Summoning Went Wrong

Chapter 5. Evolution

Some words can make the heart of a man beat faster. For some people, it's a proposal or a promotion. But for us, gamers those words are the following:

[Maximum level reached]

[Do you wish to evolve?]

After I left the guild, I rushed back to the inn. I didn't really know what to expect from these evolutions. It might completely change my appearance or only my states would change, in any case, it would be wiser to do it in a calm and quiet environment.

I entered the inn and guess who was there?

"Oh, glad that you finally showed up! I was waiting for you!"

It was the knight girl Ana or Alma or something like that. She had a broad smile on her face that presented nothing good.

"You can't give up, do you?"

"Nope, I will make you help me." she took out a piece of paper and showed it to me.

"What's this?"

I took the paper and read it through.

It was an introduction letter from the cities guard captain. It asked me to help her in the task of investigating the gang that is controlling the city. During the investigation, they would pay me 20 gold coins and all expenses would go on the captain's count.

It was a very interesting proposition and yet a little too late. I didn't require that much money now and by joining the adventurer's guild I secured some funds. Risking my life for nothing would be foolish. Besides, why the holy hell would I want to anger the mafia that is literally controlling the entire city?

I turned the paper into a ball then threw it in her face.

"Forget it."

"You are so mean! You do realize that he would pay you more than he does me!"

"Don't care."

Seriously, I'm starting to regret helping her.

I went back to my room, locked the door, and checked the girl who was deep in sleep.

Ok, everything is ready.

[Do you wish to evolve?]


[ Evolution started.]

[Warning! During evolution physical attributes will be changed]

[Do you wish to proceed?]

Yes. Except for dark vision I never really used any of that.


[ The user will be evolved into…. Error!]

[Effect of title [Broken Soul] activated]

[Chose your evolution: [Demonic Beast] [Crossroads Demon] [Trickster Demon] [Slave Maker] [■■■■●■■■]]

[For more information please select [Details]]

Whaaa… I didn't know that titles had effects! Dose my other titles can do something like this? No, now let us concentrate on the issue at hand.



[Demonic Beast]:

Threat level: C

Description: These monsters are a serious threat to small villages. They usually lose all rationality, destroying everything they see. The physical appearance depends on the individual.

Most compatible magic: Depends on the individual.

[Crossroads Demon]:

Threat level: D

Description: The natural evolution of its lesser counterparts. These demons can teleport themselves to crossroads and are masters of making deals. Though they lose their human appearance for more physical power, their mana capacities are greatly increased and are capable of using a great variety of spells.

Most Compatible Magic: None.

[Trickster Demon]:

Threat level: D

Description: One of the rare middle-tier demons that can blend in with human society without any magic. Outside its abilities of trickery and other mischiefs, it is considered one of the "Pacific" type monsters. They can fly and have increased physical abilities.

Most Compatible Magic: Illusion

[Slave Maker]

Treat level: D

Description: A humanoid demon that can put a cursed mark on a target, which forces it in obedience. The stronger is the target the more energy is needed to mark them. The maximum number of slaves depends on their mana capacity. They are also able to see the worth and state of different objects and creatures.

Most compatible magic: No-elemental


Threat level: Unknown

Description: Unknown. Recommended by ■■■■●■■■■

Most Compatible Magic: Unknown


Ok so let's get rid of the useless stuff. The last one is a total mystery I can't even read it. I have no desire to turn into something that I have no information about how it's looks. The first one is also a goner; I like to maintain my sanity and humanity.

With the last three remaining things get more complicated. The Crossroads Demon sounds promising, but I really didn't like the fact about losing my human appearance and I wasn't sure if I could mask it with my shapeshifting abilities nor if it had any limitation, so I will pass it.

Now I was left with Trickster and Slave Maker.

On one hand, Trickster was human-looking, but it didn't have any special magic.

Slave Maker on the other hand had a human appearance and magic of its own. Even if the name wasn't something that I would choose it seemed to be perfect for me.

"I choose the Slave Maker!"

[Selection confirmed]

[Starting evolution into: [Slave Maker]]

[ Warning, during the process, the user will fall unconscious.]


Then I blacked out.


