Super Coach

Chapter 1004 - Avoid its edge

As the schedule of the finals draws closer, more and more fans focus on Brazil.

Although the Confederations Cup cannot compete with the World Cup and the European Cup in terms of influence, under the strong operation of FIFA, in addition to the top teams in the current Confederations Cup, there are also many top teams, not to mention The national team in 2013 did not have any major events, and the Confederations Cup naturally became the focus of fans around the world.

Fans came to Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, ready to watch the finals, they will not be stingy with such a little ticket money, from Rio de Janeiro to Sao Paulo to see the training of the German team, but almost the vast majority of fans can not find To the training site of the German team, it can only be blocked at the Hilton Hotel in Molombo, Sao Paulo.

There are also a number of fans who can find the German national team in the city of Kotia through various relationships. A small part of them also touched the Kotia training base, but they were all rejected by the security guards.

Several people even sneaked along the narrow road leading to the town to the hillside. They all noticed that the walls of the Cotia training base were gathered at the foot of the hillside, and the areas on the hillside were densely planted. Greening brings concealment, and they want to dig a gap from this greening belt.

It’s a pity that they couldn’t find anything in the end, because even if they saw through the green belt, what they saw was a dormitory, a training building, but they couldn’t see the training ground, and the **** between the hillside and the training base was very different. It is as high as a floor. The highest even has a gap of three floors, unless he is willing to jump, otherwise, it is impossible to enter.

When Bosque heard this anecdote from Francisco Jimenez, he could n’t help laughing. “How do I think our scouts have all become spies now? Is it another day, let ’s go Invite several FBIs to be scouts? Maybe they might help us spy on the military! “

Tony? Grande heard this from the coach. Can’t help but Wan Er, today’s football is indeed different from that of that year, due to the abundant funds. Therefore, many teams can even arrange for a scout to track their opponents closely and spy on all their intelligence. Even through some necessary means, such as buying up staff.

“Yang Cheng has always done a good job in this respect. We have always been hard to find out what he is preparing. The Kotiya training base today is more rigorous than it was in Gdansk. Better and better. “

Jimenez couldn’t help but nod, at least he didn’t dig up much valuable information from the German team.

At this point, the German team did better than the host Brazil team.

Although Scolari took office, the Brazilian team did a good job in confidentiality, and the training site was also arranged in the national team training base on a hill outside Rio de Janeiro. This should have been said to be completely confidential, but it is said that it is difficult to guard against thieves.

Brazilian newspapers have provided considerable help to others in spying on military conditions, plus the staff ’s care in security measures. Making it difficult to spy on Brazil’s military situation is not so difficult, even if they are hiding in the mountains to take closed training.

In view of the German team, Yang Cheng has been very demanding in intelligence confidentiality work. It is said that the St. Paul Club has also invested a lot of money this time in order to complete the cooperation with the German team. The Kotya training base was renovated.

Not much else, where is the Cotia training base? I ’m afraid that not many journalists from around the world can find it on their own, and such a secret training base ca n’t reassure Yang Cheng, but also have to be perfect in confidential work, then this guy can only say that in this respect The request is too perverted.

“On the one hand, I was afraid that others would see it. On the other hand, I always arranged for scouts to spy on the opponent’s intelligence. Before the spies sent by Yang Cheng even wanted to pretend to be students and mix into the school. They drove them out, but you can also see how hard it is for this group of pervasive guys! “Tony Grande said with a smile.

If you write a novel about the spy war between you and me, you might be able to sell it.

Of course, the spying military situation on the football field is certainly not as **** and exciting as the spy wars between the countries, but compared with the bright and serious contests on the football field, the contest on the intelligence warfare is under the table.

“I don’t know if Yang Cheng has received our latest information?” Bosque asked, frowning.

Just yesterday, Ramos appeared on the training ground of the national team and did some training, and then Boske was interviewed by reporters, saying that Ramos had little problem and should be able to appear on the finals tomorrow. on.

This made it clear that he was going to hit a smoke bomb before the game, so that his opponent could not tell whether Ramos was injured or not!

“It should have been received, but I just don’t know what Yang Cheng will do!” Tony Grande said.

Speaking, things in the world are really fair.

In the group stage, Spain is unsurpassed. No matter whether it is Uruguay or Côte d’ Ivoire, it has not caused much threat to Spain. A team like Tahiti does not need to say much, but the German team It is really terrible to form a death team with the three teams of Brazil, Mexico and Japan.

