Summoning Went Wrong

Chapter 3. The town

On the walls of ■■■■■:


A young soldier rushed next to his commander holding a telescope in his hand.

"Captain, you should see this!"

The soldier gave the telescope to his superior.

"I swear to god Jerry, if this is again a flock of birds I will-"

He looked in it and completely froze.

"What the hell is that?!"

What he saw was something that he couldn't even imagine in his wildest dreams.

A horde of monsters... coming in the direction of the city with great speed!


Desmond POV:

"Go faster!"

"We are going as fast as we can!

"We are too slow; we need to throw something!"


"Then go faster!"

Damn, this old man is going to kill us!

We traveled for around a week tougher, exchanging information and stories. It was all and dandy until a huge group of monsters decided to chase us.

"The wall, we are almost there!"

He was right, before our eyes stood a snow-white wall, separating us from the town. In the distance, I could hear bells ringing, it was probably high noon or something.

A wolf that was faster than the other jumped straight into the carriage. Before it could do anything, I sliced its throat whit one of my knives. Another tried to do the same, but it was taken down by the carcass of the previous one and crushed by the other monsters behind him.

[20 EXP received]

[Due to [Harvest] you receive an additional 6 EXP]

[Your level increased to LV:6]

This isn't good, I'm starting to feel tired.

I already got rid of them by stabbing where I could reach or throwing things at them, of course, I didn't care about the old man's comments.

"We are almost there, don't let me down, kid!"

"Damn it, Gramps, when we survive this, I want some compensation!"

"HAHA, you are talking like a merchant!"

At the front, an orc, a big guy with a piggy head, grabbed a small monster next to him and threw it at use, redefining the meaning of "friendly fire".

I grabbed a wooden plank from a nearby box and swing it at the incoming screaming projectile.

Crack! Plash

A horrible cracking sound followed by a splashing sound when I hit it in the neck.

Ugh sorry!

[Alert! Holy magic detected!]

A horrible pain went through my body. Every part of me felt like being destroyed and reconstructed at the same time. I screamed while blood came out of my mouth. Then suddenly something hard pushed my back, sending me off the carriage.


He shouted but it was too late, I was already in the air and landed on the ground brutally. While I was it, my body started to twitch violently.

In my spasm, I rolled on my back and saw a giant chicken-like creature rushing in my direction.

Oh, God please don't let me die because of a giant chicken! It would totally destroy my self-esteem!

Before the giant chicken could reach me, he suddenly started to twitch and fell on the ground in front of me, with foam in his mouth or beak.

What the…

One after another the monsters lost consciousness and became immobile.

Did the same thing that happened to me has affected them as well? Shit, I need to be more careful when I approach a human town. Are all of them equipped with monster zappers? Is this like the default mode?

I heard noises behind me.

It was a group of soldiers wearing silver armor with a sword drawn in each hand.

The cavalry? Did they come here to save me? But gramps didn't even reach the city yet.

The nearest one stopped next to me and got off his horse. With a firm movement, he sheltered his swords, and grabbed me by my shoulder, pulled me up from the ground, and took off its helmet with its other hand.

His face was rough with a thick brown beard and hair. His eyes were black and his skin brown.

"Are you okay? Did they bite you anywhere?" he asked in a rough voice.

"I-I'm fine…" I said still a little in a daze.

"Fine, then follow us to the gate! We need to see if you are really fine."

Oh, that would be nice... Wait I'm a demon I can't go on a medical exam, they might dissect me instead!

I channeled my magic into my open palm and said in a low voice.

"Lesser Night Hound!"

Suddenly a blue light enveloped my hand the black dog has appeared and groaned loudly at the soldier who from the shock fell on his backside. The hound immediately dematerialized after he appeared. Before he could react, I grabbed one of the daggers hidden on me and hit his head with the palm of it. He fell unconscious without a sound. His companions didn't notice anything in their busy work of killing the paralyzed monsters, giving me a perfect chance to escape.

I started to run in the direction of the city. The pain in my body changed with every second as if waves washed over me. Sometimes I was fine and in others, I could barely stop myself from screaming.

Somehow, I reached the white wall. Here the pain stayed barrable, making me guess that this was a safe zone.

Fine then let me think. I was pushed down by an invisible barrier then I was "saved" by a group of solider, then I knocked out one of them then run here in agonizing pain.

… Why didn't I just take his horse?

Yeah, because I can't ride one!

Right now, I have to find a way in… I could climb the wall if it weren't so high. I can also try to dig under it, but I don't know how deep this thing goes down. Then the only thing left is to go through it.

But how I'm going to do that? There must be some sort of backdoor or a sewage system. If this world follows the same rules as my own then a city of this size must have a water source, and the used water must be released from somewhere.

For now, I walked around the area searching for a way in. Suddenly I found an entrance. It was a small hole with a metal grid built in front of it to keep things outside. Water came rushing out from there guessing it came from the channel.

This should be alright…

I grabbed two metal bars and tried to bend them. Somehow, I managed to make a little hole enough to me to squeeze myself in.

Inside was dark and gloomy, even with my night vision. It was also humid from now the water flowing out. Luckily it didn't seem to be disposing of waste. It might be connected to wells where they can get fresh water. Also, the pain from before has disappeared. Did I get so used to it that I didn't felt it, or It can't reach me here?

I continued going in deeper till I reached an iron ladder leading up, where I could hear people talking and walking.

A street? I should find a calmer place to get up. Who knows how they might react to someone coming up from here in the middle of the day?

Then should I wait at night?

No, this is a city, there might be particles here. I need to find a calmer spot to get up.

