Summoning Went Wrong

Volume 2. Chapter 1. New opportunity

Author Note: While I was surfing on the website I just realized that this story somehow was trending! I don't know how it is possible with my terrible writing but thank you all! You guys are the best!


Josh Pow:

We are alive. I think.

Things have been happening so fast that making me unable to process them.

First, we were pushed away by that demon with the cape. We tried everything but its magic was too powerful and with that barrier and the recovery magic, it was practically invincible.

Then the monsters that it called out suddenly went loose, massacring everyone, leaving nothing intact in their path.

Even I and my comrades were swallowed by this torrent, making us fight for our dear life.

Then the sky split apart, revealing light of unfathomed power that fell upon this city.

Even we who were standing at the edge of the explosion could feel the heat combined with the holly element.

The monsters who were touched by the light burned to ashes leaving no trace. The lucky ones that somehow survived were mortally wounded and died shortly after.

"Prince... are you alright?" one of the knights asked.

"Y-Yeah... what about the others?

" I am sorry. We lost contact with the unit that was with them."

"Then send someone there! They can't be dead! Also, tell everyone to bring the wounded to the healer's tent."

"B-But the numbers-"

"Don't care, go!"

The knight quickly ran away.

Deep down I knew what he meant. With a swarm like this, there is no way that the number of wounded is low. With so many people there will be surely people who are going to die waiting for their turn to be healed, making the morel of soldiers even worse. It those not sound so important, but it might have huge repercussions in the future.

Damn it. I wasn1t prepared for this. That demon... Desmond, Dealmaker, The Beast. If only we had someone as strong as him among us.


"What?" I turned in the direction of the sound.

It came from the crash site.

A baby was crying there.



[Summoning complete.]

[Body been deconstructed and sent to storage]

[Reconstructing body to marked location...]


[Error occurred in reconstruction!]


[Main personality has been disconnected from the body.]

[Calculating solution...]

[...Solution found!]

[Rewriting soul system]

[Dividing consciousness.]

[Sending individual Destin Torres to new location...]



I feel terrible. Everything hurts and I can't see a thing.

Am I finally dead? Did that thing hit me?

While pondering I could hear an unknown feminine voice.

[Welcome to our world.]

Ephah, what the hell is this?!

[During your short-range summoning an error occurred resulting in your ejection from your own world.]

What?! How that it be! I made everything perfectly! There is no way! Why is it happening again?! What did I do to de- you know what, never mind, I kinda deserved it.

[During ejection, some parts of your soul have been corrupted. Those parts have been removed, making you unstable.]

Removed? Did I got lobotomized?!

[Fear not, your personality, memories, and most of your skills have been saved. Currently, you are drifting in the direction of a useable receptacle, so please be patient.]

How!? How can I be patient?! Fat cuuugh that hurt!

My body started to become dull with pain that became more intense to the point I lost consciousness.


"Open the door, Princess!"

"No! Leave me alone!"

"Princess, open this door or we will kick it in!"

The young woman in a silk rob run to the nearest mirror and started to draw on it with ink.

"Oh, mother of all, giver of light and darkness, I implore you, open your eyes. Let me gaze into your infinite darkness, the deeps of your knowledge. Show me the light that..."

"She started an incantation! Someone break this door already."

"Damn it, move aside this will be a big one!"

The trembling on the door stopped for a second, then it erupted in emerald green flames that didn't emit smoke nor heat.

The young woman looked behind, not daring to stop her incantation.

".... Open our realm's door and show us the truth behind our reach! Dimensional Breach of the Ten Heavens!"

The doors started to glove in purple light with some oniums feeling pouring out from it.


The door finally fell apart letting in the swarm of guards into her room.

"Quick! Break the mirror!"

As per the order, one of the guards threw a nearby jade statue at it, breaking it apart.

"Now grab the princess! We are already late, and the carriage is still waiting."

"No! No! let me go! Don't touch me!"

"May I assist you?"

Before the guards could even lay a finger on her fair white skin an unknown voice stopped them in their tracks.

