Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 384 - Earth Dragon Rolling Under the Sea

In the evening, the stars are like water.

There is a quiet area above the sea surrounding the base of the Mi Jun 17th.

However, the three cruisers quietly floated above the sea, like three dormant lions dormant, without any movement.

However, in one of the flagships, Colonel Royer stared closely at the display screen of an instrument, trying to find something out of the continuously scanning screen.

This instrument is the latest scanning and monitoring equipment that they borrowed from the 17th base, in order to find the Hamilla submarine that has lost its positioning and monitoring targets.


After waiting for about an hour or so, after a circular scan of the instrument, a spot appeared on the screen and was scanned, which caused the instrument to emit a tone.

Finally found!

Roy’s eyes were sleepy, and suddenly he was tired, and suddenly a splendid mane appeared. After setting the target and the approximate area position by that point on the instrument, the instrument would focus on this position to lock. , And then perform an enlarged scan.

After zooming in, the feature shown at that point is exactly the same as that of the lost Hanmura.

However, the location and movement of that submarine was found to make Colonel Royer’s brows frown: “What are they trying to do, why did they go towards the waters of Hishima Island? Their goal is not base 17 ? “

The nearby female colonel watched the submarine go backwards. The corner of his eyes couldn’t help picking slightly, saying, “Would you like to immediately contact the Winstonton nuclear submarine performing the mission in the waters of Hishima to capture him?”

Royer shook his head and said, “There is no order from the general. We have no right to manoeuvre the Winstonton nuclear submarine, and our mission is to track the Hamilla, learn about each other’s whereabouts and their true purpose, and now they are heading towards the waters of Hishima Island. We can only keep track of … “


However, before Royer’s voice had fallen, suddenly a warning sound came from the warship, which immediately caught the attention of several officers in the cabin.

It’s just that this siren is not a war alert in the event of an attack or battle. It is only a reminder issued by the sensor device on the warship when it detects an abnormality in the marine environment, which indicates that there is a strong thunderstorm or a tsunami and a storm at sea is coming.

this will. A second lieutenant suddenly ran into the command room to report: “Report Colonel, just received an urgent notice from Base 17 to us, they received a message from the marine department through the satellite monitoring department.

It is reported that an active volcano has changed abnormally in the geological activity plate in the sea area near the 17th base. Thermal energy emerges extremely frequently and violently, and there is a possibility of eruption, which will lead to a tsunami. Base 17 wants us to leave this place immediately, or immediately enter base 17 to take shelter … “

Hearing this urgent news, Royer did not hesitate, even if he made a decision to let the fleet set sail immediately, and speed up towards the direction of the waters of Hishima Island, and continued to track the submarine of the Hermella.

After Royer gave the order. The colonel’s face sank, and said, “Colonel Royer, I suggest that it is safest to let the fleet evade on base 17. After all, we don’t know how strong the volcanic eruption was after the active volcano erupted below the sea. If the spread is too large, the sea whizzing fleet caused by the volcanic eruption will simply not be able to escape! “

After hearing this, Royer’s voice was a bit cold, staring at the colonel’s eyes coldly: “Since you feel unsafe, our military ranks are the same. But they belong to different departments, then please invite Miss Yuna and yours Longmei stayed on the 17th base to avoid it. You do n’t need to follow up on the task of tracking the submarine of Hanmira. I will report separately from the military intelligence department … ”

Upon hearing this, the female colonel had some scruples and had to be soft, saying, “I just suggested that since the military intelligence department asked me to cooperate with Colonel Royer, I would not disobey the order!”

After Colonel Royer snorted, he immediately directed the fleet to leave quickly, and proceeded at full speed in the direction of the escape of the submarine Hamilla.

After the colonel came out of the command room, her heart was agitated, and she couldn’t help but secretly said, “Damn, what exactly do Jennifer and Linso’s **** want …”

However, the huge movements of the ocean plate activities monitored by the marine monitoring departments through satellite imagery may lead to the eruption of active volcanoes on the sea floor and trigger sea whine.

