Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 529 - Crazy night

on this day.

When the soul had been twisted, the new biological evolutions controlled by the evil Dr. Buai conducted evil biological experiments in underground temples in Europe.

She even used the advantage of that biological weapon to clash with the local military, creating a terrible incident of armed conflict that caused the local military to suffer extremely heavy losses.

And this is the same day as the attack and conflict is beginning to ferment in Europe, and is about to trigger a storm.

Asia, southeast of Shikoku Island.

After a group of lurking armed forces secretly landed there, they quickly disappeared into a mountain forest and no one knew.

In the evening of the day, a roar heard from the forest, and the beasts in the forest fled and fled out of the forest. When they saw people, they attacked. It seemed very irritable.

When the nearby farmers were frightened, they immediately reported the situation to the local government.

When the local government sent a guard to investigate and inspect the surrounding forest, they suddenly encountered a terrorist attack in the forest.

This terrorist attack was a nightmare compared to the Japanese island guards.

In that nightmare, they encountered giant creatures that had never appeared in history, and those creatures were like Godzilla monsters worshipped and proud of by the Japanese people in the film and television culture industry.

After being attacked by these beasts, they did not make the most effective counterattack at all, they were torn to pieces by the beasts and the whole army was overwhelmed.

Immediately after the serious biological monster attack, the survivors of the guard reported the information immediately after escaping the horrific forest.

After the Japanese island nation received the news, the high-level officials shook.

Lest those giants rush out of the mountains and attack human civilians. The high-level Japanese island nation first blocked the news to prevent the appalling news from spreading among the civilians, and then they immediately sent an elite army to the area. Purge those creatures that suddenly appear.

However, high-level and military departments in the Japanese island nation attacked Shikoku Island due to the sudden biological giant. It also made the attention of the high-level of the island nation after the disaster in the southeast area.

At about 9 o’clock that night, near the Kawaga Islands in the southwest of Kyushu, Japan, several submarines made a secret landing at a pier.

After these submarines docked at the dock, a group of secretly armed men tall and strong with a strong beast atmosphere came down from the submarines.

When the armed men landed, a small middle-aged man who had been waiting there for a while trot greeted him.

The middle-aged man approached one of the armed men and bowed deeply: “Dear Tuckley, I really didn’t expect that you would come to Hishima to guide the work in person. We are very, oh …”

However, just before the word of this little Hishima man, Luo Yan, Tuckley, a giant bear-like guy, kicked the short man away with a kick, and said angrily, “What’s the wasteful **** of Takega Saburo? Didn’t come in person? “

The short man who was kicked was very frightened. After all, Takli was a capable man under the leadership of Hadia in the high-level organization. He did not dare to have any disrespect for Takli. After hearing the inquiry, he carefully answered: “Mr. Tuckley, Wu Hejun wants to recapture the biological experimental data and specimens collected by the official secret forces of Hishima. He is planning to organize an operation.

At present, this action has attracted the attention of Hishima ’s high-level officials, and their attention has been attracted there. It will also facilitate the arrival of Mr. Tuckley … ”

“Waste. A bunch of waste!”

Tuckley looked very irritable, and after slap again to fly that short man, he said angrily: “We now have the strongest military technology and armed forces on the planet, we are not afraid of the army of any country, let alone this The Japanese island nations that have no military independence have the right to use the most violent means to make them feel fear, and to recapture those important biological experimental data and biological specimen samples, so that the Japanese island nation officials can obediently hand over things to me, otherwise We don’t mind moving the island country to flat land. Dalit, don’t lead the way yet … “

After that. Takeley ignored the short man and left his dock with his men first.

And the short man quickly got up and trot followed. There was another nod to the Takli bear, and he took it to a secret stronghold they had established in the Kaga Islands.

However, this time, Tuckley received an order directly from Mr. Crayley, a senior member of the organization, asking him to personally go to the Japanese island to retrieve the exposed biological experimental data and specimens.

Hadia was not afraid to neglect this. At the same time, the training bases of the biochemical soldiers in the Philippines were exposed due to the earthquake, which caused their armed mech weapons temporarily stored there to be submerged by the sea whine caused by the earthquake. The same batch of weapons and equipment are currently exposed After coming out, the forces of many countries secretly competed.

Hadia is mainly responsible for the related weapons and equipment in the Third Reich organization. Now that there is a problem, he naturally has to rush to Southeast Asia to sit in town and organize an activity to recapture the batch of mech weapons and biological experimental data. For this reason, Hadia has to spare no expense.

After Takeley took his hand down to a secret stronghold in the Higashikawagawa Islands, in order to avoid night long dreams, early recapture those important biological data experiments. They only rested there for about two hours and started. action.

Regardless of what they do, they have no scruples, and they have been classified as a terrorist organization by the United Nations. The operation they deploy is naturally a terrorist attack. The purpose is to deter the Japanese island and force the Japanese people to return those materials back. In order to avoid The people of Nichido delay or engage in other activities secretly, the actions taken by this organization will naturally be very violent.

In the early hours of the night, Tuckley and his team of biochemical warriors set off again through the Kagawa Islands.

And this time, because of the convenience of the internal staff of Hishima, Takeli took his men to easily enter the Honshu Island.

Their first goal was to build a military base in the southwestern part of Honshu Island.

Takeli is a violent man, and a terrorist with extreme destruction. He took the team to cover the night with the army first approaching a military arsenal established by the Nichishima security agency nearby. It was convenient to use the powerful armed forces of Biochemical Warriors and Biochemical Nanosuits to carry out raids on Nawu Beiku.

They first created a huge explosion. After attracting the security forces in the Armory, they rushed to the scene of the incident. Takeley’s men launched raids on these guard forces.

