Summoning Went Wrong

Volume 2. Chapter 3. Up and down

My puppet in the jungle continued his journey, finding more and more corpses yet no weapons even with the signs of destruction all around.

Soon finally I found something alive. It was a pack of lizard-wolf-monkey things eating a poor bastard while letting out sounds similar to laughter.

"...Well it at least allows me to try out my newest skill. Spirit Weapon: Bayonet!"

The air at my puppet's chest started to faintly glow in a white light. Then from it, some particles of light escaped, forming something that looked like a knife. When the puppet took it, even I could feel the energy cursing through my body.

[Spirit weapon been formed.]

[Please name it]

"... Do I really need to name this thing? Well, I will do that when I am done with these guys."

Because it was fricking bright, the monsters noticed me. One of them jumped unto a tree and lashed itself from above while the other two came running at the ground.

Not hesitating, I made my avatar jump back before using telekinesis to push one away. Its power has been really weakened. Contrary to when I used it to flatten the guards, it only made them take a few steps backward.

"... Damn it. Light Magic: Light Arrows."

A series of small arrows flew out of my open hand. Fortunately for me, one of the beasts received it in its eye, making it fall onto the ground.

The two others didn't seem to be bothered much by it, they continued to come at me.

The one on the trees jumped at the same time when the one on the ground jumped at me.


Even from a distance, I could control the smallest cell in my puppet's body. With almost no effort I condensed some parts of its slimy body into rock-hard spikes.

The beasts who were unable to stop in their tracks rushed right into it, impaling themselves on it. The puppet didn't fell over, because of the spike that was embedded into the ground. Slowly it returned to its original form.

"... Nice. Then let's get rid of the last one..."

I looked around, but the last beast was already long gone leaving no trail behind.

"... Well, then I suppose I need to take care of you guys. But how do I do that... Oh, I know!

I made an incision on the neck of the two monsters making a pound of blood that made a reflection.

"Dealmaker. Dealmaker. Dealmaker."

And bam. A portal appeared before me! I severed the visual connection I had between the puppet and me and went through the portal, finding myself standing over the pool of blood. It was a pleasant feeling the wind on my skin and hearing the birds singing with my own ears.

"I am a bloody genius!"

I stepped out from the pool and I grabbed the two corpses.

"The contract is terminated."

Like before I became dust and reappeared at my throne with the corpses of the two beasts, which also started to become green gooey.

"I wonder if this only happens with the dead. The living might show a different reaction."

I let go of the two bodies that fell loudly onto the ground before turning into cylinders as well.

[2 beast avatars received.]

[Would you wish to activate them?]

"Beast avatars? So, their kind depends on their race. This changes things. I need to start gathering corpses, to build an army. Yeah, that sounds perfect and these guys are the first ones to be part of it!"

I sent a considerable amount of my energy to the cylinders that immediately change their colors to blue and started to change their forms.

[Beast avatars made]

[Connecting senses...]

[Connection complete.]

[Do you wish to link them to other avatars?]

"I can do what? "

[ By linking them to other avatars you are able to control them more easily. By the connection these beings will become as strong as the avatar they a linked to.]

[Number of avatars that can be linked:5]

"...I just had a great idea."


Yi Bei POV:

"Kill her!"

"Don't let her run away!"

"This spirit beast will be mine!"

Ever since the last test has started, I have been a target. I believe the cause of it is what happened to me earlier.


5 hours earlier:

Listen up! Each one of you has applied for the entrance test of the sect! I should not tell you that you have sold away your lives and break any ties with your family by doing so! From here on out you are nobodies, who are trying to enter the sect! Is that clear!"

"YES!" I and the crowd shouted. There were easily 3000 people in this white space, where they brought us after we signed the papers.

"Then each one of you come here and let one of the elders from our sect test your qi! If it is acceptable then you pass. If not, we will throw you into a random forest! Is that understandable!"


It took a very long time. 10 elders examining 300 people each. In the beginning, they did their job earnestly, but after a while they started to discriminate, sending away the poorest looking ones, not doing their jobs properly.

Which also meant that I was in a problem. My clothing where normal, I had dirt all over me.

When I was my turn the bearded alder took one glance at me before looking back at the scroll that he was reading.

"Put your hands on the ball then get out."

As he said I put my hands on it, then I started to send all my energy into it.

The crystal ball started to send out a purple light with a little dark blue in the middle.

The elder looked up from his scroll then let out a snore.

"You're lucky you have passed. The next one you won't." he threw a card at me then he returned to his reading.

Soon after this everyone was done. From 3000 only about 1000 made it. Those who didn't pass were sent immediately sent away never to be seen again.

"Congratulation to your passing. Now for the next test!" the old man in a golden rob clapped his hands together.

Our surroundings changed and I found myself at what seemed to be a forest clearing. In front of me stood a muscular man at my age, looking maliciously at me.

"The second test is easy!" the voice of the old man could be heard in the distance. "Even with a sufficient amount of qi, an untrained body is meaningless. For you to advance at the last test, you have to defeat your opponent! Killing is allowed! Those who lose will be immediately sent away and all their belongings will be given to the victor! Now Fight!"

