Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 494 - Hallucinogen

Bugisina couldn’t calm down.

Even after she was taken away by the police, the police in this country did not interrogate her again, no one talked to her any more, just placed her in a spacious room.

In silence, she could not help thinking.

However, after waiting for only half an hour in the quiet room, she was waited for by the military to take her away.

She doesn’t know where these military people are going to take her, but her heart always makes her feel very bad.

Until Bugisina was taken to a military facility, she saw several soldiers arching over a middle-aged person.

After the middle-aged man with glasses sat down in front of her, he did not introduce herself, but said, “Miss Bugisina, the military department has already tested the pendant you carried. The pendant contains a biological magnetic field that emits an interference radiation signal.

And when the military investigated the source of the pendant’s main component, it can be determined that the pendant’s embedded in addition to the emerald was mainly composed of teeth of a certain creature. Since Miss Burgessina is also a A PhD with experience in biological sciences, then I think it is possible for Burgisina to talk frankly about the origin of the pendant? “

After listening to this, Bugisina became more and more angry, and said, “Who are you, why should I tell you these things, and the pendant has been with me for fifteen years. I have taken it with me once. Many countries have nothing unusual. Why is there a problem with you? It is even ridiculously considered to be a danger to national security. Can you give me a reasonable explanation? “

Of course, the middle-aged man in front of Bugisina is actually Yu Xiaohu. He just changed his appearance by using camouflage glasses and bio-mask, and the other party naturally saw no clue.

Based on the analysis report given by the base island, Yu Xiaohu knew that there was a special kind of tooth inlaid on the pendant, so he naturally had to figure out the ultimate source of the tooth.

He could hear it. Bugisina still has a lot of grudges, so she said: “Miss Bugisina, please understand your current situation, in fact, your current situation is very unfavorable to you. You think that pendant is accompanied by You ’ve spent fifteen years and you ’ve been to many countries without discovering any anomalies. It ’s just because the biotechnology in these countries is so backward, they simply ca n’t tell the hidden part of your pendant. The composition of different types of teeth will have an impact on the ecology of the earth, or the ecological balance of human beings … “

Talking. Yu Xiaohu pushed an analysis report in front of Bugisina and said, “Maybe there is not much persuasive verbally, but since Bugisina is a doctor of biology, I want this experimental analysis report. Presumably you can understand … “

Burgessina heard that it had already touched on biological content, and her face changed slightly.

Yu Xiaohu captured the change of the other person ’s expression, and said, “I think you can understand the content of the information. Maybe you have done some research in this area, but you have n’t sorted out the clues, and there are too many doubts for you. There is no way to start. If I guess correctly, the pendant must have been acquired by Miss Burgessina through abnormal channels! “

These words made Burkina’s heart suddenly suddenly, because this year’s sharp-eyed middle-aged person has spoken to her heart.

After hesitantly glancing at the information in the analysis report, she couldn’t help being curious, and finally reached out and took a look.

But in this look, Burgessina’s heart was trembling.

As a doctor of biology, she can understand some symbolic formulas on the analysis report and some biological codes.

Even the content listed in the analysis on that material was more detailed and comprehensive, and some were completely difficult problems that she had never been involved in before, and she had sought the help of many biologists.

But in this report. The problems she had faced gave an explanation and analysis that she thought were perfect.

In particular, the gene spectrum listed in this material is completely different from the species of the earth, and it is not a mutation that she suspects has occurred. The document clearly states that the teeth in the pendant belong to non-earth life. Next, its annual rings also have thousands of years. This is completely consistent with the conclusions she once analyzed for her annual rings.

Moreover, the middle-aged person said that the pendant was obtained by her through abnormal means, which was obviously closer to the fact. After the anger in Bugisina’s heart disappeared, she began to feel a little hesitant.

At the same time, she was surprised by the biotechnology mastered by this small island nation, and even her mentor. And the problems that some scientists with considerable authority in the biological world could not solve, even after she arrived here, she found the answer in such a way.

After reading and looking at that information, Bugisina remembered some of it before putting down the information, and raised her head: “How do you come to such an accurate conclusion of analysis, gentleman, and on what basis do you determine that? Will the teeth in the pendant affect the ecological production of the earth? “

Yu Xiaohu heard the other party questioned, but said indifferently: “Miss Bugisina must know that the two top biological companies in the world have already settled in Octopus Island. Among them, the Shenhu Group holds the world’s most advanced technology and has published The famous scientist of biological gene proton theory has been staying in octopus island for scientific research projects. Do you think that the analytical conclusions verified and drawn by that authoritative scientist cannot explain the problem? “

After hearing about it, Bugisina couldn’t help but be surprised, saying, “You are talking about the one who caused a breakthrough in the revolutionary theoretical achievements in genetic science. Many invitations and visits from the scientific community have not been found. It has always been very mysterious. Sir, he has always been on Octopus Island? “

Yu Xiaohu didn’t want to lead the topic too much to Mo Xingyi, saying: “Miss Bugisina, in order to avoid any interference with Mr. Mo Xingyi, we are not convenient to say more about his whereabouts, The conversation I have with you on behalf of the military is very important, and I hope you can cooperate with us to understand the ins and outs of that pendant … “

“I don’t care if the pendant has any hidden dangers, I want to know, what do you do with it, is it possible to return him to me eventually?”