But who knows, could this really be the cause of an active volcano?

Ruins at the bottom of the sea.

After solving the exploration team that accidentally broke into the monitoring scope of the strategic platform module, Yu Xiaohu started the super fusion engine of this strategic platform module again and started the module.

After the module has received sufficient energy supply, after the fusion engines are started, the fusion reactor starts to run at full power.

A large amount of energy was transported out by the wire and passed to the pressure chamber. The pressure chamber was heated under pressure to an unimaginable degree. Under the action of high temperature and pressure, a large amount of propellant was ejected from the injection port at an incredible high speed. .


At that moment, an extremely powerful thrust made an earthquake around the seabed ruins, especially the vortex and heat caused by the jet, which was really similar to the volcanic eruption, and the movement created was really huge.

Fortunately, Yu Xiaohu knew when he was launching that he would take this strategic platform module to leave here and return to the base island. At the moment when this strategic platform is activated, it will definitely cause a lot of movement.

After all, the thrust brought by the kinetic energy of the super nuclear fusion engine, coupled with the huge volume of this strategic platform module, he will inevitably produce strong vibrations during the startup process, which will cause sea whine.

Therefore, in order to avoid causing unnecessary trouble, Yu Xiaohu let the base island’s communication system send instructions to those data centers established around the world. Using a network of biological mechanisms that spread across the globe, it interfered with all space satellites surrounding the earth.

Through the interference of the biological communication mechanism, the reconnaissance and monitoring satellites launched by various countries on the earth will only monitor the anomalous activity of active volcanic plates under the sea when they monitor the earth. This will lead to the phenomenon of live mountain eruption.

Therefore, the information returned by the satellites monitored by satellites in various countries around the world will pass back to all countries the intense activity of the geotechnical plate, which will cause information about active volcanoes to erupt and interfere with their judgments.

If the active volcano erupts due to anomalous activity in the Earthquake plate, this will inevitably cause sea whine. Ships in the surrounding waters will receive alert messages and immediately return to the harbor to avoid it. This will also ensure that Yulong leads this strategic platform The module can return to the base island smoothly.

Therefore, after preparing for these plans. Yu Xiaohu once again ordered the nuclear fusion engine of the strategic platform module to start the start-up work.

After the nuclear fusion engine was started, the thrust caused by the strong kinetic energy caused a trembling in the entire platform module. It slowly rose from the bottom of the sea.

When he rises, it feels like pulling carrots, except for the vibrations on the ground and the deposited impurities that are covering the platform modules.

But this metaphor is not very vivid. When this strategic platform module gradually separated from the bottom of the giant pit, the surrounding seawater became extremely turbid, and at the same time, a powerful air vortex was generated on the ocean floor, coupled with the thrust of the strategic platform, which continued to rise and move. The movement quickly passed to the surface of the sea, and caused huge waves on the surface of the sea, gradually forming a sea tumbling roar, like a giant ground dragon rolling violently.

Soon, when the strategic platform broke away from the ocean floor and rose to a height of approximately one hundred meters from the ocean floor. He stopped rising.

Even so, when the entire huge strategic platform module came up, it looked like a hill. Compared with the Yulong, which guided it forward, it is like an elephant and an ant.

At this time, the huge waves on the surface of the sea are like a roar renewed by the ocean. At the same time, after a storm comes, the huge waves caused by the sea whizzing will also continue to roll. Observing this from a space satellite is exactly the same as a volcanic eruption. The scene was spectacular.

Dozens of navigation lines are established on the Yulong to connect with the control center on the strategic platform module. When the nuclear fusion engine on the strategic platform module starts up and drives the entire platform module to rise, the energy consumed is very huge.

However, when this huge module rises and the super engine enters a normal operating state, the energy consumed will be much smaller.

