Summoning America

Chapter 101: The Conference (2)

Cartalpas, Holy Mirishial Empire

“And this is exactly why Mister Mopole was fired,” Gesta spoke into Dallas’ ear. “Had we gone through with the proposed ambush, our ships would have been pulverized from afar. Keep this lesson in mind the next time you think that using force is a good idea.” 

Dallas had no response. He was left to ponder as Gesta patted his shoulders and walked away toward the Conference Hall. Cielia walked up to Dallas to offer words of advice before following after Gesta, “Don’t say anything stupid during the Conference.”

Dallas felt his mouth twitch in anger. His superiors’ condescending admonishment seeped deep into his soul, striking directly at his pride. Despite feeling his ego shatter, however, he recognized that they were right. No matter how much he disagreed, their words were backed by the Emperor himself. After all, it was Emperor Gra Lux who saw Mopole’s plan as stupid. 

He took a final look at the approaching American fleet, reflecting on Gesta’s words. Seeing the jets maneuver in the skies, he wondered if the Gra Valkan military had any hope against this technologically advanced force. His gaze broke away from the Americans and turned toward the opulent tower in the distance as he walked toward his colleagues. He pushed past the clamoring crowd that rushed to see the American fleet up close, thinking only of strategies to maintain Gra Valkan superiority.


Ambassador Anders smiled as he took in the beautiful Cartalpas cityscape, complete with ethereal spires and unique skyscrapers that truly sold the fantasy look. The architecture contained a lot of elegant curves, reflecting Elven artistic influence. The smaller structures – from homes to businesses – had a similarly special look to them; many were built in standard fashion, using a combination of European and Elven designs. Truly, Anders thought as if he could never tire of the beautiful sights, despite having lived in Runepolis for the past few months.

“Wow,” Secretary Heiden said behind him. “This is what you get to see everyday?”

“Yes, sir. And the people here are lovely too. It was rough at first, with them being prideful and all that, but they’ve come around.”

Heiden thought back to an elven woman he met not too long ago. “Yeah,” he said, taking a trip down memory lane as they walked toward the city.

Anders took note of Heiden’s change in expression and took a friendly jab at him, “Got someone in mind, eh?”

“That obvious?”

Anders nodded.

“Yeah,” Heiden admitted, confirming Anders’ suspicion. “An elf named Ephine,” he explained. “She at first saw Americans in a negative light, but as you’ve said, she came around when I talked about our country a bit more. She knew a lot about the Ravernal Empire and wanted me to use my position to help advocate for preparations.”

“Did you follow through?” 

Heiden nodded, “I did. She really appreciated it.” 

Anders chuckled. “Well, I bet she would’ve given you her phone number if she even had one.”

Hearing this, Heiden began to smirk, “Actually, she did give me her manacomm address.”

Anders gave his friend a pat on the back, “Well look at you, adapting to Mirishial life already!”

After a few minutes of walking, they finally reached the Conference Hall, the lobby of which was packed to the brim with foreign affairs officials from various nations and press teams from a slew of media corporations. The coverage operated like C-SPAN, although due to the culture of importance that developed around the Holy Mirishial Empire, the World Leadership Conference received much more media attention. Taking advice from native Elysian companies, American  media conglomerates swarmed the event. 

As soon as Anders and Heiden stepped foot into the lobby, they were immediately surrounded by reporters who asked them a diverse set of questions, ranging from their relations to Elysian nations, foreign policy updates, and topics they wished to present at the Conference. Much to their annoyance, they answered vaguely. They recommended the reporters to wait for the Conference itself, which was due to start anyway. Indeed, an announcement from the Holy Mirishial Empire served as the bell that saved them from the incessant barrage from journalists and reporters alike.

Thanking God, Anders and Heiden as well as the other delegations hurriedly escaped from the media and dashed into the main chambers deeper within the building. There, they were given time to converse with each other while waiting for the official start of the meeting. Almost immediately, Anders and Heiden were approached by the Muan delegation, led by Audigs. 

“Ah, if it isn’t Secretary Heiden and Ambassador Anders!” Audigs said. “On behalf of Mu, I want to thank you again for your nation’s generous assistance in our efforts against the Gra Valkans,” he said, shooting a glare at the Gra Valkan delegation. 

