Super Brain Telekinesis

Chapter 122: Mark 1

After Wu Hao issued the instructions, the intelligent program Zero in the base immediately started manufacturing the main body of the aircraft and other related electronic devices and instruments based on the aircraft's drawings, using the equipment within the base.

Firstly, the shell framework of the aircraft adopted a new type of carbon fiber material, which was formed through integrated 3D printing.

Other electronic devices were also manufactured using appropriate 3D printing equipment. Normally, Wu Hao's base did not produce any surplus electronic components and similar items; they were basically manufactured when needed.

Because the shape of each device's required components was completely different, not everything could be uniformly matched. Moreover, the base had a limited quantity of stored raw materials, and it was not possible to carry out mass production of a certain component each time.

With various manufacturing equipment in the base continuously operating, by the evening of the second day, the Mark 1 aircraft named by Wu Hao was completely finished.

The aircraft was colored silver-gray, with basic parameters: length 8.89 meters, maximum height 1.9 meters, maximum width inside the cabin 2.6 meters, and overall shape tapering. The external maximum width was 4.6 meters.

The cabin door was located at the rear of the aircraft, and the entire internal space of the aircraft, except for a spacious single-seat cockpit at the front, was used for storing items.

In other words, the main purpose of this aircraft was for Wu Hao to transport goods. Although the overall length of the aircraft was nearly 9 meters, slightly different from the initial design, the final weight was only 1.3 tons.

This meager weight of 1.3 tons, for an aircraft with a total length of nearly 9 meters, could be considered quite light.

After all, all the materials used in this aircraft, except for some electronic devices and circuits, were non-metal materials. For instance, the main framework of the aircraft was made using a new type of carbon fiber material.

The silver-white special shell covering the entire exterior of the aircraft was also manufactured from a special reflective material capable of preventing radar detection waves and achieving invisibility through light and shadow refraction.

Although this material itself lacks high protective capabilities and cannot withstand attacks from weapons like bullets, once the aircraft activates the time-space refraction invisibility function, unless a person stands within 5 meters of the aircraft, where they might see a distorted light and shadow, beyond this distance, the human eye cannot perceive the existence of the aircraft.

As for preventing radar detection waves, in addition to the fact that the surface of the aircraft does not have any protrusions, reducing radar wave reflection, the silver-white special material layer on the aircraft's shell can completely isolate radar wave detection. This isolation effect is much higher than the stealth effects of stealth coatings possessed by various countries worldwide.

Therefore, as long as the aircraft activates the invisibility function, it can silently fly anywhere. As long as the distance from humans is over ten meters, the human eye cannot see any disturbances.

The previously mentioned 5-meter distance is only a minimum limit, a conservative distance. Ten meters and beyond can completely guarantee absolute invisibility.

As for the silent operation, it's easily explained. Firstly, the aircraft is equipped with some high-energy reserve batteries and only a small amount of electronic devices. It lacks any propulsion system. During flight, it entirely relies on Wu Hao's telekinetic power to propel it. Wu Hao's telekinetic power can control objects up to 10 tons. Using this significant control force to manipulate an aircraft with a mere weight of 1.3 tons for flight is like child's play. Even if Wu Hao pushes the aircraft to fly beyond the speed of sound, there is no pressure.

Currently, fighter jets worldwide that can achieve supersonic and hypersonic flight have a body weight of over a dozen or twenty tons. Their thrust is around 10 tons at most, maybe up to 15 tons. There are engines with greater thrust, but once such high-thrust engines are installed on an aircraft, the aircraft's own weight naturally increases.

So, based on the thrust ratio, Wu Hao's telekinetic control ability of 10 tons can easily handle a mere 1.3 tons, or even load some goods, making the total weight exceed 3 or 4 tons. With Wu Hao's telekinetic power, the aircraft can perform supersonic flight.

However, even though this is theoretically feasible, once the aircraft exceeds the speed of sound during flight, it faces more problems. Firstly, the strength and heat resistance of the aircraft become issues. Although Wu Hao's manufactured aircraft's main structure has no concerns when flying at supersonic speeds, the layer of special invisibility material on the surface of the aircraft is not designed for such conditions.

According to the current parameters and strength of Wu Hao's Mark 1 aircraft, it can at most barely maintain subsonic flight. Once it exceeds this speed, the invisible material shell on the surface of the aircraft will face the danger of overheating or insufficient strength.

However, if Wu Hao only controls the aircraft without loading any items, during flight, if he uses a portion of his telekinetic power to form a protective shield around the external surface of the aircraft, then the aircraft can still achieve supersonic flight.

As for hypersonic flight, that will have to be addressed in future research by Wu Hao. However, for now, the capabilities of this Mark 1 aircraft meet Wu Hao's requirements.

After all, Wu Hao's purpose in manufacturing this aircraft is not for it to fly at high speeds but to have the ability to transport anywhere.

If the goal were simply to manufacture a fast-flying aircraft, Wu Hao could use another material with higher strength and heat resistance to create a smaller aircraft. In that case, the aircraft's flying speed would probably only be comparable to a missile.

Currently, no type of fighter jet in the world can be compared to it. However, such an aircraft would only have the ability to prevent radar detection and cannot achieve true invisibility.

Moreover, whether it's an airplane or a missile, once they exceed the speed of sound, the detonation and noise generated during flight are definitely substantial.

Even from a considerable distance, their noise can be heard. In such a scenario, even if the aircraft possesses invisibility effects that the human eye cannot perceive, the generated detonation and noise can still be detected by people.

Therefore, Wu Hao's aircraft will typically fly at speeds comparable to ordinary civil aviation planes. As for supersonic speeds, it will only be used in special circumstances, and under normal conditions, it is not something Wu Hao will use.

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