Summoning Went Wrong

Volume 2. Chapter 2 Break and Remake

Before I passed the portal, I noticed that there were more people behind her. They didn't look like they were harming her and the undead soldiers that I just gave to her were not reacting meaning she ordered them not to.

They might be her real guards. This might be problematic. I only helped her because I believed that it meant that I could escape from here. If I screw this one up, I might lose my only way to get the hell out of Hell. I should really rethink this. Wait the gate is closing! No time to think! I will change my clothing a little at least to suit the culture there.


The young princess and the Emperor behind her were staring at the mirror. The princess just made a weird incantation that made the entire mirror turned black. At this sight, the guards who came with the emperor stepped back and unsheathed their weapons.

As the best-trained soldiers in the country even in face of death, they all moved at the same time, ready to sacrifice themselves for the emperor.

Then something came through the mirror.

It was a humanoid-looking being, wearing a deer skull mask with jewelry hanging on its antennas. The mask was seemingly sewed onto a black cloak that was entirely covering the rest of its body.

"My lady. What I might thank for this sudden call? Is there any problem with the guards that I made for you?"

While talking in a deep, deformed voice it made a small bow-looking gesture.

"N-No, nothing as the sort! My father only wishes to-"

"Are you the one who saved my daughter?"

The emperor's words were brutal and loud, showing his years of ruling as an emperor. He had the same eyes as his daughter yet in his there was a fire of anger.

Yet, the figure didn't seem to be impressed it only turned its head in his direction.

"Yes. My humble name is Dealmaker. A small demon merchant at your service."

"Demon merchant? Are you telling me that my daughter-"

"No father! He didn't do anything like that!"

Like what? Did I miss something?

"My Contractors' father, I can assure you our relationship is completely passive. I only give her what she wants in exchange for payment."

"And that's payment is her lifespan! What kind of father can accept something like this?!"

"But my Contractor's father, she chose this contract and there is no rule that says that she cannot make others."

"What?" the young princess looked, her eyes all round.

"Didn't I say? You may take all three contacts. There is no limitation. I only explained what were the choices."

"Then I want the first on as well!"

"Forget about that! You have already lost 6 months we can't take any risks!"

"Soooo you don't want to sign it?" the demon held a paper at us. The arm that held it looked normal, maybe a little bit too slender.

"Give me that!" the emperor took the paper that immediately illuminated in blue light, leaving no trace of it. "I refuse that my daughter does any more business with you!"

"As you wish. Then you don't wish to make a contract?" a dangerous air started to float around the masked individual, yet the emperor didn't care in his fury.

"Yes, as his father I am breaking that contract."

"...My apologies but the only one who is able to break a contract is the one who made it."

"But I am the Emperor!"

"This rule is the same for anyone, be it a peasant or a god."

The emperor's looked like he will soon explode in rage. He became red and the veins on his head were on the break of popping.

"Yi Bei, as your father and the Emperor I commend you to break the deal!"

The young girl looked at her father, then at the demon, then at her father, then at the demon...

"...I am breaking the contract."

A dark aura started to envelop the young princess that slowly spared to the demon.

"...Very well. May I take the undead soldiers as compensation? I did lose a valuable customer..."

"...Fine take them."

"Thank you." He snapped his fingers making the 5 undead guards turn into dust.

"Before I go there is something that I wish to ask? What is the name of this world again?"

"What stupid question is this? Naturally, it's called Astera."


"This can't be. This makes no sense. How is that even possible? I need to rethink everything...."

I was mumbling in my chair, looking at the slowly mutating guards who I bought with myself.

"If that place was Astera, then that's means that the system lied to me and I stayed in that world. Or did it mean this place? Maybe Hell is considered as an outside world? Then what about the chinses system? The books in the library said nothing about different systems. A parallel world, an update, natural selection? Hmmm... well, I have no idea. Let's just go with the flow like always and hope things go right. By the way, how do you guys doing?"

The poor things started to melt into a pile of greenish goo. Even their armor and weapons turned into that strange substance.

"It is pointless to have servants if they are unable to survive her. Can I even clean this thing?"

I reached my hand and touched it. When the liquid touched my skin it started to condense into five-cylinder shaped crystals, that had the same green color as the fluid.

[5 avatars received.]

[Would you wish to activate them?]

"Avatars? As in air bending? Or are we talking about the blue aliens? Bah, who cares. I accept."

Some energy from me left my body and traveled to the crystals, Turning them dark blue, with a faint light inside them.

Soon the cylinders became liquids again and they took a shape of a human, with a skull of a deer, but lacking antennas.

[Avatars made]

[Connecting senses...]

[Connection complete.]


[Due to the current state, using skills at full power through the avatars is impossible.]

[No information found on state upgrade.]

"I see. So, these guys are like puppets. Well, isn't that sweet? With these guys around I don't need to worry about being killed by an ambush. But how do I make them move?"

It took me more time than I would admit to figuring out how to control them. I only managed to move one efficiently enough to look like a living creature.

