Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 522 - Military summary

Yu Xiaohu took a look at the plan submitted by Shang Bing Shang Shu.

Seeing that in the implementation plan, the arrangement for those Taixue graduates applying for military service is to first enter the military personnel training institution for further studies, and then the Ministry of Defense will set up a separate military unit to accept the use of these talents in order to facilitate the current The military units on Octopus Island are distinguished by biological humans and robots that occupy the vast majority of military institutions, while also preventing these humans from touching certain high-level military secrets.

Seeing these plans, Yu Xiaohu thought about it.

At present, octopus island’s military and political affairs are self-contained, and he has been under the direct leadership of management, which will not have much relevance to government departments.

At the same time, the island’s military management agencies and combat units were all composed of biological humans and robots, and did not attract too many real humans to participate in these military agencies.

However, according to the current deployment of Octopus Island and the need for future expansion, some military institutions do need to absorb a portion of humans in order to respond to some events or cases that are not convenient for biological humans or robots to come forward to solve.

However, according to Yu Xiaohu’s long-term planning, he does not want to mix too many humans into his army, especially the combat units and secret protection units often come into contact with base islands. These must always maintain absolute authority. Yu Xiaohu will never allow any human to know the relevant secrets of the base island.

Therefore, the establishment of a service unit composed of humans by the Ministry of Defense is dedicated to performing some confidential military tasks and operations that do not involve too many base islands, completely separating it from biological humans and robot corps. Yu Xiaohu felt that it was feasible, so he also approved the implementation.

Later, Yu Xiaohu read a detailed report on the military construction of Octopus Island from the Shangshu Report.

Because there are 16 energy base stations around the octopus island, these energy base stations have weather controllers, magnetic field control facilities, cyclic energy conversion facilities, neutron control systems, ultra-long-range physical link plates, etc. Powerful protection. Even with the use of nuclear bombs, Octopus Island is not afraid of any threat of force in any situation.

In this way, octopus island will be solid under the protection system controlled by the energy base station. At the same time, the monitoring satellites of countries around the world will not have any chance to peep at everything on octopus island.

For now. Building on the strength of the army on Octopus Island, the navy has operating submarines scattered around to collect transportation resources to form a powerful submarine force at any time.

The patrol and security forces above the sea are carried out by a fleet of modified warships. On the surface, this fleet does not have a very large deterrent, but its actual armed function. After the transformation of the base island, it is very powerful, and any force that dares to offend this armed force will pay a heavy price.

In terms of naval construction, Yu Xiaohu did not build a variety of warships with different situations and functions. Differences like missile destroyers, cruisers, etc. are not necessary at all. Only those armed submarines and modified warships can achieve multifunctional strategies and Tactical defense and offense.

Everything is supported by black technology, and those various types of battleship functions can be aggregated, allowing those submarines to randomly choose according to strategy and tactics. Very flexible.

In addition, in addition to the development of naval construction, Yu Xiaohu once planned the construction of the Army and Air Force.

The construction of the army is supported by the huge resources and technology of the base island. Yu Xiaohu is going to build a pure mechanized force and a special force.

This mechanized unit is mainly composed of armored chariots. Those armored chariots also refer to the structure of the spider-like resource-gathering chariots in the base island. They are gathered by most of the military on Earth. Multiple military functions and integration.

However, this new type of multi-purpose armored combat vehicle Yu Xiaohu did not manufacture a large number, after all, he just designed and transformed it by referring to the weapons and equipment of the Earth ’s mechanical armored forces.

On the surface, it is similar to the main armoured vehicles of those countries. I don’t see much clues, just like those of the modified warships patrolling in the waters around Octopus Island.

Because Yu Xiaohu’s scheduled plan has not been completed and it takes some time to brew, he doesn’t want to expose the super armed forces derived from the base island black technology too soon. For example, those armed robots, bio-armored mechs, super-energy weapons and biological weapons are all Yu Xiaohu’s cards, and naturally it is impossible to open them all at once.

The special forces formed were composed of biological humans and robots. The configuration is also very comprehensive. A squad has various types of biological human robots such as medical care, defense, offense, reconnaissance, etc., which can fully adapt to the special operational needs of any situation. It will also be The nightmare of the enemy.

Just like the team that Yu Xiaohu sent to Greece to explore the underground temple and dig out the secrets of the alien remains hidden in the underground temple, that is a special team.

After watching the development progress of the army and navy, Yu Xiaohu, for the current transformation of these armed forces, has powerful functions and combat capabilities that are not comparable to those of the earth ’s military forces. At the same time, he is also able to effectively blacken the base island. The scientific and technological strength is hidden in disguise, and Yu Xiaohu is still very willing to maintain this state for the time being.

Last time when he went out to Germany with him, the deterrent force of that submarine force successfully deterred all countries around the world. After appearing in a domineering and shocking way, this submarine force has received very high attention all over the world. Many nations’ capitals are exploring intelligence information related to the Yulong by different channels and methods.

It ’s just that countries around the world are paying attention to the super submarine, and they have sent intelligence personnel to inquire about relevant information, but they have not gained much information. Even if the super submarine always maintains a mysterious posture, the heads of states are surprised. Uncertainty, which gives birth to various associations and speculations, can squarely face the potential power of this small Zhongshan country on Octopus Island.

As far as aerial construction is concerned, this field is currently in a state where the framework has been customized and has not yet been implemented.

Within two hundred miles of the sea around Octopus Island, because the energy barrier has been open, it has also blocked various scanning and reconnaissance methods of military satellites and reconnaissance planes of various countries on the earth, and it is isolated from the peep and investigation of various external signal methods. The airspace of Octopus Island is temporarily in a closed state.

