Summoner, He is Never Alone

Chapter 433

The smashing of the halberd and sinking into the sand in the Kangaroo Country has been laughed at for many days, and it has directly become the funniest incident since the launch of “Lingyuan”. And when such a shameful thing happened, Kangaroo was also depressed a lot in the country.

These foreigners themselves are not gritty, and it is not bad to be able to take the lead with a burst of anger. Now that I poured cold water on my head, I suddenly became a little less excited, and I couldn’t get up to start the second national war again.

Of course, there are also reasons why they know that they can’t overcome the giant beasts in the sea in a short time, and they can’t be in a hurry.

Ye Xu had originally been prepared for a lot of battles at their guild headquarters after the start of the national war, but now it seems that he thinks too much. For at least a month, the sea will not be able to fight, and he can only go to other maps to fight a national war.

Without the Kangaroo Country as the leading force, other countries are no longer in a hurry to declare war on China. It is estimated that they are also afraid of repeating the same mistakes. Although their borders with the communist country are all on land, it does not mean that there are no beneficial bosses on land. Maybe they will encounter similar things when they send troops.

Someone deliberately studied the background of “Lingyuan” and found that there was a sentence in the history of each country when it was founded, saying that before the founding of the country, there were fierce and powerful beasts everywhere on the road, and it was not easy for all ethnic groups to survive. Later, it slowly developed and developed, and finally possessed a certain ability to resist, and began to walk out of the small territory where he was originally crowded and expand outwards little by little.

Over time, these countries expanded their territorial size. But the expansion of the area is exchanged for blood, and every time the territory is expanded, it is not an easy thing to kill the alien beasts that originally occupied it.

This is also the reason that although many countries claim to be “bordering” on the surface, in fact the overseas land area is huge.

Asan and the United States are quite good. They really have a part of the border, and if they cross the line, it is another country. The co-governance side is different. Beyond the border wall of the co-governance, there is an unowned foreign area, and it is necessary to cross a long distance to enter the border of the next country.

After reading these popular sciences, Ye Xu realized that his group teleportation skills were really important. Probably its biggest use is here, allowing Chinese players to save the time spent on the road across the unowned area, and can run outside the enemy fortress and attack directly.

And if you teleport like this, you don’t have to pass through the unowned area and collide with the alien beast there. Even if they can’t defeat the alien beast, they are not afraid of losing their combat effectiveness in the middle.

The only trouble is that such teleportation skills are rare, and the number of people who can teleport is limited. At least for the number of people participating in the national war, it is far from enough. Hua Guo currently has less than ten inheritors of the Space-Time Temple, and together they can only transmit so many people in the past, and it will take a surprise to gain an advantage.

“This is not in a hurry.” As for taking the initiative to attack, Sister Xuan, who is the commander-in-chief, already has a charter. After discussing it with the major presidents, she thinks that it is still necessary to turn 6 first. Wait until there are enough people in Rank 6, and then start the active attack.

It doesn’t take too long, just half a month at the earliest. The number of people in the next 6th rank increased faster, and this time the top 10 of the 6th rank were rewarded with godheads. Huaguo, relying on the level advantage brought by the transnational secret realm, took up a few places. Coupled with the fact that everyone has been conscientiously collecting fragments of godhead for several months, presumably the number of gods and goddesses will have a blowout growth in half a month.

Ye Xu heard the words and was not in a hurry, and waited patiently. This wait came 15 days later. Early on this day, the communist country launched a national war against the United States next door.

The U.S. had a fight with Asan only half a month ago. It was just when he was recuperating and trying to level up to rank 6. The co-governance attacked at this time, which meant that he was deliberately bullying others. The saddest thing for the United States is that they and Asan fought back and forth and no one was able to get a good deal.

At first, Asan occupied several villages and towns, but was quickly taken back by the United States. But for the United States, it is not considered to maintain its dignity, at most it is not too embarrassing.

The U.S. wanted to invade the Peacock Country in turn, but the Assam and the others refused to give in. Therefore, after tossing and turning, the two sides have been engaged in a war of attrition on the border, and many players have died more than once or twice, which greatly slowed down the efficiency of the 6th rank of the two countries, resulting in the United States not even entering the top 10 in the 6th rank. Even in the top 50, there are only a few Americans.

Originally, it was stipulated in the national war that if you died once during the battle, you could not participate in the war. After the national war started, everyone in the involved area would be forced to go offline or holographically watch the battle after death, or leave the area. One of the regulations is to reduce the living strength of the two countries, so that they will not keep resurrecting and fighting endlessly, and the other is to reduce losses. If each person only dies once, the losses will not be too heavy.

As a result, the United States was unlucky enough to have a large area bordering Asan. After fighting the newly-dead Asam player, he was angry and could not enter the national war area. He simply ran to another area that had not yet fought Submitted another declaration of war. So the second area also started the national war between Asan and the United States. Players who just died but refused to rest because of anger, naturally turned their heads and ran here to continue pk.