Heiden looked back, seeing the Gesta and his colleagues conversing with the Magikareich delegation. “Well, it’s no problem at all, Director. Stopping a power-hungry conqueror is in both of our best interests.”

“Indeed it is,” Audigs said. “I look forward to seeing what you have to say during the Conference.” He walked away, leaving the Americans to contemplate his implications.

Once the Muan was out of earshot, Anders sighed, “A shame we can’t just send in our forces.”

“Yeah, sure is,” Heiden agreed.

Before they could continue their discussion any further, the Agarthan and Torquian delegations called out to them. They introduced themselves and having had the time to familiarize themselves with the Americans, requested a tour of the United States.

“Well, we happily oblige! We’ll arrange for a visit once this Conference is over with,” Anders told them.

After the two groups left, another came in. Heiden saw that it was none other than the Annonrials, with Karl Krunch at the head. While the Annonrials made their way to them, he whispered to Anders, “Well, we sure are popular, aren’t we?”

“Yeah,” Anders responded. “I wonder what these guys have to say.”

Krunch spoke his mind with sheer bluntness, “Mister Secretary, Mister Ambassador, I know that your country currently has in its possession a revival beacon. I request that you return the property to us at once, as we are the rightful owners.”

“If you prove ownership of the beacon during the conference, it’s all yours,” Heiden offered. He knew that there was no way to prove ownership, aside from outing themselves as pawns of the Ravernal Empire in front of everyone present. “Either that, or you can give us the security codes necessary to access the beacon’s computer.”

“You Americans sure are sly,” Krunch remarked. “Your kind seems to be well-versed in the art of negotiation, hm?”

“I suppose you could say that,” Anders said.

“Then, I offer you negotiation. We know you wish to declare war on the Gra Valkans, but can’t or won’t for some reason. Give us the beacon, or we shall interfere with your little conflict with the Gra Valkans. Grant us what we wish, and we shall not interfere in any Gra Valkan-related affairs until your conflict has been resolved.”

Krunch’s offer piqued Heiden’s interest. The offer would certainly be something for President Lee to mull over, but he couldn’t speak for him or provide an answer just yet. Hoping to gain more information, he probed Krunch further, “And this non-interference policy, would it also stretch to military activity against the Gra Valkas Empire or other Elysian nations?”

“As long as they don’t provoke us first, we guarantee non-interference for at least one year, or whenever the Gra Valkans resolve their expected war against the Elysian Defense Initiative.”

Although Heiden couldn’t determine the weight of Krunch’s guarantee, the offer was nonetheless significant. He nodded, “Alright. I’ll send word to our president.”

A Mirishial announcement blared through the speakers, requesting that all delegations find their seats so that the Conference can begin.

Krunch replied, his facial expressions hidden by his hair and wings. “Have your reply ready before the last Conference session,” he said as he made his way to his seat.

Anders and Heiden went the opposite direction, pondering the deal. Anders spoke first, cautioning his superior, “We can’t trust the word of the Annonrials.”

As much as Heiden agreed with Anders, he had to treat the Annonrials’ offer with respect. “I know, but I also cannot risk the president’s plans. Once this session is over, I’ll send him a report. We’ll have a few days to think about this before Krunch’s deadline.”

“Attention all delegates: The Thirty-Seventh World Leadership Conference will now commence!”

Seated at the head of the round table, Liage banged a gavel to signify the start of their discussions. “Before we begin our deliberation, we will first hear the Emor Kingdom as they make an important announcement.”

The head representative of the Emor Kingdom stood from his seat, towering at almost 8 feet tall and clad in a blue robe that matched well with his dark green scales. “The Emor Kingdom, in tandem with the Holy Mirishial Empire, have come to the conclusion that it is now ready for the rest of Elysia to hear of our discoveries. Many of you may have heard rumors of the return of the dreaded Ancient Sorcerous Empire, either from our own press releases or from Mirishial press releases. We regretfully inform you that these releases are indeed official, and the Ancient Sorcerous Empire will be returning within the next fifteen years.”

