Summoning America

Chapter 100: The Conference

Author’s Note: I am producing a professional original work, Manifest Fantasy (a complete rewrite of the original Manifest Fantasy). This story will be a GATE and Summoning America style work that focuses on a team of American explorers as they navigate through a new fantasy environment. Much like GATE and SA, Manifest Fantasy will explore the “modern meets fantasy” theme, although to much greater detail and with much greater professionalism. I plan on posting 4 chapters a month, with chapters expected to be about 3000-4000 words each. Please comment if “aye” if you are willing to pay $5 a month for a subscription to Manifest Fantasy. If not, please describe the amount you are willing to pay. If I receive at least 50 confirmations across all platforms, I will begin work on Manifest Fantasy immediately.


Cartalpas, Holy Mirishial Empire

An old, bearded man of a distinct shipfaring look sat atop a structure that resembled an air traffic control tower. There, he faced a large microphone amidst the backdrop of the bright blue ocean. After finishing the last of his Dunkin Donuts coffee, he spoke to the large crowd that gathered along the pier. A network of speakers and screens allowed him to relay his message, “Welcome, everyone, to our thirty-seventh World Leadership Conference! I’m your host, Bronze Letiam. For those of you who may not have had the opportunity to experience this event before, the World Leadership Conference is a biannual event whereby eleven of Elysia’s most powerful countries come together to discuss world affairs. Although the discussion typically proves to be mundane, the extravagant entrances and local fairs are not! It is tradition for every participating member to arrive in their most brilliant fleets, brimming with their greatest warriors and latest technologies. Speaking of which, here come the first arrivals: the Torquia Kingdom!”

A fleet of wooden ships appeared on the horizon, propelled by sail and clad in enchanted steel plating. The vessels appeared to be ships-of-the-line, similar to those of the former Parpaldian Empire. A wyvern carrier sailed proudly at the center of the fleet, carrying wyvern lords.

Bronze directed his camera crew to focus on the ships, getting a good look at their flashy armaments. “My,” he exclaimed with a sense of surprise, “Look at those guns! Their designs look rather different compared to the last Conference.” He smirked at the camera, holding a hand to his mouth as he whispered, “Now, this is only a rumor, but I heard they had some help from American defense companies! Was it only advice, or was it more?”

Bronze changed his tone to one of even greater surprise as he redirected his attention toward the carrier. “Now those,” he stressed as the cameras focused on the wyvern lords resting on the deck, “are clearly a new development! Until this year, wyvern lord technology was unique to the Parpaldian Empire. Now, it seems the technology has spread around the world! Is this a result of entrepreneurial Parpaldians, or the work of Americans?” 

He concluded his analysis, adopting a tone appropriate for an advertisement, “Perhaps you’ll find out at the Torquian Cultural Fair! Partake in traditional Torquian dances, or enjoy their delicious delicacies! With so many activities to choose from, you’ll certainly find yourself satisfied at the Torquian Cultural Fair.”

The next fleet to arrive hailed from the Magikareich Community. A fleet of twelve warships sailed ahead, their designs unfamiliar to Bronze and his team. They scratched their heads, squinting at metal warships the distance until a flag finally came into view.

His voice laden with shock, Bronze announced their next arrivals, “Our second guests appear to be the Magikareich Community! They’ve arrived in vessels that bear a distinctly Gra Valkan look. Perhaps this is indicative of relations between the two nations?”

Speculation ran wild through the crowd below as spectators discussed the new rumor. Many thought the alliance to be unthinkable, especially considering the menace that the Gra Valkan Empire had proven to be. Others noticed the peculiar lack of worry amongst the Magikareich Community. Unlike the Nigrat Union and Sonal Kingdom, they were not threatened by the Gra Valkas Empire. 

The few people who were well-versed with Terran history knew why. Both the Gra Valkan Empire and the Magikareich Community shared similar cultures, stemming from Nordic origins. With a notable German tinge present in both societies, they found common ground and thus gravitated toward each other. 