[Evolution started]

[Deleting physical characteristics]

[Uploading new physical characteristics]

[New Program received by■■■■●■■■■]

[Beginning update…]


[Update has not been approved by Administrator.]




[Program overwrote]

[ Commencing program]


When I woke up, my whole body hurt like hell.

How can I have muscle pain from sleeping? Ahh my head, so this is how it feels to be drunk.

[Evolution complete]

[New skills received: [Slave Mark] [Sweet Talk] [Analysis]]

[[Analysis] been absorbed by [Appraisal]]

[Appraisal] have reached LV:2]

[Appraisal] have been connected to [Harvest]]

[The user is now able to see the details of their race, skills, and titles.]

[New Physical characteristics have been added.]

[You receive 10 additional Skill Point]

[Due to evolution, pacted monsters' states have increased]

[Due to pact, [Skinless Imps (x4)] have evolved into [Lesser Imps ˙(X4)]]

Ssh, give me a minute, you're loud.

I got off from the floor where I was lying and sat on the chair. The little one on my bed was still deep in sleep and dint seem to notice anything.

I commenced by inspecting my legs. No changes but they became slightly muscular. Then my sight went to my backside, and I became pale. There was a black thin tail, not thicker than a branch. At the end of the tail was a fist-sized ball of black four.

I tried to move it and turns out that it was super agile as is it didn't have any bone. After this nothing seemed different till I reached my head.

There I touched my head and surprisingly no horns.

"What? Oh yeah, the bracelet…"

I got back up on my feats and unsteadily walked to the mirror. I watched my reflection while I took it off. Then my face changed a little. My horns have descended to my temples and they became curled up, similar to a goat. My eyes have also changed. A black ring has appeared in it that was pulsing in a menacing light.

"Creepy, back you go."

I put back the bracelet and turned around only to hit myself with my own tail.

Crap this is annoying. I need to adjust myself to this extra part.

Next thing is to look at my new skills. The voice said that I'm now able to see the descriptions of my skills so then let's try it.

"Skill description?"

On my first try, the transparent table popped in front of me.


Physical attributes:

[Dark Vision]: the user can see in the dark

[Tail Swift]: The user can move their tail.


[Alchemy: LV:1]: The user has an innate talent for all matters under alchemy. +30% success rate.

[Deal Making, LV:1]: The user will fell in a trance-like state during negotiations and become more suited to complete a transaction.

[Wish Granting (Small), LV:1]: Based on the nature of the wish an amount of mana will be taken from both parties, to bring said wish object into reality. The wishes are currently blocked at small objects or favors.

[Herbology; LV:1]: Wild knowledge in plants

[Mapping, LV:1]: Create a map inside the user's head. Details of the map are limited to the places where the user has already visited or has seen on another map.

[Appraisal, LV:2]: Able to see the description of objects or states of peoples. (Currently linked to [Harvest])

[Mind Palace, LV:1]: A mental plain where memories and summoned beings are stored. Increase fortitude for mental attacks and increase the possibility of mental attacks in the future.

[Slave Mark, LV:1]: Puts a mark on a random part of the target if the requirements are set. The mark can't be taken off without the user's permission.


  - the target must be on the verge of death or weaker than the user.


  - The target must accept it by its free will

Number of marks the user can create: 6

[Sweet Talk, Lv:1]: the user can convince their surroundings to do almost all he wants even if the target doesn't want to. Effect increases by level.

Unique Skills:

[Body Physic Manipulation]: The user can change their physical appearance as they wished (Currently limited)

[Harvest]: ■■■■●■■■■●■■■■


[Broken Soul]: title given to those who had their soul broken into pieces. Able to change the path of evolution and g%+vŁł$÷ß. High chances of ■■■■●■■■■

[Novice Summoner]: Title given to those who entered the world of summoners and tamers. +3% success rate for each summons.


I read through the list while I was munching on a slice of dried meat that I had in my pocket, from the travel I had with the old merchant.

Two words have left my mouth while I was in my thought

"Mind Palace"

Suddenly my sight became blurry and the next thing I knew was that I was on a plane. It was dark without stars, with the ground covered by a white mist.

"Where the hell am I? is this my Mind Palace? Shouldn't be there I don't know, a palace?"

