Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 452 - The beginning of the migration

It is said that it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from frugality to frugality.

I used to live a normal life, but now everything has changed. After becoming a rich man, not only my life status will change, but my thoughts, values ​​and outlook on life will also change.

But as far as Yujia is concerned, although Yujia is now a super-rich family because of Yu Xiaohu and the huge Shenhu Group behind him.

But among the Yu family, except for the younger generation, the older generations who have experienced wind and rain, plus the grandfather who is always alert to mention and beat, have not changed much.

But in addition to the Yu family, in addition to the uncle Yu Dazhi, Yu Xiaohu’s father Yu Dacheng, and his three aunts, these people’s grandpa will always be alert to beat them and their children.

But for the family of a few uncles, it’s naturally impossible for Grandpa to reach into someone’s home for business.

Moreover, this relocation was related to the safety of Yu’s family. Grandpa attached great importance to it. He told his sons and daughters about some confidential matters, but it was impossible to tell outsiders.

Although it was also revealed to a few uncles, it is normal for the other party to have concerns. After all, it involves the interests of several uncles’ families. Whoever wants to give up the life of a rich man is unrealistic.

In the list originally listed by Yu Xiaohu, in addition to his immediate family members and relatives, several aunts and aunts and their families were among them.

However, after communicating with the grandfather afterwards, Yu Xiaohu found himself a little too taken for granted, so he asked the grandfather to exclude all the members except Yu’s immediate family members.

However, even if some of the lists were removed, the aunts and cousins ​​were still on the list. Grandpa also seemed to intentionally let them also move with the Yu family, but after discussion, the problem was with the aunts. On the family.

These issues do not seem to be resolved today. Several aunts knew that they were just living in a new environment, but they were not letting them give up everything they had, and it was nothing. But when they persuaded their children, they encountered a wall, and the younger generation did not agree at all. Even quarreling for this, the troubled family is not very harmonious.

Now, when Yu Xiaohu returns to the South Island and listens to Zhang Yuelian’s situation, he thinks about it and decides to reduce the list again.

For this matter, Yu Xiaohu went to Xiaotang Village the next day and talked to Grandpa again.

Grandpa also felt that it was not realistic to let the children of several uncles’ homes go with them. Then follow them. If you want to leave, just leave. If there is any danger in the future, even if they can’t take care of it, you can only rely on them.

After discussing this with Grandpa, Grandpa felt that since it was about to be relocated, he could not make too much noise and attracted the attention of others. After discussing with Yu Xiaohu, he felt that it was best to arrange in batches.

Yu Xiaohu also felt that Grandpa’s proposal was appropriate.

Now the Third Reich organization and the **** spies are gradually infiltrating Xiaotang Village. When contacting the children of the Yu family, once they discover the abnormal behavior of the Yu family, I am afraid they will fight against the grass. Brings great danger to Yu family.

Yu Xiaohu was telling grandpa about the octopus island, but Yu Guan did not mention it to his grandfather as the old king of octopus island.

Grandpa originally planned that Yu’s family should also apply for immigration to move to Octopus Island, but this proposal was rejected by Yu Xiaohu.

Once the Yu family’s people apply for immigration collectively, this will not only cause great concern of the relevant state departments, but it will probably cause the vigilance of those forces staring at the Yu family to act in advance, which is not good for Yu family.

Yu Xiaohu felt that Grandpa Zhang Dexian’s approach was very safe. He went straight to the point and made all the immigration preparations first, when he was ready to act. This tells the family, even if the family objects. He also tried his best to directly cook rice and cooked rice. This made the entire Zhang family obey his decision and execute it.

Because Zhang Dexian concealed everyone beforehand, all the assets and business of the Zhang family in Baodao were secretly processed and sold in advance, so that the Zhang family did not have these fundamentals for survival and development, and the key was Zhang Dexian in his hands. They have to obey.

But for the Yu family, there is no need to implement it like the Zhang family.

Because in Yu’s family, Grandpa’s authority should not be offended, and he often speaks in a hurry and cannot tolerate two sons and three daughters to resist. This matter is decided and they must obey.

In addition, Yujia’s related industries in the South Island do not need to be processed and asset transferred like Zhangjia, because Yujia and Zhangjia live in different environments.

