Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 445 - Backyard fire


The government of the U.S. government refused to cooperate with the government’s customized strategic decision-making plan against the three major companies, and even showed an irritating disdain attitude, which caused the government and Mr. President’s anger.

Therefore, the State Anti-Monopoly Investigation Bureau directly sued the three companies to the court with the anti-monopoly bill, and passed the court’s pronouncement and issued a warning punishment of hundreds of billions of meters in fines.

This is also intended to warn the three companies that if you do not cooperate with the government, the government has a way to make you uncomfortable.

However, they completely underestimated the ability of the heads of the three companies to punish them.

So on the third day when the court sentenced him to high fines and intended to enforce them and quickly caused a worldwide sensation, the leaders of the three companies jointly held a global press conference.

At this global press conference, the three companies have blatantly expressed their dissatisfaction with the unfair punishment of the Rice government, questioned the justice injustice of the Rice country, and made a retaliatory decision that shocked the world.

The three companies stated that they would refuse to pay the high fines. At the same time, the three companies stated that their products would be completely withdrawn from the rice market. Even if the existing users of the rice market were even users of the government and the military, the three companies would no longer be Providing after-sales service and related technical support, this is equivalent to the three companies thoroughly sweeping Mi people out of their monopoly on high-end products.

But even more shocking is that the latter three companies also announced adjustments to their product and business operations strategies.

The three companies will establish cooperation with Zhongshan State Investment of Octopus Island, and will establish the world’s largest R & D department of biochips, biopharmaceuticals and basic industrial technology in the western city of Octopus Island. At the same time, the company will announce a reorganization and will be established in Zhongshan, Octopus Island Country re-registered.

And after this decision was issued, especially the three rice companies with huge global influence said that they would withdraw from the rice market in the field of cutting-edge technology products, which immediately caused a greater sensation around the world.

Some militants in the United States believe that these three companies have completely betrayed the country. Actually, it is necessary to completely abandon the rice country into the arms of other countries. This is a serious act of treason, and the federal government should impose sanctions.

But many in the financial community have expressed disappointment and strongly condemned the government’s unfair judgment.

After causing the three major companies to make such a retaliatory decision, they hope that the government of the U.S. government will immediately take relevant remedial measures to restore the three major companies. Exit the country. It will be a huge disaster for the rice economy.

However, the facts do not seem to be over.

The Government of the United States and the White House realized that the warning penalties imposed by the Antitrust Investigation Bureau on the three companies were too harsh and had stimulated strong dissatisfaction among the three companies.

But when the White House urgently discussed and was preparing to make remedial and recovery measures, even more unexpected things happened.

It is about the outbreak of rust spot disease in the two countries of Miguel and Mexige. It is a biochemical variant secretly studied by terrorist organizations. After being infected, rust spots appear on a large area of ​​the whole body and cause various diseases. The news that the infection rate was gradually rising still went away, and was fully exposed by the news media, which undoubtedly set off a world-beating wave again.

When the media around the world reported frantically about the various symptoms and horrible death rates caused by this rust spot in North America, the world panicked over the news.

At the same time, coupled with the three companies’ full withdrawal from the rice market, especially the Ambra company, which is famous for its advanced biotechnology, it can not help but cause countless speculations.

Some people speculate that Ambra Company is already aware that the incurable rust spot disease that is latent in the United States will have a large-scale outbreak. At the same time, they have grasped the news in advance. They believed that the country would be hopeless, so they would use the government ’s antitrust investigation bureau to punish him with a huge fine. They made a decision to withdraw from the rice market in an all-round way, which must be related.

The White House side of the United States was also exposed to this top-secret news about rust spot disease, which was still a little messy.

Mr. President is also anxious. They have not resolved the threat to the three major companies to withdraw from the rice market. However, more serious incidents are now happening. This will cause domestic turbulence and will likely cause the anger of the people. He stepped down from the serious incident.

Because it’s about your future. And national stability, Mr. President can only deal with the three major companies first, and deal with the more troublesome rust spots first.