“I wonder what Mu has to say about this. Speaking of, we have a Muan here in the observation deck with us!” Bronze began an interview with a formally-dressed gentleman in a classy outfit that screamed ‘Roaring Twenties’. “Excuse me, sir! Pardon me for interrupting your viewing experience, but as a Muan, how do you feel about seeing this leap in Magikareich technology?”

The Muan crossed his arms, his eyebrows and lips turning downward. “I think it’s a damn bloody shame!”

“A shame?” Bronze asked.

“A shame that these communal rats turned their backs on the Second Civilized Region to consort with those barbaric Gra Valkans!”

Bronze consoled the man, “And the First Civilized Region stands with you, good sir. Returning to our observations, we can see that the Magikareich vessels now seem to be on par with Mu’s own fleet. Although the ships look worn and old, their vicious guns and steel armor cannot be ignored. Stay tuned for a closer inspection of the ships once they dock!” His tone became less enthusiastic, reflecting the new negative sentiments he harbored against the Magikareich Community, “Now for our scheduled advertisement.”

Bronze put no effort into the Magikareich advertisement, quickly running through their fair’s displays as retaliation for their decision to get in cahoots with the Gra Valkans. After the advertisement concluded, he searched for the next fleet. Arriving only a few minutes after the Magikareich Community, the Annonrial Empire showed their faces. Bronze announced their arrival the same way he had since he first got the job: with unamused neutrality. The Annonrial Empire’s two wooden frigates sailed slowly toward the port, dragged along by natural wind and pushed forward by rowing. Unlike the other nations, the Annonrial Empire had a severely lackluster fair, but did have quite an exceptional offering of food according to the few attendees who bothered to check out the Annonrial displays. 

The next arrivals went by in accordance with established precedence. Bronze welcomed fleets from the Pandora Greater Magic Principality and the Agartha Kingdom, both of whom arrived with a handful of ships-of-the-line. So far, the Agartha Kingdom proved to have the most unique vessels. Their ships were aligned with magic conduits similar to the platforms that typically held Tears of the Wind God. Unlike the Parpaldian, Torquian, and Pandoran ships, the Agarthan vessels utilized other types of magic gems, and were able to switch them out to best suit their combat needs. These platforms allowed Agarthan sailors to utilize magic offensively and defensively; they relied on their individual magical prowesses instead of magic weapons such as cannons. As such, they were able to launch unique attacks, ranging from spikes of ice to bolts of lightning.

The next arrival was a former superpower and recurring member: The Parpaldian Republic. A shadow of what it once was and stripped of its status as a superpowered empire, the Parpaldian still retained enough military and economic might only because of their quick surrender. The Parpaldians suffered minimal collateral damage, and maintained enough strength to be considered a regional power – one worthy enough to be admitted into the World Leadership Conference. They arrived with an assembly similar to prior Conferences, showing off large man-o-wars and wyvern overlord carriers that were completed after the war’s end. The impressive displays outshone the Torquian and Pandoran fleets, allowing the Parpaldians to save what little face they had left.

The Parpaldians were soon followed by the Emor Kingdom, who arrived in a carrier fleet specialized for Wind Dragons. Their appearance was accompanied by an airshow, which wowed the spectators below. Bronze commentated, “I haven’t told anyone this, but this is my favorite part of every Conference! The Emor Kingdom’s Wind Dragon unit is truly one of a kind, surpassing the abilities of all other known aircraft or wyvern. I wonder how this display will stack up against the other scheduled displays.”

Bronze caught sight of metal glinting under the sunlight in the distance. “Ah! Looks like I’m about to get my answer! Up next, the Second Civilized Region’s premier superpower, Mu!” A squadron of their latest Marin variants – enhanced by American consultation and the ingenuity of Muan engineers – flew over Cartalpas Port, bringing wondrous delight to the people below. Bronze himself couldn’t help but enjoy the demonstration, “Here, we see the complete opposite of the Wind Dragon display. Without the magical affinity necessary to tame wyverns or create magic-powered aircraft like ourselves, the Muans turned to science, developing a fully mechanical aircraft! The latest Marin flies like an absolute charm, and the Muans will happily showcase more of their gadgetry at the Muan Cultural Fair!” Bronze proclaimed, diving into the Muan advertisement.

