Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 517 - Fierce dispute

Prior to this, Yu Xiaohu also reached agreements with various parties because he was fully prepared in advance. ∽↗ding ∽↗ point ∽↗ Xiao ∽↗ said,

At present, the vertical and horizontal method adopted by Yu Xiaohu is quite successful.

The specific aspect is that the bill which was influenced by multiple countries to facilitate the discussion of the UN conference did not encounter much resistance and was passed smoothly.

In the afternoon, the meeting was officially held.

In response to the theme of the meeting, as a representative of Zhongshan, Yu Xiaohu made a speech at the meeting.

Yu Xiaohu’s speech was naturally prepared in advance.

In his speech, he tried to avoid some of the problems that still existed in Octopus Island, so that the current economic development and urban construction of Octopus Island, as well as various sound government management mechanisms, judicial systems, diplomatic systems, financial systems and social security systems, etc. All aspects have been explained in detail.

However, during the Q & A session, some countries asked questions about the military construction of Octopus Island.

In fact, this issue is also of concern to most countries.

After all, the mysterious King Zhongshan came to Germany to participate in the meeting with a super-submarine formation that shocked the world. Besides, let alone, the shock and deterrent power of that super-submarine is hard to imagine, more Needless to say other military forces they may be building secretly.

In response to this question, Yu Xiaohu did not give a direct and direct answer, but just explained that in order to defend the country’s territorial sovereignty, Zhongshan will not only provide security for its citizens, but also take care of those cooperative businesses from all over the world who have established cooperative relations. To ensure that they will not be harassed by any illegal forces in the waters around Octopus Island to ensure that the interests of both parties will not be infringed.

In terms of military construction, Yu Xiaohu simply stated that the armed forces currently established in Zhongshan are only naval defense forces and armed guard forces on the island to maintain law and order, and others have not been mentioned. Even some people continue to ask related questions and don’t get the answers they want.

After the Q & A session ended, Yu Xiaohu finally made a concluding speech, and then he will enter the most critical and important link.

The next content is due to discussions on the national territorial integrity and independent sovereignty of Zhongshan. After a number of influential developed countries and several major countries voted in favour of Zhongshan, the wind direction changed rapidly.

At this meeting, the United States met some issues and did not connect NATO’s member states and his younger brother countries with fierce opposition and suppression.

Above the voting session. Due to the indiscernibility of the United States, the State of Mi had just abstained.

Because Rice is an example, his younger brothers naturally have to follow in the footsteps of Rice, and they have also abstained. Only a few voted in favour and against. It is estimated that it also gave instructions in secret, at least on the surface. If you do it, how can you declare the supremacy of the country.

In this way, the voting stage has reached the final stage. The final votes were 76 votes in favor, 52 votes against, and 36 abstentions. In terms of national territorial integrity and discussions on the issue of independence and sovereignty, the United Nations passed a motion formally submitted by Zhongshan on the basis of the five principles, and in the United Nations Memorandum of Understanding under the Convention.

This is also equivalent to this joint conference. Zhongshan State has truly gained international legal status, and there will be many things in the future. It can be done in a fair manner through diplomacy and other forms, such as the immigration issue that will make Yu Xiaohu the most concerned.

In the final part of the conference, because many countries’ businesses and companies have reached some private goods cooperation agreements with the octopus island in private, which involves the smuggling of strategic resources in some countries, these small countries have little status. They mentioned that they urged Zhongshan to join the WTO and abide by the WTO agreement. To prevent such smuggling trades continue to occur.

In fact, this kind of problem has been raised, and it seems a bit brainless in many countries. This can only hope that you are incapable of supervision yourself. How can you blame others for acquiring strategic resources smuggled by businessmen in your country for benefit?

After all, the smuggling of national strategic resources is a matter of habit to many countries in the world. Especially in some poor countries, even for the sake of development, even the country is selling strategic resources, and those businessmen are selling the country’s strategic resources to other countries for the benefit of the door-to-door benefits, unless a country is a fool and will not collect it. Things are generally not put on the bright side, mostly with one eye closed and one closed.

