Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 521 - Immigration discussion

Octopus Island, Royal Palace.

Today is a monthly work report meeting. Some important officials in the middle of the country have to go to the palace to report their duties. At the same time, they will discuss and summarize some issues in the current development process of octopus island, customize solutions, and work plans and goals for the next step. Customization.

Yu Xiaohu did not preside over the meeting, he just sat and listened.

At this conference, Yu Xiaohu saw some of the stranger faces among those officials.

After inquiries, I know that these strange faces are in some positions with complicated aspects. Although the administrative level is not very high, the positions are more important, so they all attended this meeting.

Moreover, these people are quite capable and talented grass-roots officials who were eventually promoted after the evaluation and observation of those grass-roots officials in the past two years. They can also be regarded as the fresh blood that has been enriched by those immigrant groups and can be continuously diluted. Those occupied by senior biological people.

At present, because Zhongshan has obtained legal state sovereignty status in the United Nations and has officially established diplomatic relations with many countries, the octopus island’s immigration policy has been successively adopted by tourism companies authorized to cooperate and octopus island-based migration agencies. After propaganda, more and more people have a better understanding of the migrant environment here on Octopus Island.

Especially for the Chinese, the living and living environment here in Zhongshan is very stable and comfortable, the climate is comfortable, and there are no external threats. The mainstream culture here is still consistent with some traditions of Chinese civilization in Chinese.

Especially in the field of financial investment, Zhongshan Bank established by Zhongshan Country, as well as the European Bank, Swiss Bank, Bank of China and other financial institutions opened here have gradually expanded their business here. At least 40% of the wealth in the world’s financial markets every year. Circulated here again, so the financial investment institutions that cooperated with Zhongshan in the early days also obtained extremely rich profits, which can be described as huge profits.

Coupled with the fact that Zhongshan was officially recognized by the United Nations and many major powers in the world, the attitude of the Mi country was ambiguous. This naturally attracts more and more financial institutions to settle in the main city of Octopus Island.

In this way, the main city of Octopus Island is centered around the Royal Palace. In the past two years, more and more financial institutions have been established, and its development cooperation model has become more and more diversified.

Especially over Xiangjiang. The strategic investments made by some business leaders, including Li Shoufu, for octopus islands have gradually begun to bear fruit. Even the four major securities institutions in Xiangjiang have cooperated with Zhongshan State to establish Asia’s largest stock exchange in Zhongshan State, making Zhongshan State The financial business continues to expand and develops rapidly.

Also. Affected by the economic policies promulgated by the Zhongshan country, plus a very secure financial investment environment here, although the region is semi-closed, the financial market and economic development are not closed, very free and flexible, and the management mechanism is also very advanced. And efficient and convenient.

After two years of gestation, the first is that Chinese of all descents from around the world have registered unexpected gains after registering offshore companies on Octopus Island. Businessmen in other countries in the world have also discovered the advantages of octopus island’s open economic policy and continued to work on octopus. Island-registered companies have even decided to move their headquarters to Octopus Island.

Although there are still some people who have some doubts about the political system implemented on Octopus Island. But most of the investors with strategic vision made investigations through the management mechanism of octopus island government and social security. They found that some of the systems implemented on octopus island adopted advanced management from advanced developed countries. Mechanism, and some are unique and independent innovation mechanisms here, very advanced and perfect.

Even though this small country still implements the dictatorship of the king, but the management system of government agencies is self-contained, the king generally does not interfere too much, and it is still very free and flexible, plus the gradually perfect laws System guarantee. This makes the operating mechanism of government management departments very clean and efficient.

And because of these various factors, after he gradually showed the good side, after the construction and development of octopus island made many people’s confidence greatly increased, the investment in octopus island naturally increased gradually. This, coupled with the open tourism environment of Octopus Island, will naturally attract more discerning people to invest here, or consider immigration.

In terms of immigration, octopus island has experienced very rapid economic development in the past two years, and the construction and development of the city has also changed dramatically. Therefore, the development of tourism and high-tech industries is mainly based on this. The natural environment of the original environment is very good, and there is no pollution, which will make the living environment index here very high, ranking among the top in the world, and the education environment is also very high. Yes, it will naturally attract the attention of some people who have environmental requirements.

However, it will only attract more and more people’s attention. Although the official languages ​​of Zhongshan are Chinese and English, and English is more circulated here, the cultural environment and lifestyle here are still not attractive to people in Europe and the United States. However, it gradually became more attractive to the Chinese people.

At this meeting, Yu Xiaohu heard a detailed report from the Ministry of Civil Affairs on the island’s immigration situation.

By the time of the UN conference, the number of immigrants on the island had increased by about 12,000, an increase of about 16%, mainly based on Chinese ethnic groups around the world.

However, after establishing the sovereignty of Zhongshan at the United Nations conference, and establishing diplomatic relations with multiple countries, and legally authorizing a number of immigration agencies and tourism agencies, after the promotion of these agencies, and the tourism project industry opened by Octopus Island As a result, the number of immigration applications from Octopus Island began to increase rapidly.

The Ministry of Civil Affairs reported that as of today’s meeting, the number of immigrants counted by the Ministry of Civil Affairs was about 29,000.

Among this group of immigrants, more than 80% are Chinese, and their social strata are also widely distributed. About half of them have a college degree or a master’s degree. In the intention of immigration applications, these people feel that they are here for entrepreneurship and employment. There are many opportunities.

In addition, there are about a hundred people with doctorate degrees. Their immigration intentions are deeply attracted by the scientific environment of the Science City of Octopus Island to apply for immigration.