"For now, I will only use one of you guys, the rest may stand in the corner."

The five of them bowed and stepped aside while the one I was controlling stayed before me.

"...I should change your body if I want to send you out. In your current state, you are too eye-catching."

I touched his forehead and with some of my mass, I changed his appearance, making him wore a black rob, similar to the one the emperor had.

"Hmmm, not bad, not bad. But it those miss something... I know, show me your back."

The puppet turned around without a word.

I pressed my hand on it and I concentrated on the image that I wanted. It was a white drawing of a deer skull. After a while, I added a pupilless eye between the antennas.

"Nice, this will be my new symbol!"

I played around with my puppet for a while when a new breach appeared.

"Finally. I started to become bored. Now go puppet entertain me!"

The puppet bowed and traveled the portal.

Through its eyes, I was able to see that it arrived inside a forest. In the middle of the night, standing in the middle of a lake.

At the shores was a figure wearing a brown cape.

"Who are you?" the figure revealed its face.

It was the princess, Yi Bei.

Ok, now it's time to talk.

"...I am a contractor, an employee of Mr. Dealmaker."

Uf, the voice sounds are a little off. Also, there is a lag.

"Where he is? "

"...My boss is currently busy with another client. He sent me here in his place."

The puppet left the lake and stood before her at the shore.

"Is there anything I may help you with?"

"...I want to redo the contracts."

"No problem. Which one do you want to sign?"

"All of them."

...All of them? she means...

"...You do realize that by signing the third contract, you will be forever be bound by it."


"...Yeah, my employer is not a fan of doing things for nothing. If you want those free wishes then we need to be sure that we will get your soul. It wouldn't be fair. ...But there is the possibility that by doing favors for him, may result in the return of your soul."

"What kind of favors?"

"...Stealing, breaking, sabotaging, killing, that kind of stuff."

"...I accept those terms."

"...As you wish. Sign it here."

Through the puppet, I sent the contracts and a pen. The little princess signed them without any hesitation.

[Soul contract been made!]

[Soul been assigned to Destin Torres]

[Contract cannot be broken.]

Jesus, to think that I will collect a soul so soon. I am excited to see what I do with it.

"...Everything seems to be in order. Thank you for choosing our services again. Is there anything we can help you with?"

"There is. I need strengths to get to the Blue Serpent Sect."

"...Very well then. Do you wish to use your free wish, or do you want to pay for it?"

"How much those it cost?"

"...Depending on what kind and size of strength you wish for. If you want it to be permanent then the cost will be 2 years minimum."

"...Can I use your power?"

As she spoke several tablets appeared before my eyes.

"...Madam, I am only a contractor, my fighting abilities are not as great as my employer. I may give it to you, but the price will be...different."

"Won't I be paying in years?"

"...It is different. If I give you my power, you will be connected to my employer at a deeper level. It might have drastic effects on your body and mind."

"Will I become a demon?"

"...What I mean is, change in height, weight, skin color, hair color. And so on. Growing a horn or a tail is unlikely. Do you still wish for it?"

"...Yes. I got to get stronger. No matter what!"

The eyes of the princess were showing confidence for the first time.

".... Fine. Your wish is granted for free."

The body of my puppet melted back into the blue goo it was originally, that flew into the air and flew inside the mouth of the princes, not leaving a droop.

When it was done, my point of vision soon changed to that of the girl's.


After the backlash from the demon entering me, I left the lake. While moving I could feel strengths flowing through me, changing me. My weak muscles now felt like I could break metal.

My sense became overloaded, I could see, hear, feel, smell more than I could ever through.

Each step, each breath made me stronger, giving a similar feeling when I started to cultivate. Luckily I managed to contain this urge, to a bare minimum, before I did something stupid.

"Are you still there?"

'...Yes.' The voice rang in my head.

"How can I use your power?"

'.... You may use it as you wish. Each person uses it differently. I can tell you their names.'

"Then tell me."

The voice listed up a set of powers that I have never heard before.

"Hmmm, I know how to use mantras, but for the rest, I never heard of. Are those techniques that only demons can use?"


"What do you mean?"

'...Too many questions, I will sleep. Call me if I am needed ' Then the presence in my head disappeared, but I knew it was still there.

I traveled the forest at a speed that I newer experienced soon reaching my destination.

It was the nearest village to the capital, under the protection of the Silk Tree Sect. One of the strongest organizations in the world.

The name of the sect that I strive to be in!


[Possession complete.]

[All states are now enhanced by X3]

[Possessed individual is now able to use skills: [ Mantra of Madness] [Words of the Black Fox]]

[Supplementary skills been assigned at 50% capacity: ] [ Advanced Telekinesis, LV:9] [ [ Summon Symbol,Lv:9] [Advanced Knife Combat, LV:9] [Advanced Athletize, LV:9] [Advanced Knife Throw, LV:9] [Advanced Poison Knowledge, LV:9] [Advanced Qi manipulation, LV:9] ]

[Contracted is now the property of Living Madness Destin Torres]

I am starting to think that she is a retarded. Who would accept something like this without properly consulting the terms? Are all princesses like this?