The guidance signal on the Yulong will send a command to the control center, and the control center will immediately open the energy injection port of the engine according to the direction coordinates given by the Yulong, so that the reverse thrust drives the entire platform to gradually follow the Yulong Direction of base island

At this time, Yu Xiaohu was sitting in the control room of Yulong, and when he saw the behemoth behind the navigation line behind Yulong through the monitoring screen, he didn’t have much sense of accomplishment.

Because this strategic platform module is less than one-third of the total area of ​​the base island, now just activating this strategic platform module brings about the same dynamics as a volcanic eruption and caused sea whine. .

Then it is not difficult to imagine that if the entire base island rises from the ocean floor, once it is not controlled, the huge thrust may cause the whole earth to tremble, and the movements brought by that time may also be at this time. Dozens of times and more, it may also bring a disaster.

After all, if you push from the bottom of the sea under great pressure, the energy consumed is huge, and the thrust at that moment will reach a horrible level. The best way is to follow the principle of the submarine, and let those on the base island The additional plate and suspension module slowly floated by the force of the seawater. After floating to the surface, slowly pull the main body of the base island to float slowly, and then link them together to form a whole.

As long as it floats on the surface of the sea, it will be much less stressed if it comes into contact with air and lifts off with anti-gravity in the future.

Of course, this is just Yu Xiaohu’s temporary reveries about the future rise of the base island and the implementation of the space plan.

However, to analyze based on actual conditions, in fact, if the base island is to float as a whole, the resulting movement is much smaller than that caused by the use of nuclear fusion engines to drive this strategic platform module to rise.

After all, this strategic platform module is equivalent to a limb part of the base island. There is no separate energy supply system, and it also lacks the powerful assistance of other functional modules. He just depends on the thrust of the nuclear fusion engine to force the ground. Then, of course, the resulting movement will be very huge.

And if he is docked with the base island, the base island has a very complete system, and other major functional modules will form a coordinated aid, and the computing unit will also debug according to the optimized method, which is far from the most current. Simple and crude methods are comparable.

Therefore, Yu Xiaohu believes that after the base island rises in the future, only his ecological island suspension module will be exposed on the sea surface, and the base island itself is separated from the sea floor, but it is actually still in the sea, and it is also connected under the root. With several volcanoes, it is possible to use the powerful energy stimulation released by the base island, which once again triggers the squeeze change of the oceanic tectonic plate at the same time, which is similar to the situation where the base island deliberately sinks into the sea a long time ago.

At this time, Yu Xiaohu saw through the monitoring screen on the Yulong, that while he was driving the strategic platform module to return to the base island, the movement caused by the underwater ruins had caused the attention of many countries.

But they are all concerned about the drastic changes in the geological activity plate there, and whether the sea whizz caused by the eruption-like volcano on the sea floor will land in Southeast Asia again.

After all, it ’s not long before that Southeast Asia has been hit by a super typhoon, and then another sea whizz happens ~ ~ It depends on how strong a typhoon will form. The whole Southeast Asian country is very nervous.

Fortunately, the frequency of the suspected volcanic eruption is not high, and it just quieted down after making some movements, which relieved many Southeast Asian countries.

However, to the Mi people, they are like a tragedy on the coffee table.

Because the 17th military base was relatively close to the Earthquake plate, during the Earthquake activity and the volcanic eruption, a strong earthquake occurred on the island where the 17th Military Base was located.

This earthquake caused many facilities at the military base to be destroyed. Although there were not many casualties, the damage caused was incalculable, making the people of the country want to cry without tears.

At the same time, fortunately, there is the fleet under the command of Royer, who has already left the turbulent circle. They immediately left the area when they received the early warning message. They did not stay at base 17 to escape the disaster. .

However, they did not know that, not far behind their buttocks, the creator of the disaster silently followed them in the deep sea, using them as a cover to move in the direction of the target. (To be continued)

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