Yu Xiaohu said: “How to deal with it depends on whether Ms. Bugisina is willing to cooperate. Of course, if the hidden danger in the pendant can be eliminated. We will of course return him to you …”

Gibbsena hesitated for a while and said, “Well, I can tell you that the pendant was discovered by me and two friends during an expedition. My two friends lost their lives because of him. He used to have a very old and legendary name called Devil’s Tooth, which was also locally. There is also a legend about this devil’s tooth … “

Yu Xiaohu is not very interested in any legends or the like, but when he heard the name of the pendant, Yu Xiaohu said: “Miss Bugisina, maybe this legend you told may be related to your western religious myth. It ’s related, but we ’re not interested in it. I just want to know where Ms. Bugisina and her two friends made scientific expeditions. At that time, apart from the pendant, did you find any other anomalies? Phenomenon, or some supernatural phenomenon? “

Bugisina looked at each other in surprise. Tao: “There are indeed some anomalies that cannot be explained by science. That place is described by the locals as the gate of hell, which can bring disaster and death. Every night on the full moon, there will be floods, and he will release demons. Come out of the poisonous village, and the tooth on the pendant was just taken down by a local warrior who killed the demon while fighting the demon. After the blessing of the light, it turned into a symbol of justice and bravery. … will increase the warrior’s combat effectiveness until he becomes the last hero’s wearing accessory, and will eventually be buried with that hero’s death … “

Yu Xiaohu frowned as he listened to Bugisina’s explanation of the pendant purely in a somewhat perfunctory language form. Interrupted a little displeasedly, and said, “Miss Bugisina, I have no interest in so-called myths, and I ask you to stop talking about these.

I have a scientific analysis report on the pendant here. The constituents of that tooth easily react with fresh water containing minerals and trace elements, and nitrogen. At the same time, it will also cause some biological rejection, which will cause it to release a biological magnetic field wave to form a self-protection mechanism, which is completely different from the biological magnetic field naturally generated by the normal ordinary human body.

When that kind of magnetic field fluctuation is strong, it will cause hallucinations to ordinary humans, causing its spiritual fluctuations to co-oscillate with the biological magnetic field. This is what you call the scientific basis of the so-called blessing of the light, which will enhance the warrior’s combat effectiveness. … “

Having said that, Yu Xiaohu glanced at the woman and said, “And through our investigation of some of your daily habits, you sometimes do some crazy things occasionally, but you do n’t remember them afterwards. Even after you are stimulated sometimes, you find that he will make your brain wide open, which will greatly help your scientific research and make you rely on him. No matter you eat, sleep or bath, you never Take it down.

The fact that can be obtained through our analysis is that the pendant has been heavily dependent on him because you have worn it for a long time, and you are inseparable from him like a drug, especially if you wear it to contact some liquid When it ’s easy, it can easily trigger the changes in the production of the biological magnetic field fluctuations that are hidden in the pendant. It will have an impact on your spirit and will cause you to be involuntarily taken to that hallucinatory state, even if you are single now. That ’s because the illusion created by the pendant always has the most perfect man in your heart. He can solve many of your appeals in love or physiology, so even if he is unreal Yes, but you still regard it as your belief. If you treasure your life, I think you should be very clear about these situations … “

After listening to these words, Bugisina was shocked, because the other party was completely factual, and she could not allow her to argue. Even the other party’s situation was accurately inferred.

Although she knew in her mind that the pendant had affected her, she had become dependent on it and regarded it as the most important thing in her life. She had been inseparable from the pendant, so she was lifting the police. When the officer asked him to take out the pendant examination, she would have such a big emotional reaction and even clashed with the police for this.

And after all this had a reasonable explanation, Bugisina felt that somewhere deep in her heart was suddenly excavated, which made her feel extremely uncomfortable. There was a complete desire to kill the other party and keep the other party closed forever. Mouth urge.

However, she couldn’t control this kind of spreading emotional and psychological fluctuations, and her rationality gradually disappeared.

As a result, Bugisina’s eyes and pupils gradually contracted and turned into a weird line. Her breathing was agitated in a state of alertness, which seemed extremely abnormal.

Yu Xiaohu naturally noticed this sudden change in Bugisina.

However, he had expected it, so he waved at someone behind him, and a guard took an oval shape, and walked towards him with two things like horns facing him. After pressing the button, one of the buttons was pressed.

After the button was pressed, a hole popped out of the instrument, and even if a short wave of laser-like light was emitted, it was firmly attached to the eyes of Bugisina, and the two horn-shaped parts were There was a long “beep” sound, just like the sound produced by a radio station while it was being debugged.

At this point, Bugisina only felt as if she had been stopped. He couldn’t move at all, and opened her mouth and couldn’t make any sound, that is, her eyes were irradiated by the short-wave rays. The reaction and thinking are extremely active, but her eyelids cannot move. ~ The feeling at that time was like the sudden separation of his body from his soul, and when it was endless When her fear came, her mind could not help but think of some pictures that would make her unforgettable forever.

Until she finally experienced the stimulus of those pictures, which made her spirit almost break down, Bugisina suddenly seemed to break away from some kind of restraint and screamed, “Don’t, Ryan, don’t …”

However, when she returned to God, she found that she was still sitting in the quiet room, and the middle-aged man in front of her looked at her with a light smile on her face.

When Bugisina found that she could move, she was out of anger and looked at Yu Xiaohu and said, “What have you done to me?”

Yu Xiaohu asked back, “Does Miss Bugisena know that when you analyze some of your heart, what kind of behavior did you take after the violent fluctuations of your spirit and mood, and what kind of changes in your mental activities? , Do you think carefully if you remember what happened to you in these short thirty seconds? “

Burgessina stayed for a while. (To be continued.)

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