Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 439 - Multi-domain action

That night, the case in Porterley, in Mexigo, occurred in a remote and deserted area. Although it was a drug war, the movement caused a lot of movement. No one knows about Mexige. “Top” point “small” said,

At the same time, because of this incident, the State of Mi requested strict confidentiality and cannot be leaked, so no relevant news was circulated.

During this time, the attention of the entire world and the focus of the news were still the golden island isolated from the world for hundreds of years in the center of the Pacific Ocean.

Yes, after more than a month’s gestation, the octopus island was spontaneously renamed as the Golden Island by the media and people around the world, and even some international organizations seem to acquiesce to another name for the island.

Because in the recent past, the emergence of the Golden Island around the world has created several billionaires who have returned with gold.

Although some countries in the United States and the Pacific Ocean have customized the blockade plan for Octopus Island, they want to restrict the development of the blockade of Octopus Island from various economic and other aspects.

However, under the influence of the gold rush to Octopus Island and the hype of European news, Europeans and Middle Eastern businessmen were warned that they were not birds and rice. They resolutely collected a large amount of materials to go to sea and try to avoid the rice navy in the Pacific Ocean. Some of the regular routes quietly went to the waters of Octopus Island.

Even some of the merchants of the Philippines, Indonesia, Japan, and other nationalities who have reached the League of Nations with the Rice Country, they are very envious of the gold of the octopus island was earned by the merchants of Europe and the Middle East. After all, the octopus island is next to them. It is very annoying that those benefits cannot be earned.

So stimulated by the interest of gold on the octopus island, many people in these countries have taken advantage of being closer to the octopus island, and secretly ignored the government’s order to go to the sea of ​​octopus island to dig for gold.

Compared to Octopus Island and Yu Xiaohu. Yu Xiaohu recently took a seat in Octopus Island. Naturally, the private islanders who came to exchange privately with him for gold, as well as the private merchants in the neighboring countries such as the Philippines and Indonesia, would not refuse to come, and give them a taste.

Yu Xiaohu believes that although the neighboring high-level countries have customized blockade plans for Octopus Island. But there are policies, and there must be countermeasures. Driven by the stimulation of these interests, this so-called blockade plan will certainly take the lead to disintegrate from within these countries.

Since then, after the merchants of these island nations, Indonesia and other countries scoured a large amount of gold on the octopus island and went back, it was tantamount to triggering a flood.

Under the influence of those people, more and more people have joined the wave of gold rush to Octopus Island. Even the suppression by the customs and maritime self-defense forces of the Japanese island nations will not help. On the contrary, it will trigger the gene of the rebellious consciousness hidden in the Japanese island people, and will make more people join the gold rush.

And for this gold rush to the Golden Island, the Mi people can only watch it. After all, although the Pacific Ocean is their back garden, they have no right to restrict or detain those merchants who have legal procedures on the high seas.

In addition, these businessmen come from all over the world, and at the same time, some European countries seem to be in a tacit attitude towards the small countries on the octopus island, and have not made any moves. Even domestic merchants are encouraged to go to the Gold Island to pan for gold to increase their own gold reserves.

And not only that. Even some private companies in the country are secretly doing some related things, but the country ’s government is helpless.

Besides, the Mi Army has so much energy to make warships roam around the Pacific Ocean every day. The military expenditure and maintenance costs alone are a lot of money.

Recently, the state ’s finances have to make budget expenditures for the new round of anti-terrorism operations, and it is impossible to spend on those minor matters, which has caused the army to become sluggish after a period of execution.

influenced by. Since it was reported by the news again, more and more people from the U.S. and the islands of Japan have since ignored the so-called blockade plan and participated in the gold rush.

In this way, more and more people gathered around the world to come to Octopus Island to dig for gold.

but. For Yu Xiaohu, he cannot always use the huge reserves of gold in the base island to exchange materials with businessmen from all over the world.

Even if there are still a large number of gold reserves in the base island collected by the collection robots in the ocean, about one million tons of gold reserves, but this can’t hold up more wolves, there is always time to run out.

Fortunately, at this stage, the world gradually began to tacitly assume the existence of small island nations on the octopus island. The custom-made blockade plan of the Mi people began to be full of loopholes. For the benefit, some official organizations of the island people also began to violate Yang Yin Sending someone to octopus island to fish for the benefits, which provided a good opportunity for Yu Xiaohu.

In this world where interests are paramount, with enough interests, it can completely impress the hearts of most people.

Even if these nations, such as the Nichido and Miguchi, are the most vocal about octopus island, but when the interests of some of them are met, they are no longer monolithic. The so-called blockade alliance took the lead from them. The internal disintegration.