This kind of national war area Asan and the United States opened four or five in a row, and then there really was no more bordering areas, and this was the end. Ye Xu also studied the maps of the two countries and found that the area division on their side is based on the town. The town and the surrounding ten villages are counted as one area, and the border between the United States and Asan can be divided into five area to come.

Further back, there are more small town areas, but you just have to pass the ones that have already started. That can’t be done, the dead can’t get in here, how can they pass by?

It’s also thanks to the Americans that when they fought with Asan, they still remembered to restrain themselves from running around, and didn’t spread the main battlefield to the town next door. Otherwise, before they open the second battlefield, this area will be covered by the first battlefield, and the second battlefield will naturally not be opened.

The national warfare mechanism is really complicated, and the third brother is also very good. This is the beginning of the national war, and they can quickly find loopholes and drills, which really makes him admire.

But no matter how much you struggle, it should be finished in half a month. In fact, the national war lasts for a maximum of 7 days. When the 7-day countdown is over, the system does not care whether you win or lose. It directly judges according to the rules set by the master brain to determine which side wins.

There are many kinds of victory mechanisms. The common one is to occupy the enemy’s land, but at least the main city at the level of the small town is counted, and the novice village is not counted. That is to say, as long as the invading party occupies a small town, the intruding party can be regarded as winning.

There is also a hidden situation under this victory mechanism, that is, the invaded side ran to the invading country and occupied the territory. Then it depends on which one occupies more, or in the case of all of them, which side occupies the higher level of the main city.

If only one town is occupied, the evaluation mechanism of this item will be invalidated, and the next item will be entered.

On the second day, the mechanism looks at the number of casualties and the points of the national war. In the absence of territorial disputes, the system will conduct a comprehensive evaluation based on the casualties, survival, and combat contributions of the two parties. Taking into account the different numbers of people on both sides, the calculation mode of the average score is used in the end, and the team with the higher average score wins.

The winner can get a lot of benefits, such as the enemy country’s in-game tax will be handed over to the victorious country by 10% in the next month, the occupied territory will also belong to the occupier, and the players of the victorious country can get a general buff reward.

Of course, whether it is the winner or the loser, in the end, you can get system rewards based on your national war points, which is similar to participating in large-scale events. At most, the winner will get a better reward, and the loser will be inferior.

The battle between the United States and Asan can only be said to be flickering. They opened five battlefields. In the end, the United States won three games and Asan won two games. On the surface, it seems that the United States has won three wins in five games, but as long as the American players lose three levels on average, they feel suffocated domestically.

The third brother, who single-handedly slowed down the progress of the United States in the sixth round, is admirable.

Unsurprisingly, this move has won praises from many parties at home and abroad, especially those who do not deal with the United States, and they have simply praised the Peacock Kingdom to the sky. The A-Sans are naturally very happy. Although they were also slowed down by Rank 6, their overall strength is far inferior to that of the U.S., so it doesn’t matter.

If the system hadn’t issued a new regulation in time, the two countries that had already fought each other could not start a second battle within a month, and Asan would have wanted to have another round. The official side is also very helpless. They didn’t expect to be exploited by Asan, so they can only temporarily make a patch. After that, they probably won’t see the grand occasion of five national wars between the two countries at the same time. Sorry.

But you can’t play five games with the same country, but you can play with other countries. China has just declared war on the United States, and Fusang and Bangguo immediately followed suit and declared war on China. They are quite competent as allies.

Everyone had expected this and was not panicking. Anyway, the number of players who can use teleportation to go to the gate of the United States is limited, and there are a lot of players who stay in the country, and it is not a big deal to deal with Fusang and Bangguo at the same time. You must know that the number of players in their country is several times that of these two countries.

It’s just that Ye Xu didn’t expect that after Fusang and Bangguo declared war, the whole world became lively. It was as if this wave of operations had turned on a switch, and after a while, a dozen countries declared war.

Of course, none of them declared war on China, they just declared war on their neighbors. It’s as if we are now entering a “world war” period. If we don’t start fighting, we will fall behind. We have to take advantage of this wave and catch up with the trend.

Among them, Bangguo and Fusang have received several applications for war. Bangguo is naturally entangled by Xianguo, but it is not a big problem. The number of players in Xian is pitifully small. Their domestic economy is not very good. In many places, even mobile phones are rarely used. Mobile networks are almost only available in big cities. Naturally, only those people in big cities play holographic games. .

Therefore, although the Xianguo made an effort to attack, it was really limited in helping the ally Huaguo. On the contrary, Fusang was in a bit of a mess, because they unfortunately bordered Russia. What Russia wanted to fight most was the United States, but they didn’t have a border with the United States, so they had to kill Fusang first.

The Russian Khans thought very well: Fusang is next to the good brother Huaguo. After the Fusang is defeated, the Huaguo will definitely be willing to let them use the road to fight the United States, so that they don’t have to worry about not being able to touch the United States.

Compared with other routes, which required at least two countries to fight, it was obviously the easiest way to choose Fusang. It just so happened that Fusang was at war with China again, and they simply did not do it again and again. Taking this opportunity to start, they could save some energy and cooperate with their brothers.

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