Summoning Went Wrong

Volume 4 Chapter 8. Realization.

Exam weeks have arrived. I will stop writing for a while to focus on my studies.





“Burp! Oh, excuse me.”

I took out a napkin from my pocket and whipped my mouth, even though there was nothing there.

The insanity these people had was delicious, veritable treats. I only stopped because I was starting to feel drowsy from the quantity of food, and I was starting to be afraid that I wouldn’t fit into the sewer pipes from which I came out.

Once out, I quickly filled up the body I left outside and started to plan my next move.

“I should go to the adventurer's guild. To see what’s the current situation of the world there. I might even register and entice some stupid adventurers.”

I checked my pockets, making sure that I had money on me.

Content with the amount, I stood up and went forward.

‘ I am bored. let’s do something.’

“What would you want me to do? Start singing for you?”

‘You sang for those people.’

“That was on a whim to look cool. I won’t do that again… But I have a

 better idea. “

In front of a bar, I saw a man sitting on the floor with a guitar in his lap and a suitcase on his feet.

I walked over and threw a coin in it.

“Play something energetic. I am in a good mood.”

The guitarist looked at the coin, and with a broad smile, he started to play a happy tune.

I listened to it for a while, and when satisfied, I left, but the music still stuck in my head.


‘…I want to hear something else.’

“Well thought luck, this is all we have. Just shut up and listen to it.”

I kept on walking, arriving at the doors till I found a sign hanging over the door with the word adventurer guild.

There was light coming out from there, so full of confidence I entered.

Like almost all the adventurer guilds I ever saw in the multiverse, this place also looked like a hotel mixed with a bar, with a receptionist working behind counters as people in armors were drinking and speaking.

I walked to one of the boards that were filled with different notices of quests and other things.

“Let’s see…Some goblins… A war hog… Bandit, bandit, and another bandit request… No. No way.”

Amongst the papers was a yellow parchment paper, with a quest written on it.





Rank: E

Request: Getting rid of a cursed book and cleaning.

Payment: 3 gold and8 silver 3 gold, 20 silver, and the objects found

Details: I found a hidden room in the basement of my new house. Inside the room, there were several strange objects, glass bottles, some measuring devices, and some books. One of them keeps talking in a language that I can’t understand and has a weird aura around it. Please help me!

Address: …




“T-This notice… I remember it.”

As if electricity ran through my head, my memories started to return to me.

The slums, the book, the mafia, the prince, then the light.

The shock was so great that I lost balance for a second, while some black fluid started to drip from the eyes of the body I possessed.

“My name. My name was… Destin. No! Nonononnonnoonononononono!” That’s not my name! I-I was human, yes, a human boy. I was summoned from another world. I-I ….I…remember-“

“Excuse me, are you okay?”

Somebody put their hands on my shoulder, while I wasn’t paying attention.

I turned with great speed, and grabbed their hands, ready to break them if they were hostile.

“…You…I know you.”

It was a girl around my height, wearing silver armor, only her pretty face was visible through her helmet.

“Yes, I am one of the city knights.”

“No, I-I-I-I-I….”

My brain was a little fried from all the information I just received, so speaking comprehensively was difficult.

“Come I will help you sit down.”

She slowly helps me sit on a nearby chair, keeping her hand on my shoulder.



“Good. I will bring you a healing potion. Stay here.”

As she left the counter, my brain was working like a car engine.

I know this. I know this quest. I know this fluid. This town. This world.

I have been here.

This isn’t just the same world. I went back in time.

This is the town where I arrived when I arrived in this world.

“Maybe…Maye, the past me is here?”

The past me. The one who doesn’t know about anything. The one who got attacked by the royalties. The one who started all this.

I turned towards the female knight, who was still busy with the receptionist.


If I kill her, things will change. I will change my life. I will change…my destiny. I will make sure to kill here, then the mafia members, get the attention of the royals, and guide them away from here.

If I can get them to follow me. I can get them to leave the past me alone. He wouldn’t need to join the mafia. He wouldn’t need to be broken by them. He, no I would change our life.

While she was busy talking to the receptionist, I lifted my hand up in the air, gathering some energy into it, to the point that some of the veins in my arm busted.

“Di-Divine Telekinesis: Godly Push.”

At the same time, my arm exploded into bits, and a wave of force washed around me, destroying the building I was in and the other houses in a radius of eight blocks.

The only thing left was the floor under me, and the chair I was sitting in.

“Heheh, heheheheheheheheheHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Hahaha?”

As I was laughing like a madman, something fell around me.

It was a greenish veil-looking thing that covered up the entire sky.

“What is happening?”

