Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 104

Chapter 108 Owe beating?

“Ah! It hurts…Uh…”

“What the **** is this…”

Numerous needle bullets penetrated the dark blue combat uniform and penetrated into the bodies of the special police officers.

Although it is not fatal, it is uncomfortable to hit the body, but the dozen or so special policemen fell asleep in the elevator before they finished complaining.

Although these special police officers are elite among the police, they can only be said to be insignificant when facing the blue mercenary group from the special command.

just came out of the elevator so blatantly, isn’t this a fight?

Coupled with Halsey’s special hypnotic bomb, its effect is immediate, as long as it is shot into the body, it will fall asleep within half a second.

At this time, Kent raised his left hand to make a fist, and said loudly: “Stop shooting!”

“Crack!” There was a sound of firearms.

Then Kent pointed his left hand to the elevator, swayed, and ordered: “Carlos! Don’t let that elevator door close!”

“Yes! Leader!”

Carlos rushed to the elevator at the same time he answered, leaning on the elevator door with his body to prevent it from closing.

And Kent and others followed closely and came to the elevator.

“Heh.” Kent looked at the sleeping special police, couldn’t help but chuckled, and said, “Are we really fools? We don’t want to die in the elevator?”

Then, Kent gave another order: “We have a single soldier system that is not afraid of ordinary bullet impacts, but Lyon and the others have nothing. Unplug all the equipment from these special police officers and just use them for Lyon.”


A few people just pulled out the body armor, armed belts, holsters and other equipment of the eleven special police officers in a flash.

Even the two girls, Nova and Irene, removed several bloated special police officers, leaving only their underwear.

Seeing that the equipment was sorted out, and dragging the sleepy special police out of the elevator, Kent made the elevator that kept beeping close the door.

Because of the fierce attack by Kent and others, and the police have already had a group of special policemen wiped out, they no longer dare to go upstairs to attack at will.

However, the police did not take the initiative to attack, but Kent and the others were going to continue down, breaking through to the seventh floor to rescue Leon and others.

Then a few people came to the stairwell again, preparing to continue moving down, during which Kent used the communication in the helmet to say: “Carlos, you are dragging the equipment behind.”

“Yes, leader.”

“Now the police must know that our intention is to rescue Lyon and others, so there is definitely a heavy guard on the seventh floor…” Kent solemnly said.

How much he hopes to have a hacker technician now. In this case, the whole building can be cut off. In this way, it is absolutely advantageous for them to fight.

Although ODST’s individual soldiers are equipped with a slight exoskeleton and are protected by titanium alloy armor on the main parts, the elbow socket, knee socket, and other parts are not protected. Once injured, there is a high probability that it may cause disability.

Kent doesn’t want the soldiers he summoned to be disabled. To be honest, he also has feelings with these people and does not want them to die or be injured.

Just when Kent struggled with how to face the heavily guarded seventh floor, they were already in a row and came to the seventh floor of the stairwell, only one door away from Lyon.

Seeing this, Kent had no choice but to press his heart and think about how to proceed.

“John, blast this door and control the dose so as not to cause unnecessary casualties.” Kent said through the communication in the helmet.

Since ODST’s individual soldier system is a fully enclosed type, unless the external broadcast function is turned on, otherwise Kent’s conversations will not be heard from the outside world at all, so they will not worry about exposure.

“it is good.”

John walked out of the queue when he heard the words, squatted halfway in front of the door, took out C4 explosives from his equipment bag, and stuck it on the door.

After    made an OK gesture, he stood against the wall and stood on another wall, facing Kent in front of him.

At this time, Kent asked again: “Nova, can your psychic energy burst out, can you control it without hurting people and stun people?”

“Hmm…” Nova thought for a few seconds, and said: “No problem, but after the psionic energy burst, I may temporarily lose combat effectiveness.”

“Enough.” Kent was happy in his heart and ordered: “While John blasts, John and I will throw two flash bombs into it.

Then Simon and Irene burst into the corridor to attract firepower, and Nova took the opportunity to sprint to the center of the corridor to perform a psionic explosion! ”

“Yes!” everyone replied.

“Count to three! One! Two! Three!”


“Boom! Boom!”

As Kent’s timing ended, the fire door of the stairwell was directly blown open by C4. At the same time, John and Kent broke the ring of the flash bomb with the insurance, as if thrown in.

Immediately afterwards, Simon and Irene rushed into the seventh floor first, and there was loud gunfire and noise.

“Ah! I can’t see anything!”

“Grass! The opponent is well equipped!”

“This is the second and third group! Attacked by the enemy! Request support!”

“Shoo! Happiness!” At this time, only a harsh sound was heard, and the sound of bullets hitting hard parts came.

And Simon also fell down, before Kent discovered this situation Nova had flashed in the middle of the corridor on the seventh floor.

And those special police officers were taken aback, and then a dazzling blue light burst from Nova’s body.


psychic energy erupted to produce a violent sound, and the shock wave directly shook dozens of special police officers into flight.

Due to the characteristics of special effects, it cannot cause harm to friendly forces, but Kent and others are safe.


“Simon! What’s wrong with your kid!” Kent rushed over when Simon fell to the ground.

After coming to this world, Kent has the deepest feelings for whom, not the emotional Irene, nor the enchanting Nova, but the ‘sincere’ Simon.

Simon was the first to be summoned, and the implanted memory is brothers to Kent. Although it is the implanted memory, Kent has long regarded Simon as the most trusted person.

Seeing Simon fall to the ground, it’s strange that Kent can’t panic.


“You kid…what a panic, it’s just that the bullet hit my breastplate. The impact was too strong and it knocked me down.”

Hearing Simon’s a little bit of anger, Kent was taken aback, slapped on Simon’s helmet, and said uncomfortable: “Get up quickly! A waste of my feelings!”

“You kid, I rarely see you panic, hahaha.”

Simon stood up slowly with the help of John, and did not forget to taunt Kent.

“Go aside.” Kent glanced at Simon from inside the helmet, and said to Irene: “Aileen, Nova is currently in a period of weakness, please take care of her.”

“Well, leave it to me.” Irene said, rushing to the center of the seventh floor, beside Nova.

As Carlos pushed the equipment on the seventh floor, everyone heard a sound of under-beating.

“Hey…you guys are too early, I am sleeping here…”

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