With my puppet now inside her, I severed my control over it, leaving hearing and vision on, giving me the freedom to control a new puppet.

I will use the one inside her to make a portal to send myself out. I might be able to get out of this place forever. Hehehe, I can't wait to get out! I will find a way to get back to that world and I will erase that prince his friends and the asshole who sent me here! Even if I need to plunge this whole world into madness!

While I let my rage flair a new portal opened, about ten meters away from me.

"Another one? This must be a new client. Let's send a new puppet then."

By controlling my second puppet to make it passed through the portal.

Since the new information will be difficult to discern while the old one on. I created a new set of eyes on my chest to see what was happening with the girl.

I should make a commanding puppet or something, that would take over this troublesome thing. Oh, I could also make different types, like scoots or berserkers. That would be sweet. Oh, wait I can see it!

The image before my eyes became clear.

The puppet was standing in the middle of what seemed like a jungle, with lush vegetation and sounds of exotic animals around.

The ground wasn't so peaceful.

It was littered with the corpses of humans. Each one wore cloth made from animal hides and jewelry made out of bones.

A made the puppet go closer to one of the corpses, inspecting it.

"...No survivors. Each has been killed in a different way. Judging by their clothing, they probably haven't discovered metal. Hmmm, they have the same neckless. Too many to be a family. Those have different bones. They must have been from different tribes or something along those lines. Weird. These wounds have been clearly been made by a weapon, yet there is non on the corpses. Is it a custom to take the weapons from the dead, before disposing of the bodies? I need to be careful about how I operate."

I instructed my puppet to advance forward, while I changed its appearance to fit the environment.

Soon it had brown skin and a cape made from animal skin. For decor, I added a black circle on the forehead of the mask.

The puppet that now resembled a shaman, reached a clearing. There I finally heard the sound that I was waiting for,

[New system has been connected.]



[Due to unique environment all skills are limited by 70%.]

[Due to unique environment only the following skill tree is usable at full strengths: [Spirit weapons.]]

[New data received: Spirit weapon: Bayonet.]


[...Due to an influx of data. All states are now written on one status board.]

[New status board been sent to user of avatar.]

[Due to unique status an evolution less race change been made.]

Before my vision, the familiar tablet appeared.


Name: Destin Torres

Race: Living Madness (Infant God)

Rank: Mortal

Stage: 1

Job: Master Summoner, Madness Maker, Parasite, Lawyer,

LV: 1/1000

HP: 10 123/10 123

MP: 11 540/11 540

QP: 300/300

STR: 50

VIT: 0

SPD: 80

MRES: 90

Skill PT: 50 000 (MAX capacity.)

Physical attributes: [Dark Vision] [Destroyed Mind] [Inorganic Body] [Madness Lifeform] [Parasitic Immortality] [Divisibility]

Skills: [Master Summoning Magic; LV:9]] [Nightmare Magic: 9] [Advanced Deal Making, LV:9] [Advanced Wish Granting, LV:9] [Mind Country, LV:9] [Dream Mark, LV:9] [Mad Infection, LV: 9] [ Advanced Telekinesis, LV:9] [ [ Summon Symbol,Lv:9] [Advanced Knife Combat, LV:9] [Advanced Athletize, LV:9] [Advanced Knife Throw, LV:9] [Advanced Poison Knowledge, LV:9] [Advanced Qi manipulation, LV:9] [ Advanced (Corrupted) Holy Magic, LV:9] [Advanced (Corrupted) Compound Magic, LV:9] [Division, LV:9]

Martial Art: [Swift Step] [ Mantra of Madness] [Words of the Black Fox]

Spirit weapon: [Bayonet]

Passive skills: [Advanced Herbology; LV:9] [Silver Thang Lv:9] [Regeneration, LV:9] [Mass Manipulation, LV:9] [Tantalus's touch] [Sloth, LV:9]

Resistances: [Poison] [Fire]

Curses: [Iophobia] [Holy Burn]

Unique Skills: [Body Physic Manipulation] [Harvest]

Titles: [Broken Soul] [Enemy of God] [Cursed Book Owner] [Revenge Driven] [Decorator] [Heartless] [Insane] [Peak of Race] [Unique Monster]


"...You know, considering that I am supper loaded with powerful skills, it would be nice if my states will also rise. None of them reach a hundred for god's sake! Should I work out? Is that even going to help? At least it will give me abbs. Wait, I can definitely make abbs for myself with my power so it would be pointless. Lifting waits then? Maybe running? Well doing it in the sand is a massive pain, so I need to make a big part of it from rock. Then again building only that sounds lame. I should also build houses, facilities, sewer systems. Oh, and a place! Since I am now a god or whatnot, I should make a place for me to stay. Yes, I like it. And I have just an idea of what to call it. I should thank my literature teacher for it.

The lonely city of hell, Dis.

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