Summoning Went Wrong

Volume 2 Chapter 19. Disappointment.

"We are here."

Gaden and Cara were standing before something that looked like a chapel that was transformed into a factory.

The marble pillars were surrounded by hot pipes, and the ground had patches of concrete on it.

Behind the pillars was two heavy meat l door showing a deer skull with a crocked cross between its antlers.

"I didn't know there were temples here." Gaden scratched his head.

"Because there aren't," Cara answered. " Surprisingly our God hates it when people are praying to him. This place must have been made with the magic of the humans." She cracked her neck." Are you ready?"

"...Let's get over this."

The two generals to de doors, and with a kick, Gaden opened them, bending them with ease.

The building's inside was a mess, with corpses of humans and bobbies lying everywhere amongst broken benches.

Amongst the corpses, some bobbies were still fighting against opponents wearing black coats and animal masks, humans who received the blessing of their god.

"Cara, I will go all out. You stay in the back and bring in more of your servants."

"This was the plan from the start."

They both inhaled deeply before shouting at the same time.

"Demonification! Demonic Weapon!"

Both of them became covered in a black aura that covered their changing bodies.

When it dissipated both of them changed.

Cara stayed mostly the same, she just had a black fur coat on her. She was sitting on a silver throne that was richly decorated with golden flowers and had a hole in its back that allowed her wings to be spread out.

Gaden on the other hand has completely changed. His legs and arms became paws, covered in white fur and ending with silver claws. His mask now covered his enticer head, taking up the form of the skull of a wolf.

He also had a black fur coat and on his back was a life-sized porcelain doll, depicting a red-haired woman dressed up in a white wedding dress, with a bow and quiver filled with arrows in her hands.

"Let's go...Angela."

The doll started to move, placing the arrow onto the bow at his command.

Cara flapped her wings, making her feathers fly up into the air.

"Come to me, my cursed child. Fallen Angels."

Soon the humans were overwhelmed by the sheer force of the two generals.


When all things seemed lost, the ground was shocked and from it, several figures climbed out of it.

They were statues made from white granite, depicting knights carrying swords and lances.

"So this is the army that they raised. Dispose of them, my love."

At Gaden's command, the doll jumped into the air, as if it was pulled by invisible strings while releasing her arow.

The projectile flew in the air hitting the first knight between its eyes.

The statue seemingly unfazed grabbed the arrow and brook it in to, with the tip still embedded in its head.

"Okay, this will be hard. Cara, your turn. Mist."

When Gaden turned into mist several bobbies started to run to the soldiers each armed with whatever the crap they could find, like broken swords, broken furniture, or severed limbs.

"Typical man, always giving me more job to do. I will make sure to return him the favor, but for now, let's deal with these imbeciles. My children, destroy these ugly things, if you may."


The bobbies summoned several crows to assist them in their fight.

The hard, stone exterior of the knights proved difficult to the talons of the birds, till they found their weakness.

The knights were actually golems, and their cores were hidden in their heads, behind the visors.

When the bobbies discovered this they immediately went for it, smashing their heads with all the force they could muster.

From afar the doll kept on firing its arrows hitting the soldiers in the head, now going through them as if they were made out of butter, with Gaden randomly appearing, smashing heads with his bare hands.

Yet, more and more golems kept on coming out, showing no end to it.

"Gaden, I am starting to run out of feathers. It would be lovely if you could, oh I don't know, STOP COVERING!"

"Alright, Alright."

He appeared in the air, above the hole. Up there, he could see a shining red summoning circle that was constantly vomiting out the golems.

"Mist Magic: Mist Dragon Fall."

A stream of mist flew out from his mouth, smashing everything into the ground.

From the pressure, the summoning circle at the bottom of the pit got smashed into bits so did the golems who were too slow to get out of the way.

"There. Now I am out of mana," said Gaden while transforming back to his human form.

"Don't worry I will take c-"


The ground started to rumble again and from the hole, a giant figure jumped up.

It was... an ogre?

No, it had grey skin, thick skin that had multiple tattoos of crosses and deer skulls on it. On its head was a skull that belonged to a mammal that had a horn on its nose.


"Damn it, I used up all my mana. Angela!"

The doll who was still in the air, released a volley of arrows, that only bounced back of the monster.



Something did penetrate his shoulder. It created a small wound that bleeds a black substance.

The attack came from a rifle held, by a man wearing an elegant suit with a deer skull.

"Do you wish to correct yourself?"



I am extremely disappointed. I expected my generals to be stronger than this. I gave them all the opportunity, my attention, yet they are this weak!

Have I overestimated them? Were my standards too high? No! It's their fault! My calculations are perfect, they are the ones who are incapable to obey me!

I slowly walked to them, my steps audible on the floor.

"Cara, Gaden. I remember giving you two tasks. Return to your work before I press the trigger again."

At least they moved fast, they disappeared from my sight in seconds.

"Sigh, seriously I need to find better subordinates, these guys won't cut it. And you." I pointed at the rhinoceros thing." Like you."

"My God, I-"

"I answered your prayers, I brought you into my divine realm, I even gave you this power. And yet you use it for... this? Damn, this is so... ugh."

While I talked, I snapped my finger, gathering all the avatars into an empty vile in my pocket. They and the bodies will be reused later.

"At least something good came out of this."

I lifted up the gun that I was holding.

"You shall be the first one to see the weapon that I myself made. ."

