Summoning Went Wrong

Volume 2. Chapter 4. Fight!

" Original Magic: Rain of Hundred Elements!"

From each of my hands, a different type of magic shout out.

The barrage of attacks reached the area where she studs, deforming the landscape completely.

When the sand steeled down where she was a second ago was now a crater.

"Ugh, I might have overdone it."

I used up a monstrous amount of mana making me feel dizzy.

I made a smaller body on top of this big one and disconnected from it. When I was done, I returned to my regular old, suited form, leaving behind a lot-handed carcass.

Yeeeah, I will deal with that later. Maybe use it as a reserve of materials for a project or maybe eat it. Is that cannibalism? Can I even eat this thing?

"Still, it's a shame that I was unable to capture her. It would have been useful to steal her technique of opening portals. Oh well, there must be more like her on the other side, I only need to find them and ask them."


From under the sand, something resembling a huge drill emerged that turned into a pound of blood when there was no more sand on it. From there that annoying brat stepped out with a huge grin on her face.

"That was awesome! I have never seen anything so powerful! Do you have more? ~"

She opened her palm and the blood on the sand reformed into her weapon.

"...Do you even realize what is happening here?"

"Oh, course I do! I am in the middle of beating a monster into the service of my Goddess! Just imagine the size of the reward I will get when I take you and this place to her!"

"...You are mad."

"I am not! ~ I am determined! ~ "

"Believe me from experience, there is a thin line between the two. If not, I will free you from that burden. Spirit Weapon: Bayonet."

I materialized my knife then took on a fighting stance.

With my [Advanced Knife Combat] and my petrifying hand there was a chance that I could hold her off till my MP goes up a little so that I could finish this fight with a barrage of spells.

The brat kept the eye contact with me for a while then using her weapon to push herself into the air she started to spin horizontally at a crazy speed.

"Soul Weapon Technique: Crimson Moon!"

I jumped aside from her attack then I stabbed her in the abdomen. Surprisingly some blood spread there just in time to block my blade.


I moved aside from her next attack and took on the same combat stance.

"[Swift Step]"

Using my martial art, I shortened the distance between us in light speed then I stabbed in the direction of her face.

Again, her blood blocked the attack.

But I noticed. Something in her eye.

She attacked again and this time she managed to scratch my abdomen a little.

".... I see. Your power is not blood control. The blood itself is sentient, protecting you, and moving your body, like a puppet. Like a parasite."

She didn't answer but the wide smile on her face disappeared for a second, proving me right.

"I give you a last chance. Give up. Now that I know how your power works, it will be easy as pie to counter it."

"... Are you? Soul Weapon Technique: Full Armament!"

A massive amount of blood started to appear around her, creating a seat of crimson armor and a pair of swords.

"In this form, I have never lost any fight, not even against the Apostol of the God of Thunder!"

"...Sigh, then I should also go serious. [Swift Step]"

I enhanced my speed and run in her direction. She or her blood raised her guard, but I run past her, only stopping at the huge body I left behind.

Hope this works.

I transformed my left hand into a spike and showed it into one of the arms of my old body.

"Body Physic Manipulation: Liquification!"

Spreading from where I cut it, my old body started to turn dark blue and jelly-like.


At my command the jelly body popped, flooding the entire area, swallowing even me.

While in the flood my body transformed into the same material, fusing with it, making me able to see and hear everything that is happening around and above it.

Like seeing that annoying brat flying in the sky, with a newly made batwings on her back.

Seriously is this girl entirely made from that particular body fluid?!

While keeping my main part hidden in the dark blue slime I emerged. This time I took the form of a very thin being, and my favorite deer mask, without decorations.

"What are you doing up there? Come on down the water is fine!"

"Like hell, I will go down! Unlike you, I can attack from long range!"

"What a coincidence!" I snapped my fingers. "I can do that too! Spike!"

From the area where she stood, a huge spike has formed and shut into the sky.

The brat managed to avoid it, but I created more and more following her. Thanks to the abundance of materials, I could create and deconstruct them at a terrible fast speed.

"Soul Weapon Technique: Chains of Redemption!


When the sword in her left become a thin, whip-like object that came in my direction. I raised my hand and let it touch me.

"Ha, now I got you!"


Several pointy spikes came out from the ground, launching themselves at her. If not for the armor that was protecting her, she would have died in that instant.

"Sigh, this is getting troublesome. What is my MP right now?"

[MP: 5 5430/11 540]

I can use that hug form again. Or I can do that too...

