Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 430 - News exposure

Since the beginning of the 21st century, human beings can almost say that apart from common reasons such as the eruption of ocean volcanoes, which will cause uninhabited islands to appear above the ocean, it is almost impossible for the entire humanity to discover new islands of the original type of the mainland. ◇ ↓ Top ◇ ↓ Point ◇ ↓ Small ◇ ↓ Say,

But today, there are really a group of scientists and explorers who found such an island isolated from the world for hundreds of years, and there is actually a human settlement life on that island. This is an incredible thing. Things.

But what is even more surprising is that there is still a royal descendant on this island and settled there more than a hundred years ago. Although it is a small island country with a backward feudal civilization, he still attracts all The eyes of the world.

Perhaps the Europeans reported a different focus, and their news reports mentioned that the descendants of the famous navigator who had disappeared mysteriously hundreds of years ago during the great voyage era were in that place. Live above the world.

At the same time, based on the personal experience of the parties, they described the island ’s poverty, backwardness, and closure, and the extremely low living standards of the people on the island, which attracted attention from many European countries as a selling point for news.

The Mi people originally planned to send an expedition to the island with the military operation team in secret, but they saw that there was no way to block the news. Now they have caused a lot of sensation in the world, and also caused the world Attention, they naturally followed suit.

However, the content reported by the Mi Guoren is about some scientific investigation reports provided by Dr. Cuisite to the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Through the content of that survey report, they declared to the world that the abnormal performance and supernatural phenomena around that sea area were similar to the supernatural phenomena existing in the Atlantic Bermuda triangle.

At the same time, the uninhabited island in this mysterious sea area was also the first to be discovered by scientists from Rice. Rice will send an expedition to the sea for scientific investigation and exploration.

After the related news was reported by the country, it was seen that the people of the country did not mention the existence of human beings on the islands, as well as the cities. And a very backward and poor feudal island nation, many people in many countries around the world are secretly scolding the Mi people, and want to sum up the discoverers of that island to the Mi country. Of sovereignty.

However, these partial reports of the Mi people are distorted. In most countries around the world, they follow the authentic elements of the news to report. The people of the world are aware of the sinister intentions of the Mi people.

Even some sociologists in some countries that are more averse to the country have criticized the country, saying that they have ignored the humans living on that island and ignored the life on the small island that has been isolated for hundreds of years. The descendants of the royal family of a certain country, and the establishment of a small country with a feudal system, it would be an act of aggression if the State of Rice wanted to forcibly land on the island where the locals had sovereignty.

Later, when some Asian countries reported this news, they reported more detailed.

Especially in China, they not only used real pictures related to that island in their news reports. Positive reports were also made on the living habits of people living on that island, wearing clothing, and mainly using the official language used as Chinese.

At the same time, the news media in Huaguo also described the hardships of the people living on this small island and the close ties between their ancestors and Huaguo. The two are completely related by blood.

Since then, the world has reported on a large scale on this earth. The island, which has been newly isolated by human beings for hundreds of years, has not been discovered for centuries by the world. At the time of attracting worldwide attention, there were also some funny News reports appeared.

For example, the country of Korea mentioned when it reported on the feudal small island nation on the island. This small island nation was once a tribe of Korea.

However, after reading this news, the Japanese island nation refused.

The island nation reported that the king of the small island nation was a descendant of the royal family of the Ryukyu Kingdom. Although the Ryukyu Kingdom no longer exists. But the descendants of the Liuqiu royal family live on the island of Nichi, and belong to the citizens of the Nichi Island. Then the ethnic groups on this small island country also hope to become citizens of the Nichi Island, and it is reasonable to become their tribe on the Nichi Island.

Many people are looking at the joke about this dispute between Japan and South Korea.

Hundreds of years ago, descendants of the royal family settled there and established the small island nation. Hundreds of years ago, your Japanese island country was still a puppet country, and your Korean stick was a Chinese vassal. How could it be possible to have such an isolated vassal country? Such reports are purely intended to stir muddy waters and make people despise.

However, these reports of Hokuriku Island and South Korea countered. Immediately afterwards, the officials of the Chinese State publicly wrote to the leaders of the Chinese State the old king on the small island nation they had received in front of the media worldwide.

When the content of this letter was made public by the Chinese State, it suddenly caused an uproar again all over the world.

Especially the typeface of that letter was written in both English and Chinese.

And the content is that the old king of that small island country expressed his longing for the former Ming Dynasty. He hoped that the tribe nation that became the Ming Dynasty would receive asylum. He also hoped that he could obtain trade and exchanges in all aspects. Unfortunately, Yes, hundreds of years have passed, and the once-Daming dynasty has long been history.

But now there is a brand new, prosperous and powerful Chinese nation standing in the west of the small island nation. The old king hopes to have close contact and exchanges with the Chinese nation …

At the end of this letter is the signature of the old king of the small island nation and the seal of the seal dedicated to the royal family.

Next, after China published the contents of the letter, the whole world caused a huge sensation again.

What surprises foreigners is that this small, poor and backward island nation actually has two official languages, and used English hundreds of years ago. This has given more westerners a sense of intimacy, and I feel that this should also Can develop into a little brother country of English language.

But for people in the Chinese-speaking world, countless people are not concerned with the content of the letter, nor with the words and languages ​​used in the letter. It was the seal of the seal used by the last old king of that letter, which immediately caused huge repercussions and sensations in neighboring countries such as China.

Because the eight ancient Chinese characters on the seal of the seal, “Ordered by Heaven, Shou Yongchang,” have all stimulated the nerves of all those who know collection and ancient history.

Regardless of whether the seal of the seal used by the old king on that island is the true legend of the jade that was lost a long time ago, but since he wrote a letter, he dared to use such a seal that only the emperor was entitled to use. , And still handed the letter to the official Hua Guo family. Then this gives many people a guess and assumption.

