Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 103

Chapter 107 The raid begins

“Huh!” Accompanied by a howling sound, the almost free-falling Pelican turned on the engine in an instant and flew down quickly.

The Phantom opened the optical camouflage and energy shield and disappeared into the air, while Kent was holding the armrest, standing in the cockpit, looking at the outside scene.

Since the fuselage was down, Kent could see clusters of bright lights the size of sesame seeds. He knew that these were London buildings that were still lit in the early morning and night.

“Captain, there are 30 seconds left until you reach the top of the target building. You can prepare for combat.” A pilot said.

“Okay, we will stay on the roof when we arrive.”

“Yes, leader.”

After    Kent gave the order, he walked into the cabin with the bulkhead, and saw everyone checking their guns, and there was a “click! click!” in the engine room with the sound of pulling the bolt.

Kent turned on the communication in the helmet and said: “Check the communication, and arrive at the destination in 25 seconds.”

“Irene got it.”

“Simon received.”

“John received it.”

“Carlos, got it!”

“Leng Feng received.”

“Nova received ”

Everyone answered Kent in succession, and the communication was good. Kent also pulled the bolt of AR-X, looked at the opened hatch, and smiled slightly: “Action-start! The blue mercenary group is dispatched!”


With Kent’s order, the Pelican has also stopped. Carlos and the cold front took the lead and jumped out of the cabin to quickly establish a defensive line.

Then Kent and others came out. The Pelican is now parked on the helipad of the police station building. Below the stairs is the door leading to the building.

At this time, only a few high-rise buildings in London are still lighting up, and the roof of the police station only has warning lights on, because it is about four o’clock in the morning, which is when people sleep most.

Although it looks calm on the surface, Kent knew that the London air defense system had spotted them as early as the beginning of their operations, and the police should have been reminded that they hadn’t had time to react.

Kent knelt on one knee with a flat end AR-X with his right hand and waved his left hand to signal Carlos and Leng Feng to move forward.

When the two saw this, Carlos walked to the door first, and directly destroyed the door with his M90X butt, and Leng Feng was the first to rush in.

The blue mercenary regiment, with Carlos and Leng Feng as the vanguard, stormed into the tenth floor of the police station building, and found that there were all archive rooms, with only a few lights turned on.

The seven formed a semicircle and moved forward quickly, ready to go directly through the corridor to the stairwell, and then rushed to the eighth floor to rescue Ashley.

During the movement, Kent turned on the communication and whispered: “Remember, in this operation without my order, live ammunition is not allowed, all hypnotic bombs are used.

I don’t want to go to the BBC after killing dozens of police officers! I don’t want to be wanted all over the world, have you heard? ! ”


While talking, Kent and others had already arrived at the compartments on the eighth and ninth floors, and suddenly the sound of “click!” the gate sounded, and the lights in the entire police station were turned on.

“Quick! Quick! Someone invaded the police station!”

“Pili team, hurry up to the seventh floor!”

I can only hear people screaming vaguely under the stairs, and it seems that the London Police Department finally responded.


————————————————– ———————–

in the corridor on the eighth floor;

The design of the eighth floor is also a one-word corridor. The rooms facing the door are used to protect witnesses, and Ashley is living in the middle room.

At her door, there are two police officers holding a slight impact, ‘protecting’ her 24 hours a day.

As for Ashley? She was in the room now, lying on the bed looking at the roof and couldn’t sleep at all.

, too, her father was killed, and the boy she liked was also arrested. It’s only strange to be able to sleep, there are still some tears in the corners of her eyes.

Just when Ashley was stunned, she heard an explosion of “Boom!” resounding in the corridor on the eighth floor.

The shock caused Ashley to sit up and stare at the door with her arms around her knees.

And the two police officers at the door just shouted, “What’s going on!” and “Alert!”

followed by “Puff! Puff!” Two muffled sounds, like the sound of a person falling directly on the ground.

Ashley is not a fool either. Knowing that the two police officers who protected her may have been killed, she quickly got out of bed and hid in the corner, holding something in her hand to defend herself, but she only had pillows available.

Just as Ashley was in shock, she heard “Dang, Dangdang.” knocking on the door.

Ashley saw this, she didn’t even dare to breathe loudly, she could only cover her mouth with her hands, and stared at the door with her eyes wide open.

“Ashley, are you in there? Open the door, can you tell who I am?”


Hearing a familiar voice, Ashley stood up quickly, but she was not sure if it was Kent.

While hesitating, Kent’s voice came out again, but it was not to Ashley, but to Carlos: “She may still be asleep, you, knock the door open for me!”

With the sound of “Yes! Captain!” and “Boom!”, the door of this room was kicked open by Carlos.

Kent also took the lead in rushing into the room. After seeing Ashley with a dull face, he first exploded the camera in the house with a pistol before he took off his helmet and said, “Ashley, it’s me, Kent. .”

After seeing Kent’s face, Ashley changed from a sluggish expression to a surprise, but after the surprise, it was extremely painful, tears gushing from her eyes instantly, and she ran to Kent and hugged him.

“Woo! Kent! I thought… I thought I would never see you again. After my father died… Well! After my father died, I was locked up here. They didn’t talk to me at all, so they just… Shut it here! I’m so desperate!”

Kent of course understands Ashley’s mood Being held by a stranger in a strange place, and suddenly seeing an acquaintance, the line of defense in his heart must not be able to bear it, and it collapsed.

Irene and Nova, who were standing outside, couldn’t accept it. The two women rushed into the house one after another, and gently broke Ashley’s arms apart. Nova said: “Team leader, time is pressing, there is no time to relive the old days.”

And Irene also said to the cold front outside: “Uncle! Please move the target to the top of the building!”

“Oh, good.” (x2)

Kent and Leng Feng answered almost at the same time, and then Leng Feng walked into the house quickly and protected Ashley. The two walked into the corridor and walked to the top floor through the stairwell.

Seeing this, Kent also put on his helmet again, took the AR-X and walked out of the house.

” ”

Just then, a reminder of the elevator’s arrival came.

Hearing the sound, the Kent six immediately spread out and knelt on one knee, aiming at the elevator door that was about to open.


“Piu! Piu! Piu!”

At the moment the elevator door opened, everyone except Carlos’ M90X shot at the same time. Although the hypnotic bomb was not powerful enough, it could penetrate ordinary combat uniforms.

And inside the elevator was the so-called Thunderbolt team, or special police. They rushed over from the first floor when they heard the explosion, but they didn’t expect to face countless needles and rush towards them.


Thanks to endless other shore, book friend 201905171…, Xixingsi Youcang, Pi Deheng and book friend 201711190… for their rewards

I don’t know where Q read the reward message, so the author can only thank all Q friends here

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