Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 444 - Huge fines

“What, Golden Island officially announced its immigration policy and economic tax policy?”

Rice, White House. ⊙Vertex Novel,

At the same morning meeting as usual, Mr. President received such a news that made him feel very surprised.

Recently, the Mi Army was busy searching for a terrorist organization with high-tech weapons and biochemical weapons in North America. Although according to the information provided by the CIA, they also grasped the whereabouts of the other party and are conducting military counter-terrorism containment operations.

However, for Octopus Island, the attention paid by the rice country is still very high.

What surprised and surprised Mr. President was that it was less than a week before their intelligence officer’s report on the investigation of Octopus Island was submitted. They had no such news beforehand.

Moreover, according to the contents of the latest new newspaper in the early morning, some public infrastructure construction pictures released by Octopus Island and the beautiful natural scenery presented by the entire island are clearly not in line with the investigation data provided by their intelligence personnel.

Seeing these news contents, the President was a little angry and called the intelligence chief, and questioned that the work of the intelligence department was too lax. All the information submitted to him was outdated information.

It is just that the intelligence chief of the country of China Peter is also very depressed. The intelligence personnel they sent to the octopus island have not been smooth, and they cannot stay in the latent octopus island for a long time. As a result, they were found to be exposed, and then forced to deport. Have to wait more than ten days and a half months.

However, in conscience, the intelligence materials provided by those intelligence personnel were collected by them and sent back immediately.

However, what made the intelligence leader unexpected was that the development speed of that octopus island was too fast. Their intelligence personnel mixed with those caravans to sneak into the octopus island for investigation activities. Only the latest progress data was available every two weeks or so. But when these materials came up, the development of octopus island was very fast. Naturally, those dynamic materials had passed the preservation period. There was nothing they could do about it. Who made the development of that octopus island too fast?

It is just that the intelligence chief faces the anger of Mr. President, but he cannot express his grievance in this way. This matter was explained.

After listening to the explanation, Mr. President’s expression showed a headache. This octopus island prevented their army from making half a step, and the development speed was so rapid, but they could not conduct effective containment.

Even if the younger countries have customized the blockade plan and cracked down on some smuggling activities of maritime supplies, they still can’t stop the greedy merchants from taking risks for the sake of their interests. They still continue to smuggle all kinds of supplies to Octopus Island. Arms weapon. This phenomenon cannot be forbidden at all.

At this time, the female secretary of the president submitted a statistical report with good statistics. After the president picked up the information and read it, his frown deepened.

It can be said that nothing in the world has ever caused him such a headache, just like this new initiative made by Octopus Island.

With the immigration policy announced by Octopus Island, the President can see that the other party must accelerate the pace of population growth in order to solve the situation of sparse population and severe labor shortage in Octopus Island when the infrastructure is rapidly established.

The other party announced the policy. What attracts the most attention is the loose commercial tax policy announced by the small island country, that is to say. As long as someone is willing to develop business and invest in the eastern part of Octopus Island, and to register and establish a company, Octopus Island will provide the best tax rate policy, as well as some additional benefits and incentives.

In particular, the tax policy of this registered offshore company can be said to be more attractive than the low tax policies of the Cayman Islands and the domestic state of Washington, D.C., which attract the attention of businesses around the world. It can be said that it can become the most reasonable tax haven for those large multinational companies and a great benefit for capitalists.

What made President Rice feel even more terrible was the financial system that Octopus was the first to establish, and issued the strategic cooperation between the currency and the euro, as well as the soft currency, coupled with this horrible tax policy. This is simply to push Mi Yuan to the dead end.

Originally in the financial field, with the rise of the euro in recent years, it has affected the status of the world currency in meters. However, due to the confrontation between the two sides, the euro’s tentacles have not been able to extend to the Asia-Pacific.

But today, the existence of this octopus island has broken this pattern, and opened up a new landing point for the development of the euro that can fully land in the Asia-Pacific region. This can definitely be said to be a severe blow to the heart of the United States.

In the face of such a situation, Mr. President considered it carefully.

If the Rice government does not recognize the state power established on Octopus Island, the currency they issue, or the immigration and tax rate policies they promulgated and implemented, then this will greatly affect Octopus Island. Economic development.

But there is also a very serious disadvantage. The current world economic development has been diversified, and multinational and cross-regional corporate cooperation is frequent. Therefore, the number of multinational group companies created is also numerous. The blockade, then this will greatly affect the decisions made by those multinational group companies in the country, and it will also seriously affect the country’s economy.

After all, those multinational groups pay more attention to economic interests. When they have been able to affect the economic development of a country, what choices will those greedy capitalists make when national decisions conflict with their corporate development? Clearer than anyone.

Moreover, not all countries in the world are in the same mind as the rice country in dealing with this matter.

In particular, those European countries that have a very ambiguous attitude towards this small island country. Once the rice country implements a more severe blockade policy on octopus island, this will further spur the small island country to fall completely into the arms of Europe and other countries, and allow the euro to be completely in the Asia Pacific The region is firmly established, which is extremely detrimental to the currency position of the dollar.

If it is another small country, they dare to engage in such a confrontation with the United States. The United States does not mind using advanced military forces to fight them back to their original form before the confrontation has formed. Let them lick a wound for more than ten years to recover slowly. .

However, this octopus island is completely different. With that **** defensive barrier, the military power of the country is completely furnished. Can not achieve the slightest deterrence effect, even if you want to bombard with missiles, you can’t find the target, you can only watch the island grow rapidly.

However, as Mr. President became more aware of the imperative moment to curb the development of this small island nation, he thought for a while and decided to invite the leaders of the important business sectors and enterprises in the domestic economy. Start an in-depth talk.

