Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 431 - World focus

The mysterious octopus island, when he appeared in the eyes and eyes of people all over the world, caused a turbulent storm and caused a stir.

Many people are very puzzled, but they just found an island that is lonely overseas and isolated from the world for hundreds of years. What’s worth it to report and trigger a national discussion.

Not to mention the news media of various countries in the world, because that island has extremely important strategic significance, some countries such as China and Asia may be extremely concerned and will report on a large scale.

But what is surprising is that those European media are following the coax and are also reporting on a large scale, bombing the eyes of the people, which puzzles some sociologists.

Relatively speaking, most countries treat this matter relatively lightly.

That octopus island still only exists in the rumors of a few personal adventures and scientists, and there is not much real information released. In addition, some countries will definitely conduct a full-scale investigation of the island secretly. Detailed information has not been released, and it doesn’t make much sense to get too much attention.

After all, according to the existing news materials, the island is sparsely populated, the technology is extremely backward, and the living conditions are difficult. However, excluding the explosiveness of the original ecological island newly discovered in the 21st century, except for its geographical location and reputation Apart from that, the octopus island is just as small and poor as the small projectile countries in the archipelago of Australia or Latin America.

The people of various countries around the world have been incited by the news and public opinion to arouse the public’s attention. Humanistic care and charitable donations for the octopus island are also endless, which is even more puzzling.

Why don’t you have the money to donate to the people of small countries in Africa or Latin America who are still starving, but only in favor of this newly discovered small island nation?

But when sociologists analyze this phenomenon. They were puzzled, but they still couldn’t resist the craze of large-scale news reports and the public’s attention and discussion in the media of countries in Europe and Asia.

Even several countries in the Middle East are reporting these related news.

What surprised the whole world even more was that the super oil prince of Saudi Arabia was actually speaking on TV. Expresses concern for this small island country, and at the same time gives billions of meters in funding to the island.

However, after the super oil prince of Saudi Arabia expressed his attitude, more jaw-dropping things came one after another, causing the world to once again fall into a boil.

Because in the next time, apart from the Saudi super oil prince, he said he would pay attention to Octopus Island and give a billion dollars in donations. At this time, some ancient European families suddenly had spokesmen surfaced.

Just like the Ross family, the Rice family, the Rotong Childe family, the Swedish royal family … and some other families and forces that have a huge influence in the world, there are endorsers who claim to pay attention to this octopus island. At the same time, they have also donated up to one to five billion US dollars for the development and construction of the island.

Within a short period of time, after these families who have great influence all over the world expressed their opinions. The octopus island has received tens of billions of donations from these super-family forces, and these big news have caused great sensation in the world again after being reported.

However, things still seem to be over.

Just after the world’s most influential super families have expressed their attention to that octopus island, a more powerful news went wrong, and the whole world was once again shocked.

It was during these events that the press spokesperson of Shenhu Group, which has become the world’s top multinational bio-group company, held a press conference on the same day.

At this press conference. A spokesman for Shenhu Group said that Shenhu Group will contribute 100 billion US dollars to the development and construction of the octopus island. At the same time, Shenhu Group will invest in improving the genes and physique of human life. The development of a new type of gene pharmacy that enhances human lifespan will form a pyramid top strategy with the super-drink series brand launched by Shenhu Group and the cutting-edge cosmetic series of Yi Meilian brand.

It is led by this new type of life medicine, supplemented by biopharmaceuticals, super drinks, cosmetics and other products to form a series of promotion and improvement to the health of human life and the maintenance of human body texture functions. To infer the evolution of human evolution to a brand new beginning.

In addition to this life-enhancing genetic agent, the clinical trials of biologics launched by Shenhu Group Biopharmaceutical Company and cutting-edge medical institutions in 13 countries around the world have also achieved breakthrough results.

Currently. The thirteen top medical institutions have jointly given accurate medical clinical experiment reports through clinical experiments on biological agents.

The report confirms. The brand-new biological supergene protein serum preparation launched by Shenhu Group and the xh39 biochemical drug system with extraordinary effects in the treatment of difficult diseases such as cancer have achieved great success in clinical trials.

The spokesperson of Shenhu Group announced the clinical trial report data presented by the top medical institutions in the 13 countries, and announced the latest news that these biopharmaceuticals will be officially launched simultaneously on the world, which will undoubtedly give the world Of cancer and other critically ill patients bring the gospel.

However, the Shenhu Group is currently the world’s top super multinational group, with assets of hundreds of billions of yuan. They will have big movements every one or two years, and people are accustomed to it.

Moreover, the powerful effects of the products launched by the Shenhu Group over the years have reached thousands of households all over the world, and countless users are inseparable from them, and have become a necessity of life, so this news is not too much of a concern. .

However, the main reason for causing a sensation is still in the gossip about the development of the Gene of Life gene drug by the God Tiger Group circulating in various places. According to the so-called insiders, the company used the gene of life of the Gene Tiger drug A kind of biological ingredient comes from a mysterious island.

Although this is only a gossip and has not been confirmed, many people have learned about it. Still surprised and inexplicable.

Because this can’t help people to associate, the Fountain of Life Gene Pharmacy developed by Shenhu Group has the magical effect of enhancing human lifespan. The main biological ingredient he uses is from a mysterious island, so the world is so Many islands are known and proven by humans.

Unless it is on the islands that have not been discovered by humans, there are biological components that can increase human lifespan.

