Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 515 - Deterrence of the Big Macs

Until now, no one knew whether the mysterious octopus island was in the semi-enclosed environment and whether they were developing military forces when they were developing rapidly.

It is only the mysterious energy barrier that has not been understood by scientists so far in the sea area around more than 200 nautical miles around Octopus Island, leaving the world ’s military powers such as Mi Jun to enter the gate, but can only stare. This makes Octopus Island in such a semi-enclosed environment without being threatened by any armed forces.

Many people think that under the protection of such a natural defense system, octopus island has been focusing on the development of commercial and economic construction on the island, and will not have too much energy to develop the construction of armed military forces.

Even when many countries around the world send intelligence personnel to conduct secret reconnaissance on Octopus Island, they will unconsciously ignore the military power on Octopus Island. After all, Octopus Island has always faced the problem of population shortage, coupled with external Under the protection of natural protective barriers, if the external military forces cannot threaten it, how can it focus on the development and construction of military forces in the case of severe shortage of troops.

However, today and now, when the mysterious king of Zhongshan made his first appearance in front of the world, the powerful armed forces they displayed not only stunned the world leaders who were present that day, but also shocked the world.

Leaders of various countries are very puzzled that this Zhongshan country has been building and developing in a semi-closed state in recent years. How did they build this powerful naval force?

What is even more puzzling for the heads of countries is how the giant looking submarine, which looks strange and looks like an aircraft carrier, was built. With their knowledge of the resources on Octopus Island, it would be another thirty years Is it impossible for them to build such a huge super submarine?

But now, when the super submarine is slowly arriving at the Port of Spring with the German fleet, then the reporters who are like chicken blood are frantically facing the Big Mac. When the photo report and live broadcast were sent out, this super giant submarine attracted great attention from all over the world.

Especially when the super giant arrived in Hong Kong, the representatives of various countries on the scene have long been attracted by the shocking super submarine. They want to know how it was built and what functions it has.

Even more, when the heads of some countries are shocked, they will quickly think that such a super submarine actually appeared on a semi-closed island country. What kind of changes he will bring to the whole world.

But more people can’t figure out how long it will take to build such a super jumbo, how much material and resources it consumes, and how much financial resources, after all, under normal circumstances. Even in a country with a strong national strength, if you want to build an aircraft carrier, it will be very time-consuming and labor-intensive. It is a huge project, not to mention a super submarine with diving.

When all the country representatives at the scene were dazed at the super jumbo approaching the dock, the flagship submarine slowly stretched out on both sides at this time, turning into a carrier fighter or other weapons and equipment Wide platform.

However, at this moment, on the platform, a team slowly came out, all of them stood upright. Extraordinary, looks like a guard.

This is indeed a guard. When they were arranged on a wide platform and divided into several teams distributed throughout the submarine to take charge, the submarine’s elevator was slowly raised at this time.

At the moment when the elevator rises, most of the people who are in a daze near the port have recovered from the shock brought by the super giant.

And those reporters knew that the mysterious King of Zhongshan was about to come out, and even more desperately pressed the camera’s shutter in madness to prepare for the historic moment.


At this moment, after the elevator rose above the platform of the submarine, I saw that it was an elevator-like facility, just as the door opened. I saw two men who were around forty years old. They were sturdy and tall, wearing military uniforms and bearded generals guarding a seventy year old. The majestic old man appeared in everyone’s sight.

The old man was wearing very distinctive clothes, a bit similar to Chinese costumes, but with some other elements, very novel. Those reporters took a lot of close-ups to this outfit while they were taking pictures crazy.

And at this time. After the representatives of the countries greeted near the port focused on the officially unveiled old king, their first impression was the kind of majestic momentum that the old man brought to people, just like seeing Like the legendary emperor, people involuntarily have a sense of awe.

Of course, at this moment, the old man whose eyes are focused on is just after Yu Xiaohu entered the role-playing state and made some special modifications through biotechnology to produce such an effect.

And Yu Xiaohu wanted such an effect. He made his debut on the stage of the world as the King of Zhongshan for the first time. He naturally wanted to be aggressive and bring a shocking effect.

Undoubtedly, from the shocked eyes of those people, the effect of this appearance is obvious.

In fact, Yu Xiaohu came this time, he originally planned to continue to keep a low profile, he took a modified fleet to Europe and Germany to participate in this important meeting.

I just thought about it carefully. The appearance of those modified warships is not much different from ordinary warships. It makes people look like second-hand goods bought from some military powers, and they will be looked down upon and despised.

In particular, this is Yu Xiaohu’s role-playing King Zhongshan is the world’s first debut, it is very important to give the first impression of the heads of the world and the people of the world.

If he comes here with a modified fleet, not only will it not have any deterrent effect, but it will not have a shocking effect. Instead, he will continue to be looked down upon by developed countries, and will be discredited by the media, leaving the world’s people behind. Bad impression of ignorance.

Therefore, after Yu Xiaohu’s careful consideration, he felt that the warships transformed by the base island black technology could not achieve the effect he wanted. Then the high-tech military armed forces, just like those biological mechs, armed robots, aircraft carriers Black technology products such as warships appeared prematurely and were too shocking. Then the only alternatives that can have a shocking effect are the submarine forces.

Yu Xiaohu’s current car is still the super-submarine “ Fish Dragon ” redesigned and manufactured from the base island through the concept of a nuclear submarine. After the technological level of the base island has been upgraded to Samsung Technology, although this super submarine has also undergone a comprehensive update, but some of his characteristics can still find the shadow of the earth’s military nuclear submarine technology, but it is acceptable. Can bring the shocking effect he wants.

