Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 495 - Behind the scientific explanation

For Yu Xiaohu, despite the aura of Dr. Bossina, she was still a trivial figure in Yu Xiaohu’s eyes.

Only the thing caused by the pendant carried by Bugisina on the bio-magnetic field interference on the biological people on Octopus Island will make Yu Xiaohu pay attention to such a woman with a beautiful appearance. On the other side.

Even the other side, she could not even perceive it.

But as a person, Bugisina doesn’t know what impact the pendant she carries will come to Octopus Island, but Yu Xiaohu is very clear.

Although Yu Xiaohu knows that this woman is actually a victim, but for this existence that may cause hidden dangers to octopus island, Yu Xiaohu does not mind using some means to find the answer he wants in Phuket Sina, even if Doing so would cause psychological harm to the woman.

Bugsina knew something abnormal about her, but sometimes she was deceived and unwilling to admit it. She also knew that it happened since she wore the pendant.

But after she couldn’t find a scientific and reasonable answer to all of this, and because of the legend circulating behind the pendant called Devil’s Tooth, a scientist like her also believed in some mythical ones. Legends may be true stories.

Since then, this scientific problem has remained unsolved, so that she cannot find any scientific explanation, and she has firmly believed in this myth.

Until someone broke the myth that she had always believed in, restored it from a scientific perspective and had a reasonable explanation, after making Bukit Saina’s outlook on life subverted again, the impact caused was enough to cause her to collapse and change Become a lunatic.

However, Yu Xiaohu only passed a simple test method, after learning from Gibbsena what he wanted to know and master, he still made some compensation to her that was not noticed by Gibsonina.

Bugsina didn’t know that the kind of bio-wave jamming device that Yu Xiaohu used for her belonged to a black technology product. After restoring some fragments of information left in her consciousness, it was later erased. It can be regarded as an indirect help to relieve her of the increasing dependence on the pendant, no longer intermittent interruption of his spirit and consciousness, and some uncontrollable accidents occurred.

Just like the man named Ryan who appeared in a piece of Bugsina’s consciousness, it was her boyfriend. That is the result of a sudden loss of control caused by her and her boyfriend died unexpectedly because of her. This has almost become a kind of demon and will always linger in her subconscious.

After Bugisina returned to normal, Yu Xiaohu questioned Yu Xiaohu and did not explain anything to him. Not to tell her that within thirty seconds of being out of control briefly, Yu Xiaohu had learned what he wanted most.

After the questioning, the army conveniently returned Bugisina to the hotel arranged for her by the tourist group in the eastern city. She also returned the pendant to her, but Bugisina found that she had no interest in the pendant. Dependence is no longer there, and even the idea of ​​wanting to drop it has made Bugisina always a little puzzled.

At this time, in the control room of the ladder under the palace.

After Yu Xiaohu got the information he wanted to know from Bugisina, although he also knew the other motives and purposes of the woman’s coming to Octopus Island. In addition to traveling, the woman wanted to collect some biological specimens for research, but he didn’t care about it.

Since the Shenhu Group released the news of the development of the fountain of life gene medicine, which has attracted global attention, countless people have doubted that the rare and rare animal and plant raw materials on octopus island will become the main raw material ingredients of the gene medicine, and have been trying to find ways Under investigation.

In this regard, Yu Xiaohu didn’t pay any attention to it. At first, his purpose was just to put a smoke bomb, so that octopus island has always maintained a high degree of attention in the world.

But now, the development of octopus island has been on a fast track. It does not need to be high-profile, coupled with the continuous terrorist attacks in the United States, which have attracted most of the world ’s attention, but it is also convenient for her to speed up the development of the octopus island.

Because Yu Xiaohu always had a hunch, the terrorist attacks against the Rice Empire by the Third Reich were not just a simple declaration of war. There must be a deeper reason hidden in it, perhaps closely related to him and some things left behind by the predecessor of Base Island.

After all, Yu Xiaohu has so far only recovered a strategic platform module left in the depths of the base island’s predecessor. As for the spacecraft modules of the predecessor base island, which were damaged when they fell to the earth, they did not know where the debris was scattered. Yu Xiaohu still has not found relevant clues.

Although the base island now undergoes two upgrades and evolutions, it is developing towards a completely new life form, and a data center covering the entire earth has been established on the entire earth, and no relevant clues have been collected. This also means that those fragments are hidden deep, and may be dusty in some corners that cannot even be explored by the base island, or they may have been discovered and kept hidden for secret research.

But this time, through the information brought by Bugisina, Yu Xiaohu also passed the ancient myth and legend told by Bugisina, and found a place that may be in the state of a spaceship with the predecessor of the base island. Remaining clues.

So Yu Xiaohu attaches great importance to this clue.

After all, according to the pendant worn by Bugisina, it can have a magnetic interference effect on the senior biological people bred on the base island, and that tooth is just a very inconspicuous biological organ and tissue residue. Such radioactive interference energies, then, indicate that the source of the impact on them must have black technology products.

So according to this guess, after returning to the ladder control room, Yu Xiaohu returned to the base island as soon as possible.

At the base control center of Base Island, Yu Xiaohu, with the authority of the highest commander, called up a network of biological data centers throughout the earth, targeting the activities of Bugisina and the two dead friends who ventured with her. I made a query at a time.

After this query, Yu Xiaohu called up a high-definition map of the earth and compared it with the query clues provided by the data heart. He quickly locked an area on the map.