So the day after the rust spot was exposed by media around the world, President Rice held a press conference to explain the incident of rust spot. At the same time, it was also said that that is also the main reason for the recent comprehensive anti-terrorism war in the United States, because the rust spot disease is a biochemical virus, a new type of virus developed by North American terrorist organizations and released to the people in the United States. Resolutely crack down on such terrorist activities.

While guiding this incident to acts belonging to terrorist organizations, they also clarified the reasons for the new round of the war on terror, and also lied that this rust spot disease is not without a cure. With new progress …

It was only after the president convened this briefing that he reluctantly stabilized the domestic unrest and panic.

However, when Mr. President returned to the White House after the press conference, the CIA intelligence chief suddenly approached him and presented an intelligence document.

Mr. President looked very shocked when he saw the information, and could not help exposing his swearing. “Ambra collected samples of the rust spot biochemical virus and participated in the secret research experiment plan of the 7th biological base of the Academy of Sciences, and There has been a breakthrough in the cooperation between the two sides. Why did you not detect and report such a major event in advance? Oh, damn, we did n’t even know how to offend the company Ambula, and you are a dull group. This is even more troublesome … “

The CIA director is also very depressed and angry, but this is also no way out. There have been too many cases involving the intelligence department recently.

It’s not just about investigating those terrorist groups, it’s about octopus islands. We must also face the infiltration of some influential spies, investigate the general’s mausoleum with alien remains in South China, and investigate the capital flow behind the three major companies, so as to divert their high-level work arrangements As a result, the manpower of the intelligence department was seriously insufficient, and naturally the experimental data report of the No. 7 Biological Base of the Academy of Sciences was postponed. This leads to a series of consequences.

Now that Mr. President has repented, he cannot change the fact of this serious mistake. If the gang of members of Congress and the public knows this, I am afraid he will step down.

Thinking of this, Mr. President said, “Contact Mr. Stone immediately, and I will meet with him personally …”

After hearing this, Peter Peter shrugged his shoulders and made a helpless expression, saying, “Mr. President. Mr. Jushi is not in the country. After that, the heads of the three major companies have accepted the invitation from China. He has already visited China for an investment inspection visit.

According to the news, the world ’s top biological company, Shenhu Group, seems to be preparing for a strategic cooperation with Ambra. The Chinese side attaches great importance to this matter and seems to want to participate in it. “

With regard to news in this regard, Mr. President does not appear to be slow. Instead, he stared at the intelligence chief and said, “For the purpose of improving the human genes and improving the physique developed by the Shenhu Group. Gene agents that increase the limit of human life?”

Intelligence chief Peter nodded: “I think there should be this factor. Once the genetic medicine is successfully developed, what he will bring to humanity will be a crazy revolution, and humans in the entire world will probably be crazy for this. of……”

Mr. President said, “With regard to the intelligence information of this God Tiger Group, how is your investigation progressing. Are there any clues about the source of the biological materials they developed for that genetic medicine?”

After hearing this, Peter seemed more helpless and said, “Sir, we have no further investigative clues at the moment. The Shenhu Group has secretly organized many contacts and exchanges with the Octopus Island. However, according to our speculation, The main source of the magical gene medicine developed by the Shenhu Group is most likely from that mysterious octopus island.

Because of the biological data of related animal and plant subjects in the world, no country is more complete than our country. Our scientists have also performed analysis and experiments on the vast majority of animal and plant genes and materials in the world, and have not found the gene medicine. Associated ingredients, that means the existence of those ingredients, is a new type of animals and plants that we have not documented.

According to the weird weather changes and meteorological environment around Octopus Island, it is very likely that such animals and plants have been found there and taken the lead by the Shenhu Group. In this case, if this species is abundant in Octopus Island, I am afraid it will It ’s comparable to oil resources, which makes the world crazy … “

“Check, the Intelligence Bureau once again sent intelligence personnel to sneak into Octopus Island and give me a more detailed investigation of the plants and trees growing there. I want a more detailed investigation report …”

“Yes, Your Excellency …”

The intelligence chief Peter agreed with a bitter face, and his intelligence agency’s serious shortage of staff was not resolved. Now he has sent him a new investigative task, which still makes people alive!