The Yu family’s industries are all linked under the Shenhu Group. Only the chairman Yu Xiaohu needs to make some adjustments, so it is much more convenient and easy to implement.

Later, after discussing with Grandpa, Grandpa proposed to let Yu Xiaohu and their grandma and grandpa go first. Yu Xiaohu thought that Grandpa’s proposal was very appropriate.

This is very easy to operate. Yu Dahu ’s father, Yu Dacheng, is now serving as the director of the board of directors of Shenhu Group Biopharmaceutical Company. After Yu Xiaohu convened a board meeting, because Shenhu Group wanted to establish a branch on Octopus Island, and also There are hundreds of billions of projects invested.

Therefore, Yu Xiaohu made a decision based on this, and adjusted the work of Dad Yu Dacheng, so that he recently took his sister-in-law to Octopus Island and was responsible for the affairs of the octopus island branch and those investment projects. Normal work transfer.

And my dad’s work transfer, if going to Octopus Island, my mother is a home woman who lives at home, so she naturally follows her husband to Octopus Island to take care of her husband’s daily life.

Because Zhang Yueluo is also the reason for job transfer, and he also cares for the elderly, the grandmother and grandfather naturally follow him to the octopus island.

In this way, Yu Xiaohu was just a normal transfer of work, which solved the problem of the secret transfer of his parents and grandmother.

After two days, Yu Xiaohu waited for the family members to handle the related matters. Dad had to go to Octopus Island to take charge of the investment project there because of his work transfer. My mother had to follow along.

Therefore, Yu Xiaohu arranged a merchant ship, which had all legal and normal procedures. He asked his parents to take the ship out to sea to Octopus Island.

However, in order to avoid some unnecessary accidents, Yu Xiaohu privately ordered another robot team to lurk on the ocean floor. Escort along the way to ensure that the merchant ship can successfully reach Octopus Island without any accidents.

Also on the octopus island. Yu Xiaohu also sent a message to that side in advance, so that after the parents passed, let them make proper arrangements.

In the afternoon, after sending his parents on the boat, Yu Xiaohu returned to the manor house and had not yet entered the door. He saw Song Ziqiao staring at him in the courtyard with a puzzled beautiful eye.

Seeing that Song Ziqiao looked very angry, Yu Xiaohu stepped forward with a smile, and allowed the beauty to hit his chest with a pink punch. She held her in her arms.

Song Ziqiao gave him a hand, and said with some resentment: “Dead, I won’t come to you, did you forget me!”

“Why would I forget my dear wife? There are some things to do at home in the past two days. I was thinking that I was about to go to you. I didn’t expect that we were in a good mood …

You may feel the soft elasticity coming from the chest and the fragrant fragrance, which makes Yu Bo, who has not eaten meat for a long time, can’t help but feel a little hot.

Although there have been video calls, flirting on the phone. Joke and joke, but in recent days the two have not been very gentle together.

Song Ziqiao felt that when the majestic big hand in his arms touched the sensitive zone, the restlessness in his heart was aroused. Can not help but look up, and saw a pair of fiery eyes staring at himself.

Seeing a bit of shame, Song Ziqiao said, “Bad guy, what are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking of you, and thinking of what you do. Love to do … baby, go to my house …”


At this moment, Yu Xiaohu was restless, and when she saw the undulating waves of water in Song Ziqiao’s eyes, her mosquito-like promise made her thunder and fire even more. So she directly held the beauty in her arms, and quickly walked into the room and entered the bedroom. A pair of men fought fiercely and became dark. Spring is full of houses, I wonder where on earth …

After the passion, in the countless rounds of the two-man war, after getting the * release and the greatest satisfaction, it is already the evening.

Nevertheless, Song Ziqiao’s whole body still crawled in Yu Xiaohu’s arms like water sourly. She didn’t seem to want to move, so she snuggled with him and enjoyed the tenderness.

Yu Xiaohu worked hard for a long time and sweated a lot, but he was still full of energy and energy, like a tireless cattle farmer.

However, he took pity on Song Ziqiao’s physical endurance. After he was basically satisfied, he didn’t ask for it too much. He just instructed the manor chef to prepare meals, and held Song Ziqiao in bed.

