Summoning Went Wrong

Chapter 4. First client

"And then you came and then you just do that thing and then, and then..."

"Yes, I was there, I saw it."

This was going on for an hour or so. In the meantime, the sky turned dark and most of the costumes left the dining room.

The girl before me, Ana if I heard it correctly, was talking non-stop since then, rarely taking breaths, making me wonder if she's even a human.

"Eh, sorry for interrupting, but why did you follow me?"

"Oh, yeah I forgot! I wanted to thank you for saving me!

"You're welcome, now if you excuse me, I will go now…"


She grabbed my arm before I could go.

Even with a metal gauntlet being touched by a girl made me blush slightly.

I was never good with girls and now one is holding my hand so suddenly…

"Please, I need your help!"


Then she started to talk again.

In a nutshell, she is a member of the cities knights and accepted a request from the city's lord. The request is that she has to bring down a major crime organization that was terrorizing the city from the shadows. They have the whole city in their hand, doing things as they please. She and her group found one of their hid out, but they were defeated, some of them killed, some of them captured and the rest is hiding. She, the bravest or the stupidest, continued her mission, making herself a target. The attack today was definitely their doing.

"Thanks to you I was lucky, but I'm sure that they will attack me again."

"Let me guess, you want my help."

" So you will help me?!"


The smile on her face disappeared leaving the place of a shocked look.

"You want me to help you, who I just met, to bust a major crime organization that is controlling the entire city? Forget it."(Desmond)


"Plus, even if your whole situation wasn't so… terrible, you didn't really give me a reason for helping you. So, no thanks."(Desmond)

Besides, this whole situation reeks. If this whole city is in their hands, then why did they let the guards send someone to arrest them. And she is alone. She must be sent here as an example, for those who wish to go after them in the future. I will not be dragged into this!

" A quest! Yes, you are a member of the adventurer guild, right? I can make a…"

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm only a traveler. I have no connection to the adventurers guild."

"But you can fight, no?! I saw you must be an exceptional assassin or knife thrower!"

I know about [Assassin] from the books but [Knife Thrower] is new to me. Is the job you have any relation with your fighting style? Thanks for leveling up, my strengths have drastically increased, but I stuck to knives since they were easy to use and hide.

"…I'm a potion maker."

A potion maker is a job specialized in making different types of beverages that have different effects. Contrary to the Alchemist job this one was most common between doctors and was viewed as one of the best ones. The only flaw it had was that it didn't give any offensive ability or skill.

ˇPotion Maker? I was saved by a-"

"Look, I'm tired and I have a big day tomorrow. If you have nothing else to say to me, then if you excuse me…"

Before she could say anything, I left the table.

Thankfully I had my keys, so I went to my room.

It was simple but comfortable.

I throw myself on the bad.

I need to get EXP fast. I arrived here today and I'm already wanting to get the hell out of here.

I opened my status board and looked through my skills. Alchemy and deal-making seem to be the most usable ones. With the first one, I could try making potions and find a way to earn some money. The latest is more difficult to use since I have no idea how it works.

Tomorrow I need to find a way to figure this out…

What about my unique skills?

"[Body Physique manipulation]"

A shiver runs through my entire body as if maggots were under my skin. My skin turned pale and white while my nails disappeared. I got up from my bed and looked at the mirror that was on the nearby wall.

The reflection in the mirror was upright terrifying. It didn't have any facial features, no nose, no eyes, not even a mouth. My hair was also completely gone, leaving me bald.

"This is very creepy…" surprisingly I was able to talk without a mouth." What happens if I take this off?"

I took off the bracelet that I was wearing since the village. My contours became blurry and two black horns appeared on my head. Without hair, they were much more visible.

I touched my cloth and a ripple appeared. They changed again into the familiar black robe that I wore when I arrived, my face also changed to that of the corps, with all those wounds and blood I saw. Then, in fright I touched my face, creating another ripple, turning me back to my old self.

"What was this? It was terrifying!"

Body Physique Manipulation… Shapeshifting! I can shapeshift! This opens up so many possibilities!


The next morning:

I left my room early, heading to the best location of finding peoples who want to make a deal: The Slums. A gathering place for the desperate and poor, ready to do anything for some food. I believed that it was the perfect place for a test drive of the deal-making skill.

