Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 446 - Immigration policy

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The next day island nation is an island nation with a very narrow island chain and lacks many important resources. The nation that survives in this country is a nation with a strong sense of national peril.

Although the Japanese island nation reached an agreement with the rice government on the issue of octopus island, they adopted a policy of high-pressure restriction and blockade to block the development of octopus island.

However, the results obtained are not only unsatisfactory, but also a mess in their country.

Not to mention the outbreak of rust spot disease in the rice country, economic turmoil, and the severe war on terror have left them incompetent. They have no time to take care of the octopus island too much.

As far as the Japanese island is concerned, the smuggling of these materials is serious, and they are repeatedly banned. Even the family consortium behind some senior officials of government departments has also been involved, making their blockade policy almost a waste.

What is more serious is that the people living on the Ryukyu Naha archipelago that had been seized and destroyed by the Japanese island nation two hundred years ago. Their customs and traditions have been seriously incompatible with the Japanese island nation. There are deep contradictions.

And now the Zhongshan Kingdom established on that octopus island, their predecessor ancestors are related to the Ryukyu royal family, and in terms of customs and habits, they are very similar to the Japanese people who live on the island of Okinawa today, which further promotes the island The old people of the Liaoqiu area in the region were turbulent, and they were more willing to get closer to Octopus Island.

However, for these areas that are close to the octopus island and export smuggled goods to the octopus island, the island has adopted a high-pressure policy, which is quite effective.

However, until this time Octopus Island announced its immigration policy and economic taxation policies to the outside world, it immediately ignited the flame that had long been suppressed in the hearts of Okinawa people.

As a result, around the Okinawa Islands in the island nation of Japan, and the secret incitement of the people, a large number of old Liuqiu ethnic groups began an immense immigration boom.

However, the freedom of immigration in the world today is not just about immigration.

Octopus Island does not have to be accepted when you come. The relevant certification procedures and some important levels are required to pass. You must obtain the certification and permission of the citizen state. Otherwise, some criminals and terrorists also have to emigrate to Octopus Island. Wouldn’t that Octopus Island become the public enemy of the whole world, and some basic moral bottom lines must be observed.

Soon after, the island nation’s attitude towards such a booming immigration application was naturally very resolute. Even families or individuals with immigration applications will be punished in disguise.

But the more the Japanese island nations are repressed, the more they will arouse the negative resistance of the people in the Okinawa Islands. Since you will not grant approval for normal procedures, that’s fine. We sneaked on.

After that, a large number of old Okinawa relics from the Okinawa islands began to sneak on to Octopus Island on a large scale.

Although at sea, the Maritime Guard of Hishima Island launched a besiege arrest and forced repatriation of immigrants who wanted to smuggle without authorization, but they still could not resist the immigration determination of those people.

Even after this incident was promoted by a large number of news media, after many people around the world paid attention to this incident, many countries, especially European countries, began to attack this kind of hegemonic actions that restricted civil liberties on the Japanese island nations. And carried a strong condemnation.

And this time, the Princess Liuqiu on behalf of Zhongshan also suddenly held a press conference in the South Island of China, expressing her views on this matter, and also strongly condemned the island ’s interference in personal freedom. behavior.

Originally, due to the appearance of the Princess Liuqiu, she quickly gathered a large number of fans in East Asia. After her statement on this matter, it also made people think that this is also the attitude of the old king of Zhongshan. Won the support of a large number of people from all walks of life.

Even even the Chinese government expressed their views on the incident and expressed regret over the Japanese island ’s power actions.

At the same time, the island government was under pressure from international public opinion. I had to lift the restrictions on immigration applications to play down the matter.

However, in these immigration restriction policies adopted by the Japanese island nation, they do not approve applications for immigrants with more than five family members and more than US $ 30,000 in property converted in meters.

However, since this is the case, it is still unable to block the wisdom and coping strategies of the general public.

So there was a wave of divorce and separation in the Okinawa Islands. The divorce rate is extremely high. In addition, members of the family over the age of 18 have also begun to split up. The property is divided and transferred to the closer Bank of China to avoid the immigration restrictions of the Japanese government.

Uh …

And the octopus island aspect.

Dang Yuhu let people release news about immigration policy and economic taxation policies, and it was widely reported in the world after being spread by news reports.

Although countries led by countries such as Japan and Japan, the attitude of resistance and protest and condemnation is still very strong and resolute. However, some European countries have very ambiguous attitudes.

Developed countries such as Britain, France, Germany, Italy, etc. are only concerned about developments and adopt neither support nor opposition. If there is an immigration application from the people in the country, it will also be approved, but there will be some economic and political constraints. The countermeasures, however, are not as harsh as that of the Nissho countries.

But then again, although the immigration policies and economic tax policies issued by Octopus Island have indeed attracted the attention of many people around the world, for the people of Western countries, they do not have the idea of ​​emigrating there. It can be said that There are few, even many people are very much against the small island nation that still maintains the feudal monarchy.

It is just that many capitalists and businessmen have expressed strong interest in octopus island’s business investment and taxation policies, and registered offshore companies, but they are still watching.

At present, only the Okinawa Naha archipelago, ruled by the Nichido nation, is the most immigrant of the old people of the old Ryukyu people.

In recent days, due to the pressure of international public opinion on the island nation, the policy of free immigration has been opened, but the number of smugglers there has gradually decreased.

After the formal approval and submission of the immigrants’ applications to the octopus island, after the octopus island verified their identity, they were allowed to become official residents of the Zhongshan State and obtain the legality of the Zhongshan State. Identity.

However, those who first immigrated to Octopus Island can not only enjoy the many benefits provided by Octopus Island, but also those houses planned and constructed by Octopus Island as a reward for these new residents at preferential prices, making They don’t need to work too long to get a comfortable living environment.

