Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 438 - Invisible crisis

The moment the mech moved, the ground shook slightly.

When some policemen saw the big metal monster-like machine coming through by night, they immediately opened fire on the mech in fear.

Ding Ding Ding!

However, after firing, the police found that the bullets they fired hit the mech’s body at all, and even that bullet was bounced off by the extremely hard mech’s body, and a spark sputtered.


The gunship in the air also noticed the four terrorist mech weapons that came out at this time, and immediately launched small missiles at them.

However, during the violent explosion, the mechs were only damaged with a little skin on the shell, and they were still very complete. Even the bomb did not work on this mech.

“Oh God, this is trouble …”

When the police saw that the guns had no effect on the mech, everyone had a horrible expression on their faces, and they were frightened.


Coleman was venting his anger at this moment. When he saw a helicopter flying over, he immediately lifted the arm with the barrel, and immediately yelled. After the upper warehouse door was opened, a gun barrel was exposed. After the gun barrel popped up, it fired a shell at the helicopter.


After all, it is an advanced war weapon. Helicopters have no chance to avoid it. After a violent explosion in the air and a large fireball formed, a helicopter was destroyed.

Others of Coleman’s men also controlled the mech and also started firing at other helicopters. It was very easy to destroy a helicopter with its power.

Boom boom!

At this time, the situation on the battlefield was immediately rewritten because of the appearance of these terror war mechas. The direct ascents supported by the police’s several air forces did not escape the attack of the advanced artillery shells with the locking function, all burst into a huge fireball in the air and were completely destroyed.

After the air power of the police was quickly destroyed, the Mexige and the policemen of the M State were horrified after seeing the terror power of the mech.

And while the police were still shocked by the horror power of that mech weapon, they hadn’t returned yet. Coleman did not miss the chance of revenge. He drove the mech a further distance. After entering the range of the mech weapon, he immediately raised another robotic arm, immediately above the arm. Extend a barrel.

After the barrel was extended, it was brewing after a few seconds of rotation. Immediately afterwards, the gun spouted fire snakes.

The bullet fired by the mech is even more powerful than the heavy machine gun, because it is supported by a huge mech, and its penetration is also very strong.

Da da da!

When the bullet fired by the mech went, the police who hid behind the police car as a shelter were directly hit by the bullet after they had penetrated the police’s steel plate, and the police car was also sieved. This shows the power of this firearm.


At this time, under the simultaneous advancement of the four mechas, the fire snake is like a death scythe for harvesting life. Its powerful power of penetration and destructiveness makes it impossible for the police even hiding behind the bunker. The resistance was quickly shot through and death continued to occur.

“Retreat, retreat immediately. And quickly contact the Mi Jun side, asking for military support …”

The Mi police officer saw the situation was not right, and immediately ordered to retreat. However, man was selfish before facing death. He saw that the mech was unstoppable and invincible, but he was already trembling, so he sneaked into the back while he was not paying attention, and then grabbed one of Coleman’s side. An off-road vehicle fled directly. The gang of Mexigo and U.S. military police was slaughtered.

Then, although there were a few sporadic police officers, they managed to escape through chaos. But under the cover of that horrible mech, the people under Coleman were relieved. Naturally, a full-scale retaliatory counterattack was launched, which caused the overwhelming majority of the U.S. and Mexico police officers to be killed.

Until the end, after Coleman took his men to the end of the battle, there was no one alive on the messy battlefield. Some people died in misery, and the whole body was almost beaten. Sieve, we can see how strong the revenge of these desperate people is.


When Coleman drove the mech back to the car ’s big truck again, stopped and retreated from the mech, the whole person looked like a blood man, meanwhile, his spirit was pale and his face pale. Is the side effects caused by excessive consumption.

Immediately after getting off the mech, Coleman took out a syringe from the lock box next to him, and injected the vial of the morning breeze into the body, and then he regained a little energy.

At this time, his men also began to clean the battlefield, but Coleman saw several cars were damaged, and at the same time, after a vehicle planted with biological weapons and biochemical experiments was blown up, he suddenly thought of something. Shocked and shouted and ordered: “Don’t clean the battlefield, don’t worry about the experimental objects, after the scrapped vehicles are placed with time bombs, everyone will leave the place swiftly without delay …”

With the orders of Coleman, his men also gave up patrolling and cleaning the battlefield, checked the vehicles that could be started, and quickly started to leave quickly.

And just as Coleman took the rest of the people away from the experiment for about five minutes, suddenly there was a sound of explosions on that battlefield.

With the rumbling explosion, the sky full of fire was set off.

However, among the spattering debris, a glass instrument that had not been completely broken flew out and landed on the body of a police officer.


As the glass instrument broke, I saw a dark green liquid flowing out slowly and touching the police body.

Strangely, when the liquid flowed into the corpse, a brown rust spot appeared on the corpse. It began to spread and corrode the corpse’s wound like rust.

With the exception of this corpse, similar liquids spattered elsewhere during the explosion flowed outside. Just like a strong acid, it quickly corroded the surrounding green plants, and just as a runaway little animal passed by, it stepped on the liquid.

The small animal seemed to be affected by the corrosion of the soles of its feet and screamed. Quickly fled.


However, at this moment, under the base of the previous large truck destroyed by helicopter missiles, there was a sudden loud noise.