Before I went there, I went to a weapon shop and refiled my stock of knives.

I also bought a knife holder to be able to wear them more easily.

After this, I went to the edge of the wall.

This area was the slums.

Here the buildings wherein ruins, and everybody looked ragged, each eyeing the other one, to steal from them.

I walked there for a moment when I sensed something, as if someone was calling me. I followed the feeling to a nearby alley.

Here the houses were darker than on the main street, with fewer people around.

I reached a small fence that led me into something like a garden.

My senses told me that the feeling originates from here.

"….It's showtime." I smiled while ripples went through my entire body as I stepped in.


(????? POV)

A small girl was kneeling in the dirt pile, clanging her hands tightly while crying in a sore voice. She made a cross in the dirt and the middle of the ground where she covered up a small wooden box with dirt, as his parents ordered her to do. Right now, they were inside in the shabby house behind her, looking at the scene from the windows, not batting an eye from the crying kid.

"Please, please, please someone help me! I-I have nothing left…"


The crying girl looked at the tall figure in front of her. It wore a black robe hiding his whole body with the exception of its head. Not only there was no facial feature on its head, but it was also shiny and smooth, like an egg.

The figure bent forward, his faceless head right above the little girl.

"Tell me, kid, were you the one to bury the box?" the figure asked in a calm voice.

"…"Not saying a word, the small girl nodded.

"Well then tell me, kid, what do you wish for?" the figure's bent back twisted in the direction of the house, from where his parents rushed out.

As their daughter, they were also in ragged cloth and were terribly thin.

The father arrived first at the figure and started to shout at him. "Give us money! Do you hear me demon? Give us all your money!"

The figure looked at the shouting man for a second then turned his head to the girl in the dirt.

"It's the kid who buried the box, then she makes the deal." The figure said with a firm voice.

"What are you talking about! We are her parents then we are the ones that have the right to make that wish in her place no!" The mother shouted at a volume that could break glass.

The figure let out a sigh with its no-existent mouth then he turned his entire body in the direction of the parents, made an exaggerated bow, and said in a cheerful voice.

"Oh, contractor tell me what you wish for?"

"We want a castle! Money! Slaves! Food!" they shouted in each other's sentence.

The figure stared at them and firmly said" Naturally you only need to pay 100 years."

The parents looked at the demon in front of them in surprise, till the father asked. "What did you say?"

"Well my payment, obviously! To get a castle you have to pay 70 years. For the money and the slaves 15 years each, since you, both want the same thing. So, for you to get what your heart desire gives me 100 years. I also accept money or other valuables." Before the parents could say anything, the figure raised his hand to silence them, before continuing talking in a completely different tone." You seem to misunderstand something. I'm not a djinn that comes out of a bottle. I'm a crossroads demon. You should feel happy that I came here even for the poor imitation of a crossroad that you made here. So, here's how things will go. You ask for something and I gave you a price. If you don't play or pay along then please say it so and I will be on my way."

While talking, on its forehead a hole formed. From the opening, an eye looking at the three-figure hungrily as if it wanted to eat them.

The father started to sweat heavily before the frightening being in front of him.

"Then how much do I have to pay to disappear from the slums?"

"Hmmm... Depends. Only you or the whole family?"

"...Only me."

"R-Rogers how dare you!"

"Shut up woman! Be glad that I stayed with a whore like you for so long! Tell me demon how much?"

"10 years."

"... Is there any other way I can pay you?"

"Certainly. But, without any disrespect, I don't believe that you have something that worth this much."

The father looked around desperate for something till his eyes landed on his daughter.

The mother must have sensed something, because she tried to step between them, only to be slapped in the face by such force that made her fall on the ground.

He grabbed the girl in front of him, his hand bruising the skin under it.

"The girl, how much she worth?"

The demon's eye turned in the direction of the kid and fixed at her for a long time before to speak again." Is she smart?"

The father started to nod vigorously." Very, she can even read!"

Amongst the commoners reading was a rarity. Those who could have the chance to be able to get out of the slums and find a job, by becoming important members of society.

