Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 453 - The summit

The next morning, the weather was a little gloomy.

The clouds of lead ash are all over the sky, the sun cannot be seen, and the dense haze covers the sky, making the entire South Island foggy and seriously affecting traffic.

Many travellers are affected by traffic congestion. Apart from traffic jams, they can’t help complaining about the poor air quality, the formation of smog weather, and environmental governance.

Vehicles blocked on the road to work are lined up. The owners listen to the radio and hear continuous traffic rear-end accidents. Traffic police are urgently dealing with it.

However, it takes about half an hour to deal with those incidents. Drivers are also congested on other roads, and similar rear-end incidents have occurred, which are very impatient.

However, after hearing the traffic broadcast, drivers and owners, as well as many people on the road waiting to restore traffic order, were attracted by a piece of news.

I just heard that the news broadcast mentioned that China has recently convened a World Economic Forum summit, and the time is getting closer.

In the past two days, the heads of state of the world came to Yanjing to prepare for the summit. The Princess Liuqiu, who was the focus of the news media, also appeared at the summit.

After the princess Qiuqiu appeared, after meeting with some representatives of the domestic political and business circles in succession, she was warmly received by some heads of state, and the two sides had a friendly conversation.

At the same time, when Princess Liu Qiu talked with the heads of those countries, the heads of states expressed their curiosity about the old king of Zhongshan Country, and also hoped that the two sides could start a friendly exchange in person.

At this time, the Princess Liuqiu revealed that Zhongshan was closed for hundreds of years, and now the communication and contact with the outside world are getting closer. At the same time, in order to better adapt to the outside world, Zhongshan is developing the modernization process. I also hope to be able to carry out good exchanges and cooperation with multiple countries in various fields.

At the same time, the princess of Liuqiu claimed that the old king of Zhongshan would conduct a roving visit with the outside world, hoping to conduct friendly exchanges with many countries.

Princess Liuqiu revealed the old king’s plans for a world tour. When the news media got the latest news, they immediately reported it. Suddenly attracted public attention.

The octopus island was originally very mysterious, and the old king on that small island country had never appeared before, always like a mask of mystery.

Coupled with the rapid development of Octopus Island and the acceleration of the process of integration with the modern world, an investment storm set off by this small island nation is still unresolved around the world, making the world pay more attention to the development of Octopus Island. The curiosity and concern for this mysterious old king is naturally higher.

When the news that the old king was preparing to travel to many countries for an informal visit was reported, it immediately caught the attention of some countries in the world.

And just at this Economic Forum summit. When some heads of state met and exchanged with Princess Liu Qiu, they expressed their hope to invite the old king to visit the country, and they showed enough sincerity and enthusiasm.

However, compared with such interested countries as Miguchi and Hishima, they have nothing good to say, and protest and condemnation are extremely strong.

In particular, a well-known person from the Japanese island country believes that the world has not yet officially recognized the small Zhongshan country established on the octopus island, and the United Nations has not approved the small island country to qualify for a member seat, which proves that The existence of that small country is not recognized by the United Nations.

And this is the king of a small feudal country that is not recognized by the world. He wants to visit some of the world’s great powers, and he is not qualified to have an equal dialogue with the heads of states.

Moreover, the eminent person said on the spot that the Japanese island did not welcome the visit of the feudal king.

At the same time, the Japanese island firmly protested and condemned Octopus Island’s recent custom-made customs-free acceptance of goods smuggling trade from merchants around the world. This behavior violates international trade-related regulations.

He called on all countries in the world to jointly ban this illegal behavior of businessmen and return international trade to normalization, otherwise this would seriously interfere with the economic development of countries around the world.

however. The representative of the so-called celebrity from the Japanese island nation, he also issued a call to boycott the octopus island to engage in material trade, but was not heard by the representatives of other countries on this trip, everyone should be just a fly singing, Nothing serious.

This is purely nonsense. At present, everyone is not a fool.

At present, some merchants and companies from various countries in the world have made extremely rich profits in the material trade with Octopus Island. Many people are jealous and have joined this wave.

At the same time, this has indirectly made those countries also obtain rich economic benefits through policies such as taxation. Let these countries keep their eyes open on this so-called illegal trade.

Not to mention far, the island of Japan is relatively close to that octopus island. Many of their domestic businesses are engaged in smuggling trade with Octopus Island to make profits in private. Who cares about the protest and condemnation of this so-called celebrity in political circles and his call for boycott. But it was off pants in front of Maokeng and farting.

So for these morning news reports, whether on television or on news broadcasts, although the directions of the reports are different, the same thing is that the mysterious old king is about to step out of the octopus island that has been closed for hundreds of years. , Traveled to various countries to visit.

But early in the morning, the discussion of these related news on the Internet was very hot.

Many netizens have posted or responded to the protests and boycotts raised by some well-known politicians in the island nation and rice country at this forum summit. It’s the people who are talking about it.

Now the world knows that octopus island is full of gold, but all kinds of materials are in short supply. As long as it can be transported, octopus island will adopt a zero-tariff policy to acquire it.

Merchants make use of the balance of commodity trade to collect a large number of cheap materials in various countries around the world, enter the octopus island waters through the public routes of the Pacific, and then transport them to octopus island. After successfully completing the transaction, they can make a great profit.

And Octopus Island still settled on the spot on these material transactions. Never arrears, making businessmen in many countries around the world earn a lot of money in this way, it is very jealous.

Although this is very profitable. However, after the acquisition and storage of a large amount of materials, the octopus island is flooded with too many merchants. Mixed fish and dragons can also cause a lot of trouble.

Therefore, the octopus island learns the advanced experience of developed countries and then makes adjustments and regulations.

