Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 192 - sensation

And just when some of the content mentioned in this global press conference convened by Shenhu Group around the world sparked a big discussion.

The question raised by the scientist from the rice country Philrum on the Internet and publicly spoke out, this has caused a stir on the Internet, and caused dissatisfaction and condemnation in many countries in South Asia.

This Lahm suggested that during the analysis of the antibiotic vaccine developed by Nalta Biological Group, he unintentionally found a microbial cell molecule that can fuse with the dental virus in the composition of the vaccine. Ingredients.

After analyzing the molecular structure of the biological cell, he was surprised to find that there was an artificially added component in the source of the mutant cross-infection existing in the ifrs virus.

It is this artificially added ingredient that makes the ifrs virus have deep division and cross mutation infection, but if it is to be transmitted to humans, it must be deliberately spread in some special circumstances before it can be infected. Humans are infected and spread.

Otherwise, the probability of transmission to humans after the natural mutation of the biological virus is very small, so Lem thinks that this should be a conspiracy of some countries or forces in South Asia. They want to use the virus to spread to humans to get amazing Interests.

Although this article published by Lahm just said that some countries or power organizations did not mention who it was, people around the world would not be able to guess who Lahm said.

In addition, after the viral infection spreads, the Nalta Group has pushed the antibiotic vaccine in a very short period of time to make money, which has been questioned by biologists around the world.

Because through normal experimental research progress and regularity, virus samples are analyzed, and then experiments are performed to find solutions. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to make such a breakthrough without a week or more. Even the Nalta Group even produced antibiotic vaccines, which is very easy to cause doubt.

Now, coupled with the timing of this discussion by Lem, this seemingly reliable article review was published. It also pushed Talta Group and Southeast Asian countries to the forefront, and also raised his personal reputation and attention to a new level.

Of course, all this is happening on the Internet. Except for those media people who use wireless Internet access, these people who held the press conference did not know.

At this time, the press conference is still continuing.

The biological virus expert of Huaxia explained the source of the ifrs virus infection and spread it. And extended to the solution to eliminate this mutated genetic virus.

This solution is provided by the Scientific Research and Experimental Center of Shenhu Group.

At this time, after the government representative finished speaking, he invited Zheng Shusen to speak.

After the appearance of Zheng Shusen as a scientist, he immediately attracted much attention of many experts in the biological field.

After all, the theory about the evolutionary biological proton gene code published by Zheng Shusen and several world-famous biological sciences is still circulating in the world’s major biological circles. Its effect is still continuing, so Zheng Shusen’s popularity is still hot in the global scientific community.

So when Zheng Shusen came out and published an analysis of the ifrs virus and found the source of its infection transmission, antivirin extracted and synthesized by various organisms can effectively relieve this deep-level cross-infected gene virus. Effectiveness is explained in detail.

Because he is a scientist, there are only a few people who can understand these scientific terms at the scene. Even many biological experts who watch the live broadcast are not particularly understandable. They always feel extremely esoteric and think it is Dr. Zheng’s new discovery. This does not preclude their admiration for Dr. Zhengshusen’s achievements in biological sciences.

After Dr. Zheng gave an explanation, he opened a laptop computer and played a whole process of their laboratory team’s clinical observation of infected patients.

The media present also recorded this process and broadcast it live.

People around the world see it. In the course of the clinical experiment, the patient with severe infection, almost dying, was almost dying. After using that antivirin, the miraculous start to show signs of improvement on the second day of experimental observation.

On the third day, the patient’s symptoms subsided slowly, and a virus expert showed the data of an experimental report in the video.

People all over the world see it again. Most of the experimental test data made for patients in that experimental report are developing in a normalized range, and the number of ifrs mitotic variant viruses that have spread to various parts of the patient’s body is also sharply reduced. This further confirms that the antivirin plays a key role that cannot be ignored in the whole clinical experimental process.

When this video of the entire clinical trial and related experimental data was published, it fully confirmed the effectiveness of the anti-virus vaccine developed by the Shenhu Research and Experimental Center in a short period of time to completely eliminate the ifrs virus. After this news was broadcast live, it immediately caused a large-scale sensation in various countries around the world.

Although some people have some doubts, in the real data report and the clinical video of the whole process in front of the eyes, seeing is believing, when they can fully understand, these people have nothing to say said.

Even the questioner who had questioned a long time ago and bombarded the God Tiger Group’s Lem, after seeing these materials and videos, he remained silent because these materials were not only him, most people in this field are It can be discerned that its authenticity is very high.

In order to further confirm that the Shenhu Group held this conference not for a show, after Zheng Shusen gave explanations and demonstrations, under the unexpected gaze of many media people, he saw several medical staff accompanying a patient. Middle-aged people in costumes came out of the building ~ ~ especially when the media saw that the patient who came out was the one in the video, all the media reporters were almost ready crazy.

Because this person was the patient who was severely infected and on the verge of dying, but now he seems to be recovering well, and even being able to come to the conference site in person has caused a sensation.

In the video of the clinical experiment before, people all over the world have seen the patient’s entire body was swollen, nasal cavity and oral cavity ulcerated, and the eyeballs were almost falling out. He had been infected with the critically ill stage and was lying in bed. It is on the verge of dying, which is the same as the symptoms of more than 90% of infected patients worldwide, and everyone can tell.

Now, in front of the cameras of all media, even before the global audience, I saw that the puffiness on this patient has disappeared, and his overall complexion is also good. Although he is still a little bit weak, he can be in just three days. It was a miracle to recover to such a stage.

At this time, the patient didn’t need to say anything or prove anything, it was enough to shock the audience around the world.

On this day, Shenhu Technology Group, which officially replaced the base island company and came to the front desk, will truly resonate throughout the world! (To be continued)

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