Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 518 - Behind the disaster

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In the evening after the conclusion of the UN conference, the host country of Germany held a grand closing ceremony.

After the ceremony, the German side once again hosted a grand state banquet to entertain guests from all countries. It was very enthusiastic.

At the banquet, the guests would still mention the King of Zhongshan and the super-submarine who appeared on the scene during a private clink conversation. This topic has not been interrupted since the super-submarine appeared.

At the same time, leaders of various countries will also pay close attention to such hot topics.

There are also some representatives who want to get a little more information and will come to Yu Xiaohu to say hello.

In particular, the leaders of several countries with similar culture to Zhongshan, such as the President of Indonesia, such as the Prime Minister of Singapore, and the leaders of Vietnam, all started talking around Yu Xiaohu, showing a strange enthusiasm.

Even the Prime Minister of Japan, Amber, came over to chat with Yu Xiaohu and to lead the world in the development of electronic technology in the island nation, hoping to get more in-depth cooperation with Zhongshan.

For these topics, Yu Xiaohu also has a draft, which can calmly cope.

Those head-level figures are okay, and they can show the headlines of a country in all aspects.

And when he saw that the other representatives of the younger countries such as the island and the Philippine country that day were in front of the leaders of those small countries, but when they were in front of the big countries such as the country, they were flattering and flattering. There will be your thoughts of a good show.

Soon, the scene that Yu Xiaohu was looking forward to appeared.

Just as the Prime Minister of the Japanese island nation and the President of the Philippine nation talked eloquently in front of Yu Xiaohu, their respective secretaries suddenly came over and whispered in their ears.

After hearing the reports from the men, the two changed their faces and hurriedly pleaded guilty to Yu Xiaohu. He left the seat in an emergency.

Regarding the sudden and hurried behavior of the leaders of these two countries absent from the table, other leaders of the other countries expressed their great curiosity and asked about it.

Just after asking. After learning that the Philippines and Japan had suffered severe disasters at the same time, the leaders of the countries expressed their sympathy.

Since then. Almost halfway through the banquet, the Prime Minister of Nichishima came to the venue to bow and salute, and then talked about just three minutes ago, a local earthquake in the northern islands of Shikoku Island in Nichishima caused a volcanic eruption, and the volcanic eruption After that, Hai Hou was accompanied by a typhoon.

Under this natural disaster, the area around the northern archipelago of the four island nations of Japan suffered heavy losses, and the natural ecology was severely damaged. Abe said that he would return to China immediately to deal with the disaster and hope that the guests from all countries attending the banquet can understand.

After the Prime Minister of Japan made such a gesture, the President of the Philippines followed the same gesture, mentioning that an earthquake occurred in the northern archipelago of the Philippines, although the magnitude of the earthquake was more severe than the volcanic eruption caused by the island. Slightly, but the several islands in the epicenter were submerged after the accompanying sea wheeze. The Philippines also suffered extremely severe disasters and losses. The President of the Philippines stated that he would leave the country to return home as soon as possible.

The heads of states heard that the natural disasters such as the earthquake in each country and the accompanying sea whine were severely affected. They all expressed their deep understanding and sympathy, and also expressed their condolences to the people in the affected areas.

only. Among the leaders of the countries present, Yu Xiaohu, as an insider of the incident, was very disdainful of the hypocritical appearance of the Prime Minister of the island and the President of the Philippines that day.

Actually Yu Xiaohu knows. It is not the rescue of the affected areas that the President of the Philippines and the Prime Minister of Nichishima rushed back to the country. They were so anxious to go back to cover up the existence of some huge disasters that were exposed after the earthquake. .

The eastern part of Shikoku Island in Hishima Island is actually a barren and smoky mountain forest. There are not many residents living there, and some fishermen are fishing near the surrounding archipelago.

And that place happens to be in a more active seismic zone. Only one incentive is needed to cause a disorder in the geomagnetic phenomenon, and an earthquake is bound to occur.

Just how big the magnitude of the quake will be, because it was caused by man. It depends on the mentality of the person who created and triggered the quake.

