Super Coach

Chapter 1005 - Invisible goalkeeper

From the Sao Paulo Cotilla training base, back to the Hilton Hotel in Molombo, the German team was organized by Yang Cheng and watched a new Hollywood blockbuster in the hotel ’s movie theater, produced by Christopher Nolan. Superman: The Body of Steel], this heroic movie that has sold crazy all over the world.

Yang Cheng often organizes such activities. He hopes to let the players relax before the big game. Moreover, this movie is also produced and distributed by his company.

This movie is very good, and it has reached a high level in both thinking and entertainment. Although it ca n’t surpass Nolan ’s Batman prequel, it is at least a very high-quality Hollywood blockbuster this year. After watching this group of players, all of them walked out of the cinema in the discussion.

During the period of watching the movie, they completely put down the football, forgot about tomorrow’s finals, devoted themselves to the plot and thought of the movie, and got a complete relaxation. This is undoubtedly what Yang Cheng wants Effect.

Watching the players leave, Yang Cheng also came out.

“Can you talk, Manuel?” Yang Cheng stepped up and walked to Neuer.

The latter was a little surprised at the invitation of the head coach. There was a slight worry in his eyes, but when he saw Yang Cheng’s smiling expression, he nodded, “Of course, no problem, boss!”

“Come with me for a cup of coffee!” Yang Cheng sent an invitation.

Neuer smiled and asked, “Can I drink too?”

“Oh, I can, it’s enough for you to smell the fragrance!” Yang Chengli smiled shamelessly and walked straight forward. Neuer froze behind him, shook his head helplessly, but immediately followed.

There are many people in the cafe at night, and there are also many people who have watched the movie and come here to drink coffee. Yang Cheng is the VIP of the hotel. He directly asked for a box and took Neuer in.

While waiting for coffee to come up, the two did not talk at all. All are attentively looking at the Oliveira Bridge in the distance, the Oliveira Bridge in the night and the lights, has a beauty that can not be seen during the day, especially the two Xs on the air and the ground, it looks The X on the ground is like a reflection on the river.

Coffee came in, the waiter closed the door and exited, Yang Chengcai gently coughed. Picked up the coffee, took a sip, chewed, and came coldly, “The coffee in the coffee kingdom, really fragrant!”

Neuer looked at his savoury drink, and took a sip of his throat. A little bit envious and jealous of reminding someone, “Boss!”, That murmured look seemed to remind him. I can only drink boiled water while sitting opposite you. Do n’t overdo it. If so, I will turn your face!

Yang Cheng laughed, but did not put it in his heart, but said headlessly, “What do you think in your heart, should be expressed boldly, just like you have just said, you should interrupt me earlier. Boldly say Come up with your ideas, also on the football field! “

Noel listened, and probably could have guessed in his heart, why Yang Cheng would find him to talk.

Yesterday, Yang Cheng said publicly in an interview with the Pictorial. He feels that Neuer still has a lot of room for improvement. Although he admits that Neuer is already one of the best goalkeepers now, it is far from good enough.

Do you want to tell me this? Neuer thought to himself, but there was nothing on the surface.

“Recently, you have started to compare you and Kahn with multi-media. What do you think?” Yang Cheng looked at him, but his voice was calm, and it looked more like gossip and family, and a bit like elders caring about the younger.

“I still have a long distance from Kahn, I will not pay attention to what the media said!” Neuer answered carefully.

After listening, Yang Cheng sighed deeply and shook his head, as if dissatisfied with Neuer’s answer.

This makes Neuer feel strange, because Kahn is a senior, Kahn and Barak supported this German team, and Kahn is also the Optimus Prime of the German team’s defensive system. The answer, no matter from which point of view, is impeccable, what is not satisfactory?

“Are you always so careful?” Yang Cheng asked suddenly.

This made Neuer stunned, and suddenly did not know how to answer this question.

Am I careful? Neuer asked himself, and the answer was very positive, because he has always been like this!

Yang Cheng didn’t say anything, and smiled faintly, “People are strange animals. Everyone is born with a self-protection mechanism, so almost everyone is trying to protect themselves and put them on the football field. In fact, as a professional player, everyone hopes that he can be blamed by fans and the media. “

“This is a human nature, I think!” Yang Cheng raised his head again and looked at Neuer, still with a calm smile on his face, “but sometimes I think again, if everyone first Consider not making mistakes and not being accused. Who wants to take the first steps of adventure, innovation and experimentation? Who can take the courage to take more responsibility? “

Yang Cheng’s words made Neuer start to think about it, because just when he was watching Christopher Nolan’s [Superman: The Body of Steel], one of the ideas conveyed in it was actually the responsibility that the superhero should bear and bear. This is very similar to the core idea conveyed by the Batman prequel.