Gasps from the other Elysian nations’ delegations emanated throughout the room. Only the Mirishials, Emorians, and Americans reacted without surprise. The Gra Valkans reacted with slight concern, but remained dubious. Unlike everyone else present, they were skeptical about the existence of the Ravernal Empire in the first place, only having tall tales and Prince Cabal’s unsubstantiated concern to go by.

Liage continued where the Emorians left off, “With that said, I will now describe our schedule. The World Leadership Conference will run over the course of seven days. Day One is reserved for discussions pertaining to the Ancient Sorcerous Empire. Day Two is reserved for discussions pertaining to the Gra Valkas Empire. Day Three is reserved for regional topics, which any nation can present. Day Four is a scheduled break, while Days Five through Seven are reserved for the resolution of the respective topics presented in order from Days One through Three. Now, let us begin.” He banged the gavel once more. “As founder of the Elysian Defense Initiative and de facto guardian of Elysia against the forces of evil, we propose immediate preparation against the Ancient Sorcerous Empire. All in favor, please raise your hands.”

Attendees from all nations aside from the Gra Valkas Empire raised their hands.

Liage noticed this. “Representatives of the Gra Valkas Empire, would you like to clarify your position?”

Gesta spoke up, “The Gra Valkas Empire has reviewed all evidence related to this ‘Ravernal Empire’ and determined that it is at best, a tall tale made to scare children and at worst, another summoned nation that stands no chance against our might.”

Liage saw no use in attempting to convince the stubborn Gra Valkans. Such an activity would have to occur outside of session hours, lest time be wasted. “I see. In any case, a majority has been achieved, so we shall now begin discussing preparation proposals. The Holy Mirishial Empire is prepared to divert all available resources into Ancient Sorcerous Empire research and military strengthening. This includes distribution of technologies amongst our allies in the Elysian Defense Initiative.”

Many of the weaker members found themselves enticed by this; even if they were getting the Holy Mirishial Empire’s scraps, it would still be an upgrade over their muskets and basic cannons. They thus expressed their wholehearted approval, ready to contribute funds to help hasten this distribution and increase the effectiveness of their preparations.

Audigs spoke next, “Mu is willing to follow in the steps of the Holy Mirishial Empire. We will share our knowledge and resources to ensure that Elysia is well-defended against the impending return of the Ancient Sorcerous Empire.”

The lead Emor representative spoke, “The Emor Kingdom will begin the reawakening of our hibernating dragons. In the meantime, our mages will utilize magic gem contributions to determine more detailed specifics regarding the Sorcerers’ return; this includes when and where.”

Emor’s delegates then turned their attention to the Americans. “Representatives of the United States of America, with the threat of the Ravernal Empire’s return now made apparent, we ask what you will do in preparation for their impending arrival?”

Faced with satisfying Ephine’s wishes and adhering to Lee’s orders, Heiden was stuck. He stood silent for a moment, until Anders stepped in. He whispered in Heiden’s ear, “Be honest. We’re preparing in our own way.”

Upon hearing those words, an idea immediately sparked in his mind. He returned to the conversation with renewed confidence and answered the Emor representative’s question, “The United States is currently working our best to recover from the economic crisis that happened as a result of the transference. To do this, we intend on forging stronger economic ties with the nations of Elysia by outsourcing production and loosening market restrictions as time goes on. Essentially, this means that we’ll be setting up trade, transportation, and manufacturing infrastructure for anyone who wants it. On top of that, certain goods from our markets will finally be available for purchase, depending on the standing we have with you. Details will be outlined in our proposal later. Through this strategy, we intend to lift not only ourselves into economic prosperity, but our partners as well! With more gold in our pockets, there won’t be any crisis that we cannot overcome!”

The attendees applauded Heiden’s words, finding reason and optimism in his strategy. Heiden took the lauding to heart, feeling both relieved and proud that he managed to thread the needle with his positioning. He had successfully juggled both his promise to Ephine and his duties as Secretary of State, expertly convincing the Elysians that the United States was here to help while also preventing President Lee’s opposition from gaining leverage.

Impressed with Heiden’s maneuvering, Anders complimented, “Well done, sir.”

“Thank you,” Heiden placed a hand on Anders’ shoulders, “But this is only the beginning of our troubles.”


Author’s Note: 

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