Summoning America

Chapter 104: Progress

July 8, 1640

Grameus Continent

MRD Facility 2

There it stood, encased in a shell visually identical to that of the Tomahawk missile, a device borne from the fruits of cooperation with the Holy Mirishial Empire. Mounted on a launch platform, it seemed no different from its Tomahawk siblings. Yet, hidden within its silvery chassis, a whole slew of internal mechanisms begged to differ. 

Unlike the standard Tomahawk, this experimental variant — dubbed the ‘Tomahawk Block 6’ — has a magically enhanced warhead capable of multiplying its destructive power at least fivefold, without adding any weight. Much like the Comet 1, this missile’s payload consists of enchantments and magic gem residue in combination with conventional explosives. Unlike the Comet 1, however, this improved Tomahawk boasts a much higher weight efficiency, supersonic capability, and a range of close to 2,000 miles.

As Dr. Holden deduced, magical enchantments and laser-etched runes represented the best performance enhancers the United States has ever seen. The volatile nature of magic dust allowed for more power, whether it be explosions for bombs or combustion processes used for propulsion. On the other hand, versatile enchantments and runes allowed researchers to hone in on specific attributes, such as speed, cooling, or — once again — power. 

The new Tomahawk made the most of these discoveries, enhancing the weapon with minimal investment and few extraneous additions to the manufacturing process. Fire protection runes allowed the engine to withstand the increased temperatures produced by fuel saturated with magic dust. Power runes complemented the warhead’s explosive potential, while aerodynamic runes helped the missile in flight. 

Dr. Holden contemplated his notes while his subordinates rushed around the newly established facility, preparing to launch the missile in the distance. Screens and wires jutted out of the concrete prefab, creating an unsightly arrangement that was only justified due to its temporary condition. Advanced laboratory equipment, imported from the States, juxtaposed against the dreary gray walls of the building. Basic posters and other personal paraphernalia for the employees served as the only decorations for the building’s interior, which was otherwise kept spotless. 

Eventually, all checks for the missile’s launch were completed. A suited man emerged from a cubicle lined with posters of a goth lolita, a blue-haired mage, and an elf. “Sir, the target is locked, and additional armaments are ready to dispose of the Mammoth should the missile be insufficient.”

Holden nodded and walked to the facility’s main control room, which resembled a NASA control room. “Very well, Mister Paige. Let us begin the countdown to launch.”

Holden’s second in command followed him into the room. “Understood, sir,” he said before issuing directions to the other staff present. “Alright, everyone! This is going to be our first test on a live target,” he explained, pointing at a large screen positioned at the far end of the room. “Biometrics, be prepared to analyze and report the condition of the monster as soon as the missile has landed. Flight, begin countdown!”

A female announcer counted down from 30. On the screen, the mammoth continued to feast on its kill, an adult hydra. Sharing many physical features with Earth’s wooly mammoth, this Elysian creature was a large elephant-like animal with large tusks. However, this is where the similarities ended. The Gramean mammoth brandished a strange weapon hidden within its snout — which acted like a tank’s gun — and an armored shell around its thick fur. Coupled with a level of maneuverability unexpected for a creature of its size, the Gramean mammoth represented a significant threat to the Grameus expeditions’ exploration teams. Alternatively, it also represented a unique research opportunity. 

As the countdown reached its climax, the missile screamed into the sky, crying like an otherworldly banshee. Outfitted with the latest and greatest in the American arsenal, the experimental Tomahawk broke the sound barrier a mile away from the MRD facility.

Telemetry from the missile’s sensors and nearby drones was streamed live to the control room. Camera-fitted drones kept track of the missile, trailing its movements as it raced toward the designated target. Soon, the five-story tall beast came into view, its mouth bloodied from ravenously tearing into the dead hydra.

Sensing danger, the beast looked up into the sky. Upon seeing the faint light traveling through the clouds, it preemptively activated a magical shield — similar to the one generated by Nosgorath. A translucent blue dome flared up around the mammoth while streams of energy poured in from the surrounding mana-dense Grameus environment. It held position, unwavering in the face of the incoming threat.