"… I accept and I will even add 5 gold coins. Deal? "The figure raised his hand for a handshake.

The man without hesitation shook it vigorously.

In the next second, he exploded into a red-colored smoke that let out a foul smell, before leaving nothing behind.

The demon cleaned his hand with a white napkin that he had on him, unfazed. When he was done, his eye turned to the mother on the ground who was shaking in terror.

"I believe that I might have made your wish come true for free, my lady." the demon made another exaggerated bow, then threw 5 gold coins at the mother, before taking her petrified daughter away.


(Desmond POV)

I can't believe what I just did.

I crossed the line. At the first sign of annoyance, I killed someone. And I feel nothing. I took someone apart with a handshake yet, nada, not even discomfort.

I really became something else.

And this girl!

As the name implied this isn't the best place in the town. The surrounding houses were in a pitiful state. The people were dressed in rugs and looked quite famished.

Still, I thought that they wouldn't sell their daughter for some money! That was horrible, I'm a horrible person!

Damn it!

When I was making the deal my consciousness became fuzzy I wasn't in complete control there!

The kid stayed next to me for the entire time. She didn't say a word and just keep staring at her feet.

Yeah, it couldn't feel much comfortable to be bought by a demon for pocket change. Should I say something? What, that everything will be fine? Like hell she will believe me, even I don't believe in it!

At least something came out good from this horrible experience. I received EXP during the transaction. leveling me up to LV:7. The next thing is to find a way to get more by making potions. If it doesn't work I can always make more deals and take their children. Hahaha, I'm really horrible!

We went to a nearby church. It was not more than a house made out of wood with a cross painted on it.

Before we entered, I changed back to my human self. Seeing this, the girl's eyes glittered for a second before returning to normal.

Does she like magic? Well, I can't blame her, magic is the coolest.

We entered the church that was in a horrible state the walls and floors were in falling apart and the altar was even half broken.

At first, I was scared that I will burn to ashes since I was walking on a holy ground, but now I only felt pity for the people here who couldn't even renovate their place of hope. Well, they don't even have enough to buy food so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

When we entered a clergyman came in front of us. He had a rough face with a hideous scare running through his left eye to his nose.

"May I help you?" as his appearance his voice was also rough as two bricks were rubbing together.

I took off my hat and smiled at him. " Yes, may I know where can I find the nearest orphanage?"

What, did you seriously believed that I going to take this kid home with me? I can't take care of her I don't even have a stable supply of money!

"I am sorry, but the nearest orphanage has closed a month ago. The only one that is currently open is at the merchant district, but I wouldn't recommend it. From what I hear, the children there are forced to work in horrible conditions by the local gangs."

Gangs? Seriously what is this place, isaki-ed 80s New York? Sigh, why is this happening to me?

"May I leave this kid here then?"

"No, this is the slums. If I let her stay here, then the others will send thiers here. Now please leave, I have things to do.'"


"What will I do with you?"

I sat at a chair in my room looking at the girl who I just picked up.

She sat on the bed, her head down and her small hands trembling on her knees.

She looked at me and said with a small voice." W-Will you eat me?"

"Do I look like a cannibal? Wait a sec, is it even cannibalism? Ugh, who cares, no I won't eat you! I have standards!

"Then you will [content not suitable for children] me?"

"What?! Who did even though you that?! Don't say that ever, ever again, at least till we are stuck together! Sigh, what your name?"

She looked away refusing to meet my gaze.

"Do you want me to give you a name? I'm warning you I have a terrible naming sense. Once I called a fish Whiskers!"

She didn't even laugh and just continued to stare at the floor.

"Yeah right, so I will go out for a couple of things. Stay here, there is some food in the bag over there, I think." I got up and went to the door.

"What happened to it?" She asked from behind.

I didn't turn back and put up my hat. "The fish? It was eaten by a cat called Mr. Bobbles, so start seriously thinking about what I should call you."


Back on the street. This time I went to the adventurer's guild for information. I still tried to find a place where I could get materials for the potion formulas that I managed to memorize from the book I got from the shaman.

That reminds me, I should look up that merchant for my stuff. He must still have it no? Or did he sell it?

Anyhow, I entered the guild. As one might expect it was an ordinary pub, with armored customers, who were laughing and drinking.

