Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 514 - Shocking debut

After Yu Xiaohu returned to Xiangjiang with his important family members, when he was interviewed by reporters, some reporters from well-known foreign media asked some tricky questions, mentioning that Yu Xiaohu’s family suffered a terrorist attack. Dissatisfied with the law and order environment, ask him if he has any plans to emigrate overseas.

This question is very tricky, and Yu Xiaohu’s avatar will naturally not answer.

It’s just that Yu Xiaohu’s avatar made a subtle expression, and immediately made those reporters think of blood.

And this depends on how to understand.

Some reporters think that this is the tricky question that the reporter asked by default, but some people think it is disdainful to answer, and some people think it is an ironic expression.

Some people think that this is a silent response. Anyway, the ideas are different, so the focus of these reporters will naturally not be the same after they return.

After the media released these press releases in the headlines the next day, they immediately attracted countless attention.

Because they are interpreted completely differently, some were conceived by the journalists themselves.

However, after these media published these reports, their influence was also very great.

As for the client Yu Xiaohu, he did not come out to explain anything, and remained silent, allowing the content of those news media to exaggerate things or to report in the form of gossip through imaginary methods, but some people thought that this might be Yu Xiaohu A silent condemnation of dissatisfaction.

No matter how the media news is reported, but since then, one thing has been felt by the mass media. That is, since Yu Xiaohu has taken his family to Xiangjiang, he has never returned to the South Island. At the same time, he is on the Xiangjiang side. The strength of security and defense has been strengthened, and the Yu family has since become very low-key. Through time, they gradually faded out of people’s sight.

In the blink of an eye, summer is here.

Summer on Octopus Island is not only beautiful, but also humid. It is refreshing and pleasant, so that the people on the island can enjoy the enjoyment brought by that coolness this summer. In their spare time, they will also go to major cities for sightseeing.

For octopus island. In this year, the ordinary people feel the clearest is the construction speed of the four major cities on Octopus Island. It can be said that they are developed every day.

Since the last time Octopus Island and the cooperative businesses passed the first batch of tourism project opening trials, the results have been very good.

After returning to China, the first group of tourists who visited the octopus island will experience some of their thoughts when they tour and visit the octopus island. And some beautiful photos they took have been posted on the Internet or shared with friends around them, so that more people from the outside world have a clearer understanding of the development of Octopus Island.

Because there are special statistics a long time ago, the number of people who voted to travel to Octopus Island on the Internet has reached hundreds of millions. After the information released by these people has a clearer understanding of Octopus Island, Curiosity also makes most people want to visit Octopus Island in person.

Taking this opportunity, the octopus island official authorized a total of 17 tourism companies to the outside world, and opened a special line for countries around the world to travel to octopus island.

Since then, those travel companies that have been authorized have begun advertising in various parts of the world.

The effect of advertising is very good, after mobilizing the enthusiasm of the general public. The first time registration applications received by travel companies around the world have already broken records.

At the same time, it was also during this time that the research team of the Shenhu Group’s stationed in the rice country successfully developed the experimental results for the problem of rust spot disease. The news of the large-scale production of rust spot antiviral vaccines in North America has greatly encouraged the people of the country.

In addition, due to the change in the attitude of the country towards the small Zhongshan country on the octopus island, the relations between the two sides have also been eased after a successful visit by the delegation sent by the country to the country.

And this summer is the return of an important UN summit.

And this summit. The official participation of the octopus island Sun Yat-sen State has attracted worldwide attention.

But one thing that is even more interesting is the Sun Yat-Sen State’s delegation, the King of Sun Yat-Sen State that has always attracted worldwide attention. It will also be officially unveiled at this summit, revealing his mysterious veil, and showing it to people all over the world.

Before the second UN summit was approaching, the surrounding area of ​​Octopus Island quickly focused on a large number of news interview ships.

Because Octopus Island is still a semi-enclosed environment, the only way he connects to the outside world is that golden corridor, so most modes of transportation. Both can only be reached by sea routes.

And the news interview boats around most countries around the world are also hoping to get the movement of the King of Zhongshan as soon as possible, so as to get first-hand information reports.

However, to the disappointment of the news media, they waited for about four days around the waters of Octopus Island and still did not see the movement of the mysterious king.

But on the sixth day, the European news media reported a large-scale news, and suddenly the attention of the global media shifted there.

The European media reported that on this day, important leaders from some European countries, as well as members of some established European families and royal families, as well as representatives of some well-known companies, gathered at the port of Spring, Germany, and set out With a very solemn welcome ceremony, he was ready to welcome the mysterious King of Zhongshan.

The joint national conference was held in Germany.

The German port of Spring, in fact, is a semi-military and semi-commercial port. Usually it is not open at random. This port will only open when it encounters some major events.

Because of the convening of the United Nations General Assembly, this port is also opened to leaders of many countries who have arrived one after another.

Of course, those who arrive by special plane are not in this rank.

And this time, because the mysterious King of Zhongshan will be the first time to travel and participate in a joint national conference, and his first appearance to the world will also appear directly in the country where the conference is held.

Since the birth of Octopus Island, in addition to the suppression of countries such as Rice, Zhongshan has maintained good cooperative relations with some countries such as Europe.