In this gold rush following the world’s attention to Octopus Island, because a large amount of gold was carried out, the international gold price began to fall continuously, and at the same time he also brought shocks to the currency systems of some countries. As a result, currency depreciation or exchange rate decline has also indirectly caused some financial turmoil.

In the midst of this financial turmoil, the European Monetary Bank suddenly announced a major move, which is to soon launch a gold-euro exchange financial cooperation with Gold Island.

At the same time, the Swiss bank also announced an increase in the amount of gold reserves in the vault, and will soon begin to support the gold island commercial investment reserve currency exchange and credit business. At the same time, it also announced that it will launch currency exchange issuance business with the gold island. The 300 billion fund for the construction and development of livelihood on the Golden Island will be officially settled in Swiss Bank and European Bank.

That is to say, after the cooperation between the European Currency Bank, the Swiss Bank and the Golden Island has been reached in the financial business field, it also means that the euro will be the first currency exchange on the Golden Island since then, and the soft currency of China It will also be included in the financial cooperation between the central bank and the Golden Island.

Just after the news was announced, the whole world fell into a tumultuous and sensation again.

With the release of these news reports, European countries and other countries have taken measures after reaching an agreement in this regard. It also caused the euro’s currency status to rise again. After the tentacles were successfully extended to Asia, it began to seriously threaten the dollar’s currency status in the world.

In response to these major measures taken by the European side, financial institutions such as the Federal Reserve and the United States of America have also made rapid adjustments. At the same time, the government of the United States has announced the emergence of terrorist organizations with cutting-edge scientific and technological forces around the world. And are launching terrorist attacks. Rice will launch a new round of anti-terrorism war.

In fact, this is a cliché. Every time the country encounters an economic crisis, it will launch an anti-terrorism war. It wants to adjust and ease the turbulence through the war to achieve the purpose of stimulating domestic economic growth.

However, as a result, the eyes of the Mi people were forced to shift to a new round of anti-terrorism war and to cope with the coming economic crisis and financial turmoil, and they became less and less concerned about the development of Octopus Island.

Although the State of Rice still did not give up the scientific expedition to break through the energy barrier surrounding the octopus island waters, their military forces such as warships and submarines could not enter the octopus island waters. Without the deterrence of a strong military force, no matter how many intelligence personnel they send, it will not help.

Moreover, with the successive cooperation between the European Bank and the Central Bank of China and the Octopus Island in the financial field, businessmen around the world have once again focused on Octopus Island, and even many large companies are eager to move to Octopus Island. Investment opportunity.

After all, the current octopus island is in a state of development, and it can be said that there are business opportunities everywhere. No matter which industry you invest in, you can make a profit, and many discerning merchants have a strong gold reserve advantage in seeing Octopus Island. It is fully able to issue its own currency system, and it can also be linked to strong currencies such as the euro and the soft yuan, which can fully guarantee the operation of the commercial system on the island.

On the octopus island, after Yu Xiaohu collected a large amount of materials from the world in the recent period, everyone in the world thinks that the materials on the octopus island have begun to enrich now, so its development speed will also accelerate. .

So come on. Yu Xiaohu took this opportunity to start large-scale construction on Octopus Island.

Of course, the first thing to build is road traffic.

Because Earth satellites cannot capture the construction and development of Octopus Island, and the aerial reconnaissance planes of various countries cannot monitor all activities on the ground here, this gives Yu Xiaohu a good opportunity to build cars behind closed doors.

then. Under the orders of Yu Xiaohu, a large number of engineering robots in the base of the seabed were dispatched. After arriving on the ladder to Octopus Island, they began to lay modern road transportation facilities around the entire Octopus Island.

After all, those robots are different from humans, and their loyalty is unquestionable. They don’t need to rest or eat or drink water. They only need to replenish their energy regularly for maintenance. It can be said that there is no problem at all when they start work 24 hours a day.

And it is conceivable that when there are tens of thousands of engineering robots on the octopus island to start a 24-hour uninterrupted construction work, how efficient is it?

So in a few days, most of the roads and bridges on the entire octopus island were built, spacious and open, and accessible, like a giant spider web, but very regular.

Because Octopus Island has an area of ​​more than 2,000 square kilometers, in the planning of Yu Xiaohu, four large cities are planned to be located in the east, west, south, and north of Octopus Island. The main city on the island is The old building selected by Yu Xiaohu originally built an ancient building, and built a royal palace and other facilities for center expansion and construction.

At the same time, around the coast of the island, some large and medium-sized ports and other related facilities have also been established.

Although these ports and docks will be idle for a period of time after they are completed, only two or three port terminals can be efficiently used to accept commercial ships that transport various types of materials from the outside into the octopus islands. Trading activities.

However, while Yu Xiaohu is constructing civilian and commercial facilities, naturally he will not let the establishment of military and other facilities, and some ports will be used as military ports.