But when the group stage ended, the German team stood out as the first group. The encounter was Uruguay. Yang Cheng boldly rotated the lineup and gave some players in the main position to take a rest. Even so, they are still neat 3: 0 defeated Uruguay to advance to the final.

However, unlike the German team, Spain, who played easily in the group stage, encountered a strong rival Brazil in the semi-finals. As a result, Ramos missed due to injury in this game, and the players also paid in this game. Exhausted.

The group stage was one day later than the German team, and the semi-finals was one day later than the German team. Directly leading to the finals, the German team has a full day of rest time than Spain, which puts Spain at a disadvantage in preparation, and Ramos’ injury also made Spain’s platoon formations in trouble.

Don’t underestimate the rest of the day, Spain played Brazil, although Spain took the advantage in the first half and penetrated the goal of the Brazil team. But in the second half, especially in the last period, the Brazilian team is obviously better than Spain in physical fitness. Directly reversed the situation.

Brazil is still the case, then, the German team is better than Brazil. Will it be better in terms of physical fitness?

You should know that Yang Cheng ’s team has always focused on physical fitness, especially after he took charge of the German team. After the European Cup competition, he has worked out a very effective training method for physical recovery. Although it seems weird, for example, let the players go to the ice pool for some activities and games after training, and there are many masseurs hired.

But the effect is very significant!

This made Spain have to pay attention!

“No matter how Yang Cheng responds, we should be clear that we are physically disadvantaged. After playing for so long in the league, the main players in our team all participated in the Champions League final, which is a full two weeks less than the German team. Time, after the Champions League final, he rushed to Brazil non-stop, physical fitness. We are much worse than our opponents! “

Germany players entered the rest stage directly after playing the league on May 8, and then participated in training to adjust, but this group of Real Madrid players in Spain is going to play in the Champions League final on May 25.

Moreover, the Bundesliga is 18 teams with only 34 rounds. However, there are 20 teams in La Liga, a total of 38 rounds, the winter break of the Bundesliga is long, the winter break of La Liga is only two weeks, and then entered the intensive and frequent schedule after the winter break, so in the winter After the rest period, the Bundesliga team can organize training and adjust physical fitness slowly, but the La Liga team can’t, which makes the La Liga players consume more throughout the season.

Ramos ’s injury is not without this problem. After all, he participated in most of Real Madrid ’s games last season and all the games of the Spanish national team. This caused his physical energy consumption to be very large, resulting in Injured during the game.

“Since our physical fitness is not as good as our opponents, then we can only make quick decisions!” Bosque set the tone for this final.

This is also a last resort, because you have insufficient physical fitness. If you play a protracted battle with the other party, you will only end up in physical difficulties. The best way is to completely defeat your opponent while you still have enough physical energy. In one fell swoop lay the situation of the game, at least to be able to score.

Advanced ball, this is very important for Spain’s active ball control tactics, because once the advanced ball, the game will almost get half, but Bosque will not forget, the classic case of the European Cup final was tragically reversed by Yang Cheng.

“In this game, we have to give up some more aggressive forward passes, let Xavi go up, and Iniesta form a dual core, Mata and David Silva play two wing, Villa Centered! “Bosque was not hesitant about this.

Many people say that Spain ’s tactics are very similar to Real Madrid, but in fact, Bosque feels different, because the concept is not the same. Yang Cheng ’s team respects forward attack, which makes Real Madrid ’s The ball is advancing very fast, and the passing line is radical. This seems to be creative and creative. Don’t forget, creativity also means instability, radicality, and error.

In Bosque ’s team, he allowed players to make mistakes, but he could n’t allow the kind of mistakes that were enough to drag the team into the quagmire of defeat, so he decided to let Harvey on this game, at least the veteran passed It’s more reassuring for him to squeeze.

“Let Della Red hit the centre back?” Tony Grande asked.

Bosque nodded, “I specially observed Albiol during training and let him and Pique form a double centreback. I was worried that the back line would be penetrated by the German team. Instead, I used Della Red, he and Pik’s formation as a central defender gives me more peace of mind, and his ability to take the ball is also a great help to the back line! “

De La Reid rose rapidly in the years when Yang Cheng was in charge of Real Madrid. Later he changed to play as a central defender and directly helped Real Madrid win the Triple Crown, creating the most glorious period in Real Madrid ’s history. Position is always positioned in the midfield. But Bosque also pulled him back from time to time.

