Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 383 - completely annihilated

readx (); Howard spent all his life preparing for all his secret sources and ceremonies from this underwater ruins.

Now, seventy years later, when he came here again for the last exploration of his life, he found that it might have become something in someone else ’s pocket, most likely after he made a wedding dress for others. One can imagine his anxiety and despair.

I just haven’t witnessed it all before, but he still had a little luck, or he was too concerned.

Uh-huh, maybe I think too much.

Under such comfort, in order to avoid Lin Suo’s suspicion about him, Howard remained calm and went on.

They came to the gate of the ruins. Lin Suo first experimented with his people. They couldn’t open the door at all, and finally they could only step back and ask Howard for instructions.

霍 Howard is most familiar here. He knows that it is simply impossible to open the door by ordinary methods or by violence.

In order to open the door smoothly, Howard studied privately all his life, and naturally also learned.

He asked the robot to bring a special energy box, which stored the electric energy compressed to the limit. After the robot calculated the small holes exposed under the darkened panel on the door and connected them, it injected the electric energy in there. Go to that panel.


However, what made Howard feel a bit frightened was that after all the power was integrated into the panel, he had not yet done the second step of cracking. As a result, the panel on the door just turned on the light, and the door It turned on automatically.

Howard took a breath of air.

He knows clearly that injecting energy into the control panel on this door to temporarily put him into work is only the first step, and there are more complicated steps later. If he can’t do it, he will use violent destruction.

But now the door is only opened in the first step, which is obviously impossible, unless there is a relic open the door to let him in, there is no other possibility.

As soon as he thought about it, Howard’s cold hair was erected.

But he was not afraid. It just seemed too weird, so weird that he forgot all his worries for a while, but was a little excited and curious because of curiosity.

Lin Suo next to the uncle also felt that the door seemed to open a little too smoothly, but he didn’t think much. This is the first time he has come to explore the ruins himself. He feels that Howard is a very cunning old fox, and he should have the secret to the right way to open the door.

After seeing that door slowly open, Lin Suo was the first to get in, and his men quickly followed.

I just howard saw Lin Suo can’t wait to get in. There was a sly gloss in his eyes inside the helmet, and the corners of his mouth slightly squeaked in secret: “In the end, it’s a young man, it’s really impetuous, just use you to be a pioneer!”

Thinking this way, Howard got into the door with the robot.

After the door closed automatically, Howard trembled. He tried to contact Jenny on the submarine, but found that the communication had already been interrupted and he could not receive any signal from the outside world.

He knows and wants to go out again. It is no longer possible, no matter what is in it, even if it is dead, he can only bite his head and move forward.

He may be the first time to enter the interior of this alien relic, and everything is full of freshness.

The adventurous factor also made these humans feel shocked and excited about the technological creations created by the cutting-edge technology after entering the ruins.

I was just Lin Suo and Howard. They only came in the outer area of ​​this alien relic. There was no way to know where to go, but it was just these external facilities that shocked these people.

However, among these people was shocked. Perhaps only Lin Suo and Howard were more awake.

He Linsuo found that after they came in and scanned the environment, he wanted to get in touch with the outside world as soon as possible, and planned to secretly send relevant information to the organization.

However he tried. The communication device inside the helmet has been completely interrupted from the outside world, no signal can be sent out, they seem to be isolated from the world.

I just called a few times and tried to contact the men who were with him, but also found that it didn’t work at all.

Lin Suo’s change of mind caused Lin Suo to be shocked.

He knows things are not good. It is likely that he was deceived by the old-fashioned and sly Howard, so he turned around and grasped Howard tightly. Although he could not speak and communicate, he questioned with the sharp and murderous eyes in his helmet.

Howard was caught by Linsuo and issued an eye question. He didn’t answer the other person, just shook his head gently, and gave him an inexplicable smile.


At this moment, when the people of the exploration team walked along the passage to the position of the bifurcation, they suddenly changed their lives.

I saw a few holes suddenly opened in the corner of the passage, and aimed at them after a small barrel was found out.

“Oh, almost get down …”

Lin Linsuo is a very cautious person. Now that he knows that he has entered this dangerous place and has cut off all contact with the outside world, he is determined to die.

But he couldn’t tolerate all of his men die here. When he found out that something had happened, he instinctively yelled to remind his men.

However, even if his voice occurs, because it is still through the extremely dense helmet, it is impossible to transmit the sound after the communicator fails.

As a result, Lin Suo’s eyes were sullen, his eyes widened, and he personally saw that his brothers had no chance to resist, and were hit and fell to the ground by the light blue light emitted by that small weapon.

After a short while, blood and water mixed into the sea water, which completely dyed everything here. Lin Suo’s men were killed. They didn’t even know what the other was, and they died unclearly.

Even the creatures that Lin Suo brought in were also hit by that extremely crazy and powerful fire, and their bodies were sieved into a sieve, which killed a large area.

Lin Linsuo’s eyes widened and blood was red. He couldn’t accept the fact, but he found that he couldn’t do anything.

Although they are elite among human beings, they can block by ten, but under the powerful force of this mysterious alien relic, they are so small. Like ants, even the slightest resistance was wiped out in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, Lin Sona’s strong heart fell to the ground in all his men’s ruins. Finally there was a kind of despair.

However, what differs from Lin Suo is Howard.

Although Howard saw the death at this moment, he found that all of the weapons locked shots were Lin Suo’s men and the creatures they brought, as well as the robot that was destroyed and completely scrapped, but only left behind. He and Linso were not killed.

This shows what?

Almost no need to guess. Howard knew in his heart that perhaps his previous anxiety had been confirmed, and it should have been explored and inherited by others, and became something else.