“Time, my friend. Time is happening. “

Slowly, the fragments of a chair reformed near me, and an old man appeared sitting on it, wearing a tattered brown robe and a thick white beard.

“Wh-Who are you?”

“They call me Father Time. I am the guardian of the timeline.”

Timeline? There is something like a timeline?

“Are you…. Are you going to kill me?”

If this guy was actually a god, then he must hate my guts, considering that I was now in the past.

The old man kept looking at me with his glowing green eyes before he shacked his head.

“Why would I? I am only here to fix this catastrophe you just made here. You are meant to be here.”


The old man snapped his finger making the surroundings debris move up into the air and slowly put itself back in place.

“Your presents are meant to be here. Your present and past self.”

“What are you talking ab-“

“I will not say anything else, but I will warn you. Don’t you dare do something like this ever again? If you change anything, anything at all, and I will make sure to make you pay for it.”

When everything returned to normal, the people were frozen in place around us, and even my exploded arm was back, the old man stood up and cracked his fingers.

“Well, I need to go, there is a paradox happening because of you that involves a spaceship, a wormhole, and a mad engineer. Seriously, who names their ship Invincible II.”

As he walked away, the world around me started to come back alive.

“Here, it’s quite a high-quality one.”

The knight gave me a bottle of green liquid.

“Then-Thank y-you.”

I took the bottle and drank it, feeling the healing effects that it had on my mind.

I took a deep breath and spoke in a clear manner.

“Thank you. I am sorry but I do not have the money to pay you back for this gift.”

“No, no, you don’t have to. Just tell me what happened.”

“…Yes, I…I came here because I need help. My… village, near the forest, was attacked by monsters. Almost everyone was killed, we need help!”

The knight girl nodded and asked for one of the receptionists to come here.

“She will help you to register your quest. Do you need to sleep somewhere?”

“No, I already found a place to stay for the night. Thank you.”

She smiled and left, and so did I before the receptionist could get to me.

“Where did I sleep when I arrived here? It was an inn, with the name of a feline.”

I walked through the streets when I remembered something.

“Address. Book. Get a book, change the past.”

While the plan was forming in my head, I started to feel tired.

“Too many things happened. I should sleep for a little while.”

I looked around and when I saw a cat sleeping, I left this human body and took control of the animal.

‘I want a duck!’

Shut up, I can use this form to even spy on the prince and figure out how to kill him.

Because I will kill him. There is no way I will leave him alone. If there is any way that can change my past, I will seize it, timeline be damned!



At the edges of the city, where the corpses of the monsters were lying on the ground, with their most valuables parts missing.

Amongst these monster parts several, a dark shadow was moving around, eating any pieces of meat in its way.

Slowly, the mass of black slime stopped before a mountain of rotting flesh.

After it shocked a little, the black liquid took on the shape of a giant head that bit into the food.

After five minutes there was no, but the blob was now twice as big as before.

“Not  enough.”

“Not enough.”

“Not enough.”


The blob shook, as four faces appeared on its surface, screaming with the same voice.

“Who's there?!”

Hearing the voice, the blob flattened itself on the ground, to hide.

Soon two ragged people came.

Both of them were holding lanterns and had basket-like things on their backs that contained several monster materials.

“I swear I heard something screaming.”

“You were just imagining things. Everything here is head.”

When both of them stepped onto the slime, it reacted by grabbing their legs and absorbing them into its mass.

When he digested them, the slime started to move around, taking on the form of one of the humans to perfection, except for the eyes.

Instead of them, there was darkness with a slight black liquid dripping out of them.

“Need more food. Need to find more food. We need to eat and gain strength!”







Name: None

Race: Broken Memory

Age: 1.345. 654

Job: [Mad Alchemist Master] [King of Crossroads] [Bain of Creation]

LV: 1/ 100

HP: 1000/1000                                                                                                                    

MP: 10/5000

STR: 4000

VIT: 10

SPD: 300

MRES: 2000

DC: more than a year.

Skill PT:0

Physical attributes: [Dark Vision] [Liquid Body] [Madness Embodiment] [Immortality]

Skills: [King of Crossroads Contract Creation, LV: Max] [ King of Crossroads Wish Granting, LV: Max] [King of Crossroads Business Sense, LV: Max] [Alchemy Mastery, LV Max] [ Masterful Golem Creation, LV: Max] [Masterful Abomination Creation, LV: Max] [ Masterful Summoning Magic, LV: Max] [Divine Telekinesis, LV: Max] [Divine Weapon Summon, LV: Max]]

Titles: [Broken Soul] [Enemy of Creation] [Escapee of the Void] [Killer of worlds] [Taboo Breaker] [Eater of Kin]





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