Summoning Went Wrong

Volume 2. Chapter 17. Trouble in Hell

RIght, I forgot to take that part out. I wrote the last chapter during the exam periods. I have already passed it and got accepted to my dream university.

As for the other story, I am currently re-writing it and planning to post it on this website as a test, to see if its works. 

Now onto the story! 







Nope, I hate it. I will stick to Dealmaker thank you.

[The user is now able to access The Celestial Realm.]

[The user is now able to access the Underground]


[Affiliation set as: Evil]

[User is now able to access the Deep Dungeon]

[User is now able to create and hand out blessings and skills]

[Commencing Accession...]

The energy that was running through my body suddenly expanded, forcing me to transform, turning me into various grotesque things while my mind felt like expanding.

I see it now. I understand it now. The world, this universe, everything in this world... its madness! Everyone is insane! They try to fit in in a society that does not accept them, they need to suppress their true selves, fighting to crawl out from their shackles, forgetting their own identity! No one is really who they are! They are all just actors. I am just an actor! I am... what?

In my frenzy, I saw something.

in a black void, there was a blue source of light.

It was a piece of blue tainted glass, covered in scratches and fragments floating alongside it.

I saw it for the first time, yet I understand everything about it.

It was once weak, but whole and stable. Now it's strong, but broken, missing most of its mass, on the brink of vanishing.

It was me.

It was my soul.

"I refuse. This is not me! I am mighty. I have survived so many things, yet this is what I am?! A small, broken pebble?! I will never accept this!

While frenzying several months on my deformed body formed screaming, shouting what I was thinking.




"I AM-"


I calmed down, suddenly realizing something.

Yes, when I was banished into that hell, my personality was split. Maybe... YES, they must have the other parts of my soul! I can imagine it; those fuckers must have stolen them from me when I was banished trying to save their own skin.


"They abandoned me."

"I have been tricked."


Yes, revenge. I will take revenge on them. I will get my soul fragments back. With only 1/7 I became a god. What would happen if I became whole again?




"I will become whole!"

Slowly my body returned to normal.

[Ascension Complete.]

[Welcome Melino, God of Madness]


In several worlds, in prisons asylums, and churches several people could hear a voice in their head. The voice could be heard in their head. It was deep and powerful carrying a sound that reminded them that of a sinister bell.

"Be free. Be whole. Be strong. Be mighty. Release your desires, release the hidden power slumbering in you. Show the world what you see, show the people what you worth. Show the god of madness, Melino that you are worthy to be called human and offer your sanity as tribute."


I returned to my homeworld looking at the newly acquired bracelet that was attached to my arm.

With a single thought, I made it display a series of different holograms showing me what I needed.

[Do you wish to set the entire City of Dis as your official Divine Realm?]


[Selection complete.]

[Commencing Program...]

Through my city, a blue wave of light washed over, before it started to expand farther than the eye could see.

[Requirements meant.]

[New Divine Realm Created: Lonely City Dis]

[Feline Colosseum and 5 other Divine Domains are being absorbed...]

[Divine Domain: Colosseum of the Damned and Street of Silver been created]

[Own Divine Domain received: Chapel of the Fallen.]


While inhaling the cigarette I opened a new window that showed my reflection.

"Damn, I look old."

For the first time in a long while I was seeing my face, my human face without my mask.

My hair turned white while my eyes became crimson red. My skin was also white as if I never saw a sun before and it was stretching onto my skull giving me the look of an undead-

" This is me...right?"

Truth be told, I wasn't sure who I was anymore. My body has been damaged and changed so many times, my soul literally crushed to pieces, that I was not even sure who I actually was.

Am I even the real one and not just a fragment? No, I am the real one. I am in control of this body, so it has to mean that.

I am the original.

'... Are you?'

"Who said that?!"

I turned around looking for the man who just talked to me. There was no one beside me in the throne room.

'You are maybe just a fragment from the original that was left behind in this body. You may just have luck.'

It-It was coming from my head. The voice, it was mine.

"Shut up."

'How sad. The mighty God is just a pall copy, not even a real person.'

"Shut up."

'You are nothing. I bet the original is doing better than you! He might have even become a god the instant he got rid of you!'

"I said, Shut Up!"

I grabbed my mask and put it back on, silencing the voice.

"I am the original. I am Des- No! I am The Dealmaker! I am Melino! Do you hear?! I am the real me!"

I waited to calm down before I called for several people.

Soon, 6 people walked in, each wearing the white uniform I gave them.

Amongst them was Bei, who was still in her new form, grinning like a child who just entered a toy store.

Next to her was a tall woman, whose face was covered by a bird skull mask, that had beautifully painted flowers all over it.

She was the queen beast demon, Cara.

Next, was the tattoo artist, the insect demon Aranha. Like usual she wore her white kimono that had enough place in its sleeve for all her six arms.

Not far behind was a green giant with a blank expression on its face. The king ogre demon: Rassul.

Then there was a man who had a white smooth surface for a head, with just two black holes on the front.

Over him, a skeleton, wearing a black robe was floating, poisonous black smoke surrounding his waist and arms. He was the lich lord: Moman.

"Did you call for us my lord?"

Next to me, a young man who had half of his face covered by a mask emerged from the shadows. He quickly ran to the others and together they kneeled before me.

"Yes. You guys are just in time. I have a particularly important job for each of you."

I sat on my throne, acting high and mighty while trying to find the right words to sound intimidating.