Then from the mist, a palace appeared. It was entirely made from the mist, making my hand go through it when I touched it.

"What is this?"

The construction looked exactly as I imagined the smallest details.

"Wait a sec, if I'm inside my own mind then, I'm a god here."

I started to a point and an oak tree emerged with blue leaves. The tree looked normal for a few seconds before crumbling into the mist like the palace.

Now that I think about it, the monsters should be here, where are they? The scenery shifted again and something like a cave emerged from the earth. From the darkness of the entrance, I could see figures moving.

"Well, they are monsters, maybe their natural habitat is like this."

The cave sank back into the earth like a giant's mouth, leaving no trace on the mist.

"Okay… Now what? How do I get back?"

As I wished, the world around me blurred again and I returned to my room.

Without another word I sat back at the chair and looked at the starry night.

I need to get more offensive skills. I have too many support ones and there are some that I don't even use! I will need to go back to the room full of books and find at least one that gives me that type of skill.

Damn tomorrow will be such a busy day! I need some… sleep."

Before I could fall asleep, I heard a voice. This time it was that of a man's, deep and strong.

[■■■■ overwritten]

[New ■■■■ initiated]

[Due to new ■■■■ Administrator been overwritten]

[The user been disconnected from the system]

[User been connected to ■■■■●■■■■]


[Because of updates true name has been locked.]

[Temporary name been set as Desmond]


(????? POV)

Damn, it happened again. Why can't I find a strong partner? Ever since I reached C rank all of them became a bunch of whiny bastards.

Argh, I need to punch someone!

I entered the shifty guild and went directly to the cute receptionist that was sorting some papers.

"Jhon, I need another one!"

The receptionist looked up and let out a long sight.

"Lady Belda, this is your third partner you sent to the hospital. The healers there are complaining about you! Can't you just be a little bit gentle? Not all newcomers as resistant as you."

"What can I do about that? They are the ones who accept it. Come on give me the list!"

Reluctantly the receptionist gave her a piece of paper.

"5 newcomers joined us this month. The latest one was a potion maker called Desmond. He is here, at the basement paying for the ingredients he commended."

"A potion maker? What the hell is he doing here? Aren't the magic guild gives them more privileges?

In the Hilly Empire there exist different types of guilds. The 3 most known ones are the Adventurers, Tamers, and The Mages. Each has its own specialties and is incredibly competitive with each other. For a potion maker joining the magic guild would be an immense advantage since they have a waste collection of materials and resources.

"Maybe he was sent away? "The receptionist answered, "I heard that they need to pass an entrance exam."

"Yeah, that might be." She threw back the paper." Then I should present myself."


"6 gold coins."

"This Heart Leaf is half-rotten! I give you 4 gold and a silver!"

"5 gold. And you can use the equipment's free today."


I gave the coins to the guilds staff member who was posted here, and I took the wooden box that had the different materials in it.

I turned to the little girl who was behind me.

"Your parents said that you can read. On the second floor, there is a room full of books, bring me the one with the green cover titled" Basic Plant-Based Potions" while I prepare the equipment."

She nodded and run up the stairs.

I put the box on a free table and then took out the required equipment. With my current skills, I was only able to use the basic stuff: a lighter and some glass vials.

When everything was set, I looked around and made sure that no one was there.

From my jacket, I took out a small vial containing a red liquid.

Demon blood. Mine to be more precise. Getting this costs quite the money and it is hard to find in the surroundings. Right now I don't want to stick out so I have to do this type of thing in secret

With the ingredients I bought and those I had with myself, I was planning to make three types of potions. The first is the classic Healing potion. Contrary to the one I made in the forest, this one could heal most wounds, but couldn't heal lost limbs.

The second was a type of energy drink. It had no special effect, but it might be a good idea to make some and sell it for extra cash. Who knows, I might get filthy rich with this.

And the last one was poison. A special kind straight from the shaman's book. If my memory served correctly then it was as potent that could put a wyvern in front of death door. And since I have no idea how big a wyvern is, I will put my money on that it's big. This is also why my blood is needed. If the books that I read weren't lying, then I'm 100% toxic for my surroundings. The stronger the demon the stronger the poison.