Although it comes from the air carrier airship of the strategic platform module. These black technology creations, such as aircraft, will not be affected by those energy barriers, but these things also exist as the hole cards for the situation of the armed forces of Zhongshan, which are temporarily not easy to expose.

Originally, Yu Xiaohu wanted to buy a few fighter planes to carry out some transformation, so that it could become a fighter plane that can adapt to the complex airspace environment around Octopus Island to inspect that airspace.

But then I thought about not needing to inspect airspace. The ground forces were able to do it completely. Besides, he still had several air carriers and super fighters, and felt that it was not necessary.

In the future, he will build more sophisticated airpower such as space fighters and interstellar spacecraft, and if those fighters on the earth are retrofitted, they will be eliminated in the future. There is no need to waste that resource.

Therefore, after viewing the contents of military construction, Yu Xiaohu did not make any new plans and decisions, and only maintained the current status.

After reading the information report of the military department and handling some pending matters, the meeting basically came to an end, and Yu Xiaohu announced that the meeting would be adjourned.

After the departure of many of his subordinates, Yu Xiaohu suddenly thought of an incident, and he let the commander of the internal security keep the subordinates in charge of the spy agency.

Yu Xiaohu needs to know how the leaders of the two countries dealt with the hidden dangers exposed after the disaster after the recent disasters in Japan and the Philippines. And the Third Reich reacted and acted upon exposing these confidential strongholds.

After making an inquiry, the intelligence chief transformed by the senior biological person of the semi-biological mixture immediately retrieved a piece of information from the information database, and then presented it to Yu Xiaohu in the form of a light curtain projection. .

The materials projected on the light curtain were very detailed and a little tedious. The commander of the internal guards immediately explained to the emperor: “Sir, the enemy’s strongholds in the two places in the earthquake disaster area passed the surveillance robot’s comprehensive surveillance feedback The information returned indicates that it has been destroyed by the disaster, but some of the biochemical residues and mecha remaining in those two places have remained.

After learning about the biochemical residues of the Shikoku Islands, the Nichishima side secretly transferred those biochemical residues and sealed them up with experimental specimens without destroying them. Obviously they want to study the technology contained in the residual samples of biochemical experiments.

However, the difference is the northern islands of the Philippines. After the disaster, the secret place organized by the Third Reich was submerged, although a number of mech weapons were exposed. However, the Philippine side did not dare to act lightly, because in private, for the batch of mech weapons, many forces had secretly tried to fight, but they have been in a stalemate.

In addition, after receiving the confidential information for the first time, the State of Mi also sent a special force to the disaster site to participate in the competition.

At the same time, Mi Jun has moved recently. After the Mi-Okinawa base was severely damaged last time, in addition to the reconstruction and reconstruction of this military base, the Mi-Jun dispatched a huge naval fleet consisting of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines to the Okinawa base and was preparing to cooperate with the Southeast Asian Mi-Jun base Confluence of military forces to launch a new round of anti-terrorist war in Southeast Asia … “

He was not surprised to hear these intelligence messages.

After all, the Mi Army united NATO member nations to launch wars against terrorism once in the world. Its ultimate purpose was mainly for the sophisticated mechanized weapons in the hands of the Third Reich.

Now a private island in the northern archipelago of the Philippines has been exposed to the mech weapon in a secret stronghold destroyed by the earthquake and sea swell. Even if the Philippines discovers these secrets, it will naturally be unable to swallow it with their weak national strength. When they are already watching and fighting, they can only report this information to their boss, and it is the safest way for the country to deal with this matter. They can also follow suit and make a profit.

That’s why the Mi Army sent a powerful joint fleet to rush to get the sophisticated mech weapons.

After the Third Empire organized such an important training base for biochemical warriors as it was exposed to the world due to the earthquake and sea horrors, they will not rest quietly. They do not want the weapons to be acquired by other forces. They must find a way to recapture them. Weapons, then naturally a fierce rally between them and other countries such as the State of Rice.

However, this Third Reich organization now has a history of more than seventy years, and they have been carrying out a large number of plutonium penetrations around the world through the implementation of replication programs, and their core characters are very deeply hidden.

It is even the black technology power that Yu Xiaohu has. It is impossible to find these core leaders hidden behind the scenes, and it is impossible to know where the organization’s headquarters is. It can only be tracked through continuous investigation and clues. Today, it is just just investigating that the organization is hiding in several important branch bases around the world, and it can be seen that this terrorist organization is hidden.

Through this information, Yu Xiaohu foresaw that the Third Reich organization had launched a battle with the Mi Army after the exposure of the Mecha weapons and the secret stronghold of training Biochemical Warriors due to the disaster. The struggle may be very fierce.

At the same time, it is estimated that this third empire organization will also reveal the stronger strength and methods they have been hiding ~ ~ I am afraid that Mi Jun will suffer a great loss this time.

Yu Xiaohu asked the internal guard to analyze the possible changes in the situation after the war between the two.

Because the terrorist organization of the Third Reich is a threatening force under investigation and prevention in all countries around the world, they have been in the shadows for many years, and the Rice Army or some countries have been fighting for that batch. The military actions taken by mech weapons are in the clear. As long as they are dynamic, they may be immediately known to the Third Reich.

In this way, under the light and dark battle between the two sides, coupled with this dark third empire also possesses cutting-edge military science and technology forces. For this battle, if you do n’t get it right, you may lose both. Situation, no one can take advantage.


But at this moment, the internal commander interrupted the analysis of the intelligence chief, and Yu Xiaohu saw his communicator suddenly sound.

At the same time, a guard entered the conference room at the moment and reported: “Your Majesty, Yun wants to meet!” (To be continued.)

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