Bronze concluded his session and returned to commentating, “As of the last World Leadership Conference, Mu was alone in its scientific prowess. However, they are now joined by the Gra Valkas Empire and the United States of America, two transferred nations and superpowers in their own right!” His heart beat in anticipation for the two nations. Stories of a super battleship that could wipe a fleet alone and light arrows annihilating vessels with a single strike spurred his imagination. Although they were initially too fantastical to believe, the rumors became substantiated and eventually backed by the world-renowned Mirishial News Network. Having seen mere clips of these navies in action, he excitedly wondered what magnificent warships he would see today.

Arriving second to last, the Gra Valkan Empire made its appearance. A fleet of two carriers and the infamous Grade Atlastar, along with their escorts, sailed proudly toward the port. The ships were larger than their Muan counterparts, boasting more powerful armaments and heavier armor. Although the carriers were frightening, the Grade Atlastar captured the audience with its massive 46cm guns. To the Mirishials, seeing the ship up close was an eye-opener. It easily outclassed even the Mithril-class battleship, likely able to challenge even the new Orichalcum-class. The squadron of Antares fighters that flew over the nearby beach was also advanced in comparison to Mu, demonstrating a capability that surpassed the Alpha-3. It was theorized that these fighters approached the Wind Dragons in terms of combat prowess, falling short only in maneuverability and acceleration.

Though the discrepancy in power was obvious, Bronze refrained from showing his shock, knowing that millions across Elysia were currently watching. He could not let it be known that the Holy Mirishial Empire was impressed – or worse, terrified – by Gra Valkan capabilities. So, he provided basic commentary that compared the Gra Valkan planes to Muan planes. “These carrier-based fighters, known as the ‘Antares’, are similar to Mu in that they are both mechanically operated. The Antares makes use of a monoplane design, different from Mu’s biplane design. According to a Gra Valkan spokesman, these planes are capable of reaching speeds of up to 400 miles per hour. While these speeds are as of yet unverified, we can see the planes currently cruising over Cartal Beach at 300 miles per hour…”

The Gra Valkan show of force concluded, leaving a lasting impression on the attendees. Their ships docked, with the Grade Atlastar unloading the diplomatic team. Gesta, Cielia, and Dallas stepped onto the docks, breathing in the fresh seaside air. Dallas in particular expressed utmost gratefulness for land, thanking the sky as he clenched his stomach and threw up into the waters. By the time he was finished and looked back up, he noticed a peculiar lack of noise coming from the large crowd along the harbor. 

At first, he thought they were staring at him or marveling at the Grade Atlastar, but he noticed that Gesta and Cielia were also staring at the same direction — out toward the ocean. Dallas turned around to see the very thing that made everyone else speechless: a massive carrier fleet led by a battleship and a peculiar, angular vessel. Above the fleet, sleek jets broke the sound barrier as they went supersonic, sending ripples throughout the waves. 

A sound of a man clearing his throat then emanated from the nearby speakers, grabbing his attention. He looked at a large screen, seeing Bronze recompose himself. “Wow!” Bronze exclaimed. “That was… breathtaking! I’ve never seen such a display; aircraft going faster than sound? That’s unheard of! But… our eyes and ears do not deceive us. Our final guests — the United States of America — have finally arrived, pulling off a stylish feat that captured the hearts of everyone witnessing it, mine included.”

The shock and awe presented by the American fleet was on a completely different level from that of the Gra Valkan fleet. With the Gra Valkas Empire, there was doubt about their abilities, since their technology could be compared to Mirishial technology. With the United States on the other hand, the disparity was clear and unquestionable; not even the Mirishials could breach the sound barrier. Considering the Americans’ utilization of homing light arrows and supersonic jets, Bronze asked the question that was on everyone’s mind, “Could the Americans be as powerful as the Ancient Sorcerous Empire?”

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