At the same time, this measure was immediately praised by the first group of immigrants who originally thought that coming to life on Octopus Island may be very tiring and tiring at first. They are all ready to fight.

However, when they came to Octopus Island, they found out that this place is just paradise, with beautiful scenery and beautiful primitive scenery. The air is fresh and there is no industrial pollution source environment, which is simply too suitable for human habitation.

I was even more surprised by these immigrants. After they were taken by the officials on the island to visit their newly allocated house, they found that they fell in love with it completely.

住宅 The houses are built very neatly. They are not high-rise buildings, they are all small three-story buildings. The streets are very wide and straight, not to mention the greenery, and each house has a small courtyard where you can plant some favorite flowers and plants, or you can plant some crops or vegetables Self-sufficient.

Although the villa-style octopus islands are not provided to them for free, they can enjoy the salary obtained through work here, and then use the points provided by the work unit to buy them at a very cheap price. Here.

Some immigrants came over to rich people and saw these houses. After all of them were exchanged for Zhongshan Coin, they immediately paid for the full purchase, started directly with a villa-style house that belonged to them, and moved in joyfully in the envy of others.

In addition, the island is very rich in materials and there are many shops and shopping places. Some supplies and food and food and vegetables needed for daily life can be bought in the shopping malls. It is very convenient, and the indigenous people here are also very Friendly, and their skin tone is the same, their living habits are similar. Language communication is not a problem, so these new human immigrants will soon be able to adapt to life here.

But one thing that confuses new immigrants is that the old king of the island does not seem to allow residents on the island to buy transportation such as private cars or boats.

Immigration people who come here, if they want to go elsewhere. Only those public vehicles on Octopus Island can be boarded.

However, when some people visited the public vehicles with curiosity and experienced it for themselves once, they realized that after having such a convenient and fast public vehicle, they did not need to buy a scooter at all.

I just want to buy it, and they can’t. The island did not introduce cars that burned crude oil.

Because the public vehicles are all green, environmentally friendly and energy-saving cars, they use electric energy, they will not emit those exhaust gases that pollute the air, and they will not affect the urban environment, and they are very fast, comparable to high-speed rail. Very comfortable and smooth, very efficient, these new immigrants can quickly adapt.

In addition to these aspects of life, new immigrants also pay attention to the employment situation here.

They found that there are so many jobs on this island, which are urgently needed in all walks of life. It can be said that the opportunities for employment are very large, people can do their best, there will be no excess, and the salary is very good. There are also some social security and other welfare policies, which are also very suitable, so that these new immigrants feel that they can live here, which is more comfortable than living in Japan.

Since then, as these immigrants officially settled in Octopus Island, the comfortable working and living environment, coupled with a protective energy barrier around the island’s sea, was almost isolated from the world and was not affected by the military forces of various countries outside. The threat made them quickly integrate into the laid-back life here. Together with all kinds of compliments, they gradually developed a sense of belonging, and their respect and love for the old king came from the heart.

And after these new immigrants came to settle and live on Octopus Island, their living conditions have gradually been seen by all walks of life. After all, the immigration policy given by Octopus Island is currently very loose, there are many job opportunities, and the treatment is very good. Well, some people are not satisfied with the current status of life, and they have moved their minds and thought of immigration.

For the development of this island, the outside world cannot take relevant pictures through satellite monitoring, nor can it conduct aerial reconnaissance. Many countries send intelligence personnel to enter this area through an entrance opened by Octopus Island to investigate and understand the island in depth. Everything on the information.

Especially the news media, they will not let the whole world pay attention to the relevant news of octopus island. They send a large number of reporters to octopus island, and bring many news materials back for reporting. Can’t help but sigh that the development speed of Octopus Island is really very fast.

At this time, although many investors were in a wait-and-see attitude towards the economic and tax policies promulgated by Octopus Island, it was also impossible to stop some merchants who had conducted many trade cooperation with Octopus Island to eat crabs first.

The one who took the lead this time is still the Aila man Kairat.

Because he possessed the discs and instruments issued to him by Octopus Island, and after earning a lot of wealth through trade with Octopus Island, he also set up a rapid expansion path for the company he established.

Therefore, after octopus island announced the relevant policy ~ ~ Kairat immediately announced that it would invest 600 million euros in the planned Gold Coast city in the south of Octopus Island, intending to build a hotel industry integrating catering and entertainment. To cater to the tourism industry that Octopus Island plans to develop here.

接下来 Then, just after Kairat took the lead and made an investment in the catering and entertainment industry in Octopus Island, the blockbuster news was reported by news media around the world, which caused a sensation.

Earlier, due to the anti-monopoly law of the Rice government, the three major group companies in the country were sentenced to huge fines, which caused dissatisfaction with the three companies. After the public announcement of their products exiting the rice market, the leaders of the three companies were invited by the Chinese country After some talks, the heads of the three major companies announced in public that they would visit Octopus Island in the near future, intending to establish a new large-scale R & D base for electronic chips and basic industrial technology.

At the same time, the Ambra Biopharmaceutical Group also announced that it would reach a strategic cooperation with Shenhu Group in the field of biological gene preparations. At the same time, the two companies will register companies on Octopus Island and occupy the largest western city in the octopus island jungle. Invested 109.8 billion Euros to build the world’s largest cutting-edge biotechnology industry chain and build a biological city.

Moreover, in addition to these large multinational groups that have great influence globally, after making a statement and arousing global attention, the people of the world were stunned and more shocking. Every industry sector in the world has caused a thunderstorm.

Octopus Island has undoubtedly become the center of this imminent thunderstorm, and has once again received great attention from the world. (To be continued.)

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