Summoning Went Wrong

Volume 2. Chapter 18. Lonely Wolf and the Bird Queen

Copper city, 8 years ago:

"You are a toy! You have no right to complain! Guards! Take this macarena back into his cell and don't let him out for the week!"

The guards grabbed the young noble and dragged him to his room, which had a countless number of locks on it.

The nobble bashed the door while crying in anger and sorrow.

"Why? Just...why?"

In his entire life, he obeyed the rules. He followed them at the mark, never disobeying, never doing anything unneeded. He was raised to be the perfect son, the best nobleman.

During his childhood, all emotions slowly died in him due to his upbringing. Anger, happiness, self-awareness, the only important thing was the family name and prestige.

And he was like this till he met someone.

It was a commoner girl, working at the fields, outside the walls. She lost her siblings and parents due to the famine, yet she never stopped smiling. The boy met her while he was with his father, helping him in his monthly duties.

When they meet their gazes, they immediately fell in love with each other.

The feeling grew each time they crossed becoming a tight bond.

The boy, secretly ran away from his home to meet with the girl, teaching her how to read and write, hoping to give her a chance for a better life, while the girl gave him the gift of joy, something he never experienced before. The girl also taught him how to live together with the kings of the forest, the wolves, who, if they respect them, could bring them prey and protect them in danger.

The boy became a successful hunter, receiving the praises of his father and elder brothers.

Their romance lasted for 5 years, till the girl as well was struck by the famine, losing all her money and land due to the debts that pilled up.

The young noble, wishing to help his love, sneaked her into his mansion and gave her the post of a maid. The young girl was grateful at first, having a place to eat, sleep, and earn money, however, her joy soon turned into sorrow.

The house's mistress soon found out about her and his son's relationship.

She became furious, enraged by the action of his till now perfect son.

To break their bond, she gave various tasks to the pair trying to keep them separate.

She would send the young man away to long hunts while giving more and more tasks to the maid, burring her in work.

Yet, against her greatest efforts, the two always managed to meet somehow.

As a final attempt, the mistress sent his son to a prestigious school on the other side of the world.

Not having the will to disobey due to his upbringing, he accepted the enrollment.

With his talents and the teachings that he received from the girl, the noble soon became one of the top students of the institute. During his studies he sent letters to his bellowed each day, receiving answers almost immediately.

Slowly, his love soon became an obsession. Every waking moment he could only think of her, and in his dreams, he saw her, at the forest where they observed the stars.

Then something changed.

The letters stopped coming.

At first, he thought that the letters were only late, but after one month he started to worry.

Then he finally received an answer, in the form of a letter with a black seal.

His beloved died.

She perished in an accident, which occurred while she was gathering mushrooms in the forest.

Knowing well that that was impossible, the boy immediately left the school and rushed home, to have his answers.

His mother and father didn't even try to hide the truth from him. They killed the girl with poison and left her body to be eaten by the wolves, in hope of her demise would bring their son's senses back.

Not that they cared.

He wasn't even the first-born son, they only needed him to marry him to a rich family to secure funds for themselves.

He was just an investment that will bring a lot of money to them.

"Why? What did I do to deserve this? I did everything they told me. Why?"

"It's unjust."

Behind the noble on a chair, a man was sitting. It was wearing a strange black outfit, and had the head of a deer skull, with gems hanging from its antlers.

"You sacrificed so much for them. Your youth, your chance to find friends, your free time. Then, when you finally found something that interests you, they take it away from you. It must feel horrible."

The stranger chuckled, then stud up, casting an ominous shadow on the noble.

"Tell me, young man, is there any whish that still left in your body? Or despair have taken it all away from you?"

The noble couldn't answer. The only thing that he ever wanted was taken away from him. The only thing...

"I...I wish to be with her."

"Be with a corps? A corps, that was cleanly cleaned by wolves? Is that you want?"


He didn't care anymore. He just wanted to be with her.

"Very well. But to do that you have to pay."


The young man looked shocked at the man.

"Don't give me that look. Giving up on things isn't the same as paying with them. Tell me, oh broken noble of a prestigious family, what do you have that can pay such a heavy wish?"

What those he has? Money? No, that doesn't belong to him. Prestige? He is only an object without value. The only thing he had is-

"Life. I offer up my life to you. Just give her back to me."

The man seemed satisfied he extended his hand to him.

"Very well. Your wish will be granted."

The noble shake his hand, feeling something being sucked out of his body.

At that instant, everyone forgot about him.

His parents, his servants, his teachers, his roommate.

He ceased to exist. As if he never lived.

And from it, a new life emerged.


" I am giving you three seconds to apologize before I rip you to shreds."

A feeling of hate and rage filled his mind, reminding him of the life he left behind.

"The red robbed man looked at him their eyes full of pride.

