Super Brain Telekinesis

Chapter 121: Stealth Aircraft

And now, Wu Hao's approach of temporarily ignoring the households that are reluctant to accept compensation is not uncommon. This strategy has been used by the country and some developers for quite some time.

For instance, in cases where certain individuals refuse compensation, like those notorious "nail households" we hear about in certain places, it might be due to some unscrupulous developers using unethical methods during land acquisition, attempting to coerce residents into accepting low compensation. In such situations, those who refuse compensation are seen as taking a stand.

However, in cases where the government is carrying out certain projects, such as highways or other infrastructure developments, the vast majority of local residents and villagers usually agree to the compensation terms. Only a few stubborn individuals might resist. In these cases, if repeated efforts to persuade them fail, the construction teams may decide to start work elsewhere, leaving these stubborn individuals as the so-called "nail households."

In reality, many of those who initially refused compensation often regret their decision when construction begins. However, by that time, the department responsible for compensation has little interest in dealing with them. The reason behind this is simple: deliberately keeping those who initially refused compensation waiting. This process often takes several years. When the project is nearing completion, they are gradually approached to discuss compensation and relocation.

Of course, this approach is typically applied when it doesn't significantly affect the overall construction progress. In Wu Hao's case, the resort he plans to build covers the entire village, and the scattered fields of those households who haven't agreed to compensation need to be settled before formal construction can begin.

However, before that, Wu Hao can proceed with building the new residences and communities in the village. After all, he needs to wait until the construction of the houses promised in compensation is complete before the villagers can move out of their old homes. Only then can Wu Hao's resort construction project be officially initiated, and the construction of new residences and communities doesn't impact those households that haven't agreed to compensation.

Because the residences planned by Wu Hao are originally situated near the village on the side close to the road leading to the town, based on Wu Hao's calculations for each household occupying a ground area of 200 square meters, the total planned area of 30 mu is already quite substantial for the 100-plus households in the entire village, including other areas designated for community squares and market buildings.

However, the mere 30 mu of land is relatively small compared to the vast 10,000 mu owned by Sanxi Village.

Nevertheless, even though Sanxi Village has only 156 households, and a few have not agreed to compensation or accepted the compensation method of exchanging old houses for new ones, Wu Hao's plan for the new residential area in the village cannot be based on constructing as many houses as there are households. After all, the population in the village is expected to increase in the future. Therefore, Wu Hao needs to build at least 200 sets of housing in the initial phase. The houses Wu Hao is building for the villagers are not entirely independent villas but semi-detached row houses. While each has its own garden, this construction style significantly saves on building costs.

The final built-up area for these semi-detached row villas is not precisely 200 square meters but closer to 300 square meters. This calculation does not include the third-floor loft construction. If using the calculation method employed by real estate developers, the total area of these houses, including the garden, would likely be around 400 square meters.

Additionally, in the new residential area planned by Wu Hao, besides approximately 200 sets of villas, there are also several small high-rise residential buildings. The ground floor of these buildings is designated for commercial use, while the upper floors are reserved for future population growth in the village.

Regarding these surplus residences and commercial spaces, Wu Hao has given priority purchasing rights to the villagers. In other words, if some villagers have the foresight and are willing to use their recently acquired compensation to buy commercial spaces or other residences, it indicates they belong to a forward-thinking category.

After all, once the resort village is completed in the coming years, even if it initially has no business, it will still bring significant benefits to the villagers. Meanwhile, the newly constructed collective housing will undoubtedly form a new gathering place similar to a small town.

In this way, after a busy few days, Wu Hao has finally managed to handle the affairs of both his company and home. The construction project for the new residential area in the village has also secured a construction unit. As for those households in the village that have not agreed to the demolition and compensation, Wu Hao has not rushed to deal with them.

Because now the vast majority of villagers and residents in the village have received a considerable amount of compensation, it is probably not Wu Hao who is anxious but those residents who have not agreed.

After the temporary conclusion of the matter, Wu Hao returned to the base. Through the leisure time of the past few days, Wu Hao has made crucial progress in solving the issue of aircraft invisibility caused by light and shadow refraction. He only needs to return to the base to carry out specific practical confirmations.

In the past few days, the researchers near the base received some orders and left two days ago. According to Wu Hao's speculation, the departure of these researchers should be a statement from the country regarding the fictitious hacker organization created by Wu Hao.

Firstly, they found nothing at the location of the Qinling Wooden House. It can be said that apart from that wooden house, no abnormal situations were detected. Moreover, with the technological transactions between Wu Hao and the country carried out in secret, some high-level officials in the country have also unified their approach to Wu Hao's currently fabricated organization. Therefore, these researchers naturally had no need to continue staying at the wooden house.

On this side, after returning to the base, Wu Hao did not delay much but immediately immersed himself in the development of the aircraft. After a few days, through practical experimentation and testing, Wu Hao finally completely mastered the issue of aircraft invisibility.

"Zero, immediately start the manufacturing work of the Mark 1 aircraft." After mastering it completely, Wu Hao immediately instructed the base's intelligent program. As for the name of this aircraft, Wu Hao directly borrowed the name Mark 1 from Iron Man's Tony Stark.

Although this aircraft by Wu Hao, except for the invisibility technology, does not have high-end technology in other aspects, and it is much less advanced compared to the Iron Man's armor in the movie. Nevertheless, a movie is a movie; in the real world, Wu Hao's aircraft is undoubtedly a high-tech product.

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