Summoner, He is Never Alone

Chapter 432

Ye Xu was eating breakfast when he was shocked by the news.

The system update and maintenance ended at 7:00 in the morning. It is estimated that this update is relatively large, so it will last longer. Originally, it usually ended at 5:00 in the morning, but this time it was delayed until 7:00.

Ye Xu got up early for today’s big event, and sat down at the table before seven o’clock, waiting for breakfast. As a result, as soon as I handed the soup dumpling to my mouth, I heard the news and almost forgot to take a small bite and slowly drink the soup before eating the dumplings, and almost shoved the hot soup dumpling directly into my mouth.

It was the second brother who stopped him in time and didn’t let him get burned. He hurriedly put down the soup bag and didn’t care about eating, so he quickly asked about the specific situation.

“What’s going on? This is the start of a war? Didn’t you just say that the server wasn’t open?” he asked.

The third brother brushed the news and buried his head back: “The update that ended two minutes ago was exactly seven o’clock. Someone over there rushed to go online as soon as possible, and ran into another country and declared war with us.”

Presumably the other party is also eager to go online at this point to make trouble, so there is no delay at all.

Ye Xu asked again, “Which country is it?” He guessed that it should be one of the great countries of the United States, Fusang, and other countries and they would not have hated them so much that they have already started.

As a result, the eldest brother put down his mobile phone and said lightly: “Kangaroo Country.”

Ye Xu: “???”

The Kangaroo Country is outrageous. There are only a few people in the whole country. In many cities, you can’t even see a ghost on the streets. If you throw a stick outside blindly, you are not afraid of hitting others. The number of players is small, and the number of players is naturally small. The national war is not an ordinary small game. It requires a large number of players to participate, and the number of players is the most important determinant.

This is why, Hua Guo had long anticipated and knew that he might welcome the declaration of war by several countries in one breath. Because they have the largest number of players in their country, if they only fight with one player at a time, other countries will definitely not have much chance of winning, so at least two or three players will be required to make a move, so as to contain some Chinese players.

This time, the Kangaroo Country doesn’t know what’s going on in their minds. Their declaration of war against China is no different from meat buns and dogs. Moreover, the in-game territory of Kangaroo Country itself is said to be not large, so to be honest, Ye Xu is too lazy to capture it.

“So what’s the situation now?” The second brother didn’t read the news, ate breakfast slowly, and took the time to ask.

Although war has been declared, there is no need to rush online. The Kangaroo country is very unfortunate, the territory is separated from them by the sea, and they need to be attacked from the sea. As for the waters on the co-governance side, as I said before, many deep-sea beasts are arranged to wait at the border. It is hard to say whether the warships of the Kangaroo Country can successfully reach the coast.

Even if they can really pull the boat over, that’s not to worry. It’s still early, and it takes at least five or six hours to drive all the way. They don’t talk about breakfast, they can finish lunch in peace, and then go online to challenge.

That is to say, the kangaroo country is similar to them in longitude, and everyone is in the afternoon when they are at war. If it was the United States, it was already early morning in the United States when we arrived in China, and there was no way to fight. As long as the Americans had a good mind, they would not declare war now.

The second brother’s idea was quickly verified, and they waited until Ye Xu and the others slowly finished breakfast, and no second country followed them to declare war on them. On the contrary, Asan’s side, for some reason, declared war on the United States, which directly disrupted the plans of the United States.

The co-governance does not border Asan’s Peacock Country, it borders basically hostile countries, such as the United States sticking to Fusang and the like. The terrain is not the same as the three-dimensional world map. Anyway, there is no ally in the surrounding area. The Peacock Country is located at the other end of the United States, and it, the United States, and the co-governance form a straight line.

In short, it is estimated that they and Asan will not be able to fight, unless the United States is destroyed one day, or the United States deliberately makes a way to allow the two armies to borrow. However, it may have happened before that the United States allowed Asan to attack China through the means, but now it seems unlikely, who asked Asan to provoke the United States first.

It stands to reason that the relationship between Asan and the next-door Baal is even worse, and Baal happens to be on the border with Asan. No matter how you look at it, Asan shouldn’t have shot at the United States as soon as he came up, but this is the current situation.

“What was the original plan of the United States?” Ye Xu was not curious about why Asan took action. He felt that Asan had always been amazing, and had a strange sense of pride. If there were no people they dared not provoke, the attack on the United States might only be temporary. Rise up to feel that the United States looks down on them. In contrast, he wanted to know what plan the United States had in the first place, and where did China get it from.

The eldest brother explained vaguely: “We also have a few people in the United States.” Translation: Not only did the United States send spies to China, but China also sent spies to the United States, but many of the spies of the United States became consumables in the transnational secret realm. Huaguo’s has been secretly rubbing the screen, not doing anything but spreading the news.

“The United States originally planned to wait a few hours before declaring war, and wanted to control the time of the official war in the early morning of Hua. They also contacted several countries and planned to do it together. It happened that the Kangaroo country jumped out first to consume our strength. , they also want to watch the consumption on the wall.”