"As you all know, I have finally become a god, taking my righteous place amongst the celestials."


Loud. You guys are too loud.

"But don't be swayed. After this, there are still many things to do. With this power, I was given the opportunity to create a habitable world our subjects can live. But I do not accept weakness. So Rassul, your task will be to organize a great tournament where each race will select a contestant. The five winners will be the master races of this world. "

"As you wish my lord!"

"Moman, I will need you and your team to summon more workers. When the world is created, we will need architects to build our civilization."

The skeleton said nothing, just bowed.

"Aranha, I will need you to stop with the Colossus project for now. Go and train some apprentice tattoo artists who I will send out to that world to work.

"Naturally, I have already started their formation. They will be ready in a month.

"Perfect. Bei, I will need you to return to your old world with the demon cultivators. Create a sect called the Deer Harvesters and recruit as many cultivators as you can. I will give you more orders after that."

"Yeeeees, my lord!~"

"Gaden and Sight, you two will have the hardest work." The bowling ball head and the young man looked up to me, still kneeling "Go to the gate at the forest that leads to the world where the intruders came in. There try to blend in and gather as many useful-looking things as you can. If you can even bring strong-looking people here, that would be great."

"Yes, my lord."

"As for you, queen of beasts, I have something very special for you to do. I will put you in charge of the newly created demon squad. Use them to collect more followers."

"Consider it done."

When everyone was kneeling before me, I felt a feeling of accomplishment never before.

I am a king. A god! No one will be able to stop me.

When everyone went on their way and I was alone again, I opened my system.

"Strat world creation."

Before me, a huge screen manifested packed full of settings and diagrams.

"...Bloody hell."


"This is going to be so much fun!"

Bei laughed like a child.

"Seriously who those he thinks he is, ordering us all over the place. We are the ones who are keeping this entire place running for goods' sake!"

Truth was, Dis was a mess. There was no law, no food distribution, no healthcare, no education, or even designed living areas.

Their god just left them be, not carrying about what they do, viewing his people as nothing more than breakable toys.

The generals were the ones that made the order in this hell.

They created order where there was chaos, making the people of Dis respect them as heroes.

When they left the tower, deciding that they will need a drink they went to the lower levels.

The space here wasn't used, so a sort of market has developed there. Stalls with food and drinks were lining up on the road with different monsters going on in their daily life.

" Who's turn to pay the bills?"

"I paid last time so it's Moma's turn."

"Isn't it unfair, considering that he doesn't eat anything?"

"I don't see him complaining."

The skeleton said nothing just took out a pink purse checking if there was any money left in it.

Seeing this Bei started to laugh.

"It seems like I will be the one who will pay for the food today!"

Truth be told, they didn't need food. Thanks to the Demonification, they could sustain themselves with the energy they had in themselves but consuming something did provide them with something else. Joy and a reason to take a break.

Soon, they entered an establishment that served as a pub. It was dimly lit with candlelight and the furniture was made from cheap wood.

At the counter, a hobgoblin was currently cleaning a beer mug, when he noticed the newly arrived guests.

"Welcome back. The usual?"

"You said it, Toby!"

Bei and her colleagues sat before the counter as if they lived here.

"Coming right up. We have some fresh mana cores if you are interested, Sir Moman. On the house naturally."

The skeleton nodded, its bones cracking with excitement.

The tall woman, Carma, took off the lower part of her mask so that she could eat, before asking the barkeeper.

"Did you hear anything new?"

"Yes, plenty." The barkeeper put several mugs before them filled with beer. " The human cultists that our lord allowed to enter are making a fuss about us not being their slaves and jump at their every command. Seriously those guys are crazy. They even murdered an entire clan of imps. The killers were punished, but it didn't change their attitude at all. They have barricaded themselves in one of the empty halls, which they turned into a fortified temple. Idiots."

The beast queen sighed then sipped into her drink through a straw.

" Damn it, I need to work this thing out as soon as possible. Care to help me out, Toby boy? I will pay you well."

"I kindly refuse it, ma'am. With the cultivators and those birds masked guys around, I prefer staying in my bar. It's much calmer."

" Did you see them? How?" Gaden looks up from his drink, with a white foam mustache over his lips.

"No, but I heard rumors about them. They say that they are strong but, they have some sort of behavior problem that makes them difficult."

"...Sigh, Bei, Cara, I wish you luck." Gaden, turned back to his drink, uninterested.

"Hehehehe, this is going to be fun!~"

"I really hope it will be less of a bother than it sounds."

While they waited for their food, a commotion could be heard outside.

Cara, without looking up from her drink said." We are on break. Don't do it."

Too late. Gaden already left his seat.

"Damn it."

feeling that things will degenerate if she is not there, she followed him, leaving the others behind.

outside there was a group of monsters shouting at another group, which was composed of humans wearing red robes with a crooked black cross painted on their back.

"What happened here?"

The troll, a brown-skinned giant with a flat face, pointed at the humans while shouting, saliva spilling everywhere.

"They killed my female! They had the guts to do that and act as nothing happened! I will kill them!"

" You filthy monster!" one of the red robbed shouted back." Be happy that us, the chosen by God, blessed your whore by killing her! She must be delighted in the afterlife that she eased out boredom for a couple of minutes!"

In the middle of all this, Gaden was surrounded by a black murderous aura, his eyes becoming red and bestial.

" You are so dead."

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