But this time, it was exposed on Octopus Island. The whole world is in the enthusiasm of discussion and discussion, but the Shenhu Group raised its profile and announced this plan, and made a donation of 100 billion US dollars to that octopus island.

Careful people can’t help but speculate that the Shenhu Group is not spending too much money on the land, and announced the news of the gene pharmacy at this juncture. At the same time, donating a large amount of huge funds, it is easy to let people know whether the Shenhu Group is dependent on some valuable biological component on this mysterious island.

As a result, many people have thought of this, even in the business world, as well as companies and experts in the biological world. They also focused their attention on the mysterious island, expecting that all of his veil was removed and completely displayed in front of the world, revealing his true face of Lushan.

However, in other areas, the emergence of this island has also broken some of the existing rigid world pattern.

It is precisely because this island hidden in the mysterious sea area that has been isolated from the world for hundreds of years has aroused widespread concern in the world. It also makes some military powers, such as Rice, Russia, etc. even if they want to do some deployment through some extraordinary means. It seems quite overwhelming to secretly want to implement certain conspiracy plans on this island.

After all, the whole world is paying close attention to it, and the whole people are discussing. At this juncture, no matter how powerful a country is, it is not afraid to commit the idea of ​​hitting the island because the eyes staring there are not only the people of the world. There are also countless earth satellites, and secret surveillance by intelligence agents …

Wait for these factors to add up. This made the top leaders of some countries, such as the United States, dare not easily carry out military operations on the bright side while heeding the pressure of world public opinion. With the attention of many eyes, the investigation team could only be sent there to do some surveys and scientific investigations.

However, although these countries did not dare to come, in the dark, countries around the world secretly sent intelligence agents to infiltrate the area to collect information and investigate in order to obtain detailed information on the island and the various places there. The reserves of resources like mineral deposits.

To put it bluntly, everything is for the benefit.

If that island and the economic circle within 200 nautical miles around it, if there are no valuable resources and no profit to make, everyone is too lazy to investigate, and even unwilling to take a look.

But once the island and the surrounding waters are rich in resources, even if these countries dare not blatantly plunder under the influence of public opinion, the secret use of various means will certainly be endless.

Therefore, most countries sent intelligence personnel to go there to conduct a comprehensive secret investigation, mainly for the benefit, in order to know whether the island is profitable.

However, they can really do what they want, allowing them to explore there smoothly. They want important information?

The answer is obviously impossible.

Yu Xiaohu does not want to allow those intelligence personnel from various countries in the world who are sneaking into the surroundings of the multi-dimensional sea to investigate. They simply cannot find any useful information.

At the periphery of the multi-dimensional sea area, strong winds, lightning and thunder, and strong magnetic field fluctuations made the spatial energy fluctuations very intense there.

Although the Americans were the first to send a team of scientists, military personnel, and intelligence agents to come here for exploration and investigation.

However, when they tried to enter that area, the abnormality there caused them to get into big trouble. Not only did the electronic system not work properly, but they found that after entering the area, they could not even distinguish the direction. , Seems to be lost in the sea.

Trieste did not accompany him this time, but he told some other oceanographers here about some relevant experience, but the oceanographer did not apply the method described by Trieste at all, they did not know what What went wrong, they couldn’t go deep into the core of that area, let alone see the octopus island.

In addition, in the depths of the seabed, a military nuclear submarine dispatched by the Mi Army lurking here was also submerged in the deep water nearby.

This military nuclear submarine also encountered the same dilemma and trouble, and even the submarine’s environment was several times more dangerous than above the sea.

Because not only the nuclear submarine there will cause the electronic signals to fail, but it may also cause mechanical failures. The submarine itself will also be under extreme pressure. Once the pressure cannot be exhausted, the consequences are unimaginable.

Another point is that after the exploration team came here, because of the interference and influence of magnetic fields and signals, they could not normally use communication at all, even through the satellite positioning system, which was also ineffective. The man is stunned.

In addition to this, not only the investigation teams sent by the United States encountered this situation, but also secretly sent teams from other countries also encountered the same problem.

In order to avoid encounters, although the survey teams sent by different countries choose to explore different areas and locations, they all face a common problem, that is, always stay in the sea area where the meteorological environment and physical phenomena are abnormal. There can be no more progress.

In this way, the air force cannot penetrate deep into the sea area for reconnaissance, and the satellite cannot scan and monitor it, but the maritime investigation team is interfered by the supernatural and abnormal physical phenomena around the mysterious sea area. They are always stagnating on the edge of the sea, and for a while, they cannot find a suitable and effective method, and those people are very depressed.

Although there are some scientists in those investigative teams ~ ~, the problems that Manru and Crest can solve, they may not be able to solve them.

Because they didn’t know at all, they wanted to successfully enter the sea area and climb to the octopus island. Without Yu Xiaohu’s permission, could the defense line of the energy base station established by the base island black technology be easily broken through?

Therefore, the investigative teams sent by those countries with various thoughts will always move around that area of ​​the sea, and it is impossible to go further. Yu Xiaohu is not allowed to allow military intelligence personnel in these countries to break into his territorial waters at will. Area, unless these people have the luck of Trieste and Manru.

However, Manlu and Trister are just one of the pieces that Yu Xiaohu used to realize his overall plan. Those in the various intelligence departments had no choice but to shut them out.

But Yu Xiaohu could not keep those people from entering the sea area.

Because in his next plan, the octopus island will be displayed in front of the world, there will always be a group of people who can ‘lucky’ find the tricks and ways to enter the sea area and board the octopus island. (To be continued)

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