Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 407 - Island planning

The movie with a high degree of virtual reality is naturally different from the backward 3d movie watched by ordinary theaters. He can let you immerse yourself in the vision of the protagonist to enjoy the fluctuations of those plots. ︽Vertex Novel,

Song Ziqiao used to often go to the cinema with friends to watch 3d movies, especially some horror movies or suspense movies that can stimulate nerves.

But now, when Yu Xiaohu took Song Ziqiao to watch that more authentic, exciting, and hot movie that can make people adrenaline, that special and exciting movie viewing experience made Song Ziqiao breathtaking and made her feel like watching Those are really scum.

Although Yu Xiaohu and Song Ziqiao chose a literary film to look at, the drama content that reflects real life, coupled with the cutting-edge 3D projection technology, the viewing effect can completely let people substitute for the role. In the mood of anger and sorrow, it seems that he is playing that role.

Maybe a film does not allow people to fully enjoy the effects of the high-tech viewing experience. After watching the literary film, Song Ziqiao seemed to be overwhelmed and chose a more exciting and popular commercial action. Blockbuster.

Among the commercial action blockbusters, there were racing chase scenes, big bangs, and shootouts, kung fu and other elements mixed together.

When Yu Xiaohu watched this kind of film, he couldn’t attract much interest at all, because he had watched this kind of video a little too much and had some aesthetic fatigue.

However, he noticed that in that film, it was Liu Ruoyan who played the female No. 2 in some time.

The film he is watching now has an investment of 100 million yuan. It is a big production, and being able to participate in the female No. 2 in such a big film shows that Liu Ruoyan’s current career development should be smooth.

It’s just that Yu Xiaohu has no interest in film investment and the entertainment industry, and he usually doesn’t pay much attention. He only watched the movie occasionally to pass the time because he had an intersection with a star like Liu Ruoyan. If he invested in the production of movies, the black technology he mastered could completely revolutionize the film industry of the entire world. Change.

However, the development of these technologies can only be regarded as ordinary leisure and entertainment for him. It doesn’t make much sense.

But Song Ziqiao experienced the high technology for the first time, naturally he was very interested, and seemed to have completely substituted himself into the role of the movie.

In particular, a racing scene in that movie made Song Ziqiao addicted, and he couldn’t excite himself.

The two of them had a head-to-head fight when they watched the love movie, and now they did n’t even wear clothes, they were sticking together, but Song Ziqiao was teasing when he watched the commercial blockbuster. Naturally, it is difficult for boss Bo to resist. Immediately holding the beautiful girl in her arms was another battle for three hundred rounds.

Until Song Ziqiao was exhausted, soft and weak like water, and after watching a horror movie, Yu Xiaohu looked at the time, it was dark, and the two were messing around here all day, Yu Xiaohu Are already hungry. So he forcibly stopped watching the film.

Even dinner is not ready to be done at home, Song Ziqiao took a break and proposed to eat out. Yu Xiaohu naturally agreed.

Song Ziqiao usually seems to have some research on eating. She seems to have some special food and snack shops in the South Island. She and the couple went out shopping around at night, and have almost eaten those special foods in the South Island. .

Fortunately, it is limited by time. In addition, Song Ziqiao is afraid to eat too much, which is why he has n’t eaten it all. Stop it.

However, for Yu Xiaohu, his appetite was horrible. With his current physical fitness, he would have no problem if he ate it all.

In this way, Yu Xiaohu and Song Ziqiao were in the New Year’s Day. Always enjoying the two-person world.

Yu Xiaohu didn’t bother about the company’s affairs, and didn’t care about those who came to visit the New Year. He just got tired of Song Ziqiao and had a leisurely and happy time.

In a blink of an eye, the time came to the sixth day of the new year, most companies started to work, and the taste of the year began to fade.

After Song Ziqiao retired from the post of president of the racing club, she does not plan to take the team to participate in some competitions, which will be handled by her cousin.

Even her half-dead outdoor store that she operated was almost closed.

However, these days Song Ziqiao’s thoughts are on Yu Xiaohu. When she was with Yu Xiaohu, she also mentioned this problem. The reason she used to run that outdoor store was because she liked some outdoor travel for convenience. It doesn’t care how much money or loss.

After retiring from the club’s chairman position, Song Ziqiao felt that he had played enough racing cars, and did not want to let himself be idle. It may be affected by her sister Song Qingying, but she planned to work.

When Yu Xiaohu saw Song Ziqiao wanting to work, he asked what type of work she was interested in. Now Shenhu Group is a large multinational group company. It is a matter of Yu Xiaohu to arrange a person to enter.

But Song Ziqiao told Yu Xiaohu that he was not interested in biomedicine.

Even now that she has been using cutting-edge cosmetics that are given to her by the Tiger Group, which Yu Xiaohu has given her, Song Ziqiao seems not very interested in the cosmetics industry.