Yes, this weapon was created by my many hands. The pipe and the firing mechanism were made from dwarf metal, while the handle was elkwood. For the gunpowder, I used a substance called Dragon Ash, which was incredibly farmable. I was able to make this thanks to the memories of several blacksmiths, alchemists, and pharmacists that I kidnapped during the last decade.

"It's still a prototype, but what isn't in this city?" I threw away the gun and slowly walked to the human. " Allow me to tell you a secret, my dear Pope."

"My lord, I-"

While he talked, I threw a vial at his face. The glass broke on contact, releasing a yellow gas, making the half rhinoceros gall on his knees, holding his throat, coughing.

"You are an experiment. You, the demons, the generals, hell, this entire city is just a petri dish containing servants who I can use. I couldn't care less about your belief or your ambition. I gave you this power to do my bidding, and not to thin the herd. Seriously you humans are such a bother."

I called out one of my hands out.

From its mouth, a siring fell out, filled with a dark gold-colored liquid.

"You know, before I became a god, I was an alchemist. To this day, I continue experimenting finding out new things to use and add to my collection. What I am holding right now is my latest concoction. Chimeras are hard to make these days, so I'm planning on simplifying things. This is a batch of divine blood, mixed with that of an ogre's with a hint of my avatars fluid. My theory is that by using diving blood as a medium, your DNA will accept the ogre's blood, creating a half-human, half-ogre monster who is going to be under my control."

Before he could even react to my exposition, I showed the idle into his arm, injecting him with the stuff. His skin was hard, yes, but not hard enough to protect him from mithril.

I jumped back, landing one of the intact benches, with a voice recorder (my making) in my hand.

Soon, the pope started to scream, his veins popping upon his body, while his skin and muscles moved disgustingly.

"Oh, yes. This is going to be fun."

turned the recorder on.

"This is test number 6, the subject is male, half- rhinoceros, weighing around 200 kilograms. the subject was injected with 0,5 milliliter of Compound A. After the injection subject showed great pain and disfiguration."


"Speech became distorted and unintelligent. I will need to do a dissection to find out if it's only damaged or the mutation affected the subject's brain."


"Notable green-skin colorations can be seen on the abdomen and back. Also, notable muscle decrees were noted on the left arm where the injection was administered."



"...Subject expired. Cause of death: Skin rupture followed by internal organs flying everywhere. The test is unsuccessful, and the body is in a state where dissection cannot be used. This was test number 6."

I switched off the recording device, then kicked the hunk of meat that once was a living being.

"So disappointing."


I went back to my throne room and opened the secret door at the wall next to my throne.

There was a passage that led to the highest level of my tower, my secret laboratory.

Here, various devices and materials were waiting for me.

"Compound A6 is a failure. The changes started but the body seemed to be unable to withstand the process. Sigh, I need to decrease the amount of divine blood even further, and ad more avatar liquid in it. That might keep the subject together, but it will also decrease its power. Damn, am I thinking about this all wrong?"

While wondering, I checked one of the reservoirs that I kept here.

In it, a badly mangled body of a man could be seen, floating in a green liquid. Several tubes were connected to his body, to keep him alive and strong enough to produce the material I needed.

I placed an empty vial under the dispenser that was installed on the reservoir. Soon a golden liquid started to pour out from it, filling it.

While passing next to it, I read the note that I put on its glass surface.

Idiot God. No:3


"I thought I was going to die!"

Cara sighed, still shivering from the aura that his lord emitted. It was as if the air itself became solid, choking her.

Ugh, I need to good on this one or he is going to kill me!

She entered the building that his master instructed to go.

Inside, the walls were packed full of glass containers willed with black liquids. In the middle of the room was... a giant brain.

It had the shape of one, with several eyes pocking out from its pink exterior and two dozen slimy tentacles wiggling all around it.

"Cara Deceur, right?"

The voice of the thing resonated in her head as if it was an echo.


'Please, follow me."

The tentacled being crawled waylaying a trail of mucus behind it.

Feeling a little bit disgusted, she followed the creature.

They soon passed by several other creatures, looking identical to the brain, some even able to float, with a strange humanoid creature.

They looked like muscular, grey-skinned humans but, some had metal legs or arms, and each had a glass jar on its head which was filled with a green liquid.

"What are you?"

"We are, in lack of a better word, children of God. He calls us Mind Eaters and Homunculi."

"He created you?" She found it hard to imagine her boss do something like that.

"Yes. he gave us life through his blood and flesh, to serve him to the bitter end. Since our birth we have been preparing for 'the greater event'".

"What great event?"

"We don't know." The brain stopped before a door that had the number 113 on it. " Behind the door is your subordinates. Treat them well."

Before she could say anything the brain crawled away quickly.

"...The children of God."

With this thought, she entered the room.

She found herself in a wide hangar. In it several people were waiting for her, standing in neat rows, like soldiers.

Each one wore a three-piece tuxedo a fedora and a leather mask, depicting a bird, with green-colored glass for eyes.

Over their head a brain floated in the air, writing something with a pen and a clipboard.


As if they were one being, they saluted at the same time.

The brain flew to her and somehow bowed.

"Lady Cara Deceur, I have prepared them for you. One hundred-twenty-six Dealmaker at your disposal." The brain handed her the clipboard, before putting one of his tentacles at the paper's bottom " Sing it here."

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