Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 191 - Walk to the front desk

???nine in the morning. [ads: This site has a new URL, shorthand method :,]

Nearly a hundred media have arrived on the square in front of the experimental center building, including domestic and multi-national major media and some online media.

Among these media people, some foreign media based in China came with some doubts about whether the unknown company that held the conference could solve the problem of the IFRS virus.

记者 Some reporters have prepared sharp words and are ready to formally launch a shot at this lesser-known biological company in the world after the opening.

At this moment, in the focus of all the media, the main entrance of the experimental center building was suddenly opened, and a group of people slowly walked out, surrounded by a few people with a lot of official leadership.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The media grabbed a spot in advance. When these people came out, the entire conference scene was almost covered by those flashes that stopped and flashed.

Yu Yuhu is also a member of this group. He follows Zhou Yucun and the senior leaders surrounded by Secretary Jiang of the South Island Municipal Committee. Dr. Zheng and Xiang Shaoyu are beside him.

Several leaders took the lead. When they first reached the podium of the venue, those reporters ’media flashes would focus on them. Some reporters handed in microphones from time to time raised some questions, making the press conference not official. From the beginning, the entire site has been warmed up.

After Yu Xiaohu came out with the company’s people behind him, some domestic media gathered up, and some reporters rushed to ask questions: “Mr. Xiang, I’m a reporter from Nanjiang Morning Post. After a breakthrough in your company’s experiment, he declared The newly developed antiviral vaccine has also passed clinical trials and proved that it can effectively solve the problems caused by the spread of IFRS virus. Does your company start to mass produce this antiviral vaccine? “

Reporter: “Mr. Xiang, may I ask who is this young guy next to you, is he the mysterious deputy chairman of your company, why is such an important press conference. Why is your more mysterious Mo Dong not present? … “

Some reporters also aimed at Yu Xiaohu and asked: “Will this Yu Dong, at your young age, you take the post of chairman of any large-scale enterprise with a scale of tens of billions, can you manage the business development of this enterprise? Many insiders are skeptical … “

Reporter: “This Mr. Yu Xiaohu, there is a tiger in your name. The name of the company that held the conference today is a strange company name such as Shenhu Group. What are the base island companies and Shenhu Group? relationship?”

Like other people, Yu Xiaohu was surrounded by these reporters and asked about it. He was not bored, but he did not answer the reporter’s rhetorical questions. He just walked and said, “For everyone, We will answer the questions at the press conference. I would like to invite journalists and friends to take their seats first. Everyone will have the opportunity to ask questions … “

Organic reporters did not come around to ask questions, but ran early to grab a favorable position.

However, other reporters refused to disclose the news of these main parties, and had to retreat to the press stand and set up their cameras to grab the position.

来到 After coming to the podium, Yu Xiaohu invited the leaders of several national ministries and commissions and important leaders of Nandao City to take a seat.

After these leaders came before, they met in the lobby of the experimental building in advance, and did some simple communication, so they nodded and sat down with each other at this time.

As for that Du Ze. There was no reserved seat for him on the rostrum. The guy ran cheekily and wanted to occupy the seat next to the leaders of several ministries and commissions, but was glared by Secretary Jiang. The guy had to step back.

But after all, they belong to leading cadres, so they still have to give some face. Xiang Shaoyu still made him move a stool to make him the best.

After Yu Xiaohu nodded to Xiang Shaoyu, Xiang Shaoyu picked up the microphone and cleared his throat. At this time, the whole venue was quiet.

Xiang Shaoyu made an opening statement, saying: “Today. This global conference held by Shenhu Group is related to the harm and impact of IFRS virus that is spreading around the world on human beings. In the spread of this virus, everyone Media reporters can still attend the conference in a self-threatening environment. On behalf of the Shenhu Group, I welcome you here … “


When Xiang Shaoyu made his opening remarks, they gave polite and applause on the venue.

I heard Xiang Shaoyu continue: “But before the press conference officially started, maybe many media reporter friends didn’t know much about Shenhu Group, so here I will introduce Shenhu Group …”

Next, Xiang Shaoyu introduced some basic information about the Shenhu Group and its relationship with the base island company. There is also a brief introduction to what achievements the Shenhu Group has made in the scientific research field.