The first stop of the Zhongshan King ’s trip will appear in European countries and Germany, the host country of the conference. The German government takes this matter very seriously.

After the German senior leaders had communicated with the Sun Yat-sen State in advance and obtained the time when the king and his delegation arrived at the port of Spring, they welcomed them there.

At the same time, some other leaders arrived early. I am also curious to see the mysterious King of Zhongshan, so I also came to the port to meet them, but most of them came from representatives of some small European countries, such as those leaders of several world strong and developed powers, because of themselves Identity, naturally will not come to the port in person.

just. The official news media of some countries have been following up on this incident, but they have not found the whereabouts and whereabouts of the king of Zhongshan State along the way. Few people know how the King of Zhongshan State was actually Appear in front of people all over the world.

Even when the Zhongshan King’s team has not yet appeared in people’s field of vision, some news media will intersperse the comments of some experts.

The so-called experts analyzed the location of Octopus Island, and if the Guowu was on a ship, they also analyzed the route that the king might pass.

However, the media of some countries have stationed reporters around those lines. Even though some military equipment scanned the country’s waters, no trace of the Zhongshan delegation was found. It makes many people very confused. How did the most mysterious king in the world arrive at the port of Spring?

And just as many were speculating, at the port of Spring, something that shaken the German government happened.

Just before the German government agreed with Zhongshan, the German side suddenly found an unknown signal source near the port in Spring Port.

After being informed of this news, German high-level officials immediately made military deployments to prevent terrorists from taking the opportunity to launch terrorist attacks. After all, there are many distinguished figures at the port. The German government naturally attaches great importance to security work.

however. Just as the German side was ready to deploy and waited for a while, the German side received a message again. After receiving this information, the senior Germans were a little bit crying.

The content of this message is that the delegation of Zhongshan will soon arrive in German territorial waters. In order to show friendliness and avoid unnecessary embarrassment, the Zhongshan country will first send a guard boat into the German guard waters to approach the port of Spring, and send a signal, asking the German side to respond.

However, what embarrassed the German side was that they did receive that information, but with their scientific and technological strength. However, they did not recognize the information. After the other party sent a signal of transcoding to the international standard again, they only responded.

However, when the other side just issued such a signal, when their guard boats were nearing the port of Spring, the German side didn’t even notice it, which also shocked the German senior management. Only by their technological strength can their military science and technology radar not scan a guard boat approaching.

However, the German side still knew nothing about the position of the guard boat.


Until this time, when the German response team reached the position indicated by the signal, the Germans were surprised that after they reached that coordinate point, they suddenly saw a huge creature appearing suddenly in the sea To rush out of the water.

However, when the huge wave gradually dispersed, they saw a strangely shaped guard boat coming out of the sea, and appeared in the sight and monitoring of the German side for the first time.

When the guard boat from Zhongshan appeared on the sea, it immediately attracted the attention of German high-level officials. At the same time, some countries in the world also paid attention to the guard boat that could actually dive. Some intelligence agencies Observation studies on the guard boat also began immediately.

This guard boat flying the national flag and flag of Zhongshan does not look very different from ordinary yachts. On the surface, it does not have a weapon system, but he can dive, and he can avoid military radar scanning and monitoring. This was a surprise to all concerned.

And when he got out of the sea, a layer of self-expanding facilities that sealed and covered the cabin and the deck would shrink back, making the guard boat look no different from an ordinary yacht. Very magical.

The Germans were also taken aback. They saw that there were several soldiers wearing special clothes from Zhongshan in the cabin of the guard boat. It was strange that their military uniforms and rank characteristics were different. Swords or stars, or shield-like signs to distinguish, some are not easy to identify.

However, after one of them came forward, he claimed to be the captain of the King’s Guard of Zhongshan Kingdom, and presented his credentials and documents and certificates issued by Zhongshan Kingdom to a German officer.

The officer did not dare to neglect, and then presented those to the German high-level officials. After confirmation, the high-level German government learned the position of the King of Zhongshan, and then dispatched these troops to respond.

Soon after, the responding German army followed the guard boat that had not dived to a spot on the high seas, and they saw a team waiting there.

The composition of this team is very strange. The boat they took was like a big fish. After being carefully distinguished, the Germans were shocked that the king’s guard was actually a submarine. No wonder They can directly reach German waters without being scanned by military equipment from many countries around the world.

However, ~ ~ is more attractive to the German army, and has been watching the scene of the German side and the high-levels of the countries through surveillance cameras. It is the submarine arched in the center. The huge submarine with advanced appearance and carrier-like appearance should be the car of the mysterious king.

Seeing this huge submarine, the shock and shock caused by it were very strong, and a German general couldn’t help but swallow it.

He is fantasizing how this giant submarine was built. If he is really a war weapon, even if the world’s most powerful aircraft carrier or nuclear submarine confronts it, facing such a monster that can dive, they will not There will be odds.

But when the German general shuddered after fantasizing about these scenes, he didn’t know that when the German response team arrived there, after seeing the team from Zhongshan, leaders of many countries also passed The video also sees such a scene.

Especially when the leaders of the countries saw the giant aircraft that was comparable to the aircraft carrier, they were stunned. They never expected that the mysterious king of Zhongshan appeared for the first time in the world. It turned out to be such a shocking way. (To be continued.)

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