I was planning to buy the knives that were made to inject different types of drugs when they were used. If I combined them, I have a solid arsenal of killing weapons.

But still no long-distance skills I even run through almost all the books up there but nada, since I evolved, I didn't get anything. And that wasn't even the strangest thing. When I woke up in the morning, everything looked…different. I couldn't explain how but it looked weird, somehow gloomier. As if I changed glasses or something. On the way here I saw things that I hadn't seen before.

People dressed in rags looking at us, people wearing collars being beaten, or strange cries. And the most surprising thing was that no one seemed to notice it as if they were in a completely different world.

Is this an effect of evolution? Did I become able to see things more clearly? In any case, being able to see more can be useful.

"Is this the one?" The kid returned and shoved a green book.

"That's the one. This will take some time; do you want to eat something?"

She shakes her head and sat in a corner.

"Sigh, ok but don't complain if this stinks." I put on the gloves and started to work.

First, I mixed the ingredient in a metal pot, then let it cook for an hour under fire, while I worked on my energy drink. The materials I had were too few, I only managed to make only one bottle. The result was an orange liquid that had a sweet scent. After I finished it, I turned to make the poison.

It recommended less time than the other two combined. The stuff became a gelatinous purple liquid that had a foul smell around it,

Yep, this is poison.

I took the bottle that had my blood a moment ago when I noticed something. It was more of a sense, but I could tell there was some uninvited.

I put down the bottle and I went to a nearby desk as if I was looking for something. Then my arm became blue and grabbed something.

It looked like I was holding air but there was something solid in my hands.

"If you want to breathe, then turn visible."

After 3 seconds the air rippled and a figure appeared before me.

It was a girl around 16 years old. She had brown skin and hair with green eyes. She wore leather armor with a small sword on her side.

"…Could you let me go now?"

I stared at her for a while and let her go.

"Good grief, do you treat all the women like this?"

"Aren't you too young to be a woman?"

"… I'm 20." She said it with a glare that could kill.

"… Forget it." I went back to the table and put the rest of the ingredients into my coat.

[3 Potions finished]


[1 potion quality is too low to receive EXP]

[18 EXP received]

When I was done, I went to the stairs, passing by the girl who was watching me.

When we reached the main street, I looked behind myself and saw the kid who kept silent the whole time.

"Last chance kid. Tell me your name, before I give you a terrible one."

She stared at me then said with a lifeless voice. "Card."

"As a toy? Well, your parents didn't have any creativity."

We went back to the inn where I left her with some food. Our relationship started to feel like a pet with its owner, but somehow, I didn't care about it. It might be I finally became crocked enough.

My next destination was the cities library. Why do you ask? Well, I'm stupid and I forgot to actually read the books in the guild and the girl from before scared me.

I walked there finding more and more darker things like people wearing rags or collars, with despair in their eyes. They weren't more than moving bodies, without emotions.

Whit this thought I arrived at the library. I already passed the tall building before but with my new vision of this world, it lost all its charm. Before it was a beautiful tower with a white wall that towered over the city. Now I could see the dirt on it, the imperfections, and the people sitting next to it in rags.

Is this city so poor that it has so many peoples in this state? I should look into this…

The inside of the tower was huge with shelves filled with books everywhere. In front of the entrance, there was a huge chart with detailed information about the surroundings.

I went to the second level where I could find historical documents and maps. I took a book randomly absorbed some EXP from it and started to read.

It was about the geography of this world mixed with religious blablas.

In a nutshell, this world is a giant mess. There are four continents basically, each of them has a different climate where other races live. On the Eastern Continent where I'm right now has a moderate climate and is mainly occupied by humans. There are also elf's and demi-human here but they live on the Northern continent, where the climate is freezing most of the time.

The South Continent is a complete dessert and most of its part has not been properly discovered yet. Its habitat consists of human colonies sent from the Eastern continent and a variety of monsters and tribes, that are harmful to them.

Then the last one is the Western Continent, with huge rain forests and rainy weather. It's populated mainly by demons so it's also not a completely discovered area. Only the coastline could be considered safe with all those fortresses and soldiers posted there.

