Summoning Went Wrong

Volume 4 Chapter 9. My Kin

To all the Lyssa out there, this isn’t discrimination, there is an actual Greek goddess called Lyssa. Maybe the name derived from there, I don’t know.






This should be it.

Still, in the body of the cat, I was standing before a broken-down house, with its windows boarded up shut.

I looked around, ensuring that nobody was around, and I opened my mouth.

I flowed out of the cat's body and slowly took on the form of a human, at least the closest one I could currently make.

An average-sized body, entirely made up of a blackish liquid, with no hair or clothes on.

Recently, after consuming several souls, I developed eyes, albeit being nothing but two shining red lights and my mouth remained a gabbing black hole.

I cannot even believe that I was a human once. What did I ever look like? Guess I will find out soon.

I returned into liquid and flew to the house, passing through its cracks and flooding into the basement.

Now, I only need to, ah found it!

In the basement, I found the broken wall, which leads to the secret room.

It was as I remembered, dark cramped, with bookshelves filled with books, and alchemical equipment gathering dust.

And somewhere, there was the book. The book that started it all.

It would be so easy to take it away, change my past completely.

But I knew that this so-called Father Time is watching. I am not ready to fight a god, not in my current state.

Not in the current body.

Once my old me comes here and gets the book, I will take over his body.

My past body, its complete soul, and my knowledge. We, no, I will be unstoppable.

A mortal body with its infinite possibilities, with the mind of a god, which can make those possibilities real!

I will re-become a god, I will take back my factory and I will destroy the samurai with those other gods.

Just have to wait.

Just wait.



“This is pointless! We have been here for weeks, and we found nothing useful.”

An angel threw away a piece of rubble and stretched his arms.

“Just shut up and keep on working.”

His partner turned over a bigger piece of white rock and looked under it.

They weren’t angels per say, since their wings were brown instead of white like those who worked with the gods, but they had the same abilities.

Right now, they were in a world that didn’t get destroyed when the universe collapsed on itself and we're looking for anything useful that they could sell on the black market.

They thought at first that they hit the jackpot this time since there were several strange buildings around but most of their stuff was broken or too strange to use.

The angel who just spoke kicked a small piece of rubble with its foot, which flew up in the air and just kept on floating.

Since this world was thrown out of the system some worlds have their natural bend or completely erased.

In this world, gravity became almost non-existent, boulders could fly if they were moved right, or a piece of paper could tear through the earth if dropped by a right angle.


“What was that?”

“I have no idea.”

Rumble! Boom!

From one of the pillars of stone rubble, something crawled out.

“Finally, out!”

From the hole that an explosion created, a group of people crawled out.

They all wore tattered black suits and carried strange-looking weapons

 At the back of the group, the biggest one had a pitch-black egg the size of an adult man, which was gently pulsing with a faint purple light.

Their leader, a woman carrying a rifle, looked around, her eyes locking on the two shocked bird people.

“Hey, guys, who wants shoot chicken?”


It is here.

After maybe days of waiting, he is here.

A young man wearing a brown trench coat and a cowboy hat, with its blue eyes and golden hair.

Is this what I looked like? Man, I was handsome.

The past me looked around the dirty room, and with a dirty rug that he found on the floor, picked up a dirty red book that was lying nearby.

Immediately, his body became covered by the dark blue light, before he fell unconsciously to the floor.

As he still held the book, tightly in its hand, the sound of a woman could be heard emanating from the object.

“…All shall fall and beg before the lords; whose eyes see the thrust of this plain.

All shall worship and pray, since we saw the dragon.

And the dragon will st@n3 on hhhthth . And we saw a beast coming out of ####. He will have seven horns and seven heads, with seven crowns on his horns, ######################.

The dragon will give the beast his ################### and great authority.

Men ####### the dragon because he will give authority to the beast, and ###############

He will ################################################## make war against the saints #################### will worship the beast ############################################################################################################ to receive a mark of his right hand on his forehead #######

He who has an ear, let him hear because the name of the beast is...”

The voice became so distorted that I couldn’t even understand it, but I didn’t care about it. All I wanted was already given to me.

I shouted out from my hiding spot and darted at my past self.

Through his nose and mouth, I entered his body and slowly spread through his body.

Once I was comfortable, I opened his, no, MY eyes, and a wild smile spread through my face.

“Finally, I have a… Where am I?”

Where I woke up wasn’t the cellar of the decrepit house but an empty white space that had no borders or any landmark.