As soon as I entered some gazes landed on me, but thanks to my brown coat and hat I really looked like one of them, so they soon lost interest in me.

I advanced to the counter where, for my most sincerest disappointment, was a young man with a white uniform.

"Welcome to the Talen Adventurer Guild! Are you here for a quest?"

I took off my hat and gave him a list of ingredients.

"I wish to acquire these items. Is there any kind of shop nearby or should I post a request?"

The receptionist looked at the list then smiled at me again.

"Sir, you can buy all of these materials at the herbal shop a few blocks away from here. Or you can also register here and use the herbs from or depo, paying a modest fee since they are rarely used."

I thought about it a few minutes then I nodded." Then I wish to register."

"Splendid sir. Then please fill up this paper while I prepare your card. Do you wish that I tell you about the ranking system?"

"Sure go on." I took out a pencil that I borrowed from the receptionist and started to write.

". Adventurers are organized in 5 ranks: where A is the best and E is the worst. Also, there is 3 super high rank that can only be acquired by exceptional warriors. Each city in the Holy Empire has a guild that exchanges information with each other. When traveled to another city every adventurer must register at the nearest guild to receive any ben-"

"Done." The paper was very easy to comprehend. Since most people were illiterate, some parts were represented in pictures making it childlike.

"-Very well then… Potion Maker? Sir is this accurate?"

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"Eh, no sir not at all. It's only your appearance. I thought you were a rough or a warrior type…."

He hurriedly placed the paper on a crystal ball. The device absorbed it with a faint light and an iron card was expulsed onto the counter.

"Here you go, sir. You will start at E rank. Please work hard to get stronger."

"This is why I'm here. Can you show me your stocks?"

"Yes, follow me."

He led me to the backside of the guild. There, through the door, we arrived in the basement. It was filled with shelves and different shelves or bags containing plants or monster parts.

While I was looking at the place, the receptionist bought a pile of paper and gave it to me. It had the data of all materials that could be found here and their prices.

"Tomorrow I will bring the money for the materials. Are there books here about herbs and potions?"

"Yes, they are at our private library on the second floor. After you go up the first door at the right, can't miss it"


I left the basement and went to the second floor there where I could find peoples drinking and chatting.

I entered the small room where books were stacked on each other against the wall. They were recovered by dust, with some even having spiderwebs. In the middle, there was a smaller book pile, and on the top of it was a yellow paper note.

I took it a read the short note: out for lunch.

Well, it must be a very long lunch break.

I went to the first book on the pile, it off, and started to read it.

[ Unique skill [Harvest] activated.]


Wow. I let the book fell on the ground.

[Scan paused.]

Why do I hear this voice again.?

I slowly took the book back into my hand.

[Scan restarted...]

[Book content analyzed.]

[Number of skills obtainable: 12]

[Number of usable skills:0]


[Unusable skills will be broken down]

[Breakdown complete]

[8 skill points received.]

[23 EXP earned]

Oh, yeah, this is exactly what I need!

Throw the book away and went for another one.

This continued for a longer time. the quantity of Exp varied and most of the time I didn't receive any skill points.

And yet I couldn't find any skill that I could learn from them.

Then the last book came…

[Book content analyzed.]

[Number of skills obtainable: 5]

[Number of usable skills:3]

[Usable skills will be added to the user]

[Unusable skills will be broken down]

[Breakdown complete]

[6 skill points received.]

[ Maximum level reached]

[Do you wish to undergo evolution?]

Oh, Hell yeah!


Name: None

Race: Lesser Crossroads Demon

Age: 16

Job: Alchemist

LV: 20/20

HP: 50/50

MP: 75/75

STR: 30

VIT: 10

SPD: 30

MRES: 20

Skill PT: 34

Physical attributes: [Dark Vision] [Claw Slash]

Skills: [Alchemy: LV:1] [Deal Making, LV:1] [Wish Granting (Small), LV:1] [Herbology; LV:1] [Mapping, LV:1] [ Aprasial,LV:1] [Mind Palace, LV:1]

Unique Skills: [Body Physic Manipulation] [Harvest]

Titles: [Broken Soul] [Novice Summoner]


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