In this way, Yang Cheng’s arrangement of players to watch this movie is not a whim, nor is it just the right time, but a film watching that has been prepared for a long time. Even if it is not the right time, he will definitely arrange another time. Because the thought of this film is close to Yang Cheng’s request for the current German team.

Responsibility, he needs more German internationals, bravely assume more responsibilities!

“In the past, Kahn, Schumacher, and Igna, so many German goalkeepers, the more recent ones were Buffon and Casillas. They all had the courage to bear more, just like Kahn had Dare to say that he is responsible for the positioning ball and the side pass, so that his teammates can invest more energy in other areas. “

When it came to this, Yang Cheng looked deeply at Neuer again, “Manuel, I always felt. Your door line technology is solid, the upper limb strength is excellent, the movement speed is fast, and it is very good in the small restricted area. There is dominance and deterrence. These are the qualities that the top goalkeeper should have, but I also found a problem. In the past two or three years, your progress has always been in a slow, even stagnant state! “

Noel heard this and had to admire it, because Yang Cheng was right. He has really not improved in the past two or three years. This is even clear to him. The most intuitive performance is that in the key games of some key games, some of his saves have always been difficult to satisfy himself. It is difficult to go all out.

Just looking at the national team’s game, in the past few German teams have not lost the ball, so it doesn’t feel big. But looking at Bayern and losing the Champions League, Neuer was scored. Although many people criticized Bad Steuble, in fact, Neuer felt that he also had a great responsibility.

If he dared to choose the attack at that time, the situation might be different, but why didn’t he do it?

The reason is simple, responsibility!

If he chooses to attack and prevent the opponent from scoring, he is a hero, but if he is scored by the opponent, he will become the number one sinner. But if he doesn’t choose to attack, he doesn’t drop the ball, he is also a hero, but if he drops the ball, he doesn’t have much responsibility, because everyone will blame the defender.

Or should be said, from a personal standpoint. This is a very reasonable move to protect yourself.

The same behavior can be seen in Bayern and the German national team in many games, but some were scored and some were not scored. Therefore, many fans and multimedia did not pay attention to these, but Yang Cheng As the team’s head coach, he must pay attention to this.

Speaking of which, Yang Cheng sighed himself, “I know, Manuel, I also want you to understand that I have never been criticizing you, because I know that many choices are equivalent to professional players. So there is no choice! “

From Neuer ’s standpoint, he finally joined Bayern and joined the giants. He was under great pressure on his shoulders, and he stood firmly in front of the goal line of the giants at a young age. Is it easy?

Look at all the young goalkeepers of the big teams, how many have a good end? How many of them have not been in the scenery for a year or two, and once the state fluctuates and their performance declines, they are swept out of the house in vain? Is it because they are underperforming?

Is wrong, because they are to some extent the team’s scapegoat for losing goals and poor performance!

So Neuer chose Mingzhe to protect himself, which is actually a measure of self-protection!

But the problem is that once you have such a mental burden on the court, it means that you are putting yourself in a prison, your performance will be restricted, and your performance will be greatly reduced. In this case, Not to mention breakthroughs and progress, it is not bad to not go backwards.

“I’m talking to you, I just want to tell you, I have brought many wonderful goalkeepers, I am full of expectations for you, but if you continue to be in your current state, then your life will always stop here, Never ever want to break through the current bottleneck and get promoted to the level of Casillas and Buffon, and never reach the level of Kahn! “

“Also, what I still want to tell you is that as a head coach, I do n’t like that kind of cowardly, lack of commitment player, I appreciate you, but I appreciate the careless, dare to assume, even Regardless of the mistakes made by Neuer, I really do n’t want to see that one day, your performance will force me to change this appreciation of you, that is not only the loss of the German national team, but also the loss of you and me! “

Yang Cheng’s remarks are really heartfelt, and this is also the point of view he has always communicated with players. Everyone has one, two, two. If you can talk openly and promote understanding, then naturally it is the most Well, if you ca n’t accept my way of communication, it ’s embarrassing, I ’m not going to communicate with you, and you will lose your own responsibility.

Neuer knows Yang Cheng’s style, he also knows clearly that in the three years that Yang Cheng has coached the German team, many players on the team have improved rapidly, and the team’s atmosphere has also changed. More, become more harmonious and more united with each other, all from the atmosphere promoted by Yang Cheng.

Neuil has always been confused. He doesn’t know how to break his own bottleneck. Now when Yang Cheng said this, he began to understand a little bit where he has struggled in the past two years.