In a split second, the supersonic missile slammed into the magical shield, shattering it with a bright flicker of light as it exploded. A luminous, turquoise-tinged explosion soon followed as the missile’s magic dust components mixed with the conventional explosives. Unexpectedly strengthened by the presence of magical energies surrounding the Gramean mammoth, the missile’s blast radius extended to over an entire football field’s length and generated a crater dozens of meters wide. A mushroom cloud formed in the aftermath, the grayish dust within sparkling and crackling with traces of blue lightning. 

Back in the facility, the spectating researchers gasped in shock, mouths agape as they witnessed the destruction that the new device was capable of. 

Surprised by the results of the experiment, Holden’s right hand man scratched his head. “Goodness, I thought the estimated blast radius was a hundred something feet?”

Holden cracked a smile, interested in the things he had witnessed. The streams of energy that surrounded the air and ground around the mammoth gave him an idea. “This is just a working theory, but I think the increased density of magical energy in the Grameus region helped amplify the power of the blast. The Gramean mammoth seemed to be using local magic particles to enhance its spellcasting. Could it be, the runes on our missile did the same as well?”

“It is certainly possible, sir,” Paige agreed. 

As he thought about the events prior to the explosion, Holden’s mind caught onto a curious occurrence. He scratched his chin as he pointed out, “Bit strange the mammoth knew the missile was coming, though, isn’t it?”

Paige searched his mind for information relevant to Holden’s current train of thought. “I remember some debriefs from our first encounter with the people on Rodenius. They noted a distinct lack of magical energy among us Americans. There are also many other references to magical detection in our databases.”

“Right, right. This magical detection seems like a basic capability, doesn’t it?” Holden stared at the data plastered on the screens ahead, pondering the characteristics of spellcasting. As if to answer his own question, he continued,  “Like it’s some sort of a simple spell that anyone with mana is capable of.”

As an avid consumer of media related to the high fantasy genre, it was no surprise that Paige had read up on the history of Elysia, including anything related to magic. He explained, “Yes; the data collected from Rodenians, Philadeans, and Mirishials corroborate that claim. Additionally, according to the Topans and Esperantoans, monsters have been able to sense approaching foes in the past. This effect is magnified if said foe has a high mana capacity, like a mage. It could be possible that it detected the magic dust present in the missile. Therefore, any magically enhanced device in our possession is prone to detection from native wildlife, or even magic radars, like those seen in the Parpaldian Republic!”

“Yes, I suppose that is now a factor we have to consider.” Holden thought back to data his agency gathered on the magical capabilities of Elysia’s hostile factions. Early interrogations of captured enemy POWs and advice given by allies confirmed the existence of manacomms and madars. Despite the proliferation of such devices among enemy ranks, American assaults were always unexpected, with the defending forces always reacting to visual contact. It was eventually determined that madars were unable to detect the magicless Americans and their machines. “I wonder if current stealth composites have any effect on magic detection capabilities…”

“We should be able to find out soon, sir. Magical detection tests are scheduled tomorrow.” 

Satisfied that his curiosity was to be satiated soon, Holden clasped his hands. “Excellent. Until we figure out how these magic radars work and devise a countermeasure, we won’t be able to upgrade components like F-22 engines, or even fit them with magically enhanced missiles. Mister Paige, please designate this research a top priority, right under analysis of the beacons.”

“Understood, sir.” Paige turned around to leave, but was stopped by Holden.

“Mister Paige,” Holden called out. “I was so caught up with today’s test that I’ve nearly forgotten about the other projects! Are they progressing on schedule?”

Paige outlined the list of projects.

The analysis of the beacons was coming along smoothly, although the deadline given by the government was shortened due to the Annonrial Empire’s requirements. Translation was essentially complete at this point, thanks to materials provided by the Holy Mirishial Empire. All that was left was to figure out the quantum encryption system used by the Ravernals, which has eluded researchers due to its enigmatic nature. Evidently, the Ravernals ‘cheated’ using magic; they unlocked technologies they barely understood because magic provided workarounds to scientific barriers. Nevertheless, the American scientists tasked with the project learned quickly due to their proficient knowledge on the subject.