The muscular man showed me a perverted smile while cracking his knuckles.

"Too bad missy. I am a 7. Stage Qi Gatherer. Give up and I might not kill you."

I said nothing I just stand there flowing my qi into my fists.

Seeing that I wouldn't give up, the brute let out a long sigh before his body became covered by a red qi.

"Don't say I didn't warn you! Earth Shattering Fist!"

He punched the air, from his fist a shock wave came, that shattered the ground.

It was a strong technique, yet it was slow.

I effortlessly jumped aside evading it. Then before he could launch his attack, I opened my palm that was overflowing with purple energy.


Similarly, to his attack, mine was also a shockwave. Yet mine didn't only shatter the ground. It also pushed the air, hitting my opponent with a force equal to that of an elephant.

From the attack, he spun in the air before falling unconscious on the ground.

"Block 235 over! Yi Bei is the winner!"

Followed by the voice my opponent disappeared before my eyes.

"The last test is easy! Survive! We will only accept 250 disciples! Survive or kill till the counter reach the appropriate number! Currently, there are still 446 left! Good luck!"

This is easy I only need to hide somewhere safe and wait out the counter to turn 250.

'My employer wishes to talk to you.'

The voice in my head almost gave me a heart attack.


'...Don't know he only said it is urgent.'

"Oh, eh Ok, wait a sec!" I took out the hand mirror that I brought with me. "Dealmaker. Dealmaker. Dealmaker."

The mirror turned completely black and black smoke started to rise from it. The smoke slowly condensed into an image of the demon wearing a deer skull and a black cape.

"Good day, Mis Yi Bei. Thank you for accepting my sudden request." The figure bowed respectably.

"N-Not at all!"

I don't know why this figure causes me to become shy. As if I was before my father again, feeling insignificant, weak, useless.

"Well, here is why I came. Firstly, there has been a big change that you should know."

"A change?"

Will he take away my powers?

"Yes. You see I have been just warned that you accepted to be possessed by one of my subordinates. You say in this kind of situation you should have told this detail but it seems that he forgot to tell you."

"W-What is it?"

"What I am talking about is something that is called a Spirit Weapon."

"A Spirit Weapon? Do you mean Spirit Tool?"

Spirit Tools are one of the most essential objects that cultivators seek. Depending on their strengths one may be able to defeat one that is several stages above them.

"I am not familiar with that term. What I mean is that by combining the power of a demon and a human you may create a weapon made out of your own soul. They are powerful weapons and supposedly each has a unique ability. "

"Then those that mean that I can also use it?"

"Probably. But you need to train with it. And speaking of training there is something I wish to ask from you."

"What is it?" a cold sweat run down on my face.

"When you kill a monster and you are the opportunity, could I ask you to sacrifice them to me? You may take their cores, fangs, and what notes."

"W*Why do you need something like that?"

"Let's just say that I got bored with goats." He let out a long sigh." If you help me, I will give you this."

He lifted his cap, showing darkness under it. From it, a small creature resembling a deer came out. The only difference was that its skull was exposed and a blue flame was dancing in its sockets.

"Cute isn't it? It is called Hell Deer. By becoming his master, you will receive a great boost of energy and he will become as you train. He doesn't need food or sleep and he will be inside you when you are not fighting like my employee."

I kneeled and stretched my hand to the deer. It started at my hand before it came closer and pressed his cold skull at me.

He is surprisingly docile.

"I accept the terms."

"...This wasn't a contract, but I appreciate your formality. I will leave now, it seems like you will have company soon."

The demon bowed again before turning into dust again.


As he said several people came out from the nearby wood, each having a different dangerous expression on their face.

Oh, boy here comes the trouble.


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I did it! Now I have a supply of bodies! And with that, I can increase the number of my puppets! Hehehehe!

Not only that but giving her that beast and the information about Spirit Weapon, her loyalty towards me should have been increased, making it easier for me to manipulate her in the future! If I can turn her into a worshiper or even a fanatic, I can lure more idiots to sign a contract with me.


[Puppet been destroyed!]

"What? Oh, shit I completely forgot the one I left in the jungle! It must have been that stupid monkey-wolf-lizard thing!"


[Breach been detected.!]

"A what?"

As if answering my question, a portal opened up before me. It was different from the others that I have seen so far. They usually look like if space was a glass and some parts were missing. This one was perfectly round, red, and pulsing as if it had a heartbeat.

I have a bad feeling about this.

From it, a short figure came out.

A kid?

It was a young kid, looking around 8 years old, with flaming red hair and eyes. She wore an expensive-looking black dress. In her small hand, she held the head of one of my puppets, dripping the blue liquid it was made of, only so that she can drop it on my clean floor.

A goth lolly?

"So, this is where it came from! Hey, you in that stupid-looking mask, are you the boss here?"

Stupid-looking mask? Did you look at yourself brat?! And what is that attitude?

"Yes. My name is Dealmaker. How may I help you, young lady?"

The girl smiled at me revealing her exceptionally long canines. Her eyes on the other hand didn't seem friendly the slightest. It was the eyes of someone who think they are better than anyone, that they can do whatever they want.