After thinking of this, Howard laughed a little.

Unexpectedly, because of his sake, the Third Empire forces and the Rice Kingdom have been wrestling for decades for this underwater ruins, and because there are concerns about the nuclear radiation here, both parties have not embarked on exploratory exploration and excavation, but did not expect, In the end, I made a wedding dress for others.

Thinking of this, Howard suddenly felt gloating. When the Nami people and the leaders of the Third Reich know that they have painstakingly wanted to get everything here and become something in others’ pockets, will they spit blood and rise three liters?

Knowing that it was a mortal outcome, Howard’s mood suddenly calmed down at this moment.

Since the other party did not intend to kill him and Lin Suo directly, it shows that they still have a little value.

At this time, Lin Linsuo also realized this problem.

下 His men were all dead, but leaving him alive was a question worth considering in itself. When he calmed down, he thought of Howard.

Then he turned to look at Howard and found the other person’s eyes very calm. It seems to be ready for a trial of fate.


I was waiting for Lin Suo and Howard. At this time, after hearing a bang, the two things that filled them with shockingly came out slowly, constantly stimulating their nerves.

This is two armed robots. Just looking at the horrible appearance and the weapon system that does not know its power, we know how terrible this weapon of war is.

显然 Obviously, this highly precise robot with extremely advanced technology content cannot be manufactured by human technology on earth.

I was in the shock of this armed robot when a shock suddenly came from the ground.


Immediately. The two saw a weird thing like a big spider slowly move behind the two armed robots.

Lin Linsuo and Howard did not know what kind of weapon that was like a big spider. Now they are like ants who are being judged by fate. They cannot have the slightest resistance.

The two armed robots came to the two of them and stopped. At the same time, after the big spider stopped, Linso and Howard saw that the door inside the big spider was open, and one of them walked down.

They don’t know if this person is human or not, but because he is no different from a real human, no matter how he looks or other features, it is difficult for people to tell what his essence is, maybe the aliens have become Human appearance.

“Humans, you have been captured, disarm all of you!”

When this alien, who resembles a real human, came to the two, they made a sound that humans can make.

And to the shock and surprise of Lin Suo and Howard, this so-called human language is actually Chinese.

I ca n’t wait for Lin Suo and Howard to take any action. In the duo’s stagnation, the ‘alien’ in front of them immediately took the initiative to release all the threatening items on them and destroy them at will.

Immediately, after the ‘alien’ reached out and grabbed the two, a pain that seemed to be restrained by the iron clamp caused Lin Suo to return to God. He found that the power of the ‘alien’ was so strong He could hardly produce any resistance, and was picked up like a chick and thrown into a cabin popped up by the big spider.


The chamber of the giant spider machine was closed, and it fell into darkness.

Uh …


I don’t know how long, after Lin Suo and Howard felt a strong light in front of them, they were forced to wake up from a sleepy state.

But after waking up, they found that all the diving equipment on each other was removed, and their breathing did not seem to be affected.

After adapting to the strong light, Howard reluctantly opened his eyes and looked around, and found that he and Lin Suo were in a closed environment, surrounded by the walls of facilities that looked like metal and biological organs. I don’t know where the ‘aliens’ took them.

However, soon after a door opened, the ‘alien’ who had caught them both came in.

After this ‘alien’ came to Howard, he did n’t ask anything, but just spoke the identity information of Howard and Lin Suo in that cold tone.

When Howard and Lin Suo heard each other so quickly that they had their identity information, and even what they did, or some secrets that were not known by others were investigated in detail by the other party, they were extremely surprised. .

Especially Howard, he thought that only he knew something that happened 70 years ago, but when the other side said it directly, it undoubtedly broke the deepest line of defense in his heart.

Howard felt that he was about to collapse, and he had been painstakingly managing everything planned for a lifetime, and he was performing like a clown in front of the other party. This caused him a great deal of shock, making him shout: “What the **** are you Now that you have investigated everything and deployed a trap to catch us, why not just kill us, why not just directly destroy humans … “

Lin Linsuo was silent at this time. He seemed to have made a plan to wait for death, because he might guess some of the other party’s purpose.

At this moment, I heard that the robot suddenly came with a clear tone change, which sounded like a real person talking, making Lin Suo and Howard a little surprised voice, saying: “Howard, Mr. Lin Suo, all your identities Data, as long as we have your genetic characteristics, it will be easy to analyze and query in the database of any country on the earth.

I’m not interested in your so-called plans and other things. We just want to know everything about the organization behind you. If you can tell us truthfully, we promise that we will never hurt anything related to you. Relatives or family.

But if you do n’t cooperate ~ ~ We will only use coercive means to directly extract your memory cells from your brain to obtain, I think you can’t afford such pain … “

“If you want me to betray your organization’s intelligence, don’t think about it, kill me, ah …”

Lin Linsuo was very tough. The moment he was captured, he was ready for death, so he planned to use rebellion to let the other party watch him or kill him or die with him.

However, before Lin Suo had made any action, he saw that the ‘alien’ suddenly drew out a horrifying creature tentacle from his arm and firmly attached the suction cup to his head, while The moment a fine needle-like thing pierced his skull and entered his brain, the pain that seemed to pierce his soul, made him such a hard-bodied tough man couldn’t help but scream with trembling and fear.

Howard, who was next to him at this point, completely collapsed after seeing this scene.

He didn’t want to bear the fear and pain of this kind of memory when he was about to die, and shouted, “I said, I would like to explain all the information about the forces of the Third Reich. I just ask you to give me a A peaceful way to die, don’t hurt my family … “(To be continued.)

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