Therefore, these questions and requests raised by these small countries were directly rejected, and no one would talk about this kind of non-nutrition problem, and who would do no good things.

At present, everyone’s thoughts are still on the super submarine that appeared in Zhongshan Kingdom. How to get useful clues and information from the mysterious old king is the top priority.

It is precisely for this reason that at the end of the conference, many countries started a fierce discussion on the question of the ownership of the intercontinental division of Zhongshan.

The country of Oceania believes that Zhongshan is located in the center of the Pacific Ocean and has completely separated from the Asian continent plate economic circle. Its official language is also English. He should be placed in the Oceania section and become a member of Oceania. .

However, the Asian countries did not agree. Among them, the Chinese country was the toughest. China believes that the cultural heritage of the Zhongshan country is integrated with the Chinese civilization. Its official language is mainly Chinese, followed by English. At present, most of the nationals on the island also have Based on the majority of Chinese people, and calculated from latitude and longitude, Zhongshan has not separated from the Asian continent plate too much, and should be classified into the Asian plate.

Polar bears are also very tough on this issue, and they firmly believe that Zhongshan should belong to the Asian plate.

But at this time, the rice country suddenly inserted a kick again. The rice country thought that the octopus island and the Hawaiian state of the rice country belonged to the same parallel line. The distance between the octopus island and the Asian continent and the American continent was calculated on the straight line of the ocean. Regardless of geographical or economic influence, it is also very appropriate to enter North America.

When Rice was mentioned in this way, some younger countries would immediately appreciate it. Understand the meaning of the country, should also want to develop Zhongshan country into a younger brother country, so he began to agree, agreed to the Zhongshan country into the camp of North America.

No one expected that the discussion on the last issue of the conference would be so intense. The smell of gunpowder is full.

As for other irrelevant, representatives from countries such as Europe are very surprised. Because the Zhongshan country is too far away from them, there will not be too much conflict of interest, but they did not expect the division of intercontinental ownership. These worlds Competition among the great powers will be so fierce.

However, some people soon understood the power of it. The geographical location of Zhongshan Country can be said to be in the heart of the Pacific Ocean. Its strategic position is too important. The Mi Army has been deployed in the Pacific for many years. But suddenly a Zhongshan country popped up to open a gap in the chain they deployed. How can the country tolerate it?

Therefore, before the Congress of Rice, the octopus island has always adopted a very tough attitude, and even continued to suppress and sanction. If it is not because of the impact of the energy protection system around the octopus island, the military force of the Mi Army will be useless, otherwise The problems that can be solved by force will definitely be violently solved by militia.

However, because of the mysterious protection system of Octopus Island, the world’s military powers could not threaten it by force. Based on this, Octopus Island has grown rapidly with the outside world through its abundant gold reserves. Even the economic blockade imposed by countries such as Japan and Japan cannot have a substantial impact on them.

Coupled with the frequent and frequent terrorist attacks in recent years, the economic turmoil and financial crisis in the country have caused the country to fall into a quagmire. After they can no longer influence the octopus island strategically, they can only take tactical measures. Strategy.

Now that Octopus Island has been voted by the United Nations on issues such as national sovereignty and territorial integrity. They can no longer stop the development and growth of Octopus Island, so if the suppression is not possible, the means of harassment must be implemented.

Therefore, on the issue of intercontinental assignment, of course, the country will try hard to block the strategic attempts of polar bears and China to break through the Pacific blockade through Zhongshan.

then. The meeting was successfully held to the end, but suddenly there was such a dramatic scene. Europe and other countries did small benches to watch the show, watched several countries such as the Mi country and the big Asian countries on the issue of the intercontinental ownership of the Zhongshan country. War.

In fact, no matter from the perspective of human environment or geographical environment, although the existence of the small island country of Zhongshan is special, it is reasonable to include it in the Asian circle. If it was not for the interference of the rice country, everyone would acquiesce to this fact.