Even with my memories being jumbled up, this is something that I will never forget.

Also, is she a vampire? A goth lolly vampire? Now I have seen everything! I wonder why those she won't melt. Maybe because she's alive or it is thanks to being a flipping vampire.

"My name is Isabel, leader of the Blood clan and follower of the Goddess of Crimson. Your minion just killed and wounded some of my own people."

"I am terribly sorry to hear that. May I ask you what happened to him?" I pointed t the head on the floor.

"I ripped his stupid head off and used his remains to get here, wherever here is." She said it as if it was something nonimportant.

She used its remains? Is that possible? I need to be more careful. Maybe call the puppets back immediately when they are killed.

"I see. Thank you for telling me this. I am terribly sorry for you to come here only to tell me this. I wish you far well. "

I was about to turn away when I sensed a dangerous air surround her.

"Not so fast! You have to pay for the damages that you have caused."

"And how I may satisfy your desire?"

"Easy. Give me everything that you have and leave this castle that which is now my property. Then swear allegiance to me and the Goddess. Immediately."

T-This brat! She is so arrogant! Did her parents never teach her any decency? And swearing allegiance?! Who those she think I am?!

"Young lady, I am a professional deal maker, I have made a lot of deals in my life (not true). I have shaken hands with kings and queens (I never did) and rubbed elbows with one of the most important peoples in the world( lying at max), newer in my entire life have I heard a joke so bad. Please leave no-"

Before I could finish my sentence, she appeared right before my head, and with a strong kick, she broke my mask's front part.

"No one disobeys me. If you won't submit to me willingly then you leave me a choice but to force you! Tremble before my might!

She took on a fighting position, then she launched herself in the air.

"Telekinesis: Push!"

In spite of anger, I used a little too much force and I accidentally crushed her into a stain of gore onto the broken floor.

"This is what you get for messing with me you little- OH, God she is moving!"

Her body twitched while the blood around her started to move back into her body. In no time she was completely healed, smiling like an idiot.

"Is this the best you can do?"

This little runt! It seems like I need to go all out.

I always wanted to try out what I was doing right now, but I didn't have the power, time, or reason to use it.

While increasing my size with [Mass Manipulation] I used my unique ability to use the gained materials to shape arms that grew out of my back, each having a mouth at its end, readying an incantation of a different spell. Also, my mask became completely heled and an extra, smaller set of horns grew out right next to the old ones. From the mass on my back, I was forced on all fours, but I changed my limbs so that it wouldn't bother me.

During all this, my clothing was long gone so I was technically wearing my birthday suit, but I was so pissed I didn't care.

When I was done. I looked like a beast from someone's nightmares.

"Last chance, brat! Leave or die!"

The girl didn't seem to be frightened by my distorted appearance, she just kept on smiling.

"And miss out on something as fun as this? Never! Soul Weapon: Crimson Scythe" her blood started to appear behind her, that took a shape of a scythe.

"So be it! Feel the power of someone who survived the wrath of heaven!" I turned each of my palms that were filled with magic in her direction" Original Magic: Rain of Hundred Elements!"


Name: Destin Torres

Race: Living Madness (Infant God)

Rank: Mortal

Stage: 1

Job: Master Summoner, Madness Maker, Parasite, Lawyer,

LV: 1/1000

HP: 10 123/10 123

MP: 11 540/11 540

QP: 300/300

STR: 50

VIT: 0

SPD: 80

MRES: 90

Skill PT: 50 000 (MAX capacity.)

Physical attributes: [Dark Vision] [Destroyed Mind] [Inorganic Body] [Madness Lifeform] [Parasitic Immortality] [Divisibility]

Skills: [Master Summoning Magic; LV:9]] [Nightmare Magic: 9] [Advanced Deal Making, LV:9] [Advanced Wish Granting, LV:9] [Mind Country, LV:9] [Dream Mark, LV:9] [Mad Infection, LV: 9] [ Advanced Telekinesis, LV:9] [ [ Summon Symbol,Lv:9] [Advanced Knife Combat, LV:9] [Advanced Athletize, LV:9] [Advanced Knife Throw, LV:9] [Advanced Poison Knowledge, LV:9] [Advanced Qi manipulation, LV:9] [ Advanced (Corrupted) Holy Magic, LV:9] [Advanced (Corrupted) Compound Magic, LV:9] [Division, LV:9]

Martial Art: [Swift Step] [ Mantra of Madness] [Words of the Black Fox]

Spirit weapon: [Bayonet]

Passive skills: [Advanced Herbology; LV:9] [Silver Thang Lv:9] [Regeneration, LV:9] [Mass Manipulation, LV:9] [Tantalus's touch] [Sloth, LV:9]

Resistances: [Poison] [Fire]

Curses: [Iophobia] [Holy Burn]

Unique Skills: [Body Physic Manipulation] [Harvest]

Titles: [Broken Soul] [Enemy of God] [Cursed Book Owner] [Revenge Driven] [Decorator] [Heartless] [Insane] [Peak of Race] [Unique Monster]


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