"W-Who is here?!" the leader of the guards acclaimed, his hand on the hilt of his sword.

"I am not talking to you. Princess was it? Are you the one who made the summoning?"

"Ye-Yes." She couldn't stop trembling from fright.

"In that case, I believe that I should help you by showing you what you just bought."

The fragments of the mirror levitated into the air and reformed into one without any crack.

Then from it, an arm stretched out. Then another, followed by a head, and in no time a full-grown man was on the floor.

The newly arrived slowly raised himself, letting out a cold aura.

He was wearing clothing that no one was seen before with a cane strapped on his back with a belt. His face was hidden by a skull belonging to a deer, with luminescent jewelry hanging from his antennas.

"Good day, gentleman. I believe that you are troubling the young lady."


Finally, finally out!

I have been trapped in that... space for who knows how long alone and bored. My heart even skipped a beat when I noticed a way out.

Now let's have some exercise.

I took the cane off my back (don't know why it was there or how did it follow me here) and I gently touched the ground with it fully knowing what it can do.

"Silver Rain."

Causing a slight wave on the ground I made my targets lose their balance, giving me the upper hand.

"Telekinesis: Push."

This was my first time using the advanced version of this and I might have overused my strength on it. The one I aimed at and the five that were behind him were crushed into the wall, breaking their bones into powder.

"Ouch, my bad."

I turned to the rest who were still dazed by my effortless carnage.

"Then what about this? Mad Infection."

From my raised hand several bolts of lights flew out hitting each one in the head, leaving no mark. Soon their eyes became entirely white and they all fell onto the floor.

[All enemy units eliminated]



[[Skill: [Advanced Qui manipulation, LV:9] have been changed to [Advanced Qi manipulation, LV:9]


[Due to unique environment MP replenishment been slowed down by 60%]

[New status table, usable for this environment is available under the name [Harvester]]

Really then show it to me.


Name: Destin Torres

Race: Living Madness

Rank: Mortal

Stage: 1

Martial arts: [ Mantra of Madness] [Words of the Black Fox]


I have not the slightest idea of what I was looking at. Yet I knew one thing: I have found a new way to become stronger. If I can master this new power, I might be able to go back there and kill that fucker who cast that death laser on me.

Hehhehehe, things are getting exciting.

"Well, this should do it. Princess," I turned to the trembling girl." It's time to talk about business."

I threw myself at one of the chairs and crossed my legs looking at the still stunned princess. Gently I put my weapon of mass destruction next to my leg, careful not to give it any mana, it would be embarrassing if it goes off by accident.

"Please have a sit. It is uncomfortable to have a conversation while someone is standing." I waited for a moment, but the young girl didn't move. "Sigh, have it your way. As you are aware, I have been summoned by you so that means that right now you are my client. Meaning, your highness and I can make a contract. Do you understand?"

The princess node, not daring to speak a word.

"Good. The contra-" a status window popped up before me. I quickly read its content, with a newfound smile crept up on my face. "I mean there are three types of contracts. The first one is that in exchange for something I am able to provide you with something of equal value. The second one is more complicated. I may make any number of wishes you make real. For every wish, I will take an appropriate amount of your lifespan and some of your qi. The third and last one is the most common. In exchange for10 free wishes, in the moment of your death, your soul and your qi pool shall be mine. Is it clear?"

The girl nodded again.

"Then please choose, the type of contract you wish."

"-May I cancel your summon?"

"Oh, so you can talk! I am sorry but I believe that you may not. I have already killed your aggressors and it is not in my nature to help you."

" T-Then I take the second one."

"As you wish. Sign here." I snapped my fingers making a piece of parchment appeared and a pen with some ink on it.

The young girl took the pen and wrote her name on the piece of paper. When she was done, I checked it to be sure.

What are those characters? Is this Chinese? I need to learn to read.

"It seems to be in order. Then, young lady, I shall follow you. Please call me Dealmaker."

"M-My name is Yi Bei. I am in your care."

