Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 408 - Tomb of the Tomb

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The general’s mausoleum in Beishan, Huangshuangyu Town, was built 400 years ago, but according to some circulating stories, there are several groups of more famous grave robbers in history who have visited it.

However, weird and bizarre is that most of the versions circulating in the world have one thing in common, that is, all the robber groups who have entered the general’s tomb have no return or no news.

Of course, no one would confirm these rumors for a group of invisible tomb thieves. Over time, they were forgotten in the long river of history and were sealed with the general’s tomb.

如今 Now, after many years, the Ouyang family has unearthed some relevant clues and secrets from the general’s tomb through those remaining historical clues.

But under the heavy price paid by the Ouyang family, it seems that there are no important gains, but some clues to the general’s mausoleum were exposed, which led to the puppets and prying eyes of various forces.

Yu Xiaohu ordered a robot to investigate the general’s tomb in secret. Although the progress is not very fast, within a few days, the general’s tomb has been visited by three or four groups of adventurers.

The group of people the robot contacted at the beginning of the year belonged to the first group. About five days after they entered the general’s tomb, another group of adventurers entered the general’s tomb.

But around the eighth day, a group of explorers came to the general tomb of Beishan.

探险 The composition of this group of explorers is a bit complicated, including a large team of more than a dozen people such as yellow, white, black, and Latino.

杂 The head of this hybrid team seems to be a rice man. According to their dress and appearance, this group of people seems to be a tourist group who went to the South Island to travel on their own.

In fact, after the team quietly arrived at Beishan in the evening, they dived directly into the general’s tomb.

According to the monitoring of the robot deployed in the general’s mausoleum, this group of people is well-equipped, the equipment they carry are also very advanced, and their surveying methods are also very professional.

I was in this period. Three teams have entered the general’s tomb, and their exploration and survey progress have been different. Until the tenth day, two teams met unexpectedly.

This is a team of two complex members in the middle and last entry. After their encounter, fierce fighting took place.

Due to the abnormal gravity and gravitational forces in this general’s mausoleum, as well as a very strong magnetic field interference, electronic equipment and instruments are rendered useless here.

Those teams have very professional explorers who are in the condition of failure of electronic equipment. It can only be performed based on experience and some manual detection methods.

And after the latter two adventure teams met, in a fierce battle, the third team showed great strength. In the adventure, they took advantage of the hidden organs in the mausoleum or used their own equipment advantages. Makes the second team of casualties very serious.

In the maze surrounding the general’s mausoleum, those undercover roads and institutions are cleverly designed, often after someone accidentally stepped on something accidentally, the institution was launched, and a horrible scene occurred.

Someone hurt an arrow shot in the secret path of that agency. Some people are cut off by some sharp blades suddenly drilled out, others will be surrounded by the released poison gas and poisoned, and some will be tangled with some strangely shaped thorns with thorns as nutrition.

Even more often, you will encounter some moving stone people or scorpions. What kind of working principle do these stone people and scorpions have? The experts in the adventure team are helpless and cannot be identified at all. The adventurer suffered heavy casualties.

But that’s it. The three adventurous teams that entered the general’s mausoleum have eliminated the first group that has entered the lower level of the general’s mausoleum at the cost of heavy casualties. There is a gravitational imbalance there, and there is also a turbulent wave, which makes their bodies flutter as if they are stepping on cotton, and they are blown away like fluff at any time.

They had to string two people together in a state of aggravation. Moving forward under the interference of that strong magnetic field, he was almost approaching the main cemetery palace.

The next two groups of teams experienced battles in the general’s mausoleum, coupled with the hidden dangers everywhere in the mausoleum, the second group of teams have been almost wiped out, leaving only one team leader and one deputy to survive. The injuries were severe. They had to give up to continue their exploration and return to the same way.

However, these two people did not return as smoothly as they thought. They seemed lost in the maze.

Even if they have made marks before, obviously those marks have no effect under the strange and changeable environment in the maze, so that they can no longer find the way back to the original path and are completely lost in it.

However, regarding the situation of the two teams that entered later, the robot had previously installed biological monitoring there, and the changes that took place there were scenes under the monitoring.

The robot always quietly followed the group of people who entered the general’s mausoleum, and was close to the main graveyard palace.

Only when these people were near the gate of the palace, they saw a purple luminous crystal there, distributed near the gate of the main cemetery palace, shining like a mirror, illuminating the surroundings.

Some experts speculated that it was a rare mineral not found on earth, so they wanted to collect some samples.

But when they came in contact with the crystal, the light-emitting crystal suddenly changed color and slightly moved, suddenly splitting out countless tiny light-emitting spots, and surrounded a middle-aged person who had been in contact with them like a firefly. .

Suddenly, a bizarre phenomenon happened.

I saw that the middle-aged man was surrounded by countless fine dots. With his fierce breathing, the small fire-like bodies of fireflies suddenly penetrated into the middle-aged’s body, and then the middle-aged’s body began to crystallize .

Until about three minutes later, after the middle-aged person’s body was completely crystallized, it became an eternal sculpture standing there, and when it finally flew out from a glowing dot, the human-shaped sculpture-like crystal It quickly collapsed, breaking into particles and fused with those distributed crystals, and became a part of it.

Others seemed shocked when they saw this horrible phenomenon.

They watched the whole process of the middle-aged man finally touching the crystal and finally fragmenting the body, but there was no way to manage the rescue, and they were all horrified.

And this horrible scene was also monitored by the robot and the picture was transmitted back to Yu Xiaohu, even Yu Xiaohu was horrified.