And the time of the earthquake was around 6am. Because it is man-made, there will be no omen. Naturally, the government agencies and departments of Shikoku Island and Shikoku Island are also slow to respond.

The epicenter area was only the worst in the eastern islands of Shikoku, accompanied by volcanic eruption. As well as the formation of Hai Hou, one of the islands in the epicenter area was naturally covered by volcanic ash, and then flooded by the sea overwhelmed by Hai Hou, everything there will be destroyed, including the Third Reich organization, a terrorist organization in the A biochemical experimental base secretly established there, the volcanic eruption magma can completely submerged the creatures full of viruses and evil in the biochemical experiment there.

However, sometimes the volcanic magma can not completely destroy the underground experimental base, and there are still some harmful things exposed, which may spread and cause serious consequences.

Especially after the disaster, the impact of the sea wheeze will bring some sources of infection to rivers in other regions, so that those biochemical viruses will begin to spread among some animal and beast groups, thus indirectly letting those Human infection in contact with animals.

After the disaster, the government of Nissho took urgent measures.

But when they discovered that the place destroyed by the volcano eruption actually had some organisms that could spread the virus, as well as some remaining biochemical experimental equipment and some undestructed biological specimens, they realized the seriousness of the situation, At the same time, there was also a sense of crisis. If the biochemical experimental base that was secretly built underground had not been secretly established by the official Nissho State, it must have been built by some illegal terrorist forces.

In this way, after the island state officials discovered these major intelligence secrets that day, they found that the tentacles of the terrorist forces had extended to the country, and their sense of crisis would be deeper when they made corresponding strategic deployments. Naturally, they will also promptly notify Prime Minister Abe of the meeting in Germany.

Abe was naturally shocked when he learned of the confidential news.

At present, there are also secret laboratories established by terrorist organizations and experiments in biochemical projects in Japan, and after the disaster. The experimental base was exposed, and some infectious viruses were not completely killed by the lava from the volcano. It actually started to spread to humans indirectly through the spread of animals and beasts in the surroundings. This is naturally a very serious matter. Abe himself cannot stay in Germany. He must return to China to deal with this matter at the same time. The sympathetic gesture was made at the party.

It is just that the head of the Philippine country, after learning that the earthquake in the northern archipelago of the Philippine country has also suffered an earthquake and sea disaster, even followed the Prime Minister of Japan to make the same gesture to seek sympathy and comfort. Can’t we change the situation?

And it is different from the catastrophic consequences of the volcanic eruption caused by the earthquake that occurred on the island of Nissho. There is no volcano in the area where the disaster occurred on the other side of the Philippines. It was just the sea wheeze caused by the earthquake that drowned one of the equally deserted private islands in the northern archipelago.

Compared with the losses suffered by the Japanese island nation and the serious aftermath, the Philippine side is much luckier, so he followed Abe to make the same gesture, which will naturally make Yu Xiaohu very sick.

When Yu Xiaohu issued an order to destroy the private island in the northern archipelago of the Philippines, he knew that the private island was a training base for biochemical soldiers established by the Third Reich, and at the same time a group of mech weapons were also Secretly hidden there, it was just a stronghold where the attackers hid.

In the attack on Yu’s family in the South Island, Yu Xiaohu found that the mastermind who executed the attack was hiding in the eastern islands of Shikoku, and he wanted revenge. As for the secret strongholds of the two terrorist organizations, it is natural that the focus of the strikes is also different.

Yu Xiaohu did not send robots to use energy bombs to destroy the island in this revenge operation against the Japanese island nation.

Because before that, he used this method to move the biological experimental base of the Third Empire hidden in the central island of the Indonesian Goto Islands to flat land. The explosion was too dazzling and eye-catching, and the damage caused by it was too great. Although the incident has taken so long, the intelligence organizations in Indonesia and the United States have been investigating this incident secretly. Nor did he let go of the investigation.

