Summoning America

Chapter 103: Resolution

Conference Hall, Cartalpas

“We will not tolerate Gra Valkan aggression any longer!” Audigs proclaimed, pointing a finger at the Gra Valkan delegation. “It is due time you learned some civility and respect our borders!”

Gesta’s eyelids fluttered in response, although this reaction was nigh-unnoticeable to anyone but himself. Feeling a mixture of guilt and anger, he retaliated, “Our conflicts with the Sonal Kingdom and Nigrat Union do not concern you. We were merely acting in response to extremist instigators, much like those Irnetians and Pagandans who blatantly disrespected our attempts at peaceful diplomatic negotiation!”

Audigs wasted no time in firing back, retorting immediately as if he had already anticipated Gesta’s words. “Is that so?! Then why are you building up forces along our borders?!”

Gesta deflected the question with expertise, countering, “That buildup is merely to prevent extremists from crossing your borders. This is meant to not only protect your people from these lowlives, but also to prevent our enemies from regaining their strength. Additionally, our military hopes to counter the heavy militarization along the Muan border.”

“These ‘lowlives’ were once peaceful citizens until you attacked their countries! And we’re militarizing our own borders because of your country’s unchecked conquests!”

Seeing the nature of the current debate, Liage stepped in. He hit his gavel three times, causing the participants to cease their discussion and direct their attention to him. “It is clear to me that this conversation is going nowhere. In the effort of saving time, I request that blames be kept to a minimum. The Gra Valkans will never admit fault, so it would be prudent for us to abandon this performance and instead discuss what we will actually do about this unprecedented level of expansion. To begin, I will state the Holy Mirishial Empire’s official position.”

Liage cleared his throat, “The Holy Mirishial Empire is aware of the turmoil occurring in the Second Civilized Region and is willing to take action in order to stabilize the region. As such, the Holy Mirishial Empire will provide humanitarian aid to Mu and other affected regions in the form of food, raw materials, and consumer goods. In the event that instability in the region grows to unmanageable proportions, the Holy Mirishial Empire authorizes the construction of military bases in the Hytal Islands in order to provide prompt military support to the Second Civilized Region. Additionally, the Holy Mirishial Empire directs all Elysian Defense Initiative member nations to implement trade embargos with the Gra Valkas Empire, effective immediately. Member nations who do not comply with this directive will be removed from the organization and sanctioned. Elysian Defense Initiative members in favor of this proposal, please raise your hands.”

Naturally, most of the EDI members agreed to the proposed measures. Only the Magikareich Community refused to partake. “The Magikareich Community does not approve of this hegemonic threat. We stand by the Gra Valkas Empire,” the Magikareich representative declared.

Soft whispers and flabbergasted looks circulated the room. Surprised that the Magikareich Community had essentially just terminated its relations with the Elysian Defense Initiative, everyone awaited Liage’s words with bated breath. The only people present to display emotions other than surprise were Gesta and Dallas, who oozed relief, and Cielia, who looked at the Magikareich delegation with pity.

Liage sighed, disappointment weighing heavily on his shoulders. Throughout history, the Magikareich Community was a relatively friendly nation, having contributed much to the advancement of science and magic as they worked to bridge the gap between Mu and the Holy Mirishial Empire. He hoped that the Magikareich Community would side with their fellow Elysians, but alas, the Gra Valkas Empire’s influence proved too great. He knew what had to be done. With a reluctant soul, he officially severed ties with the Magikareich Community, “So you have made your choice. From now on, all Elysian Defense Initiative members will remove relations to the Magikareich Community.”

Determined to stave off the encroaching tide of the Gra Valkas Empire, the rest of the participants stood by the Mirishials’ decision. 

“It is a necessary sacrifice,” Audigs said.

Liage nodded, “Indeed. However, all is not lost. We have a proposal in the works that is to be presented on Day 6 of the World Leadership Conference. Should the Gra Valkas Empire and the Magikareich Community agree to the proposed conditions, the Elysian Defense Initiative is willing to restore all relations.”

Although he had a gut feeling that the conditions were egregiously unfair to the Gra Valkas Empire and jokes in the eyes of the Emperor, he asked regardless, “What sort of conditions will be present?”

As expected, the conditions were severe. “The details have not yet been finalized, but they include a reduction in the Gra Valkas Empire’s military budget, reparations to all affected nations, and a complete withdrawal from the Second Civilized Region. This also means that all conquered territories will be relinquished back to their rightful, historical owners.”

Disgusted by the words that had just entered his ears, Dallas forgot the realization he had earlier. Angered by the insult to his nation, he exclaimed, “You can’t possibly expect us to go along with such abhorrent conditions! Hell, you can’t enforce these conditions even if you went to war with us! Your new missile is a remarkable device, but we all know that you barely have the infrastructure to produce more missiles before our fleets overwhelm you!” 

“Your ego is remarkable, but ego will not save you from the combined might of the Elysian Defense Initiative,” Liage warned.

Gesta held a hand out, silently ordering Dallas to stand down. “What if we decline the proposal?” He asked.

Liage answered with confidence, “Then we will maintain the embargoes and isolation dictated earlier. At best, the overwhelming silence will cause your government to come to its senses. At worst, border skirmishes will start a war, which we will be ready for.” 

Gesta gave an understanding nod. “Very well. I will convey this information to my government.”

Having concluded all discussion points between the Elysian Defense Initiative and the Gra Valkas Empire, Liage turned his attention toward the Americans, who had been silently observing thus far. “Secretary Heiden, what position does the United States of America take?”