After the reporter heard Xiang Shaoyu’s introduction, the scene was uproarous. Even the government leaders who were present were very surprised.

They did not expect that the base island company that has made a name throughout the country last year and even expanded to many neighboring countries. With a good reputation and brand influence brought by one product, it was in a silent process. China was annexed by the Shenhu Group.

But what is even more surprising is that Yu Xiaohu, a young and unbelievable young man, as the chairman of the newly created Shenhu Group, actually successfully completed a counterattack in such a short time. On the upper level, the base island company in which he had become a shareholder has become his possession.

No wonder today, the former chairman of the base island company Mo Xing did not come to participate in the press conference, it turned out to have been relegated to the second line.

And after such a brief introduction, after everyone has figured it out, he has to marvel at the extraordinary means of this young man. If this is not equal to his age, he can only be regarded as a business genius. Already.

But this is a big news. For the media, it is self-evident what such a big news gimmick is.

Let’s not say anything else, just the new chairman of the Shenhu Group, which has an asset specification of 10 billion yuan, has a net worth of 10 billion yuan at the age of only 21, which is extremely rare in the country.

Such a young diamond prince, a business wizard, used to be very low-key, but now he debuts at the front desk and waits until the news reports come out. It will astound the whole country, and such young people will naturally have more news materials to dig, but a shiny big gold mine.

at this time. Many journalists can’t wait to raise their hands to ask questions.

But Xiang Shaoyu did not give reporters the opportunity to ask questions. He made an opening statement and announced that the press conference had officially started, and he invited a leader of a ministry seated on the rostrum to speak.

高级 The senior leader of the ministry simply talked about some of the grim situation after the spread of IFRS virus to China, and talked about the national government’s firm determination to control the epidemic infection and prevent the further expansion of IFRS virus infection. At the same time, he highly praised and praised the achievements made by a young company such as Shenhu Group.

Then, after the leader finished speaking, let the next leader from the National Center for Disease Control speak.

And the leader of the disease control center came up with a document.

This information is the latest statistical report from the International Health Organization. It talks about the serious situation of the current spread of IFRS virus. In the recent week, the total number of global spread has reached 76 million people, including mortality. About three million, but he only briefly mentioned a vague figure on the Huaxia side.

However, it was just that the leader of the disease center reported such a number, and the reporters present could not help but take a breath.

This is only one week’s infection rate and mortality rate. If it takes longer, there is still no way to find an effective solution. It is estimated that the world will be shrouded in the death shadow of this IFRS virus infection.

这些 Behind these data are living lives that have died after being infected, and most of the people present have a heavy heart when they think of these.

The focus of today ’s press conference is not on these aspects, so after the leader from the health department made a statement, he asked a biological virus scientist from the National Academy of Sciences to explain the composition of the IFRS virus.

记者 Many scientific terms spoken by this scientist are incomprehensible to reporters, but when doing live broadcasts, people who are watching some related fields watching TV can understand.

The scientist pointed out that the virus analysis data in his hand has been sent to the International Health Organization and has been verified by the International Health Organization’s virus epidemic authority. The verification result holds.

Especially when the reporters heard that the source of the vector that caused the deep cross-infection of the IFRS virus was confirmed, they could not help but be upset again.

No one had thought that the origin of this IFRS virus was actually a dental insect from the tropical coastal jungles of Southeast Asia. The gerbils from the Middle East in an arid desert climate environment were cross-infected by biological virus mutations to form mutant gene viruses. .

At the same time. TV audiences around the world watching the live broadcast of this conference were also uproar ~ ~ full of surprises and shocks.

Although it was proved that no one had thought of such a result through experimental analysis, it brought another great question to everyone’s mind.

That is how the gerbils living in the arid climate of Central Asia may cross-infect with dental insect-forming genes in the southern subtropical coastal forests. This seems a bit unreasonable, and it does not conform to some logical laws of biology.

And on the Internet, those who watch the conference through a webcast. Both have published articles on the Internet explaining their views.

In particular, a biologist published a view that if the possibility of malicious human factors is not ruled out, from the perspective of biological science, it is unlikely that the organisms in these two different environmental regions will cross virus infection and spread to humans.

And after this biologist published this view, then the Philologist, a biologist from the rice country, once again raised his own doubts and said it openly, and even caused public outcry in the world … (To be continued.) Xh118

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