After the chassis of that card was blown away, there was a large pit under it, a large hole was broken in the cultivation groove in the pit, and some liquid was flowing around. But as the liquid was trampled by a foot print, and as the big foot slowly lifted and climbed to the ground, a strange figure appeared in the lonely wilderness.

The figure is about two meters tall and weighs a lot. He takes a deep footprint every step he takes.

Especially the figure seemed to have a tail. The night covered his awkward looks, but those red eyes were glowing with blood and hate.

When he saw a human corpse under his feet, his scarlet eyes flashed a dark tint, and then he raised his foot and stepped on the human corpse with a foot.


At that moment, after this huge monster sent out a roar that seemed to pierce into Yunxiao, he glanced at the distant human city with stars. Then he got into the jungle.

After a while, there was a whistling of birds and beasts in the jungle, and the birds scattered. The beast fled around.

After about an hour or so, Mo roared into the sky.

At the same time, the lights of the car were continuously approaching. There were police cars and ambulances in the flashing lights, as well as armed vehicles and military vehicles. There were a lot of them and they stopped on the highway when they reached the battlefield full of messy and dead bodies.

When those cars stop. The soldiers with live ammunition were immediately dispersed to guard them around, while a group of them were wearing white coats. The medical staff wearing a mask also quickly got out of the car and began to search around for possible survivors.

It was just a tragic scene at the scene. Perhaps the soldiers would adapt after seeing it, but the medical staff and some related senior staff who had not seen the **** immediately bent down and vomited.

“Well, come here, there seems to be a rescue here!”

Just then, a medical staff member called out and immediately attracted others.

So when several people gathered around, they saw that it was a white policeman in the United States. The injuries on his body were not too fatal, and the vitality had not been completely cut off, and there was hope for rescue.

What’s more, this is a white police officer. Several Mi police officers immediately demanded that this person be rescued.

So the medical staff began to do their best to rescue the medical staff.

However, when a doctor touched the rusty squad of the policeman, he felt that the rubber gloves he was wearing did not work, as if it had been burned through, and he couldn’t help screaming: “What’s that?”

Another medical staff member was curious and saw several large pieces of rust on the white policeman, so he took a little look and said, “What is this thing, how can there be so many rust classes on him?” ,what……”

And because the medical staff was too dark at night, where the lights couldn’t shine, what seemed to be stepping on his feet seemed to be burned by fire, making him helplessly scream.

With a light, he stepped on a pool of liquid.

It was just that another medical worker did not notice that the rust spots on his fingers had slightly enlarged, but he did not find that after checking and simply dealing with the white policeman, this came to pass: “He seems to be rescued. Enter for emergency surgery … “

So they carried the body of the white policeman into the car, and the doctors waiting there immediately began the operation.

In another place at this time, a rice man in plain clothes was on the vicinity, and frowning at the tragic battlefield traces through the lights, a soldier came over to salute and reported: “Report to the sir, the scene seems to be There were no other survivors. The police were all sacrificed. They died terribly. Only one black box was found on the helicopter … “

When the officer heard the reports from his men, he frowned, and ordered the soldiers to continue to search the battlefield carefully to find some key things.

His purpose here was not to rescue the wounded here, but to gather relevant battle traces here and find relevant information clues about the mech described by the witnesses.

After the case occurred, because of the escaped Mi police, the Mi CIA was very shocked when it received the relevant intelligence information here. After understanding about the fighting that took place here, it was sorted out. The report was delivered to the White House overnight.

The focus of the White House’s recent work has been on the blockade plan customized for Octopus Island, but after suddenly receiving such news, the entire White House immediately caused a shock.

The President attaches great importance to this matter, especially the appearance of that horrible mech, which can bring shock to senior officials such as President Rice and the Minister of Defense, which can be said to be greater than the incident on Octopus Island.

Even the nature of the incident was even more serious, so they had to turn around and deal with the case urgently, and quickly dispatched a group of special forces stationed at the border with Mexico City to sneak into the drug trafficking gang with armed mechs.

The senior officials of the State of Mi are not convinced that it is impossible to possess sophisticated mech weapons based on the strength of the armed drug trafficking gangs. Although the State of Me is also secretly developing a new type of single-armed mech weapon, it has not made much progress. We are always looking for a breakthrough.

But at present, even the State of Rice has not developed the horrible war weapon, but a group of drug trafficking armed forces have used that kind of mech and caused great lethality and destructive power. Within minutes, without fear of artillery shells and firearms, four armed helicopters were destroyed and at the same time about 100 armed police were annihilated.

At first, after receiving the news report from the White House, they seemed very shocked. Some of them couldn’t believe that this was the destructive force caused by mecha ~ ~ But then, when the foreign troops continued to be on the battlefield After finding some fragments of the mechs and the remaining warheads analyzed by the weapon experts, they reached a conclusion that made President M ’s very shocking.

The materials used for those mechas are more advanced than those developed by At the same time, they are exactly the same as the mech fragments brought back by M.C. agents after the explosion in the Indonesian Islands.

Then, the black box of a Mi helicopter gunship was sent to the White House.

When everyone saw the entire process of the mech destroying the helicopter through some of the blurred video images restored inside, the entire White House was in a state of shock.

On this night, after the White House was facing this more serious threat of terrorism, the president issued a new order again, and Mifang will launch a new round of anti-terrorism war.

However, they did not know that there was a potential crisis that made them invisible, and the white policeman with a rusty whole body came quietly after being brought back to the rice country … (to be continued)

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