Yi Bei? It sounds Chinese. I need to gather more information.

"Then lady Yi Bei, is there anything that you currently desire? Strengths? Power? Maybe love? Tell me and it shall be done."

The young girl looked around, thinking hard. I was even able to see the gears in her head turn.

Please be something easy, like wealth or strengths!

"I want a bodyguard!"

Eh? A bodyguard?

"I see so you wish to be protected then. Your wish is granted for 6 months."

I felt energy moving from her into me.

[ Lifespan extended by 6 months.]

[30 QP received.]

[Wish is being granted]

Some energy came out of me and descended unto the soldiers I killed before. The blood that spilled out returned into their bodies and their twisted limbs git back to their original places.

When everything was done, six healthy-looking guards were hitting their chest with their right fist.

"So how is it? They look perfectly alive and they won't root away. The perfect bodyguards! "

I turned to the princess, but she was just staring at them horrified.

What? I just made your wish come true!

"Hmm, well then is there anything else that you want."

She quickly shook her head.

"Then I will be going."

As the words left my mouth my body started to crumble into dust.

What no, this can't be happening, am I dying?!

[ Summoning is finished]

[Returning to [Nothing]]

Nothing?! I'm trapped in nothing?! What kind of sick joke is this?! How can I escape from there?!

I looked at the newly appearing screen then at the princess who's eyes almost fell out.

"Girl, if you need me just say my name before a mirror three times. I will later give you my direct summoning."


AAAAnnnd I am back. This place really needs a landmark.

I reappeared where I was previously standing at.

In a desert filled with white sand and black sky. There was no irregularity, no rocks, no plants, no animals only sand.

And the shadows.

"Help me!"

"It wasn't me!"

"I am innocent!"

Shadow figures appear and disappear around me, screaming, seemingly in pain. They only last 5 seconds max.

"So you guys are like me souls? I wonder how deep I am in hell. Considering that there is no lava pit, I might be at its border. Then is this Limbo?"

No answer.

"Well, I believe that I should make a camp at least. I have no idea how long it will take for her to summon me a-"

The space next to me opened up again like last time showing the princess's face.

"...She is an impatient one."


Name: Destin Torres

Race: Living Madness

Age: 16

Job: Master Summoner, Madness Maker, Parasite, Lawyer,

LV: 1/1000

HP: 10 123/10 123

MP: 11 540/11 540

STR: 50

VIT: 0

SPD: 80

MRES: 90

Skill PT: 50 000 (MAX capacity.)

Physical attributes: [Dark Vision] [Destroyed Mind] [Inorganic Body] [Madness Lifeform] [Parasitic Immortality] [Divisibility]

Skills: [Master Summoning Magic; LV:9]] [Nightmare Magic: 9] [Advanced Deal Making, LV:9] [Advanced Wish Granting, LV:9] [Mind Country, LV:9] [Dream Mark, LV:9] [Mad Infection, LV: 9] [ Advanced Telekinesis, LV:9] [ [ Summon Symbol,Lv:9] [Advanced Knife Combat, LV:9] [Advanced Athletize, LV:9] [Advanced Knife Throw, LV:9] [Advanced Poison Knowledge, LV:9] [Advanced Qi manipulation, LV:9] [ Advanced (Corrupted) Holy Magic, LV:9] [Advanced (Corrupted) Compound Magic, LV:9] [Division, LV:9]

Martial Art: [Swift Step]

Passive skills: [Advanced Herbology; LV:9] [Silver Thang Lv:9] [Regeneration, LV:9] [Mass Manipulation, LV:9] [Tantalus's touch] [Sloth, LV:9]

Resistances: [Poison] [Fire]

Curses: [Iophobia] [Holy Burn]

Unique Skills: [Body Physic Manipulation] [Harvest]

Titles: [Broken Soul] [Enemy of God] [Cursed Book Owner] [Revenge Driven] [Decorator] [Heartless] [Insane] [Peak of Race] [Unique Monster]


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