While wondering, the whip around my hand started to become greyer and greyer, until it dissolved into sand. Before it could spread her main armor, she cut it off, then used the remaining blood to make her remaining sword bigger.

"Finally. Now it's time to-"

Bam! She cut down the spikes that I have created and came at me at high speed.

"-Don't underestimate me. Spike forest."

One after other spikes came out of the ground, but she cut them down one after the other while she came closer to me.

"Damn it. Then what about this? Spiked Wall!"

Right before she reached me a wall covered in spikes emerged between us. Her momentum didn't let her stop, or the blood decided that it was worth it, but she just went at it, breaking through it allowing several ones to embed themselves into her.

Not giving me time to wake up from my shock something unexpected happened.

She cut me. In two.

"Y-You Brat."

I fell face forward, unable to say another word.

The girl floated above m, while she took off her helmet revealing her sweat covered face.

"You were strong. Stronger than any of the enemies that I ever faced. Dealmaker was it. I will remember it.



...." Dome"

At my command, she was immediately imprisoned in a bubble made out of my slime. I added more and more layer so that she wouldn't escape from me before was done.

My upper part and lover part fused together, and I was back up.

"I know that you are unable to hear it but I will say it out loud as the good villain I am. My whole body is made out of this slime. Cutting some parts off will not hinder me in anything. To kill me you need to find my core in the middle of all this goo. Well, this was entertaining, follower of the Goddess of something, but I have the feeling that it is time for us to say goodbye. Arms creation. Mouths creation. Activating Holy Magic: Blessing of Light. In 3;2;1 go!"

Before the countdown ended, I created another copy as far as I could where I placed my core. The funny thing was, I could see everything in this state, except for my own core. It was kinda poetic, the inability of seeing your own soul. Damn, that is good I need to make a song about that.

Soon the whole doom started to fume and then it erupted in a giant light erasing everything that it touched.

"Well, I am a demon and I just used about 20 high-tier holy spells at once. If this doesn't kill the vampire then I will really be in a bad situation.

I waited and waited but the holly explosion was still going on, showing no sign of stopping.

"...I should do something in the meantime. Like finally naming this thing."

I called out my knife and started to think about a suitable name for it.

"Obviously Staby is out of the picture. Pointy? No, I need to think this through. Hmmm, I was fortunate to find this thing, so why not Fortuna."

[Spirit weapon Accepted name: FortunaDue to fear of other possibilities.)]

Great (I think?).

[Spirit Weapon is now capable of evolution.]

"Can I use Skill PT to evolve it?"

[... Skill Pt is usable to for evolution.]

"Hehe, then use them to evolve it to its limit."

[...15 430 Skill Pt been used.]

[Spirit weapon evolved into: Specter Weapon]

[New technique learned: Million thrust]

[Specter Weapon evolved into: Blessed Weapon]

[Weapon type bean change to: Bayoneted Musket]

[New Technique learned: [One Shoot]]

[Blessed evolved into: Soul Weapon]

[New Technique learned: [Change Bullet]]

[For further evolution please select a deity to follow.]

The knife in my hand has turned into a fricking gun! A gun! Okay it looked more like a short spear, but still, I got a gun! How cool is that?! I need to see what this beauty will look like when further evolved.

"Show me the possibilities."

When the words left my mouth, a tablet appeared before my eyes. Because of the radiating light in the background, it looked kinda holy.


Selectable deities:

Goddess of light and order: [Un-selectable due to personal resentment]

God of fire and pain: [Selectable]

Goddess of the moon: [Selectable]

Goddess of the sun: [Un-selectable due to affinity]

God of aging: [Selectable]

Goddess of tough: [selectable]

Goddess of blood: [Un-selectable due to personal resentment.]



And it went on and one and on.

There was a shitload of gods to choose from.

"The goddess of blood and Astera herself hate me? Well, I can understand her considering what I just did to her follower. And the church. Even though it was an accident...Where is my cane?"

I scrolled up and down till I found something interesting.

Good of @#&&#: [Selectable] (Recommended)

"Why not? Things can't go worse right? Select."

[God of @#&&# been selected]

[Sending a message to God of @#&&#...]

[Message sent.]

[You have received a message from: Destin Torres.]

"Wait what?"

In that instant, my body felt strange. The feeling was like taking off a huge weight from my body. I was light and powerful.

[Update received]

[Race been upgraded to Infant God of Madness]

[You are now able to connect to [Divine Radio].]

[Weapon Eirene has been upgraded to Divine Weapon.]

[Currently occupied space been set as Divine Dimension.]