Until Yu Xiaohu finally asked, he got an answer that made him a little surprised.

Song Ziqiao told Yu Xiaohu that she wanted to run a farm and a ranch, but it was a surprise to Boss Yu, asking if she had such an idea after her last trip to West New Zealand.

And Song Ziqiao shook his head and said that she had such an idea from a very early age. She was too tired of seeing too much about the interests of doing business and the fact that she had been involved in business. At that time she had the idea of ​​a bland rural life.

The last time Yu Xiaohu took Song Ziqiao to New Zealand, it only strengthened the idea in Song Ziqiao’s heart.

However, Yu Xiaohu heard Song Ziqiao say that he could not help but move.

Recently, the marine ladder project of the base island is nearing the end, so his suspended island module is about to enter the start-up phase. If Song Ziqiao really wants to run a farm and a ranch, it is very suitable for her to develop the ranch and farm on that island. Candidate.

So I thought of it. Yu Xiaohu told Song Ziqiao that he was about to own an island. If Song Ziqiao wanted to do these things, he could go to his island to run a farm and a ranch.

Song Ziqiao was surprised when he heard that Yu Xiaohu was about to own an island. He asked, “When did you buy the island. Where did you buy it?”

Yu Xiaohu shook his head and smiled: “It wasn’t bought, it would be an island that I personally owned and could develop without any worries. If you want to manage farms and ranches, stay there for a while. After the water, you can go up and toss! “

After hearing this, Song Ziqiao was surprised and said, “You mean, that island was discovered by you. But there is no water yet, what does this mean?”

Yu Xiaohu said: “That is to say, that island is about to surface soon, and he is not as bare as he imagined. This is about to be a very natural and original green island formed the day after tomorrow!”

Song Ziqiao was very interested. He couldn’t help saying: “Where is that island now, when can I go to play on the island, and then run the farm and ranch. Should I help you plan for that island?”

Seeing her can’t wait, Yu Xiaohu laughed and laughed: “Yo. Can’t wait to be the owner of the island so soon?”

Song Ziqiao took a close look at Qinglang’s eyes with amorous feelings and said, “Isn’t people thinking about it for you. If you say that it is a natural and original island, don’t plan well. If you mess up in the future Wouldn’t it be a shame to develop buildings that are chaotic? “

“What. Are you also interested in the planning of cities or islands?”

Song Ziqiao said: “Of course. I used to play modular farm and modular city simulation business games when I was a kid. Later, I also taught myself to read books about planning and design, but I knew that my It is impossible to have a city or a larger area for me to plan and design to create a beautiful and dreamy free city. But starting from a small farm and ranch, it must be easy to achieve … “

Yu Xiaohu laughed: “Since you have such a dream, then I will give you such an opportunity. In the future, the planning and design of that island will be done by your wife, the owner of the island!”

“Really, great, oh …”

Under the surprise intersection of Song Ziqiao, he could not help but hug Yu Xiaohu, and took a sip on Boss Yu’s forehead with that **** red lips, looking very excited, and then said: “Dear, you must tell me in advance How big is the island, what shape is it, and what types of plants are there on the island’s original ecology? With this information, I’d better plan and design in advance, can you say good? “

Yu Xiaohu thought about it. At present, the main module of the base island has been expanded to a total area of ​​about 6,000 square kilometers.

But that is only the area controlled by the main module of the base island. It does not contain multiple suspension modules and the area controlled by the additional modules, and the super city created in the main module will not follow the water, unless the base island wants Migration to other planetary developments of the cosmic solar system or space drifting trips, then Yu Xiaohu will consider the main island water.

And the island that is about to leave the water, he is an additional suspension module connected to the submarine base island by a ladder. Although it can only be regarded as a subsidiary product of the base island main module, his area occupies about half of the main island.

Then according to the data reported by the deputy Mo Moyi, Yu Xiaohu said to Song Ziqiao: “After the calculation, the island is about 2,318 square meters, and the shape is moon-shaped …”

But having said that, Yu Xiaohu felt that the narration was not too intuitive, and he simply ordered the robot working in the underground base of the manor house to print a document and send it to him.

After the robot bodyguard sent the information, Yu Xiaohu gave a rough look, and then handed it to Song Ziqiao: “This is the detailed information of that island, you can look at it, but remember to keep it secret and not let other people know……”

Song Ziqiao is an adult, and she naturally knows that this is an island that is about to go out of water. Once leaked in advance, the trouble and impact will be huge, and it is related to his lover, and she will naturally keep it secret. Even the closest people in her family couldn’t easily reveal it.