After that, most of them will cooperate with some powerful merchants and enterprises that have had many trade cooperation transactions and have a foundation of trust. This will cause some bad intentions, or those who waste resources and occupy routes. Small businessmen were excluded.

Even so, there are still a large number of large and medium-sized business enterprises in various industries and fields have obtained opportunities for cooperation.

It’s like there is no complete industrial system on Octopus Island. Merchants from many countries who transport surplus industrial products from their own countries to Octopus Island can not only sell a sum of money, but also solve the current situation of excess industrial products in their own countries, so that some countries can obtain benefits and benefits through these transactions, and they will naturally Keep one eye closed on the octopus island incident.

Sometimes, the interests of those businessmen behind them may not be just their personal interests. Among them, there may also be the state’s intentions, and they secretly support them behind the scenes.

Knowing that octopus island is full of gold, it has a huge amount of gold reserves. It may even have the kind of rare biological raw materials that can be extracted from the main raw materials of gene preparations that are rare on the earth. This is also the root of many countries’ acquiescence in allowing merchants to maintain good cooperation with Octopus Island.

Everything is caused by interests. This does not include the existence of components such as feelings or friendship. The relationship between countries in this world is also a relationship of interests.

So now, in the economic forum summit held, although some well-known politicians in Japan and other countries, including the Belarusian Legislative Council, expressed some opinions and put forward proposals and appeals, they were scorned and scolded.

At least the Mi people are much smarter than the so-called celebrities of Hishima. No unwise move will be made at such a summit.

They know that many countries are now fighting fiercely with octopus islands in terms of interest cooperation, and they also know that the country Mi is definitely not good at octopus islands. Even hostility and suppression.

If it weren’t for the octopus island’s edge with a **** energy protective barrier to block and protect the octopus island, I am afraid that the Mi Jun submarines and aircraft carriers would have already entered the octopus island waters and landed on the octopus island to implement a military blockade.

It is the existence of Octopus Island. Affecting the interests of Rice and Hiroshima, Rice has always been very resistant to and rejection of Octopus Island. Except for military sanctions and blockades, the economic blockade and political suppression strategies adopted by them have never stopped. .

It is just that at this summit, the economic topics discussed by world leaders still cannot escape the significance of the existence of the small island nation of Octopus Island.

However, the Mi people issued very strong wording at the summit, saying that they would next impose sanctions and crack down on merchant ships that occupied the Pacific Mi routes without the permission of the Mi country.

At the same time, the people of the United States believe that the public area around the open golden corridor of Octopus Island is crowded by a large number of ships, and there is also the problem of occupying the military route of the Mi Army. I hope that the issue can be solved by the Octopus Island, and at the same time, the Octopus Island is updated Open another golden corridor.

The meaning of the Mi people is obvious. We ca n’t control your business with others, but you are obstructing our military routes. Although we cannot suppress you militarily, we will use this as a reason to expand those with Octopus Island. Trade cooperation merchants suppressed sanctions.

For the very tough attitude of the Mi people at the summit, some representatives of countries that are ambiguous with the Mi countries are just silent, and have long been accustomed to it.

However, some countries that did not deal with the United States have reacted fiercely.

The moment the U.S. nationals came to the octopus island, they wanted to directly enter the military force into the octopus island, but they did not succeed. Then the migrants imposed an economic blockade and political suppression on the octopus island. However, some European countries and China Other countries have opened their mouths to Octopus Island, so that the two sides still maintain trade exchanges, and the blockade of the merchandise trade by the Mi people still has not had a significant effect.

But now, when the people of the Republic of China are helpless about the octopus island, they even aim at the merchants of various countries and want to restrict their normal business transactions. This is obviously to move the interests of these countries, and they naturally reacted fiercely. And respond.

Even some Middle Eastern countries that engage in trade with Octopus Island have a very strong attitude, and speak loudly to support Octopus Island, and recognize the international legal status of Zhongshan on Octopus Island. They think that this is a serious interference in the rice country. In the internal affairs of other countries, they expressed strong condemnation and protest.

Subsequently, some small European countries also joined the ranks of supporting the octopus island, making this summit discussion on the economic aspects of the octopus island, quarreling because of disputes.

However, I still saw some intentions of the Mi people and Hishima people.

The intentions of the Mi people and Hishima people are very sinister. They obviously want to talk about the topic of octopus island in various international conferences, and then amplify this topic. They strongly stated that they do not recognize the existence of the country on octopus island. , And thoroughly stir up the water, is to delay the small Zhongshan country on the Octopus Island to become a member of the United Nations indefinitely, and to obtain legal sovereignty status and qualifications internationally ~ ~ The mainstream mainstream countries in the world have never recognized the sovereignty and status of the feudal country on the octopus island, so they will always be an island, and the country will have the opportunity to attack and conquer this island, and include this island in their military territory.

In fact, the intention of the Mi people is very clear. In order to ensure their interests in the Asia Pacific, they are eager to establish a military base on the octopus island that has a perfect defense system. As long as the octopus island allows the Mi country to establish a military base on the island, And as the younger brother of the Mi people, then the Mi country will definitely be the first to jump out to support national sovereignty on the Octopus Island.

In this way, the Pacific Ocean has been completely blocked since then. At the same time, the opportunity for China and Russia to enter the Pacific Ocean will be cut off, and they will completely lose their military power to swim in the Pacific Ocean.

However, how can the Mi people’s intentions be unknown to others, especially the interests of China and Russia involved, the two sides have been looking for opportunities to break the militar’s military blockade on the Asia-Pacific.

Nowadays, the emergence of Octopus Island is an excellent opportunity. Regarding the two world powers, no matter from the perspective of military strategy and other aspects, how can they miss this opportunity? (To be continued)

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