Until now, Yu Xiaohu was totally afraid to underestimate the passion of businessmen all over the world in order to earn profits.

For the benefit. In addition to transporting some commonly used materials, many businessmen dare to transport such precious metals, rare minerals, military equipment and equipment, and arms and weapons.

Moreover, plus Yu Xiaohu has given instructions to those creatures and people, as long as those merchants dare to transport good things, they will accept.

In addition, the early development of Octopus Island does not charge tariffs for foreign merchants. This has further stimulated the smuggling activities of those businessmen, and caused some headaches in some resource departments and customs in some countries around the world. It is strongly requested that Octopus Island join the world trade system and accept the rules and constraints of international trade law. Then free-style random development.

After hearing these news, Yu Xiaohu seemed surprised.

These calls from the outside world also show that they treat octopus island as a small country. The existence of octopus island in the world has been implicitly considered to be a small country, instead of just treating him as a small country. An ordinary island.

And this time. Yu Xiaohu also feels that the time has come to issue currency.

After all, the nearly 10,000 people on the entire octopus island are all biological people born from base islands. It can be said that they do not belong to the real human category.

The existence of these creatures was also the intention of Yu Xiaohu to consider transforming the appearance of octopus island.

In essence, the operation of their life mechanism is not too dependent on the intake of food and nutrients from the outside world, and the biochemical fluids they need are all provided by the base island.

Therefore, Yu Xiaohu issued currency on this island, which has no real human, but just established order in advance. It is purely for those businessmen who come from afar and those who will emigrate to the island in the future. And those creatures don’t need to circulate too much money.

The early issue of currency also has the advantage that he has reached private agreements with European banks and the Asian Central Bank in terms of financial cooperation, which can allow merchants who have flooded into the waters of Octopus Island to adapt to the currency in advance.

After those merchants get the octopus island currency to the outside, the European banks will settle and exchange according to the cooperative business, and those huge capital flows. Privately, it is through the financial flows of these large banks in the hands of Yu Xiaohu, such as Shenhu Group.

In other words, when the merchants obtain the currency on Octopus Island when they are exchanged with other major banks in the world, the banks always use the capital accounts established by Yu Xiaohu in these banks, and they can still use them. Get some related intermediate costs. It is the so-called win-win situation, which is the main reason why banks will be willing to cooperate with Yu Xiaohu.

In this case, it is equivalent to those merchants who transported the goods to Octopus Island and got the currency on the Octopus Island. It was still Yu Xiaohu’s money that was exchanged outside, although in the middle Yu Xiaohu would lose some banks. The fees charged in this respect are completely negligible to him, and this is also a vested benefit to those banks, but the benefit of this is that he will make the currency issued on Octopus Island more convenient for circulation.

For a long time, Yu Xiaohu’s development and construction of octopus islands are all based on a strong base island protection system that prevents some military powers such as the Mi country from carrying out threats of military force and military intervention, first through some contacts with the outside world and let them Expose the information of Octopus Island.

At the same time that the world started to pay attention to Octopus Island, they couldn’t get more information, so they would be eager to get more information, so if there was no large-scale access, they could only send some intelligence personnel to the island. Exploring some of the information provided by Yu Xiaohu to help them spread outside, so that Octopus Island received more attention.

At the same time, Yu Xiaohu also used the huge gold reserves collected by the robot in the underwater world to continuously engage in material transactions with outside businessmen. This also created an illusion of octopus island gold everywhere, stimulating the enthusiasm of more businessmen. From the taste of sweetness, step by step increase the transaction volume of various materials.

In this way, the materials on octopus island began to be enriched continuously ~ ~ At the same time, it will also give a signal to the outside world, that is, octopus island has a huge wealth of materials, because there is no external interference and threat The pace of its development is bound to accelerate.

Don’t look at the original state when he was discovered, but after Yu Xiaohu’s step-by-step planning, the development of the octopus island is always changing.

In particular, the intelligence personnel of various countries who infiltrated the octopus island to investigate intelligence materials were amazed that the development speed of octopus island was too fast, so that the intelligence materials they had sent back soon fell behind.

And every time they dived into Octopus Island to get some new information and took them back, when they successfully dived into Octopus Island again, they found that the information was out of date and they had to collect it again.

They didn’t know that these were also implemented under the deliberate control of Yu Xiaohu. He just wanted to give the whole world a subtle acceptance of the existence of Octopus Island.

And now, through a little bit of time accumulation, Yu Xiaohu’s planning progress is also making a smooth transition step by step, so that the whole world was surprised by the appearance of Octopus Island from now on, and now it has shifted its silent habit and accepted it, even this one. The countries on the island are also gradually being recognized by countries around the world … (to be continued …)

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