It is naturally best for someone to help them to test in advance, so that they don’t have to personally test the water and tread the thunder. It’s a pity that Asan suddenly declared war on the United States, which forced the United States to temporarily abandon the previous strategy and beat Asan back first, otherwise, if the right attacked China, Asan’s home would likely be ransacked.

Even though the life of the commoners in Peacock Country is very difficult, the two or three hundred million high-class people are still very comfortable. Ah San’s first-class players should not be underestimated, and the number of players in their country is considerable.

The United States has a total of more than 300 million people, and Asan is not much less rich than them. In truth, the difference in the number of players between the two countries is not that much. Even if Asan does not dare to provoke the United States, he is definitely not afraid in the game.

Ye Xu just wanted to laugh when he heard this. He finally began to wonder where the U.S. had provoked Asan. But the brothers don’t know much about this unsolved mystery. They may have to wait and see how Asan scolds the Americans after the war. Maybe they can learn the truth from the scolding.

The brothers don’t know, but Sister Xuan does. After Ye Xu went online slowly, he listened to the gossip from Han Yingshen’s side.

Some of these gossips were told to him by Sister Xuan, and some of them were inquired by him, a little gossip expert. Sister Xuan was busy with the layout of the national war and couldn’t walk away. She didn’t have time to wait for Ye Xu to go online and chat with him, so Han Yingshen found an opportunity to pick up the leak.

“Americans scolded Asan on Twitter two days ago.” Han Ying said mysteriously, “Not only Asan, but many netizens in the EU also made fun of him.”

During this period of time, the international situation was relatively chaotic. The new president of the United States made several scandals and was ridiculed by the international community. I thought it was only Hua Guo who laughed at him badly, but I didn’t expect to see it on the Internet, and everyone’s mouth was very bad.

After the escalation of the situation, it turned into a scolding war. The Chinese side and the Kangaroo country have no time to talk about it. Coupled with the frequent news of various domestic news, how can there be extra energy to pay attention to this side. But Asan’s side didn’t have any new news to divert his attention, so he stalemate with the American player who reacted and scolded him back.

It just so happened that the national war started today, and those players who were blocked by the mountains and the sea and couldn’t live pk finally had the opportunity to make an appointment. However, the Peacock Country also borders the United States, which is very convenient for fights. Asan didn’t even think about it, and declared war directly. They felt that God was helping them, otherwise there would be such a coincidence.

Ye Xu: “…” Absolutely!

“There’s more.” Han Yingshen finished speaking, and then wentssip, “The Kangaroo Country declared war with us because of international matters. Didn’t the Kangaroo Country change a president before, and then started stomping around to pull allies against China? As a result, those countries in the European Union did not pay attention to it at all, and directly withdrew from the anti-China organization that it had engaged in. After that, the Kangaroo country continued, and after all kinds of tossing, we banned the import of many commodities.”

For example, the most famous cherries are banned from importing and replacing similar products in other countries that are cheaper and of good quality, resulting in heavy losses for many merchants and farmers in Kangaroo Country. Their country makes money by exporting, and now China doesn’t want their products, and those things can’t be sold elsewhere, so they can only keep it for themselves.

Hua Guo was very happy about this, but it made Kangaroo country angry enough. Ye Xu didn’t know if people in their country complained about the president’s troubles. Anyway, whether they complained or not, they would definitely have a bad face towards China.

Some people are like this, even if they are the first to flirt, but as long as the other party fights back, then the other party is at fault, and they can justly hate each other. What’s more, although the kangaroo country was not prominent in the past, the actual attitude of the Chinese people towards China is not very good. Like those in the United States, they have always looked down on China.

So this time, the people of Kangaroo Country can’t just let it go. They can’t do other revenge, they can only declare a war incompetent and furious in the game.

Ye Xu didn’t know how to evaluate their behavior, so he could only silently hope that their ship would be taken away by a wave of deep-sea monsters in the open sea. To be honest, he doesn’t think the Kangaroo Country’s warships can break through the defense line of the deep-sea behemoths. Now he is the only full-level player, and many players are not even level 240. It’s still an ocean expedition. Is there something wrong with his mind?

According to Ye Xu’s speculation, naval battles should only be started after a large number of players have reached full level. At that time, although the level of full-level players did not increase, they could continue to increase their combat power from other places, while the ocean-going boss was stagnant at level 250, and the combat power would only be gradually caught up by the players.

In short, players at this stage cannot defeat those sea monsters, even if there are too many people.

Facts proved that Ye Xu’s guess was correct. At lunchtime that day, the four brothers of the Ye family received the news directly from the other side – the 100 warships sent by the Kangaroo Country had been wiped out by 12:34 Beijing time. .

Ye Xu: “…” Hahahahahaha!

I don’t know how much time, energy and money Kangaroo Country has spent to gather 100 warships, all of which sank before this wave started, and I don’t know how long it will take to gather another one in the future. Losing the wife and losing the army is simply tragic.

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