After getting the information, Song Ziqiao was still very excited. She opened the information and looked at the overview of the island. After seeing what Yu Xiaohu said about 2318 square kilometers, she shouted, “Wow, It ’s so big. And the shape of the island is moon-shaped, half of which are virgin forests, the other half are grasslands, there are a half of the mountains and hills, and there are beach ports. All the natural primitive features are there. I can use my imagination … “

Having said that, Song Ziqiao kissed Yu Xiaohu excitedly. Road: “Dear, rest assured, I promise to design this island into a dream island with a very beautiful natural landscape, making him the most beautiful landscape in the world …”

Yu Xiaohu saw Song Ziqiao excited and happy, and his mood followed. He was planning and designing the island. He was just lazy and planned to make the robot a simple framework module. He did n’t have that much time. Go for fine design.

Now Song Ziqiao has taken over this very fulfilling job. Yu Xiaohu was also happy to let her do it, and he was really looking forward to what kind of design Song Ziqiao would come up with.

As long as Song Ziqiao can design it. Yu Xiaohu can completely make it into an island that is not worse than her imagination, or even more beautiful, according to her design.

After Song Ziqiao got the materials, she finally got something done, but she seemed very enthusiastic. She didn’t wait to be gentle with Yu Xiaohu, so she hurried to make plans. Let yourself be busy.

When Yu Xiaohu saw this, it was up to her, as long as she was happy.

Because Song Ziqiao wanted to keep the island secret, she decided to temporarily work in the villa with a high safety factor on the outskirts of the city, and then learned of this situation, her mother Zhang Yuelian. And grandma and grandfather, after they knew about this, they thought that the girl lived in their house, naturally they were very happy.

So, just before the end of the year, the mother and grandmother couldn’t wait to move back to the villa estate, treating Song Ziqiao as a daughter-in-law completely.

However, my mother saw that the girls have already lived in their home, and I am afraid that the rice has already been cooked and cooked, and I ca n’t justify it if I do n’t give them a name, so I ’m going to go to the Song family to propose a marriage, and I ’m going to order the marriage Come down, let the two be at ease.

After listening to this suggestion, grandfather and grandfather, they both met Song Ziqiao, and were very satisfied with the granddaughter, so they readily agreed.

Yu Xiaohu was a little overwhelmed by her mother all day, but she had no objection to marrying Song Ziqiao home as a wife, so Song Ziqiao discussed it.

Song Ziqiao had already put it on the island of planning and design because of her mind. She heard Yu Xiaohu say that their family was going to propose to the Song family. Song Zi did not hesitate to agree, and also mentioned a condition. It is this matter that will be discussed after she has completely planned and designed.

After Yu Xiaohu agreed, he brought this up with his mother.

Zhang Yuelian heard that Song Ziqiao agreed to the matter, and she was naturally overjoyed. Even if she didn’t go to the Song family to propose a marriage, she might start to make preparations.

And for this matter, my mother found time, and my dad, Yu Dacheng, took my grandfather and my grandfather to visit the Song family, and briefly mentioned it with the Song family. Get a wind ahead.

The Song family saw the Yu family send people to talk about the marriage between Song Ziqiao and Yu Xiaohu, and it was not unexpected. Even in anticipation, they naturally attached great importance to it.

So the family of the Song family mobilized, and the hospitality of the Yu family was extremely enthusiastic. At the same time, they said that there was nothing to be dissatisfied with their wife’s family in the family affairs, but they eagerly hoped that the two would soon be married.

Regarding these things, Yu Xiaohu was too lazy to ask how to go, and it was up to Zhang Luo to let his mother go.

Song Ziqiao had focused things to do. Yu Xiaohu was not accompanied by these days. He did not plan to go to work directly at the company. Instead, he went to the underground base of the manor house and paid attention to the surveillance and exploration of the robot bodyguard. About Beishan in Shuangyu Town about the general’s tomb.

At present, the exploration of the general’s mausoleum by that agent team is not as fast as expected.

This group of people used the copper ring of the beast head. After quietly entering the general’s tomb, they encountered trouble before they reached the main grave chamber.

The general’s mausoleum is surrounded by a natural maze, and the magnetic field interference in the maze is very serious, and some modern electronic instruments and electronic mapping tools cannot be used normally.

It is the most basic mechanical compass. UU Reading has also lost its usefulness in the labyrinth of the peripheral burial chamber.

Coupled with that labyrinth, there are many complicated secret passages that contain the wisdom and imagination of ancient people. Even if those people discover the organs, it will make the cracking work very heavy.

Moreover, because of the danger of some organs in the labyrinth of the dark road, this group of people has already suffered injuries during the exploration.

After the robot bodyguard quietly followed the group of people into the mausoleum of the mausoleum, he did not frighten the grass and snake, and hung around the group of people. Data, probe the structure of the mausoleum and feed the information back to the data center for computational analysis.

However, based only on the information sent by the robot bodyguard, according to the analysis, Yu Xiaohu found that the deeper the place is, the more the magnetic field and the gravitational force there will become more disordered. Even in some places, the gravity level is not balanced, which means that it will Weight loss occurs.

Moreover, as the exploration progressed there day by day, more information was fed back. After analysis, the complexity and weirdness there really surprised Yu Xiaohu. (To be continued …)

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