Heiden stood up and answered, “Although not a member of the Elysian Defense Initiative, the United States of America sympathizes with their concerns. We recognize the plight of the Second Civilized Region. We stand with Mu and the rest of the world against the tyranny of the Gra Valkans, but otherwise have little investment in a local dispute over ten thousand miles away. We currently have no defense obligations, exempting the protection of our local embassies. However, we are also concerned with destabilization, which will hamper international commerce. Thus, to safeguard our overseas interests, the United States of America is willing to expand the sale of goods to Mu and our friends in the Elysian Defense Initiative. The expansion of our commercial activities include sales of appliances, materials, technology, and weapons. We are also willing to invest in our allies, from building infrastructure such as roads to helping local businesses...”

Gesta watched as the Americans continued to explain their plan to indirectly help Mu and the Holy Mirishial Empire. The more Heiden spoke, the less hope he had in a Gra Valkan victory. Recalling the effect that American weapons had on their prior conquests, he shuddered to think about how the military planned on breaking through Mu’s defenses. Unlike the Sonal Kingdom and Nigrat Union, which had been recipients of American supplies for barely a couple months, Mu has been a recipient for almost half a year. Unless the Gra Valkas Empire brought its entire military down to bear on Mu right now, it would be virtually impossible to conquer the region. The Americans wouldn’t even need to intervene, with how much Mu is preparing itself. He took a glance at Cielia, a figure who he saw represented logic and optimism. Silently, he wondered, ‘What should I do?’


Washington D.C.

President Lee tapped his left fingers on his desk while holding a phone to his ear with his right hand. He nodded intently, listening to the report from Secretary Heiden.

“… today’s session with an ultimatum from the Elysian Defense Initiative,” Heiden said, describing the details of the conference. After outlining key points from Liage’s proposal and the Magikareich Community’s decision to side with the Gra Valkans, he brought up another point. “Also, the Annonrial representive, Mister Krunch, approached me with more details regarding yesterday’s deal.”

Lee leaned in, curious about what possible augmentations Krunch could have made. “What did he tell you?”

“The Annonrial government is aware of our presence in the Colombian Islands,” Heiden said, naming the small island chain south of the Vestal continent and to the near east of the Annonrial mainland, the Branchel continent. “They’re willing to allow our continued presence there without complaint. No strings attached, aside from agreeing to the deal.”

“So they’re getting desperate, huh?” Lee muttered, wondering why the Annonrials wanted to agree so badly. 

“It would appear so, sir.”

Unsure how to respond, Lee decided to call a meeting to strategize. “Alright then. I’m going to let the others know. Join us at 9 PM Eastern.”


Lee’s advisors gathered in the Cabinet Room, reviewing information related to the Annonrial Empire and discussing the Lee administration’s objectives. Top ranking officials continued to trickle in while everyone else found their seats and chatted about Ambassador Krunch’s proposal. Those who weren’t present in Washington D.C. at the time, such as Secretary Heiden, instead connected to the various screens mounted on the walls. 

Finally, the clock struck 9:00 and Lee began the meeting. “I’m sure everyone’s been briefed already, but I’ll give a quick rundown of the topic of today’s meeting. Yesterday during the World Leadership Conference, the Annonrial diplomat — Karl Krunch — presented us with some sort of a deal. Today, he modified it further. In exchange for a promise of non-interference as well as full, unopposed ownership of the Colombian Islands,” Lee said, pointing to a map of Elysia, “He wants the Ravernal beacons we’ve discovered in Calamique and Esperanto.”

Lee’s advisors looked at each other with a variety of emotions. Some were immediately distrustful of the Annonrials, while others saw potential in the deal. 

“Considering the fact that we know little about these Annonrials, trusting them is a hard sell. We still have five days to think about this though, so assuming we can indeed trust them, should we take the offer?” Lee continued. “Dr. Holden, how far along is the analysis of the beacons?”

The head of the Magical Research Department shed some light, “Mister President, we’ve managed to overcome many language barriers, but the core data is still two or three months from decryption. Alternatively, we could launch an expedition to recover the other beacons and analyze them, but we would be giving up some progress in the process.”

“Hmm,” Lee analyzed the information, “Three months… We might be able to delay for that long. Gordon?”

Heiden responded, his connection a bit unstable, “I think it’s possible, sir. We can use the fact that they’re desperate for these beacons, but it’ll be a gamble.”

Lee gave a resignatory nod. “Okay. Robert, what do you think about the new territories?” He asked the Secretary of Defense. 

Hill took a good look at the map provided, determining the tactical value of the Colombian Islands. “Controlling these islands could be useful in several ways,” he explained his thoughts. “First, we’re denying potential territory that can be used by the Annonrials to expand their reach. Second, we’ll be able to establish a more effective containment policy, similar to what we used against the Soviets during the Cold War. Since they’re granting unopposed ownership of these islands, we could probably set up bases here. This opportunity is akin to Russia letting us set up an air defense network in Poland, or China allowing us to deploy missile defense systems in Taiwan. At face value, this is a golden opportunity we can’t ignore.”

“Understood,” Lee said. “Thank you for your analysis, Robert. Now, Alex? If I recall correctly, your department already conducted resource surveys in the region.”

The Secretary of Agriculture confirmed Lee’s memories. “We have,” he said. “The Colombian Islands are the last remaining vestiges of a sunken subcontinent, similar in composition and size to Zealandia. This underwater landmass has rich deposits of metals and oils, exceeding the deposits found in Quila and rivaling the deposits we’ve found in Grameus.”

Lee’s eyes glittered for a moment. “Well then,” he suppressed a smile, “It seems like this offer borders on ‘too good to be true’.” He turned to Heiden, his mind made up. “Gordon, I need you to determine whether the Annonrials can be trusted. Securing control of these islands, as well as a promise of non-interference from the Gra Valkans, is now your top priority!”


Author’s Note: 

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