Now, when the State of China intervenes and wants to put Zhongshan into the Americas, they are considering it in a strategic sense. At the same time, the State of China is also targeted at the country with the most relevant information on octopus islands. They have a rapid development rate on octopus islands. It is very clear that naturally it will not let go of developing this small country into its own younger brother country, and further improve their Pacific blockade.

Therefore, in this battle of torture, although the smell of gunpowder on several sides is very strong, for Yu Xiaohu, who is also watching a movie at the same time, this torture is meaningless to him.

He was very clear about the attempts of the Riceland, and the polar bear was playing a **** in it. It seemed to be on the same line as the Chinese country, but in fact, if there was not enough interest in it, how could the polar bear be so concerned, polar bear The goodwill that has been released to Octopus Island naturally has its purpose.

The reason why China will fight is that in addition to the relationship between the two countries, China also strategically hopes to use the octopus island waters to break through the Pacific strategic blockade of the rice country, which is very important for China to expand its strategic space. important.

However, several parties have argued and argued, but they have ignored the wishes of the Zhongshan State. It seems that they have forgotten that today ’s meeting has officially adopted the territorial integrity and independent sovereignty of the Zhongshan State, and they are still used to treating them as a small island. Look at it.

So in the end, when the polar bear raised this question, the gunpowder smell on the scene suddenly faded a bit, and everyone turned their attention to Yu Xiaohu, hoping to get the answer that Yu Xiaohu chose.

And Yu Xiaohu didn’t hesitate, just glanced at the seats in the Chaohua Kingdom, but said, “The culture of the Zhongshan Kingdom originates from the profound influence of the Chinese civilization. The island’s residents are mostly Chinese, and some unique habits. The same way of thinking is different from European and American culture. The division of intercontinental ownership in Zhongshan Country will naturally tend to distinguish in the humanistic direction … “

After this answer, as long as everyone at the venue is not an idiot, he naturally understands the meaning of the King of Zhongshan. Furthermore, the people in the country of the country have engaged in military intervention on Octopus Island since the beginning of the world, and then targeted octopus. The development of the island has been blocked and suppressed. Although the relationship has now eased a bit, it is natural that the old king will not tend to the Mi people.

After getting an answer like Yu Xiaohu’s argument, everyone knows that the Zhongshan state’s intention to return to the Asian circle also made the meeting come to an end.

After the meeting, Yu Xiaohu was kindly invited by the heads of state.

Among them, polar bears are the most enthusiastic. The head of the polar bear expressed the hope that Yu Xiaohu would pay a state visit to Russia, and the two sides established good diplomatic and cooperative relations for common development.

At the same time, the Chinese side also sent a cordial invitation to Yu Xiaohu, hoping that Yu Xiaohu could go to Huaguo to inspect and visit some historical cultures and places of historical interest that have a long tradition with the cultural heritage of Zhongshan, so as to make the exchanges between the two sides closer.

In addition, it seems that there is the insinuation of the rice people behind. The heads of the island nations, Singapore, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia and other countries also sent warm invitations to Yu Xiaohu, hoping that the two sides can establish a closer and united cooperative relationship in the future.

Yu Xiaohu knows what urine is in these countries, but he has only responded politely. At present, the purpose of the second link in his plan has been achieved ~ ~ Whether he wants to talk to these young countries The establishment of diplomatic relations depends on his mood.

After the closing of this important UN conference, media around the world rushed to report on the content of the conference, but it did not cause much sensation.

Ordinary people around the world are treating the small Zhongshan country on Octopus Island as being recognized by the United Nations, and they have not reacted. Most people take this for granted.

And the people of all countries in the world are more concerned about the King Zhongshan who debuted for the first time in a domineering manner, especially when the King Zhongshan appeared in German waters with his super-submarine formation. Military fans around the world They were all deeply attracted by the charm shown by that super jumbo submarine.

At present, the hottest parts of the world are those military forums on the Internet, and some military weekly magazines have shown the most intense discussions on the powerful submarine force against Zhongshan.

However, what happened next quickly shifted the world ’s attention to the King Zhongshan and the super submarine, attracting global attention. (To be continued.)

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