Therefore, in the same way, Yu Xiaohu can no longer be used. After all, the last time he was abducted by his uncle, the explosion happened, so this time the Yu family was attacked. If the same explosion occurs again, more doubts will be raised. It is also easy to make people doubt him.

Then, we must retaliate against the destruction of the secret bases of two terrorist organizations that destroyed the Japanese island nation and the Philippine nation without being suspected, and let these two bases be overturned and destroyed due to the occurrence of natural disasters. This method is both concealed and efficient, and there is no hidden danger of exposing clues. It is naturally the most ideal to choose this method.

And the black technology possessed by the base island is very easy to artificially create a seismic activity with a very precise hitting surface.

After the disaster, a large number of biochemical experimental residues appeared on the side of the Japanese island nation. At the same time, some mechanized weapons exposed on the private island of the Philippines will appear. With extremely serious calamities and shortcomings, the heads of the two countries, after learning that these are still classified intelligence information, have to rush back to deal with this matter, so as to avoid the more unimaginable consequences of the spread of events.

However, since Yu Xiaohu is going to retaliate against the damage and threats to his family by the terrorist organization of the Third Reich, at the same time, he does not have any good feelings for the countries of Japan and the Philippines, and naturally he would not mind causing them some trouble. Those biochemical residues and mech weapons were exposed, and the Third Reich suffered a huge loss. At the same time, the secrets were known to both countries, and they will inevitably be involved in a vortex.

After the Prime Ministers of the island nations and the leaders of the Philippine nations left on that day, the atmosphere may be gradually indifferent due to the disaster. The banquet lasted less than half an hour and the leaders of the countries also left.

After Yu Xiaohu returned to the hotel where he was staying, he once again put on a sign for restlessness.

In the room, he did not deliberately look at the scenes of the terrorist organization’s two strongholds when they were destroyed through communication equipment.

He just paid attention to whether the ordinary civilians were injured after the robot team triggered the earthquake by stimulating crustal plate activity.

According to the statistical report returned by the reconnaissance robot, after browsing, Yu Xiaohu saw that the earthquake in two places did not cause much casualties and impact on the civilians nearby, but after destroying those two strongholds, he could properly It caused some trouble for the two little countries that he hated, and he was still willing to see it. This was also really to calm down the anger that had been lingering in his heart for a few months, and the anger that this third empire dared to attack his family.

Although the serial blast attacked by the Third Empire hurt only the biological human substitute, not Yu Xiaohu’s true relatives, it only caused some losses to Yu Xiaohu.

However, in nominal terms, the target of the opponent’s attack was Yu Xiaohu’s family, and he wanted to threaten him. This kind of thing has always been the bottom line of Yu Xiaohu. Since the other party dares to break through the bottom line of Yu Xiaohu, then he must bear Yu Xiaohu Revenge of anger.

After paying attention to the statistics made by the robot after the disaster, Yu Xiaohu then looked at the Internet and media reports and comments on these things.

The news media reported that the occurrence of the two disasters were placed on the front page. After these news contents have received widespread attention, they have indirectly reduced the public’s content of the UN conference and Yu Xiaohu’s. The attention of the ichthyosaur ~ ~ As for the comments on the Internet, these are bricks and mortars called beasts there to catch the eye, and did not say anything substantial. At the same time, those media reports It also did not mention any information about the biochemical residues and mechs that may be exposed to the location of the disaster.

Since then, Yu Xiaohu has not paid attention to the follow-up of these matters. After the meeting, the heads of state also began to return one after another, but Yu Xiaohu stayed in Germany for a long time.

During this half-day, he reached intent with several European countries and signed documents to complete the exchange and formally establish diplomatic relations.

In the early morning of the second day, Yu Xiaohu boarded the super submarine again under the invitation of the German side.

After sailing out of German territorial waters, the entire submarine formation dived into the water under the attention of the shocking eyes of all parties and soon lost its sight, making spy satellites in some countries impossible to monitor and track, as if the world had evaporated.

However, the impact of that super submarine on countries around the world is still fermenting. (To be continued.)

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