However, among the population who have applied for immigration in succession, the number of singles engaged in the business industry accounts for the majority of those immigrants’ reasons and intentions, and most of them have rich family assets, and the average personal assets are in the hundreds of thousands of euros.

When Yu Xiaohu heard this, it was easy to guess the psychology of these people, some rich people here. Definitely attracted by the marriage system of Octopus Island, who wanted to emigrate to Octopus Island in order to marry two wives.

But these are exactly what Yu Xiaohu hopes to see. Those who have the ability to marry two wives are actually elite figures in the social class. After they emigrated to Octopus Island, the social environment of Octopus Island can be improved, and population growth will continue to erupt in the future.

From these statistics, the current immigration policy and economic policy of Octopus Island. In addition, the improvement and implementation of various welfare policies can indeed attract a lot of Chinese immigrants here.

Yu Xiaohu paid particular attention to the division of origin of those immigrants.

Sure enough, he expected that among the Chinese groups applying for immigration, people from the southeast coast of China and the Taiwan island area accounted for the majority, and they were still rich. The rest were from Southeast Asia, Australia, or the rice country. Chinese people who are unhappy with their living environment.

But relatively speaking, these people’s household income levels are still much higher than those in mainland China.

When Yu Xiaohu saw the geographical division of these immigration applications, and then classified according to his background, he found the actors in the entertainment industry. There are many singers.

When I saw the list, Yu Xiaohu was the most eye-catching, and the two names that can evoke some of his memories are among them. The actress Liu Ruoyan and her economic man Hu Jie, who had had a few devious marriages, are among them. .

Yu Xiaohu checked some of these two women’s information and found that in their resumes, recently, the two had followed a film crew to the southeast of Octopus Island, a city of cultural tourism, to film and shoot here. Experience of living more than ten days.

At the same time, other actors or singers who applied for immigration have also come to Octopus Island to travel or have lived temporarily because of work. It seems that they were deeply attracted by the living environment here, and they decided to apply for immigration after some investigation. .

For those stars applying for immigration. Yu Xiaohu didn’t care much about this kind of thing, but the development of the film and television culture industry in Zhongshan also required these stars to play a role in promoting.

At present, the development of television stations on Octopus Island is as usual, but it is rich in cultural content dissemination and program content production. There are still some shortcomings. Absorbing more talents or stars in the film and entertainment industry among the immigrants can also promote the development of Zhongshan in this area.

These are helpful to the development of Octopus Island, so for such immigration applications, Yu Xiaohu will naturally be willing to facilitate approval.

However, when Danny Yu was seeing background investigations of other immigrants. But he frowned, and said, “Why are some of these immigrants actually working officials? What’s the matter? I haven’t made strict declarations. Anyone who has had political experience, regardless of serving or leaving office, They all need to be reported after strict verification … “

After listening to Yu Xiaohu’s question, the Ministry of Civil Affairs explained: “Sir, in the application immigration information of these people, they have not truthfully filled in and reported their family and background status. Some of them have been concealed, and some are theirs. The family members applied for immigration, but they were still in a state of no knowledge, and some of them were reported through the private relations of some intermediary agencies. We have done a detailed investigation afterwards, and this information is reported. The application was not approved … “

After listening to this explanation, Yu Xiaohu looked relieved a bit, saying: “Then follow this model. In the immigration applications submitted by those intermediary agencies, we also need to review the investigation of the parties’ information.

Once it is found out that the applicant or his immediate family members have had political experience or are still in the service or resignation status, they are not allowed to pass, especially the immigration application submitted by the country of China. Never pass … “

Speaking of this, Yu Xiaohu added: “In addition, some of the immigrants who want to emigrate to Zhongshan are estimated to have some purpose. They may falsify their identity information through various channels. This situation is strictly strict. After reviewing the investigation, the immigration department will also conduct an interview with it. During the interview, the in-depth investigation of the characteristics of biological genes is used to prevent some other spies or intelligence personnel from mixing with fish. Once this is found, they will be forced to leave octopus island immediately … … “

After the Ministry of Civil Affairs nodded his head, he recorded these contents and then said, “Sir, the total number of immigrants in Octopus Island in the past two years has reached 69,000, plus the previous batch of immigrants. The population, as well as some temporary residents, UU Kanshu floating population, the actual population of octopus island survey totaled 124,000 people.

Excluding the temporary population and the new immigrant population, many of the first batch of immigrants stood out after being tested by the education environment of Zhongshan. Regardless of the number of grass-roots positions in government departments or management positions in other business organizations, the number is increasing. More and more, these people’s performance assessments have now passed. They have also applied for applications for permanent residents of Zhongshan. Do they have to pass a batch? “

After receiving the information and looking at it, Yu Xiaohu nodded: “Since these people have received further education in the octopus island education environment and passed the performance assessment at the same time, if they want to go to the next level, press Zhongshan State The law does need to obtain citizenship qualifications in order to be able to continue in politics or to engage in other special occupations. This time, a number of approved citizenship quotas will be issued on a pro rata basis, and some people will be selected to enter key positions in the government or other departments. And give a certain promotion through the results … “

After this article was approved by Yu Xiaohu, the book of the Ministry of Military Affairs then reported: “Sir, among the military institutions established on Octopus Island, because Octopus Island has not implemented a military service system or a military academy, But at present, among the students who are about to graduate from Taixue High School, there are still some people who have submitted voluntary applications for the army. For such situations, we have also customized the corresponding implementation plan, please look over … “(To be continued.)

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