If it is not true, then how dare the old king cover the seal on the letter and hand it over to the official state of Hua Guo. If it is fake, wouldn’t it be a laugh and beating his own face?

Therefore, many people began to speculate that perhaps it was the true jade seal.

But for the Chuanxi Jade Seal that actually flows to such an island that has been isolated from the world for hundreds of years, it still makes many people feel very uncomfortable. Some people have called for this Chuanxi Jade Seal to be true. I hope the country can take back this national treasure.

All in all, when the news of this island came to light, the whole world fell into an unprecedentedly heated discussion.

No one knows where all those news spread on the Internet came from. It seems that the Internet around the world has recently been seized by this news, and which website pages have it.

It is the moderators of some forums or websites who want to delete these posts or news content, but find that they cannot always be deleted. Those messages are like sticky. Firmly occupies the news section of portals in most countries around the world.

It is for this reason that these news are brought to the attention of the vast majority of the world’s population. Being caught in the tide of the National People’s Congress. At the same time, the attention of many people was also attracted by the content of these news. Curiosity also shifted to the isolated island. I wanted to see his true face of Lushan.

It seems that in response to the expectations and thoughts of the vast majority of netizens, Manruh used the photos he took of the island with the digital camera to be quickly posted to the Internet. It has once again caused hot discussions on the Internet.

Many people are amazed after seeing the natural and original scenery on the island, thinking that the natural original ecology of the island is kept perfect, and he will be the most beautiful island in the world.

After reading those photos, some people posted that they hope to have the opportunity to travel on this beautiful island and feel the local customs on this island.

But more people saw the island in addition to the natural scenery through the photos. The main concern is the poverty and backwardness of the people on the island. The backwardness of science and technology has made the island’s population sparse, and many facilities have not been built, and even maintain the original and ancient style of feudalism.

However, while people around the world are paying attention to this isolated island, they are not aware of the people and the things behind the shadow after the news of this island was exposed.

Behind these, the rice side has dispatched related intelligence personnel, scientists, and a huge fleet composed of the army, and is rushing towards the mysterious sea.

Although the U.S. side dispatched air forces for the first time, it sent a reconnaissance plane over that area of ​​water to cooperate with a space satellite for monitoring and investigation.

What just makes them depressed is that the satellites can’t monitor the surrounding area of ​​the sea area, let alone the island hidden in the sea area.

And those aerial reconnaissance planes or drones just reached the sky over that area of ​​the sea. Because of that strong magnetic interference, bad thunderstorm weather changes, and strange space energy fluctuations, those unmanned reconnaissance planes entered the area After the airspace of the sea area, it almost crashed into the sea due to various faults, not to mention that the reconnaissance obtained important information.

Even with the loss of several unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, the State of Mi even failed to understand the situation of the marginal range of airspace over that area.

After the aerial reconnaissance was not working, the State of Rice thought that since Dr. Cuisite and others accidentally broke into it while sailing on the sea, they had to abandon aerial and satellite reconnaissance only by using the sea reconnaissance method. Send submarines and warships to go there again.

In addition, it is not just the rice country. After some major powers in the world learned about the news about that island, the heads of state also held meetings as soon as possible and sent secret troops into the area to conduct reconnaissance in order to obtain First-hand intelligence.

On the surface, however, the Chinese side did not seem to have made any further moves towards this strategically important island in the Pacific.

But I still can’t hide the concern of some interested people. China is secretly building momentum for this small island nation.

After the octopus island was exposed to the eyes of the world, all countries in the world were staring at the latest developments related to that octopus island, and another news from the country of China once again attracted worldwide attention.

The content of this news is that the official state of China recently announced the relevant identity information and background of the old king on that octopus island.

According to historical research, and the officials of the Hua Kingdom found several of the Liu Qiu country relics who lived in the Hua Kingdom, these people have confirmed the identity of the old king, and indeed they are descendants of the Liu Qiu royal family during the Ming Dynasty.

However, these Liuqiu survivors were not very convincing. They only provided some historical data records for some experts and scholars, and thus restored the section that belongs to them based on the clues provided in the letter of the old king. History.

But then came the blockbuster news.

When the fiery news of Octopus Island was brewing for about a week or so, the whole world was watching the progress of the investigation led by the rice country to the hidden islands in the mysterious sea. Photos of the copied content were suddenly exposed to the eyes of people around the world.

Originally, the appearance of this octopus island attracted much attention from all over the world ~ ~ Now the identity of the old king on that island is also quickly investigated.

Many experts have compared the genealogy presented by the old king and the genealogy of the royal family provided by several descendants of the Liuqiu family based on the content of the genealogical tree, and they have found an amazing fact that the old king is The blood is the purest. There is no lineage descendant of the grandson of the first king of the Ryuqiu Kingdom before the Ryuqiu Islands.

In other words, the blood of the old king is more pure than that of the descendants of the Ryukyu royal family who currently lives in the Japanese island nation, and also has the legal inheritance of the Ryukyu throne, so the small island nation he established on Octopus Island, even if It is also called the Liuqiu Kingdom. It should be recognized by the United Nations in all aspects.

But even more explosive news spread throughout the world, that is, the Chinese government family had recently received the only direct descendant of the Royal Family of the Liaoqiu family in China, and declared that they had been further obtained by the old king of the small island nation. According to the news, the old king learned that Huaguo still survived a descendant of the Liuqiu royal family, and immediately registered the descendant of the immediate female descendant as Princess Liuqiu, and also appointed the princess as the ambassador to China.

When this news was circulated, it immediately caused a greater sensation in the world. Many people are guessing, who exactly is this canonized Princess Liuqiu? (To be continued …)

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