In a less intense exchange of fire, the guards of the Nichishima people were not the opponents of the biochemical warriors wearing biochemical nanosuits and advanced weapons and equipment. After they were destroyed, Tuckley received information on the Armory through the captive Nichido people.

Immediately afterwards, Tuckley and his men adopted more violent means. After entering the alert area of ​​the Armory by violence, they directly and continuously created explosions and chaos, using their advantages of lightning strike operations to eliminate the guards in the Armory. The personnel also smoothly entered the Armament Depot.

Their purpose here was to obtain some deterrent missile weapons and armored vehicles, as well as armed aircraft equipped with missile systems.

After taking advantage of the advanced weapons and equipment to seize the weapons reserve of the Nichido people. Tuckley and his men had a great harvest. After intercepting a batch of heavy weapons and equipment, they laid out time bombs there and then left.

At this time, after receiving a violent terrorist attack on the Armory Depot, the security department of the Nichishima State immediately took emergency action and reported to the chief of the Mi Jun base.

However, when the local security department sent a riot guard force to rush to the Armed Forces to contain the terrorist armed forces, they rushed to the Armed Forces and encountered a catastrophic explosion.

At that time, the bomb placed by Tuckley in the Armory was detonated. In a moment, even the other ammunition in the armory exploded, as if a cloud of mushrooms burst, making the earth tremble with tremor.

Some residents living in the area thought it was an earthquake. However, before they had time to know what was happening, the violent explosion of Wubei began to spread around and spread, and a relentless fire also burned in an instant, bringing extremely serious damage to the surrounding areas. Damage and casualties.

The disaster at that time was terrifying and made the people of nearby Hishima think that the end was coming. In the midst of a large number of casualties and crying, people were continuously affected by the explosion and lost their lives.

Even the security forces that rushed to the Armory at the time were severely affected. Before they could do anything, the explosion suddenly occurred. Naturally, the casualties are also very severe.

At that time, Honshu Island was in chaos. As if in the sea of ​​hell.

As soon as the incident occurred, the high-level Nichishima learned that their armory store had been subjected to a violent terrorist attack, and immediately sent a request to the nearby Mijun base for help.

At that time, the chief of the Mi Army Base, Ferrer, immediately received the request from the Nichishima official, and immediately made arrangements for deployment. He ordered the fighter jet to take off urgently to conduct aerial reconnaissance and ground search of the terrorist forces, and was ready to eliminate them in one fell swoop.

However, when Feller deployed and arranged these battle plans, he did not expect that the main goal of these arrogant terrorists was to attack the Mi Jun bases here to cause a terrifying deterrent effect on the people of Nichishima. The base arming was ignored by Feller.

And this is deadly enough.

It was only after about fifteen minutes or so, when the fighter planes of the Mijun base took off to search for those terrorist armed forces, it was easy to find the target.

After all, the Armory Depot of Hijima Honshu Island is not far from the Mi Army Base, and it did not leave far after the terrorists intercepted a batch of weapons and equipment.

After Mi Army fighter reconnaissance searched for the movement of these terrorist armed forces, Feller in the Mi Army base directly issued an attack order.

However, the Mi fighter ’s reconnaissance ability at night will still be affected by some disturbing objects. The group of mobile armed forces they found was another group of people intentionally arranged by Tuckley in order to attract the attention of the Mi fighter.

When Mi Jun’s fighters began to attack, something unexpected happened to Mi Jun.

At that point in time, when Mi fighters launched air strikes against the terrorist forces on the ground, Takli no longer cared about the equipment weapons they had obtained from the island ’s arsenal, even those who were the first. The life and death of Hishima, who was organized by the three empires, didn’t take his heart at all.

To put it bluntly, the group was a cannon fodder team. When they attracted the firepower of the Mi Army Air Force, Takley let those land-based missile vehicles launch short-range fast-hit missiles, and they were unintended.

Under such circumstances, Mi Jun was a little embarrassed.

For those terrorists who do not show their cards according to common sense, it is even more frustrating. Such an indiscriminate one-shot launch of so many fast and short-range strike missiles, it is simply impossible for those Air Force pilots to make effective interceptions.

Boom boom!

At that time, after those fast-range missiles were fired indiscriminately by those inhuman terrorists, they quickly and easily started to explode in all directions, as if they were setting off fireworks. The Mi Army could not effectively intercept all the missiles. Can lock those weapons for direct destruction.

However, even if they destroyed those weapons and equipment, a batch of those short-range missiles were launched.

Even among the missiles fired, so many of them flew directly to the Mi Jun base.

Farrer, who commanded this battle far from the Mi Army base, was very angry ~ ~ Because that group of terrorists would not care about the lives of ordinary civilians around them, they did not target the missiles to create sabotage The annihilation of human nature has completely exceeded his imagination.

Although several missiles that were fired at the Mi base had been scanned by the Mi Army’s defense system, Lefey immediately issued an order to intercept it, but what made Feile feel cold was that their attention was attracted. By the time of intercepting those missiles and destroying those weapons and equipment that created chaos, two armed aircraft flying close to the ground quietly came near the Mi Army base.

When Mi Jun found the two armed aircraft and confirmed that they were hijacked by terrorists, when Feller ordered on the spot to prepare for the destruction, the people on the armed aircraft did not give them the opportunity at all.

Just when they identified the two armed aircraft as enemy or non-friend, the terrorists on the aircraft launched missiles with a frantic expression.

At the moment the missile was launched, Feller was cold, although he knew that the target of the missile’s hasty attack would not be the base command center.

But the moment the missile exploded at the Mi Jun base, it was a great shame to him and to the entire Mi Jun. (To be continued.)

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