[Controls for divine space been received.]

Whohuuuu I am a god now! The top of the food chain! Suck it, prince! When I get out of her I will-


-Now you are doing it on purpose.

[Curse [Holy Burn] revealed itself]

[Curse [Holy Burn] has evolved into [Divine Chains] ]

[Due to curse [Divine Burn] user is unable to leave Divine Dimension more than 5 minutes.]

[All future avatars will lose physical bodies when exciting divine space.]

[Main body is now locked on skills related to Madness.]

[Skills not related to Madness can't be acquired.]

[Do you wish to reconstruct the body for more efficient use?]

"Sure, why not, you already locked me in-"

[Reconstructing body!]

The dark slime that made up my body suddenly been pulled into me, forcing it to mutate.

First, my body became covered in dark pointy fur. My limbs started to stretch out and claws grew at the end of my fingers. During this, I became crazily thin, my spine and ribs were visible. Also, my mask has completely fused with me, with its teeth becoming incredibly sharp.

When the transformation was finished thoughts that I never considered, voices that I never heard flooded my mind, telling me to do things. Terrible, bloody, fun things.

It took me all my power to push them down keeping them under control.

"I ...I am... Destin... I will not... I will not..."

I fell on my knees, feeling that my body started to change again especially on my back.

While on the ground I noticed that not far away from the dome of light something came out of the sand.

Something red.

"Kill. Eat. Kill. Eat. Kill Eat. Eat and Kill!"


??? POV:

"Are you sure that it is safe?"

"The portal is, but what is on the other side is a different question. You all saw the goddess's message. We cannot her die."

"Ya, we know. Don't worry we will bring her back, even if it takes our lives."

"Dude, you just raised a flag there."

"Okay, shut up we are going through."

I and the tribe's strongest hunters passed through the red portal, finding ourselves in a white sanded desert in the middle of the night with the sound of a battle nearby.

"ugh, the air here is unbreathable!"

"What is this poor mana quantity!? It is suffocating!"

"Don't whine the faster we get her back, the sooner we can leave this wasteland!"

We went over a dune to see what was causing the noise.

In the middle of a crater were two people fighting fiercely. One of them was short wearing a crimson armor. The other was a monster with a deer head and something like a pair of white wings on its back.

The two parties seemed to be in equal strengths, but it was clear that the black one was winning, seeing how much of his hits were landing.

"What the hell is that thing?!"

"Who cares? Kill it! Blessed Weapon: Red Bow!"

"Blessed Weapon: Crimson Sword!"

Before I could even commend them, they called out their weapons and rushed down to the crater.

"Idiots. Soul Weapon: Crimson Ax."

When I materialized my weapon and jumped down the two beings separated.

"" The voice from the armor was weak. On a closer look. I could see that the armor was dented, and she was missing an arm.

She is low on energy. We need to get her out of here before it is too late.

"More people? How nice. We have enough people for today's entertainment! We will dance, sing, burn, and kill to our heart's content!"

What is this thing talking about?

This thing had a terribly thin body, with a head of a deer skull. On its back were not wings but huge deer antennas from where jewels were hanging.

"First thing first we need a little ambiance! Nightmare Magic: Maddening Sounds!"

The monster clapped his hands creating a small shockwave.

Unlike the others, I was fast enough to react to it, by jumping backward.

"Soul Weapon Technique: Bloodied Steps!"

By infusing more blood into my leg, I jumped higher out of the range of the shockwave.

My team, who were hit by it, fell on their knees and started to laugh maniacally while they killed themselves with their own weapon.

"This this thing-"

"Oooohhhhh~ it seems that I missed one. It would be unjust to your friends to leave you out. ~ Come here!~ "

The creature launched itself at me, but not before Our Apostol punched it in the side sending it away.


I didn't ask I only followed her command. I grabbed her and by using my enhanced leg strengths I jumped out of the crater.

Not stopping, we started to run.

Behind us, we could hear something slimy following us, but I didn't dare to look back.

"I will kill you all! You hear me! I butcher your family, friends, your pets everyone who even laid eyes upo-"

I couldn't hear the words of the beast, due to us jumping through the portal.

Thanks to the Prophet, the glowing wormhole immediately closed upon our exit leaving us in safety.

"We did it. I can't believe we did it! Apostle I – Apostle ?"

My relief was brief, due to the scene behind her melting armor. Her entire body was burned black, only held together by her blood. It was a miracle that she was still alive.

"My goddess, what the hell did that thing do to you?!"

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