“What are you thinking?”

Song Ziqiao raised his head slightly, seeing Ai Lang thinking about something, frowning from time to time, although she thought that he was thinking very manly at this time, and thought he might be thinking about something, she asked.

Yu Xiaohu is indeed thinking about the issue of Octopus Island.

Recently, the topic of octopus island is still continuing, and it has aroused worldwide attention. Especially he launched a group of senior biological people who lurk in various countries around the world and have become leaders of large influential corporate groups after several years of development That investment storm also caused a huge wave to the world.

Although the potential power of these enterprises and their economic influence are exerting pressure on some opposition countries such as the Mi State.

But it does not seem easy to force these countries to make political concessions or compromises and recognize the small Zhongshan country on Octopus Island.

Even, the attitude has always been very friendly and friendly. In the previous series of material trade activities, although the Chinese side has also given a lot of support and assistance in materials, it has also made certain progress between Octopus Island and the bank. Cooperation in the financial sector.

However, on the other hand, for example, in politics, it seems that the senior officials of Hua Guo are not very firm in their support for Octopus Island.

Moreover, he and Yun Xiangrong had some agreements. After Yun Rongrong’s princess Riu Qiu was exposed, she contacted high-level Chinese officials as envoys in China.

Recently, Yun Xiangrong hasn’t heard any major news. I don’t know what’s going on with her.

While thinking about these things, I heard Song Ziqiao’s inquiries, but Yu Xiaohu suddenly thought of the problems between him and Yun Xiangrong in the future.

Thinking of the agreements they reached in the agreement, I couldn’t help but have a headache. At the time, I ignored Song Ziqiao’s wife who was going to marry home.

If this matter is not handled well, it will cause Song Ziqiao’s misunderstanding.

Caressing her hair, Yu Xiaohu thought about it and said, “Qiao Qiao, I don’t know how to tell you something, but this thing needs to be kept secret at present, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous, and these belong to work. The scope of things will not affect our emotions, please forgive me for hiding from you … “

Song Ziqiao was very understanding and said: “Since it is confidential, then don’t tell me, lest I know and worry about it, I will tell you when it feels right to me!”

After hearing this, Yu Xiaohu couldn’t help feeling warm, and kissed her, “Qiao Qiao, what do you think of the political marriage?”

“Political marriage?”

After listening to this, Song Ziqiao looked very surprised. He said, “You are a business man. How can you be involved in political marriage? How do you say this kind of thing, one interest group and another interest group because of each other? Both have demands and needs, and in the case of greater benefits after the combination, then in order to maintain closer trust and connection between the two parties, marriage is the most commonly used method. This kind of thing has been common since ancient times, whether it is ancient or ancient The royal family, down to the modern ordinary people, this is the norm! “

Having said that, Song Ziqiao looked up and stared directly at Yu Xiaohu’s eyes, and said, “How can you talk about these? It is hard to achieve what you want to achieve, which family’s marriage of thousands of gold can achieve the purpose …”

For a moment, Yu Xiaohu didn’t know what to say about this kind of thing ~ ~ couldn’t help scratching his head and saying, “Baby, we have a marriage contract in front of each other, and each other also has a relationship foundation, even if it may happen in the future This kind of thing that requires marriage, I just hope you can understand that those are some of the methods I may use to achieve certain purposes, and this is only a nominal marriage, which has the name of marriage, but there is no actual marriage. … “

Song Ziqiao beaked his mouth and looked a little unhappy, humming: “Well, who knows what you guys think in that time, I don’t care, you are my husband, I will not allow other women to be your wife Even if it ’s nominal, it ’s also a precaution to prevent you from thinking about it, unless … ”

“Unless what?”

When Yu Xiaohu heard Song Ziqiao stretched his voice and looked at his unhappy expression, he couldn’t help asking.

It was just that Song Ziqiao saw that he had a different heart, and he couldn’t help twisting it around his waist. He sighed angrily, “Okay, you still have a sense of color, look at your meanness, unless anything? Let me give you an exception, unless you are an emperor, and the law allows this kind of polygamy, do you think it is possible, huh, ignore you … “

Just after hearing this, Yu Xiaohu was suddenly moved. (To be continued)

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