My wish must be answered because I soon find another ladder, but this time there was no sound from upstairs.

I slowly climbed up till I reached the ceiling. Raising my arm, I gently pushed it. The stone moved away giving me space to come out.

Ah, sunlight.

I was in a black alley or something with no one in the environment. I put back the stones in their place and I went to the main street.

The town was huge with buildings that looked like they came out from a European history book! The streets were crowded with people. They all wore old-fashioned cloth or armor. I even saw some that had pointy ears or animal tails.

Hehe, I can feel I will love being here!

The street was full of stalls selling food and small objects. While I was there, I got a kebab with some of the money I had, using this opportunity to see how much things cost.

If I didn't misunderstand something, then the currencies are like this:10 copper coin= 1 silver coin and 10 silver coin= 1 gold coin. There is also an additional coin, called platinum coin that worth 100 gold coins. It is only used by nobles or royalties so I can't get one.

"Hey, thief stop!"

A girl in armor was running past me tailings a guy caring a bag. He ran into me, and with that few seconds, he took away some of the money I had.

Seriously, I got mugged on the day I arrive! What great luck I have!

Trying to catch them, I started to sprint.

I finally managed to catch up to them in another back alley.

There was a bunch of guys, probably the thief's friends, tying the poor girl with ropes while laughing.

"Finally, we got her! This will teach you, not to mess with our boss! Nick did you bring it!

"Of course!" the guy behind him took out a metal collar, with strange symbols on it. Seeing the collar, the girl started to wiggle on the ground, trying to scream, but the dirty cloth forced into her mouth blocked it.

"Now, with this, we will have…."

I had enough.

Without thinking I rushed there and throw my daggers at the one holding the collar. The weapon flew in a straight line and impaled into the man's right arm. He immediately started to scream, but it was cut short with the second one that hit his face with the hilt.

The rest of the gang first looked at their friend who fell unconscious then they looked at me.

Seeing their face, I started to smile adding to my creepiness factor

"You bastard, what do you think you… AAAA!"

I threw another one and purposely missed his head, hitting the brick wall behind him.

One of them, probably not the smartest came at me with a dagger pointing chest. I stepped aside, letting it past me, then with the last of my knives I cut his leg a little.

"Aha, who do you think you are!?"

He swung his knife at me, but I easily evaded it, took his knife, and knocked him out with it.

Before he fell on the ground, I grabbed his collar and threw him at the rest of the gang, knocking them onto the floor.

"If any of you wants more, come at me!" While they were disoriented, I infused mana into my hand and let it shine blue.

It didn't take long, they turned away with their friend, shouting things like" We will get you for this!" or" Our boss will hear about this!".

Seriously, these guys are the textbook definition of defeated bullies.

I went to the ones unconscious and took all their money and items that looked valuable, even the collar. Since I left all my belongings on the carriage, I needed cash more than ever.

I squat down, next to the soldier girl who was looking at me with wide eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?

She nodded.

"Great. I will free you, don't move."

I freed her with one of my knives.

While she untangled herself, I silently sneaked away. That girl only smelled trouble and right now it's the only thing I don't need! I'm kinda sorry for leaving her there, but still, she wore an armor so she must be prepared to be attacked.

While I left two armored guys run past me, guards probably. I suppose they were following her… Yeah, it was a good idea to get away, it would be a pain if they started to question me.

Anyway, I found the inn. The singe was really eye-catching, with a huge purple cat holding a box in his month with the place's name on it. The inside of the place was very clean and warm. Peoples were drinking at their table while chatting. At the receptionist desk stood a weary attractive girl, with blond hair.

"Well come at The Purple Cat, how can I help you?"

"I'd like to have a room."

"How long do you want to stay?"

"As long as this enough." I placed some coins on the desk.

"Then a month. You are new here right?

"Yeah, I just arrived with a merchant. His name was Bern, he said you know him."

On the way here I chatted with the merchant. He recommended me this place when I arrive here.

"Oh, Bern! He is a regular here! We are flattered that he recommended us to you! Then we will give you a nice discount on the food and bath!"

"Thanks, then can I get my key?"

"Here is it. We are serving food right now do you want some.

"I would be delighted."

I took a place at one of the free tables, listening to the murmurs while waiting for my food.

"Did you hear the local gang has started to kidnap knights!" (murmur)

Yeah, they became really aggressive lately" …(murmur)

"Why dos the knights do nothing?" (murmur)

Sounds tense.

I shouldn't stay here for too long. I guess the plan is to get my level higher till I can evolve, then live as a human or something.

...Yeah, this is going to take too long!

For leveling up I need EXP, which I get by killing monsters. Maybe I can get some by killing a human, but that's a line that I don't want to cross yet.

Don't get me wrong I am well aware of what I did to the knights, but it was the monsters that did the killing not me. I don't want to see or feel it is happening. Call me a coward, I don't care.

Maybe I should register as an adventurer? My job is technically an alchemist so I might also get EXP when making potions? But then why wouldn't the one that the shaman thought me gave me anything…


I looked up and saw the girl earlier.

Oh, God here comes the trouble!


Name: None

Race: Lesser Crossroads Demon

Age: 16

Job: Alchemist

LV: 5/20

HP: 50/50

MP: 75/75

STR: 30

VIT: 10

SPD: 30

MRES: 20

Skill PT: 5


Physical attributes: [Dark Vision] [Claw Slash]

Skills: [Alchemy: LV:1] [Deal Making, LV:1] [Wish Granting (Small), LV:1] [Herbology; LV:1]

Unique Skills: [Body Physic Manipulation] [Harvest]

Titles: [ Broken Soul] [Novice Summoner]


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