群 The group of explorers dare not touch the crystal again. Immediately after opening the door of the underground palace and entering the underground palace, Yu Xiaohu asked the robot to approach the crystal at a short distance, and quickly fed back detailed information about the crystal for computational analysis.

After analysis by the central computer at the base, the crystal was called the Morona worm crystal. He is a kind of microorganism that tends to be between life and metal. It is a kind of organism with low micronegative energy that does not exist on the earth at all. It is very rare even in the entire solar system.

Of course, after the calculation and analysis of this Molona Worm Crystal and the value evaluation of the base island, its judgment value is extremely high. Almost one of the top material types listed in the base island database.

According to the information transmitted from the central system information base of the base island, this Morona worm crystal has a very wide range of uses. It has a high affinity with metals, but it repels biological protons and will devour life. After processing, it can become negative material. One of the main fuels of energy weapons, it is also a lubricant for the maintenance and maintenance of destructive weapons such as negative material artillery in large space battleships …

Xiaoyu Hu saw the information given by the base island that although he was interested in the Molona worm crystal, he did not intend to collect it. Because that thing is too dangerous for the base island whose main feature is life. Once it is not good, the horrible thing may devour the whole base island.

After the robot made a detailed record of the Morona worm crystals, they followed up with the first exploration teams according to Yu Xiaohu’s orders.

However, after the robot entered the main graveyard palace of the general’s tomb, the gravitational force there became less and less. Through the shooting of the robot, Yu Xiaohu saw a very majestic underground palace suspended in mid-air.

That scene is the same as some of the gates of Xianxianmen in Xianxia’s novels were built on those floating immortals, because there is no support under the palace. It is all carried by the buoyancy in this space.

And after those explorers entered the earth palace, it was like flying in the sky and entering space, and the whole body was floating.

Simultaneously. There are also many corpses that have not decayed and broken down, at least hundreds of people.

The corpses are still what they were before they died. There are ancient, modern, and modern, and even the elite sent by the Ouyang family.

Especially those corpses in ancient costumes. They still keep a very fresh look, all of them are lifelike, just like when alive, this phenomenon has already exceeded the limits of human cognition.

I was stunned when Yu Xiaohu saw this kind of scene through the shared vision screen of the robot.


However, at this time, a very strange sound suddenly came from the main cemetery palace. The sound was like the sound of electric current caused by the instability of radio wave frequency, but it contained some very mysterious things.

Soon after, Yu Xiaohu saw that the picture in front of him suddenly began to flicker constantly, as if the picture was about to tear apart.

However, in the torn picture that came intermittently, Yu Xiaohu saw several explorers deep in the space while stepping on those corpses in the air to the floating palace, and a sudden shot was made in the palace. Light.

After the light was emitted, it penetrated directly through the bodies of the two front people, and the two people seemed to have lost their souls in an instant. There was almost no abnormal shape or movement, and they instantly became that. One of the corpses floated quietly in the air.

However, the emission of that light wave seems to be regular, and he will emit a wave randomly, at random intervals, without direction.

Then, the explorers who entered here could only rely on luck. Once they were swept by the light, they would unfortunately become a member of the corpse without any possibility of surviving.

It was just that the robot wanted to continue to go deeper, and then suddenly another light wave came out, and that ray let the robot pass through the robot without having any calculation and avoidance behavior.


After the robot was recruited, all monitoring screens in front of Yu Xiaohu’s eyes were completely interrupted.

Yu Xiaohu heard a prompt from the robot center of the base island, but only said that the robot’s energy was exhausted, the kernel program could not execute any instructions, could not communicate, and even the self-destructing program could not be started.

Yu Xiaohu was a little surprised. The light that came out suddenly consumed all the energy carried by the robot. It did not seem to directly destroy the robot, but the light could directly kill people. What is the principle?

I suddenly thought that the strange sound waves generated there seemed to affect those explorers, but the robot was not affected by it.

Yu Xiaohu couldn’t help but guess that the kind of light wave is an energy attack, and that kind of sound wave should be against the spirit or soul of the living creature, because the positive and negative material energy is in the middle, so that there are so many corpses floating there One hundred years in the film space.

Although the picture has been interrupted and no relevant information can be monitored anymore, the information returned by the robot following the adventurers can not help but make Yu Xiaohu think that the tomb of the general is very simple.

Because in the general’s mausoleum ~ ~ in addition to the organs and labyrinths designed by the ancient craftsmen’s **** skills, and the underground palace suspended in the air, there are still some that can’t be done by modern earth technology The presence.

There is even a rare thing in the entire solar system like Morona Worm Crystal at the gate of the palace, combined with the unsolved light wave rays appearing in the palace, and the sound waves with spiritual and soul attacks, these All of them indicate that there is a possibility of alien technology.

通过 Through these clues, after thinking that the Ouyang family paid a great price, if it was just a stone and a scroll-related clue taken out of the mausoleum, this would be a bit unjustifiable.

Because those adventurers who follow the robot have discovered and come into contact with more magical things than Ouyang ’s family, did Ouyang ’s family really only discover such a little secret.

I’m afraid more than that.

The Ouyang family must know that other more unknown major secrets have not been revealed, and this is the main reason that Xueming wants to get the Ouyang family to destroy the door at the cost of it.

Xiaoyu Hu discovered that there must be a huge storm vortex behind the general’s mausoleum, which has been followed by many forces.

Presumably, it is impossible for the state to turn a blind eye, and it should have been secretive actions for a long time.

Yu Yu Xiaohu also had a hunch, that the secret in the general’s mausoleum palace seems to have a certain relationship with him and the base island, and it is likely to erupt someday.

Therefore, Yu Xiaohu felt that his plan must be advanced. (To be continued.)

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