At the same time, while Mr. Rice was distressed and upset about these matters, on the other side of the Pacific, even more intense quarrels took place in the Prime Minister ’s Office of the Japanese island nations.

“Baga, those **** dare to ignore the government’s decision, and still secretly engage in smuggling trade with Octopus Island. These **** who are not loyal to Dainjima should let them have a laparotomy …”

“Zheng Chengjun, as far as I know, among the group of smugglers found out, it seems that there are people under your chief financial officer’s hands. How can this matter be explained …”

“Then underneath your defense department, you are not bribing the customs to smuggle smuggled merchant ships, and even the maritime patrol team encountered those smuggled merchant ships and deliberately released water for a bribe. Your defense minister should also bear the main responsibility …”

Prime Minister Hijima looked at the people below him in a row, as if in a vegetable market, the atmosphere seemed full of gunpowder.

In such a situation, the Prime Minister also appeared out of anger and roared: “Bagaya Road, shut me up!”

After the roar of the Prime Minister, the scene finally calmed down.

The Prime Minister looked at the crowd with a headache.

Because they are their supporters, although they have been found, the businesses or family consortia behind these people have used their rights and duties more or less to participate in the smuggling of materials with Octopus Island. Trade has earned a lot of interest in the case, but really want to deal with this case, I am afraid that these people below will be implicated.

Even the Prime Minister himself was very puzzled, because according to information provided by intelligence personnel, some people in his family were involved in this incident. Once these incidents are exposed, I am afraid that his opponents and competitors will definitely kill him, and The people in front of him are still very important.

The Prime Minister knows that the island nation is very close to that octopus island. In the gold rush, if the people of the island nation watched the businessmen around the world earn a lot of wealth by engaging in trade in goods with octopus island, they could only Watching it all, that is absolutely impossible.

Especially for businessmen, they are profit-seeking. Since it is profitable to smuggle goods to Octopus Island, why don’t they do it and let others make a lot of wealth.

Even some large consortiums on the Japanese island have the support of senior officials behind them, and they have boldly exported various materials to Octopus Island to earn huge amounts of wealth. How can this not keep other consortiums behind them from being jealous.

As a result, a bad phenomenon gradually came into being under the high-pressure blockade policy tailored by Nittoshima for Octopus Island. A large number of private businessmen formed a caravan to smuggle supplies to Octopus Island, and they all earned a rich return, so that the entire population began to participate. Moreover, some people want to smuggle prohibited materials, and this phenomenon is constantly banned.

Today, ~ this kind of smuggling has become a common phenomenon in the Japanese island nation. Everyone wants to go to the octopus island where gold is everywhere to pan for gold.

There have even been some enthusiasts. After the very attractive small country of Zhongshan on the octopus island promulgated an attractive immigration policy and economic tax policy, they actually wanted to immigrate to the octopus island. It was as large as a company and as small as a store. The enthusiasm of the people Very high, and this phenomenon is most prevalent in areas such as Kyushu Island and Okinawa Islands, which are close to Octopus Island.

Even on the archipelagoes ruled by the former Liuqiu Kingdom, the people there were more intense. Many of the survivors of the Liuqiu Kingdom were very active, and they wanted to return to the embrace of the country established by the descendants of the Royal Family of the Liuqiu Kingdom, so as to break away from their nationals. His humble status makes the situation on Hishima even worse.

Because of such a bad phenomenon in the country, the octopus island has announced its immigration policy, and the Japanese cabinet has seen the impact, so the prime minister will convene this emergency meeting.

However, he did not expect that the discussion of octopus island in this meeting turned out to be a critique meeting, and most of the members present were actually involved. This has to be said to be an extremely annoying thing to the Prime Minister. (To be continued …)

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