That area, located on the Greek border in Europe, has more complex topographical features and lower elevations. Most of them are distributed in lakes and swamps. At the same time, they have been described according to some existing literature. There are jungles and dense forests, and there are many types of aquatic life. At the same time, it also has some large and rare creatures that are rare in the world, as well as some extremely rare ferocious creatures and extremely dangerous plants.

In addition, through some mythical stories circulating there, the area of ​​abnormally dangerous environment was known in ancient times as the dark death place abandoned by the gods. It is also the entrance to the gate of hell.

An indigenous tribe who once believed in the dark gods in the local area has settled nearby for more than 300 years. This indigenous tribe disappeared mysteriously and was considered to have entered the gates of **** and turned into a demon. These demons were summoned by witches to come to earth, and brought a doomsday-like disaster to Europe for 300 years before being suppressed by the gods.

And some religious books record that although the demons were suppressed by the gods, some of the remnants left behind by them are like teeth and eyes. Extremities, internal organs, and other things are buried in the world, and the existence of negative effects such as war, plague, death, evil, violence, greed, continues to bewitch human souls to darkness.

Religious books also record that in the dark ages when demons raged. There were once a group of warriors who took up weapons to fight against these demon incarnations. After killing the demon incarnations, they would bring the limbs left by the devil back as trophies for sacrifices. After transforming it into a symbol of heroes and glory, the **** will inspire the fighting spirit of the warriors, be able to overcome fear and death, and become a true hero.

Seeing the records on these religious books, Yu Xiaohu couldn’t help but chuckle.

He felt that this should be the poisonous life of plagues such as the Black Death during the medieval period in Europe. Religion made use of this biochemical virus to spread the harm, and made it myth as a **** demon to poison the human world, and recorded it in the classics, killing the so-called demon heart, devil tooth, devil hand and other heroes. After the death of the **** demon, the demon incarnation retrieved from his body was baptized by gods to become a religious commendation warrior and a holy relic for brainwashing those warriors and heroes.

And Yu Xiaohu’s performance through Bugisina and his often wearing hallucination of the so-called Devil’s Teeth often caused hallucinations and became unable to extricate himself, which gradually eroded his outlook on life and thoughts, abandoned science, and gradually formed a sense of deities. Judging from the expression of awe and faith, the so-called religious sacred objects such as the so-called Devil’s Tooth should be deliberately created by religion in order to strengthen the rule and increase the people’s awe and devotion to the **** Product.

Through these inquiries, after Yu Xiaohu had a certain understanding of the place, he did not continue to look at the content about religion and mythology.

He knew that those recorded in myths, legends, and religious books were hundreds of years ago. Now that they have entered modern society, the popularization of science will improve the general quality of the general public, and will affect the products of these legends. When in doubt, most practitioners in the archeological field will care about these things and treat them as antiques. They will not dig into the causes of those things, and naturally they will not be able to find the hidden secrets.

However, since Yu Xiaohu learned relevant clues through Bugisina, he naturally wanted to dig and investigate these clues.

So, after demarcating the area, Yu Xiaohu immediately issued an order as the Supreme Commander and sent a group of robot teams to the area for careful search and investigation.

After the assigned robot team set off, Yu Xiaohu took the opportunity to inquire about the situation of the general’s mausoleum at his hometown, Huashan South Island, Beishan.

However, after the inquiry, Yu Xiaohu was taken aback.

Since he has been busy with octopus island affairs recently, he has not paid attention to the general’s tomb in the depths of Beishan for some time.

But now, the changes around the general’s mausoleum are very big.

According to the intelligence data sent by the reconnaissance robot stationed there, so far, the mazes and traps around the general’s mausoleum, as well as the institutions have been destroyed by those scientific expedition teams, only the layout of the mausoleum palace Those scientific research teams dare not act rashly.

In addition, in the surrounding area of ​​Beishan, where there is still a blockade, there is a scientific research institution and a number of troops stationed there for a long time, so Beishan has established a strict militarization facility.

However, the deployment of the Chinese side there is not very strict, there is always a sparseness in the hundred secrets.

After all, Beishan is near the sea, but they don’t know the bottom of the sea behind the Beishan, where a secret passage was opened by another force, but it was not discovered by the Chinese side, and several foreign forces were also walking through that secret passage. The dark technology product in the mausoleum.

It’s just that according to the intelligence data sent by the reconnaissance robot, although the general’s mausoleum was blocked by the Chinese side, the scientific research team dispatched by the Chinese side has been exploring and investigating there, but the progress is still very slow. .

Just just targeting the extremely dangerous Morona creature worm crystal, let those scientific researchers do nothing ~ ~ not to mention the death rays and the horrible sound waves in the palace.

At present, their exploration progress has not even broken through the main cemetery palace, but they have already paid a great deal of casualties and costs. Because of this, although several other forces have smashed the general’s tomb, they have not wisely acted. It was just a secret concern. It should be to wait for the success of the scientific research team in China to pick peaches for the benefit of fishermen.

After reading this information, the slow exploration progress there is in line with Yu Xiaohu’s expectations. After all, Yu Xiaohu is also very interested in the general’s tomb.

Although he can now dispatch a group of robots to sneak in and take away some important things secretly, the technological level of the energy weapons in the Moravian biological insect crystal and the main tomb of the palace is higher than the current Samsung technology in the base island. Especially the kind of death rays has reached the level of four-star technology, and getting them back is equivalent to installing a time bomb on the base island. There is still a certain risk.

Therefore, in order to minimize the risk, Yu Xiaohu did not act rashly. He just let the reconnaissance robot monitor the area for attention for a long time. As long as the base island has completed the third stage of the evolution and the four-star technology tree is unlocked, then he can be without Any worries evacuated the general’s tomb. (To be continued.)

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