As a result, invitation letters from the presidential palace were sent to the desks of the heads of large multinational corporations that could affect the economic development of the country.

After seeing the invitation letter, some of the leaders of large-scale business groups have a very straightforward attitude. They also look down on a poor and backward island like Octopus Island and say they will go to the forum in person. Some people are more ambiguous, saying that business has been busy recently, and if there is time, they will consider participating.

But a few group leaders saw the content of the discussion on the invitation letter, but they dismissed the invitation letter into the trash can.

For example, the group companies that have risen in recent years. In the field of high-end chip semiconductors, it has completely surpassed the established companies such as Intel and IBM and has occupied half of the high-end chip products. The leader of Titan Electronic Technology Group is Rhein. Titan.

Another example is Johnson’s Tiger, the head of Tiger’s Investment Group, which has a place on Wall Street in New York and has a growing influence.

Another example is the head of the country’s second largest biological enterprise Ambra Biopharma Group Boulder. Tyra.

The heads of these groups asked for invitations from the Presidential Palace of the State of Rice to ask them to talk about strategies to deal with and curb the economic development of Octopus Island. Isn’t this just touching the **** of a tiger?

They were cultivated as base islands, and they assigned high-level biological people to establish development enterprises in the country. They held absolute loyalty to the base island and the commander Yu Xiaohu, allowing them to participate in the symposium and deal with their masters. This is simply impossible.

Moreover, Yu Xiaohu also issued instructions to them earlier. I want them to launch a sniper plan against the economy of the United States in the near future, deliberately asking the government of the United States to sue Tantai and Ambra in anti-monopoly bills in the field of cutting-edge chips and biologics. In addition to paying attention, a more severe bottom pay was given to the country, which caused the related market of the country to fall into serious turmoil, which has an important impact on its economy.

So about that. The three high-level creatures will obey the commander’s order. They will naturally not attend the White House-sponsored symposium, and even show disdain. They are deliberately preparing to use the excuses of revenge against the Government of the United States to use the antitrust bill to Find their troubles and create topics.

then. As expected.

On the day of the White House forum, those competitor companies that started the meeting started to attack the three companies: Ambra, Tiger Investment Company and Tantai Electronics Group.

At the same time, the president’s secretary also mentioned to the president and some officials that when the people in their secretariat sent invitation letters, the three acted dismissively and even threw the invitation letter into the trash can. As a result, the favor of the president and government officials for these three companies fell to freezing point.

Just after that symposium, although the White House reached private agreement with representatives of important group corporate leaders, saying that there will be a key merchandise trade and supplies that will refuse to supply any merchants related to Octopus Island to curb the small island nation. Economic development.

But as to whether those people will actually implement the implementation, this is also a matter that no one can guarantee. After all, which companies attend the meeting, they have potential competitors. You do n’t do any business on Octopus Island. There will not be any business dealings, but there are other competitors who do it and will invest in Octopus Island.

Although it is not focused on a small island country to start a confrontation, how can the rice people allow the competitors to take advantage of it? This determines that when they put their own interests first, they are only focusing on those strategies of the White House. Implement the premise that does not hinder your own interests.

However, just after this symposium, the government of the United States of America, after investigating Ambra and Tantai Electronics Group, found that the other party had serious problems in global cutting-edge chips and advanced biomedical devices. Monopoly.

In particular, Tiger Investment Group, some of the high-tech industries that they mainly invest in have the vast majority of shares and management rights, and also a considerable part of the upstream industries of the infrastructure industry in the country. This has made the government somewhat unexpected. And, I did not expect that in recent years, this Tiger Investment Group has actually reached into the basic industrial system of the country, and there is a suspected monopoly. This is absolutely not allowed by the country’s government.

As a result, the Investigative Bureau of the Riceland Government quickly used this as an excuse to take the opportunity to rectify the industrial chain and order the other party to temporarily operate. The three companies were brought to court under the antitrust bill.

After the defendants of these three large global enterprise groups have been brought to court, when the court heard the case, there were hardly any summons and physical evidence of the defendant, but only after a detailed investigation report was issued. The verdict was imposed on three companies for a total fine of 104.5 billion meters.

After the news was reported, it immediately caused a global sensation.

Since then, the three companies have used some illegal investigative measures against the Anti-Monopoly Act Investigation Bureau of the Riceland Government, and the court has not disclosed the certification materials issued by the three companies and some key figures have not appeared in court. Even the lawyers of the legal departments of the three companies have not. After receiving the court’s request to go to defense, they directly sentenced, and the whole process was published around the world ~ ~ It caused a stir in the world.

This is a serious law enforcement injustice. After this news report was published, the public also criticized the injustice of law enforcement in the country ’s judicial department. Even many unemployed people who were fined by the three companies began to take to the streets. parade to protest.

Coupled with the recent emergence of a new type of infectious disease syndrome in the country of China, this disease is called rust spot disease. After the infection, patients will show large rust spots throughout the body, which will cause a series of adverse consequences and even cause suffocation and death. However, the country’s medical institutions were helpless, and they urgently collected quarantine measures and blocked the news.

But even so, the news of the outbreak of rust spot disease in the new country still appeared, coupled with the increase in unemployment caused by the layoffs of the three major companies, which immediately caused serious unrest in the country’s domestic social order.

However, the Government of the United States has issued warning penalties to the three companies on the pretext of investigating that the three companies have a large amount of foreign capital, and that the controlling capital does not belong to the nationals of the country and is also suspected of monopoly.

However, the Rice government did not expect that they were just a warning punishment, but it brought them a very serious disaster. (To be continued …)

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