"What? Do you dare go against the chosen ones of God? Bow before us, lonely monster and we might forgive you."


"You are nothing before our eyes..."


"...God, brought us here to rule over all of you..."



His hands transformed into claws, that tipped through the bodies of the red robes with ease.

"You beast! Fire Arrow!"

The ones who had the crests of magician launched different types of spells at him, which he didn't even bother to dodge.

He didn't need to.


His body turned into a white smoke-like material, making the attacks pass through him like nothing.

This was the power he received when he went through the Demonification, allowing his body to literally become mist, making him intangible.

When his master saw this, he laughed out loud and saying a comment that stuck with him forever.

"The power to turn into mist. An ability that makes the user unable to touch or be touched. It suits you well."

It was right, in this state he was unable to harm anyone, but he worked through it.

Using calculating the best moment he rebecame tangible and smashed the heads of two humans, not losing his momentum, he ran to the others cutting through them as if he was some sort of blender.

"What the hell is this thing?!"

"It's a demon! Use magic weapons against it!"

They were too late.

"Mist Magic: Clouded Claws."

With his long-range attack, he cut through everyone leaving only one survivor.

He was young, around 16 years old, who was on his butt sweating.

"W-Who are you."

Who am I?

"...I'm the Commander of the Third Legion of Dis and Head of Public Security, Gaden Van Werewolf."


Sigh, damn how can he say stuff like that and not feel embarrassed? The name that God gave us is the worst.

The queen of beats wondered while she watched the show, unfazed by the gore.

I heard that he had quite an interesting past. Something about a dead lover. What stupidity.

Being a summoned monster in origin, the queen has no memory of her past. She was "born" with her knowledge in an adult form. At the beginning, she had only one desire, to make the goals of his summoner a reality, but now... Maybe because of the time she passed with the other generals or due to the Demonification, but she developed her own objectives and goals.

She liked going to go to the bar, she loved drinking, she liked to listen to music, and she loved her powers.

And yet, she also hated things. The state of his home, the insane amount o work she has to do, the attitude of her boss, these things bothered her to the highest degree.

She wanted to make changes. And these changes started with these humans.

"Demonification. "

Compared to her comrades, her transformation wasn't as grandiose, she only grew two pair of 5-meter-long black raven wings on her back, that almost didn't fit in the small space she was in.

But these wings had a very special ability to them.

"Fallen Angels."

Feathers started to fall onto the ground, each quickly growing and morphing into something new. Soon around here several humans stud, all wearing black fur coats, and bird-skull masks.

"My children, get rid of the bodies then go to the human's stronghold and bring the humans leader to my quarters. Alive."


The people in the masks all, clapped their hands as if they were praying.

" Black Harpies!"

In their turn, a pair of black wings grew, but from their feathers, crows appeared, devouring the corpses in an instant not even any cloth or bone behind. When crows were down with their feast, they surrounded the masked man and disappeared together.

"Now then." She quickly made her wings disappear and turned to the crowd that gathered around them " Don't be afraid, I and my charming colleague will make sure that the humans who are responsible for this crime will be punished! From today forward my children, the eeeeh...The Bobbies will patrol the streets of this city to ensure safety!"

The crowd cheered. They could finally feel safe in this wretched place, not worrying about being killed.

While she basked in their chairs, Gaden came behind her, putting his bloodied hand on her shoulder.

"You do realize you just increased our workload. A LOT."

The enthusiasm quickly disappeared, replaced by despair, thinking about the mountain of papers that are waiting at her.

"...Can I take it back?"

"I believe it's too late for that."

With ease, Gaden lifted the sole survivor of the humans by the neck, without choking him.

"Talk. if you don't want to be crow dropping tell me, what are you guys planning."

"I-I will not tell you."

"...Cara, can you call Bei here? If I remember correctly, she is currently collecting pets for her monster collection. I think this would be an excellent treat for them. Tell me have you ever been eaten by a giant worm from the inside? I heard it's not a very pleasant experience."

Catching on quickly, the beast queen smiled while slowly walking in the direction of the tavern.

The human, panicked, screaming from the top of his lungs.

"I will tell you! Just don't kill me please!"

"It depends on your answer. Talk." he tossed the cultist to the ground.

The poor man, inhaled deeply, while trembling with fright.

"T-The High Priest has created a summoning circle to call upon an army that will help us take over this hell! We only needed a hundred monsters sacrificed with a ritualistic dagger."

"...When will the summoning begin."

"He is planning to do it in five days. P-Please this is everything I know! Please spea-"

Gaben, hit him in the head, rendering him unconscious.

"...Cara, I'm afraid our god's order must wait a while."

The queen smiled, her body trembling with excitement.

"I believe so. it seems like some pests need to be exterminated." 




Author's note: Is there anyone who remembers Soul Sacrifice? I tried to make a tale similar to it.

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