Was my mind always so empty? I am quite insulted.

“Hehehehehe… He is here”

“Indeed sister.”

I spun around, seeing two figures standing behind me.

It was two women each looking deranged.

The one on my left side was wearing a tattered long skirt and bra made from poorly skinned animal skins, which were held together by strings made from dried arteries.

Her exposed brown skin was dirtied by the blood dripping from some of the skins.

Her head was a real mess.

Hair sticky with blood and animal bones sticking out of them. Face painted with tribal symbols, eyes glowing red with rage, and a smile reaching ear to ear, its pointy teeth brown and bloodstained.

The other one next to her was entirely hidden by a black veil that was hanging off the rim of the big, black flowery hat she was wearing.

“Who are you two? What do you want? This head is occupied, so leave!”

“Please, be at ease. We didn’t come here to intrude. We came here  to propose our services.”

The woman in the black hat bowed slightly while her partner just kept on giggling.

“Your services? Who are you even?”

“That’s right we haven’t introduced ourselves yet.”

From the black veil, a black slender hand appeared, grabbing the shoulder of the wild girl.

“This is my younger sister; Lyssa and I am Maniae. We are your kin,  gods of madness.”

Hearing this I tightened up my guard and prepared for an attack.

“Gods of madness? My kin? What are you talking about? I am the only madness god.”

“Heheheh, he is stupid! Let’s eat him!”

“Sister, calm down.”

The ground under her feet started to shift, making a completely red room appear around us, complete with a circular table and three black-wooded chairs.

“Please, sit. I will explain everything to you.”

Slowly, I did as she said but, I formed a small spike in my hand in case things turn sour.

“Firstly, I have to say, it's an honor to finally meet you. The god who destroyed the system and opened the veil of this universe to the others.”

“Drop the formalities. You said that you were my kin and madness gods. What do you mean by that?”

“It means what I said. My sister, Lyssa is the spirit of mad rage, frenzy, and rabies in animals. As for me, I’m considered to be the spirit personifying insanity.”

“Spirits? So not gods?”

“ We are gods! We are gods! WE ARE GODS!”

The girl in the pelts, Lyssa, started to hit the table with her fists with such force that it made its surface dent.

“ He didn’t mean that, sister. Here, eat this as we talk.”

With the sound of finger-snapping, a huge cut of cooked meat appeared before Lyssa, and she immediately started to eat it.

“Answering your question, we are god-like beings. Like Father Time, who you have surely met before, we are entities that represent and embody concepts and ideas. Spirit is also a term used for gods who fell from godhood but kept their powers. Like you.”

“ …Why did you come to me?”

“After what you did, things changed. The gods scraped together all the savable words, this included, and let the other be destroyed. When that happened, they even started to clean up the planets, getting rid of things they didn’t like. We, spirits, we amongst those things.”

“You want revenge? Shouldn’t you be after me instead, the guy who set this whole universe ablaze?”

“Don’t worry. Not a single of us died from that event. But hundreds of us died because of gods. We are losing more and more of us each day.”

“… And you want to make them pay.”

The black-veiled woman leaned forward, showing her glowing red eyes.

“Naturally, our revenge will come, but it will happen in the future. Right now, we need to gather our forces. Forces like you.”

Lyssa threw away the cleaned bone behind her, burping loudly.

“We want to tear gods apart! We will eat them!”

I stayed silent for a while, then I slowly absorbed my spike.

“I am listening.”






Name: None

Race: Broken Memory

Age: 1.345. 654

Job: [Mad Alchemist Master] [King of Crossroads] [Bain of Creation]

LV: 1/ 100

HP: 1000/1000

MP: 50000/5000

STR: 4000

VIT: 10

SPD: 300

MRES: 2000

DC: more than a year.

Skill PT:0

Physical attributes: [Dark Vision] [Liquid Body] [Madness Embodiment] [Immortality]

Skills: [King of Crossroads Contract Creation, LV: Max] [ King of Crossroads Wish Granting, LV: Max] [King of Crossroads Business Sense, LV: Max] [Alchemy Mastery, LV Max] [ Masterful Golem Creation, LV: Max] [Masterful Abomination Creation, LV: Max] [ Masterful Summoning Magic, LV: Max] [Divine Telekinesis, LV: Max] [Divine Weapon Summon, LV: Max]]

Titles: [Broken Soul] [Enemy of Creation] [Escapee of the Void] [Killer of worlds] [Taboo Breaker] [Eater of Kin]



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