Based on other books (That didn't even give me anything), demons are a group of different races that are the natural enemies of humanity and they will do anything to destroy them. They have clashed with humans multiple times, but every time humanity survived thanks to the goddess Astera. Every 100 years she will bless several children with knowledge and power to fight the demons, kill their king, and bring peace to this world even temporarily.

"Sigh, this is so cliché."

So basically, what she does is reincarnate people from my world and make them fight for her. While I escaped from this fate because of my weak states, the others are probably babies right now. Which gives me an advantage!

Because I'm a demon right now there is a huge chance of me being attacked by them when they grow up. Like me, they have surely received unique skills when they arrived here, making them a threat to my survival. The best idea would be to leave this continent and go somewhere secure. Definitely not the demon continent since that will be the stage of a big war, leaving me only with the northern and shouter continent. The South looks like the best option since the tribes there don't show any hostility to demons. But before that, I need more money to buy a ticket on a boat and have a calm life there.

I took a second book and a sharp pain went through my hand. I let it fall on the ground while, holding my left whit my right, which was burned, with some smoke coming out from the wound.

What the fuck was that?

I looked at the book on the floor. It was a white tom with golden letters on it.

"Holy Bible of Altera? No kidding that I get burned then! This thing is a collection of demonicides, with an embalage of holy blessings! Only touching it for a second and it hurts this much, then what happens when I read…it…."

My brain froze for a second then the worst idea of the century came to me. If I'm able to read it I can understand how the church operates and evade any dangerous situations. I might even be able to learn something useful.

I took out a knife and with a sense of balance that I was sure I didn't have; I threw it onto a nearby table. Right now, the library was empty at least the part that I was in, so no one looked at me strangely. Well, a guy flipping pages of a bible with a knife those looks suspicious.

Ok, let's do this.

I looked at the first page and all I saw was red. Something sticky and gluey has started to flow out of my nose and eyes.

Oh, fuck this thing is killing me! This was a stupid idea!

I hurriedly left the library trying to hide my bleeding from the passer-byes.

What's happening to me?

Before I realized it, I returned to my room. The girl, Card, was steering at me lifelessly as before. Well, who cares is not like it's important. I can always get rid of her if I need to so….

I stopped my thoughts and looked at my hands. The one I burned earlier has completely healed leaving no scars at all.

"What's happening to me?"

I noticed during my travels here and sometimes when I was on the street that my personality has changed. I became cold and cruel without me realizing it. Before I came here the sight of people sitting on the street in their current state could make me awful, but now they looked to me like they were trash. No importance.

Cart wasn't different. I didn't view her like a human being only an object that I could use as my guise. I didn't even bother to buy her normal clothing for god sake! Can a person change this much? I always believed that whatever happens, I will stay myself, but now…

"Who am I?"


[Personality disorder detected.]


[Possible solution Found]


[Personality disorder been fixed]

[Personality disorder fused with the title: [Broken souls]]


[System been detected.]

[System locking on user soul…]

[System locked]

[Skill [Mind Palace] been altered.]


Gods Palace:

A group of people in white robes were shouting and pointing at a huge screen. The screen what entirely white except for a short text.

[System been hacked]

[Virus detected.]

[Deleting virus…]


[Virus can't be deleted.]


[Soul been disconnected from the system.]

[Number of souls disconnected from the system: 1]

[Disconnected soul state: Active]

[ Possibility of future bugs: High]

[Recommended action: Elimination of disconnected soul]

[Contacting possible exterminators…]


Name: Desmond ˙(Temporary,)

Race: Slave Maker

Age: 16

Job: Alchemist

LV: 1/50

HP: 70/70

MP: 80/80

STR: 40

VIT: 40

SPD: 60

MRES: 30

Skill PT: 44

Physical attributes: [Dark Vision] [Tail Swift]

Skills: [Alchemy: LV:1] [Deal Making, LV:1] [Wish Granting (Small), LV:1] [Herbology; LV:1] [Mapping, LV:1] [ Appraisal,LV:1] [Mind Palace, LV:1] [Slave Mark, LV:1] [Sweet Talk,Lv:1]

Unique Skills: [Body Physic Manipulation] [Harvest]

Titles: [Broken Soul] [Novice Summoner]


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