Studies on magical shielding on the other hand yielded little fruit. The barren desert this field rested within was harsh and unforgiving, with few oases to be found. Without a live specimen capable of producing such shields, it was difficult to acquire data. Analyzing shields from destroyed targets – such as Nosgorath and the Gramean mammoth – gave some insights, but not nearly enough for any breakthrough. The MRD is currently in the process of recruiting mages capable of generating these shields, but the few who are eligible for the task are already under the employ of other governments.

With most of the Ravernal translation project complete, the experienced scholars were transferred to rune analysis. Runes tend to derive from the Ravernal lexicon, with words from the Ravernal language making up the structure of runes. Seeing as the construction of runes was some sort of code, various computer scientists were also tasked to the project. So far, the rules of basic runes – such as producing basic elements or lifting an object – have been mostly defined. For example, a rune that fills a bucket with water is translated to “fill water” in the Ravernal language, with a yet-untranslated character that seems to come to life when near the presence of mana.

Mining operations in the Grameus continent provided bountiful returns and funded the MRD research. Deposits of enriched oil, rare metals, and magic gems helped repair the American economy while also providing new research opportunities. Some materials discovered in the Grameus continent, such as mithril and orichalcum, contained magical properties. Preliminary tests demonstrated their respective abilities, bringing much joy to the researchers, who now had a means of incorporating magic into their experiments.

Finally, the data gifted by the Mirishials as a reward for the successful Comet 1 test was organized. 

“Oh?” Holden reacted to the news. “Well, I’m sure the President will be very glad to hear that,” he smiled, correlating the good news with a budget increase. “What did they give us?”

Thanks to a closer bond with the Mirishials and on the condition of joint cooperation, the MRD received access to data pertaining to a host of Ravernal artifacts and magical research. Paige summarized, “They allowed our researchers to access their files and scan them. We did so, and uploaded digital copies to our databases. The most prominent entries have been marked for your viewing, and they include data on the Pal Chimera, magic type combinations, casting algorithms, and core magic.”

Holden scrolled through the files on his desk computer. Of the data present, the Pal Chimera file interested him the most. Ever since the existence of these vehicles was revealed, he had wondered how such massive objects were able to remain in the sky for prolonged periods of time. He had his suspicions, but now, thanks to the shared data, he finally had a definitive answer.

Blueprints and pictures of the Pal Chimera’s components were made visible to the Americans, who the Mirishials thought had the scientific knowledge to understand the mechanisms of these components. The ship itself was a strange amalgamation of magic and science. Although many aspects of the ship – such as weapons and sensors – were clearly inferior to American counterparts, a few had no equal. Components like shield generators, historically relegated to the realm of science fiction, were made a reality. Holden was interested in seeing how these things worked, but something else caught his eye.

Holden clicked on an image of the Pal Chimera’s underside, seeing a strange blue emission that encompassed the ship’s frame. It was distinct from the ship’s propulsion system, which was mounted along the circumference of the hull and gave off plumes of exhaust. Looking at the picture’s caption and accompanying description, his mouth slowly opened in shock, like a chest dramatically opening to reveal its contents.

The secret of the Pal Chimera’s flight – long predicted by Holden and many of his colleagues – was confirmed. Somehow, these proto-starships had the ability to control gravity. Runes engraved onto the metal exterior of the vessel reduced the ship’s weight significantly, while ventral and dorsal thrusters allowed for complete three-dimensional movement in all directions. Although used as a flying warship, the Pal Chimera seemed to be a precursor to something greater.

Holden wondered how the technologies locked in these ancient ships could help push the envelope of space travel. Stumbling upon the largest gold mine of knowledge any American had ever borne witness to, he shared his thoughts. “This… is our key to exploring the final frontier. The course of human history… will forever be changed.”


Author’s Note: 

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