“But …” Tony Grande frowned. “Without Della Red, Xavi Alonso played a midfielder in the midfield. Is this too thin? And Della Red in the midfield. Taking the ball to advance and inserting the offensive are all threats. Now he withdraws, and it will inevitably have a big impact on the attack and defense of the midfield! “

Bosk naturally knows this too, “but except for Della Red. Who do you think are our central defenders?”

This question makes Tony? Grande also speechless, because it is true.

“In order to ensure that the problem you said, we cannot over-press. We must first ensure that the ball is in hand, reduce the threat of the German team to the minimum, and attack the German team on this basis!”

Bosque is right. I believe that any relatively stable coach will adopt this tactic. Of course, it is not ruled out that some radicals will choose risky changes. For example, Yang Cheng has done this in the past, but it is a deadly death. The apprenticeship does not mean that Bosque will do the same.

At least look at the practice of father Bo’s coaching for so many years, he is not so tough … Believe me, Spain will not change. They will continue to attack us in the way they know best! “

At the Cortia training base in São Paulo, at the team’s pre-match preparation meeting, Yang Cheng was very sure to analyze Spain’s tactics. He believes that Bosque’s team cannot change on the spot. That is not in line with the tactical characteristics of Bosque and Spain, and the risks brought by it are alarming. Father Bo cannot do this.

“So, in this game they will continue to put pressure on us, continue to press forward, and arrange the battlefield in our half!”

Yang Cheng’s analysis. Let all the German internationals in the entire conference room stand in line and listen to each one very carefully and seriously, because the next game is the final of the Confederations Cup, which is won and they will be more in their careers. A hot trophy and honor.

In such a game, no player needs encouragement or mobilization, they will exert their strongest strength by themselves.

“I can tell you that in this game, for most of our time, we will be in the state of no ball!”

Spanish ball control is in hand, the German team naturally has no ball to play, this is a natural thing.

“However, I ask each of you, regardless of whether there is a ball or no ball, you have to remember one thing for me. The decision to win or lose is not how much you control the ball, but your offense and defense. Quality, so when you are off the ball, you must always maintain the overall formation and position of the team, and we must always maintain the stability of our back line! “

Many players listened and nodded incessantly. Although there was no voice, they were using this method to promise their head coach. Yang Cheng was assured that they would go all out.

“I also hope that all of you can understand that it is a huge honor to get the European Cup, but it has passed, and each of you should clearly realize that we are in overall strength, in individual strength There is a certain gap between Spain and Spain. We must admit this gap, so if we want to win, we must avoid the other party ’s edge! “

“I can expect that Spain is suffering from a physical deficit, they will go all out to attack after the opening, I ask all of us to shrink our formation as much as possible when running and standing, while at the same time Keep the width narrower and give up our side to the opponent! “

If you want to play a full-scale confrontation, the German team must not be Spain’s opponent, then it will be created by Spain to have a one-to-one opportunity, so Yang Cheng hopes to reduce the area of ​​the two sides.

Taking the initiative to give way to Spain to attack, and Spain to take the initiative to attack on the wing, these are two completely different concepts. Taking the initiative to give up, I can arrange the defense in advance and let it come out to attack for you. It is also insignificant, but the latter is different. The latter is passively beaten and will die at any time.

“Once the opponent attacked into the area around the penalty area, the full-backs retracted into the penalty area and gave way to the side!”

Spain actually has no serious winger. At least if Bosque wants to keep his overall offensive stability, he still has to reuse the Real Madrid faction and take the inward route, so the full-backs are retracted, which can limit them to some extent. Inside, let them cross the sidelines.

With the current German team’s central defender configuration and the defensive strength of the players, Spain’s cross pass is not a big threat to the German team. Relatively speaking, it is to let Spain penetrate inwardly, with greater threats and greater destructive power. .

“There is a player in the Spanish team that needs special attention, that is the left back Alba!”

The Barcelona left back has firmly established himself in the Spanish national team in the European Cup. His offensive ability is very strong. The left side is also the best width-making sideline for Spain after encountering restrictions in the frontcourt penetration. On the right, more defensive players like Aveloa sit in town.

“Sven? Bender and Jerome Boateng, you must pay close attention to this player’s movements, and his interaction with the player on the left side of the Spanish midfielder. If the front attack is restricted, Spain Will definitely use the left back to attack, Podolski, block him! “

“Relax, boss, we know how to do it!” Podolsky assured.

This striker is on the wing, and Yang Cheng attaches the most importance to his defensive awareness and running ability, so this game he used Podolski to stare at Alba, it is best to let the Spanish left back fly in the game If you can’t get up, the game will be much better.

But will the situation develop as Yang Cheng expected? (To be continued)

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