“Boy. What do you think I should do?” Neuer also looked at Yang Cheng and asked solemnly.

Was able to ask this question, at least Yang Cheng was very happy. Also relieved, at least to prove that the German goalkeeper still has ambitions, as well as self-motivated, that is, there is still salvation.

“In my opinion, the really top goalkeeper is not a goalkeeper who is saving the whole game and showing his high light. But the whole game is obscure, almost invisible!”

“Invisible?” Neuer seemed to perceive the meaning of Yang Cheng.

“Yes, let yourself be invisible and hide into the team’s overall defensive tactics, because you are the goalkeeper, you should be clear. From the perspective, the goalkeeper is the widest position on the court. Every move on the court is in Within the goalkeeper ’s line of sight, is there a problem with the team ’s defense and which area is the opponent ’s offense playing? The goalkeeper is almost always well-informed. “

“And the real top goalkeeper will never let the opponent enter the penalty area and make a save, but convey what he sees and the countermeasures he thinks to his teammates, and trust his teammates, put himself The teammate of the team used it as an arm to prevent the opponent from shooting, and used the teammate’s defense to stop the opponent. This is also a way for the goalkeeper to defend outside the penalty area. “

“Perhaps, in this defensive state, the goalkeeper will not appear under the live camera. It will not appear in the sight of the fans, but such a goalkeeper is often the best, because his invisibility is not whether he is invisible. Outstanding performance, but integrated into the strength of the entire team. “

So, always. When Yang Cheng was building a defensive system, goalkeepers were also important parts of the defensive system. When he was in Real Madrid, he had asked Casillas to shout and command his teammates to organize defense. Now he is also Neuer is also required to do this.

“However, stealth does not necessarily mean that you must retire. I think that players on any position on the court should have a sense of responsibility and sacrifice their dedication. The goalkeeper is also the same. Dare to stand up at the critical moment and do When you make a decision, even if you make a mistake because of it, even if you are notorious for it, what about it? “

“Sometimes the fans are blind. They watch the ball with their eyes and read the media reports and comments. It is difficult for them to understand what is happening on the football field, but the teammates playing football on the field are not clear, they will know what you do. What happened, they will also sacrifice for you when you need it. “

“I often say that if a team can really do it, every player has a strong sense of responsibility, dedication to sacrifice for other teammates, and trust each other, then this team will never be defeated! “

When it comes to this, Yang Cheng is looking at Neuer, “I also often say that truly great top players, they will always know clearly that their own strength is based on the strength of the entire team. , The same is true for goalkeepers, failing to stay out of the team as a whole! “

Yang Cheng’s remarks, there are many truths in it, Neuer understands, but from Yang Cheng’s mouth, it is particularly persuasive, and also made him hesitate in the heart, and finally showed courage and determination , Made a key decision.

Sometimes, people who are confused are not because they do n’t know how to go. People who are really confused are confused because they know how to go, but they dare not go, without the courage.

Neuer’s confusion is actually the same, and Yang Cheng is his most convincing head coach, so when Yang Cheng told him that you should go like this, he finally convinced himself, encouraged his courage, and let go of his heart Hesitated and went out firmly.

Yang Cheng looked at Neuer’s expression, he knew in his heart that his saliva and heartfelt remarks were not in vain after all. He believed that Neuer had strength, the key is that his heart was always There is a tangle that can’t let it go, so that he suffers from gains and losses, which greatly limits his performance.

In this game of Spain, the German team should narrow the defensive width of the team, give the wing out to Spain to attack, and focus on strangling Spain’s inward cut. I believe there will be a lot of wing pass by then Hit the ball.

In the German team’s central defender, Bad Steuble still needs to improve the header. Although Humels is good, he is still not enough insurance. Instead, he is a goalkeeper who can use his hand in the penalty area. The big advantage, if it can inspire Neuer’s fighting spirit and determination, let him exert his dominance of the high ball in the penalty area, he believes that this game will be of great help.

This is why he had to find Neuer before the game, to talk and chat, wasting so much water to stimulate his fighting spirit and courage. He was convinced that with Neuer ’s strength, as long as he hesitated, he Can play a better strength and status than now.

As the head coach, no one knows his players better than Yang Cheng!

I figured it out, Neuer put down a big rock in his heart, spit out the atmosphere with a slight smile, looked at Yang Cheng, “I know what to do, boss, rest assured, I won’t let you Disappointed!”

Yang Cheng also opened Neuer’s heart with a gratifying smile. He also achieved his goal and nodded: “Then I will safely give you all the highball in the big penalty area. When the time comes, Don’t hide me! “

After listening to it, Haha smiled and nodded, looking full of confidence! (To be continued)

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