As for the other submarines, they are actually a few resource collection and transportation submarines temporarily dispatched by Yu Xiaohu, using them to defend the Yulong, thus forming a submarine formation, thus giving people a deterrent force.

right now. Judging from the reactions of representatives from various countries at the ports, Yu Xiaohu’s initial plan was achieved.


At this time, Yu Xiaohu began to slowly walk towards the port from the submarine’s loading platform under the guard’s arch guard.

After Yu Xiaohu walked to the location where the platform bordered the port, a facility on that platform would automatically expand and stretch out a plate to rest on the pier. It was very wide and flat, at least for 50 people in parallel.

The official German representative greeted Yu Xiaohu immediately after seeing the landing. During the warm welcome ceremony of the delegates, Yu Xiaohu shook hands with the German leader No. 2 and, under the introduction, separately from the representatives of the parties who came to welcome them After shaking hands to pay tribute. Under the guidance of the German leader No. 2, he got on a VIP car.

However, when Yu Xiaohu left the port of Spring with the leadership of the German leader No. 2, at this time, the port was still surrounded by a large number of journalists and some small people who did not seem to be too important. Or some intelligence personnel who are left here.

Needless to say, the purpose of these people is the super submarine. They want to master and learn the details of this submarine as soon as possible.

However, these people thought that by virtue of their relationship here and advanced methods, they could find opportunities to get information on that submarine, but they were dumbfounded when they were preparing to implement the operation.

Because the super submarine stopped there. There are also several submarines around the arch to keep people away. After they retracted the platform board Yang back, it was like a giant fish slippery in autumn and dived ten meters, leaving only the topmost platform on the sea. on. This is naturally impossible for those who are interested to investigate from a closer distance.

Even if they were photographed through long-distance observations by some electronic instruments and equipment, they were not able to calculate the volume of the super submarine and the unknown construction materials used.

Some intelligence personnel even wanted to use the German army to supply soldiers on the submarine when they were mixed in, but the submarine did not allow anyone to go up at all, even if the German army kindly sent supplies.

To the end. Many people can only stare at the potential sea of ​​the Big Mac, even if they are thinking of approaching by diving, but some people have received a serious warning before diving nearby, apparently found by the other party’s scan. Naturally, the plan for those who want to make an idea cannot be implemented smoothly.

Joke, some of the scientific and technological forces on the Yulong are not comparable to the military technology of the earth, especially the means of reconnaissance and scanning. Those people want to use the naive method to obtain the secret of the Yulong, that is tantamount to dreaming.

Not to mention the Yulong, but other collection and transportation submarines, even if the most advanced submarine of the Germans came over, it was not a one-round opponent, not to mention the Yulong, but Yu Xiaohu specially created a swim for himself. A dedicated car for all over the world.

Therefore, those with ulterior motives are doomed to nothing.

Yu Xiaohu knew that he was driving in that super submarine, and it would inevitably bring shock to the world. After the effect he wanted was basically achieved, he was too lazy to pay attention to some characters with ulterior motives stuck on the dock.

Under the leadership of the German No. 2 leader, Yu Xiaohu and his party came to a high-end hotel dedicated to receiving high-level leaders.

Because European time had just arrived at night, Yu Xiaohu refused to invite private dinners for representatives of several countries on the grounds that he had just arrived in Hong Kong and had a jet lag to rest. He just went to a state banquet hosted by the German Chancellor and watched a few programs At the banquet, in addition to the German Chancellor and several representatives of the European royal family casually talked a few words at the banquet, even if the other party vaguely asked about the super submarine from the side, Yu Xiaohu did not disclose a few words, just a few words obscured the past, I don’t want to say much.

Those people are not easy to ask again, after all, it is classified, how can they tell others casually.

Since then, representatives of some countries have wanted to come to the condom to chat a few words, but Yu Xiaohu returned to the hotel room early without talking with other people. At the same time, he hung up the sign of rest and do not disturb, and refused to meet anyone in private.

However, when Yu Xiaohu declined to see the guest in private, everyone else who saw the mysterious King Zhongshan who appeared for the first time would not understand and could not make more understanding. He just felt that the old king was always transparent. There is a mysterious, inexplicable feeling.

Only in private, the heads of several closely related countries participating in the meeting gathered in private and discussed the shocking super submarine seen today, while guessing this small island country in Zhongshan What kind of military strength does it have?

Some people think that this should be the bluff of the King of Zhongshan. I don’t know what method to use to put together a ship to display force. Perhaps it was the navy that was built up by octopus island. It should be in its original state.

Some people have analyzed the performance of the submarine only after surface observation. From the appearance of the submarine, you can find the shadow of the nuclear submarine frame of the US Army ~ ~ Perhaps that is the relationship between Octopus Island and the United States. After being improved, a privately purchased aircraft carrier that may be eliminated by the United States secretly was refitted by them.

But such a statement, several leaders discussed it, and felt that it was unreasonable. Even if they used a second-hand aircraft carrier to modify the submarine, but wanted to show the performance of the submarine they saw, it was tantamount to rebuilding. It’s not realistic at all.

However, some people also think that after the appearance of the princess Liuqiu who visited China, she ordered a batch of military weapons from China, including several conventional warships. Perhaps the submarine may have participated in the construction of China.

But this guess was quickly overturned because it was equally unrealistic.

In short, after discussion, the heads of these countries found that the octopus island was still a mystery. The intelligence information they had was very few, even if it was aimed at the economic development and urban construction of octopus island, it changed every day. , Their intelligence timeliness will not exceed three months.

This night, many leaders were still in shock because of the appearance of the super submarine and the mysterious King Zhongshan’s first appearance. (To be continued.)

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