this wave of thinking logic, he didn’t refute, he smiled and acquiesced. It was better than being discovered that the dragon cubs were brought by themselves. At the beginning, when there were not many people on the street, a bunch of dragon cubs followed him, and he was surrounded by the few passers-by. Just dodge.

At this moment, Ye Xu wished that the dragon cubs could be scattered more, and after telling them not to go to other people’s houses, he let them run around all over the place. As a result, in addition to those who jumped on the ground, many of them also flew to the sky to observe the surrounding conditions, so the original circle with a radius of 500 yards turned into a cylindrical area with a height of 100 yards, and the space expanded hundreds of times.

In such a large area, there are only a few dragon cubs, and the density has dropped suddenly, and it is no longer noticeable. After all, the residents of Amules City are residents of the first-level main city. Many people work in the noble manor. Strictly speaking, they are well-informed. .

Most people can’t recognize the difference between the dragon family and some other magical beasts, and they don’t know that they are dragon cubs, so they should leave after watching for a while. If someone tells them that this is a dragon cub, I am afraid that not only will the enthusiasm not subside, but they will also attract more people to come and watch.

For NPCs who often visit Longgu Paradise, dragons are not as rare as they used to be, but most NPCs have never been to Longgu Paradise. Especially the NPC residents here, whose family conditions are not so wealthy, the modern well-off family will only go out to play once in a while, and the civilians in the Western Fantasy World are less aware of travel, and I am afraid they have never gone out to play a few times in their lifetime.

Ye Xu took the dragon cubs in front of everyone to complete the shopping and handing out flyers. When the flyers were distributed, the adventure of the dragon cubs came to an end. They are very curious about the outside world. In their opinion, this kind of boring outing and exploration can also be an adventure for dragon warriors.

Seeing that it was almost dinner time, he did not plan to continue the remaining tasks today, so he simply took the dragon cubs back to the manor to rest. It is estimated that the next few days will be spent on this task. He has to ask the alchemy puppet to prepare more things, and stop halfway through the next task to cook for the dragon cub, which is very inconvenient.

Considering that although the dragon cubs are greedy, they are not stupid enough to feed themselves. After preparing the rations for the next day, Ye Xu distributed the rations one by one and let them put them in the storage bracelet. , Take it out and eat it yourself when you are hungry. In addition to three meals, Ye Xu also sent them a lot of snacks to ensure that they would not be hungry all day.

With this kind of preparation, Ye Xu really didn’t need to stop to feed them when he did the task the next day. When they got off the assembly line at night, they all had their stomachs full, and they were not hungry at all.

Ye Xu was very satisfied and ordered the alchemy puppet to continue.

While he was addicted to doing quests, the Lantern Festival lantern riddle activity opened up. Ye Xu consciously gave up competing for the ranking, and only guessed one or two occasionally between tasks. Sometimes he could guess right, but most of the time he could not guess.

Only a few of the lantern riddles provided by the game are normal lantern riddles, guessing words or guessing things, and some are brain teasers and common sense quizzes. The answers to these things can be found on the Internet, and the system does not limit this aspect. Those who want to brush the number of lantern riddles can rely on Du Niang to cheat.

But the problem is that more than 75% of the riddles are actually asking for information about the game. For example, what skills does a certain mobs have, what race is a certain boss, etc., it is difficult to find out, and you have to answer on your own.

Ye Xu originally thought that he knew the game “Ling Yuan” very well, but as a result, he encountered more than a dozen questions that he couldn’t answer in a row, and his mentality collapsed. Later, when I encountered this kind of question and answer, I wanted to leave. After all, guessing lantern riddles is not a multiple-choice question, and there are no options.

There is still a chance that the multiple-choice questions will be correct. It is really impossible to analyze it by the exclusion method, and the probability of finding the correct answer is not low. But fill-in-the-blank questions are different. For some questions, you clearly know the answer, but if you fill in a wrong word or remember a little detail, the answer will not be correct.

One of the most disgusting questions Ye Xu encountered was the scientific name of the necromancer’s stunt “Sulfuric Acid Rain”. Similar to the undead and the undead, the light and the holy, these words are too easy to confuse, and he really does not blame him for the wrong answer.

Each lantern has only one chance to answer the question, and if you are wrong, you can only give up. Ye Xu really regretted it. He should have poked Sister Xuan and asked. Although Sister Xuan may not remember it, he can still find the scientific name after opening the skill bar. Take a screenshot or copy the name and send it to him. .

It’s a pity that Ye Xu didn’t remember it for a while, so he just missed the flower lantern.

This kind of thing is not how thick the question and answer rewards are. In fact, a lantern only gives 0.1% to 1% of the buff. The direction of buff increase is very random. Some increase attack and some increase defense. Effect. Mainly because he missed this incident with the reward, Ye Xu was more worried, as if he had missed a hundred million.

Broken event, he won’t participate again next year!

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