Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 530 - Casualty cost

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Tuckley is actually a lunatic who does everything possible and prefers violence to solve problems.

On the wanted lists of countries around the world, this lunatic has always been among the top three extremely dangerous characters.

Because he is a lunatic, he does not account for any consequences, but wherever he performs terrorist activities, it will easily lead to huge confusion, and the damage and harm it brings is also quite serious.

Just like this time on the island of Honshu in Hishima, since Tuckley and his team of biochemical soldiers have landed, they have been doing sabotage in a very brutal way.

He took the lead in attacking the Armory Depot of Hishima Island. It was extremely rampant to seize a batch of weapons and equipment. The missiles launched at random without money, creating large-scale explosions and setting off fireworks. The injuries and losses to the people of Hishima were extremely serious .

However, under such circumstances, while the Japanese island government sent a siege of security forces and requested the help of the Mi Army, instead of not solving the problem, the Mi Army base also suffered from Takli in this violent terrorist activity. Retaliatory blow to destruction.

At the same time, such a major incident that occurred on the Japanese island this night, together with the serious conflict between the armed forces and the military forces in Europe, has gradually escalated, which has caused the situation in the entire world to become somewhat chaotic. Rising, multi-terrorist organizations also took this opportunity to begin to make their debut, using the opportunity to create chaos, mingling water and fish for benefits.

However, the events in Japan and Europe have not yet started to spread through the Internet on a large scale throughout the world, but only a small number of people know the reasons for these events.

But before they had time to digest the impact and consequences of the two incidents, the latest news came out immediately, shocking everyone.

That is, about four hours after the terrorist attack in Japan and the destruction of the militant base by terrorist organizations, it was located near the northern archipelago of Southeast Asian Philippines. A local war broke out there.

In this war, the Mi Army dispatched cutting-edge military weapons such as aircraft carrier fleets and nuclear submarines to **** the SEALs sent by them.

Their purpose was to enter the northern archipelago that was submerged by the sea and compete for the exposed mech weapons.

however. What Mi Jun didn’t expect was when they sent a SEAL to land on the archipelago to search. However, they encountered the attack of terrorist organizations.

In this local war, the elite Rice Seals and the biochemical fighters of the terrorist organization did not take any advantage when they exchanged fire.

Even in this local war, Mi Jun was the first time to fight with biochemical fighters equipped with biochemical nano-battles. They did not know the other’s combat methods, and their losses and casualties were very serious.

Then, under the stimulation and influence of the loss and casualties of the landing forces, Major General Riels, who commanded the battle, made another stun.

To make up for the losses and casualties of the landing combat forces. At the same time, in order to reduce some responsibilities, Riels sent aircraft carriers and bombers to bombard the area where the SEALs were defeated. They wanted to use air support and strike. Dominance once again dispatched landing troops on the fleet.

However, when the Mi Army dispatched the landing combat troops again, they lost the trace of the terrorist forces.

Mi Jun does not think that those terrorist forces with cutting-edge biochemical nano-equipment will be severely damaged or flee from the bombing. Since everyone’s target is the exposed batch of mech weapons, the opponent will definitely have a backhand.

After landing combat troops entered the jungles of the northern archipelago, after meeting some of the wounded or concealed seal commandos, they wanted to take down the area of ​​the underground base secretly established by the terrorist organization. Occupy it and salvage those submerged mech weapons.

However, they only arrived in the jungle. However, they were again attacked by monsters in the jungle.

At that time, the ground monsters gathered from all sides, and the army’s landing combat unit immediately opened fire and counterattacked after encountering these monsters.

However, the number of those monsters is very large, and the speed of Mercedes-Benz is also very fast. After shuttles through the jungle, the Mi Army soldiers shot and knocked down or killed one, and the others rushed up.

After those monsters rushed up, Mi Jun’s weapon advantage could play a very small role. They can only fight fiercely with those monsters.

But the power of those monsters is very huge. Many Mi soldiers lost their weapon advantage. The resistance they faced when they were attacked by monsters several times their size was very pale.

The picture at that time was very cruel and bloody. Those monsters have sharp teeth and sharp claws. Although they are as big as a brown bear and not as tall as the biological giants experimentally manufactured by terrorist organizations, the number of such monsters is Very many. Those Mi Army fighters suffered at least 40% casualties in less than five minutes after the start of hand-to-hand combat.

After seeing the scene, the commander of the landing force immediately issued an order to evacuate immediately.

However, when the Mi Army fighters evacuated, those monsters still brought at least 20% more deaths and injuries to the Mi Army under the pursuit of the raid, and the remaining Mi Army fighters were made under the cover of the fighter. Escaped the horrible jungle.

However, after these Mi Jun landing combat troops withdrew from the jungle, when they gathered together to count the number again, the number plummeted to less than one-third of the original, so that everyone could not help but breathe cold air, feeling cold.

In the current situation, the Mi Jun has only fought with that terrorist organization for only two waves, but it has brought a very large casualty rate, and those terrorist forces are still in a hidden state, in the dark. Mi Jun I don’t know what kind of secret weapons they have not used, but this jungle has become a death line.

However, these Mi Jun landing combat units encountered resistance and were unable to penetrate into the jungle, let alone through the jungle to reach the target location. They do not seem to intend to give up, and are still looking for countermeasures.

but. At this time, in that ocean, Mi Jun once again encountered an unprecedented crisis.

Although reconnaissance was conducted through the Mi Army’s nuclear submarine. A group of unknown marine creatures in the ocean approached the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. Major General Riels, who was on the aircraft carrier, received precautionary deployment after receiving intelligence from submarine reconnaissance. He fired a torpedo when the unknown creatures approached, trying to drive them back.

However, things did not go as smoothly as expected. After the torpedo was launched, it was dodged by the unknown creature, as if it had enraged those creatures, and they approached the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier at a faster speed. Later, he launched a crazy attack on the carrier under the water.


At that time, the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier kept shaking.

The movement created by the unknown creatures is very large. The officers and men on the aircraft carrier were terrified. In the severe shaking, the ready-to-go divers entered the water and attacked the giant creatures that attacked the aircraft carrier with water guns.

However, the weapons used by the diving team’s personnel were not effective in attacking those aquatic creatures, but they angered these creatures. After one of the giant creatures moved over, the Mi soldiers in these diving operations had not had time to do An effective attack or defense method was used, and the giant creature suddenly opened its mouth suddenly. Just swallowed by a whale, two diving warriors were sucked into their stomachs without knowing their lives.

Then, other unknown creatures slowly started to climb along the bottom of the aircraft carrier. The personnel in the aircraft carrier seemed a little flustered.

They kept firing with weapons and wanted to drive those beasts to the sea. However, the beasts were very destructive and powerful. Their skin was as hard as a stone, but the damage caused by the pistol bullets hit them. It’s not serious. After this annoyed those giant beasts, there will be more and more monsters on the aircraft carrier’s deck and cause damage everywhere.

At this time, the giants attracted the firepower of Mi Jun. And began to cause damage on the aircraft carrier, followed by a group of biochemical soldiers wearing biochemical nanosuits in silence. He got on the aircraft carrier through the cover of those monster creatures.

After these batches of biochemical fighters boarded the aircraft carrier, the situation has changed rapidly since then. The Mi Jun soldiers on the aircraft carrier are not the opponents of the biochemical fighters at all. The quality of their weapons and equipment, as well as the rate of fire and attack power of their weapons, are not as good as each other.

Coupled with the fact that these biochemical warriors boarded the aircraft carrier under the cover of those beasts without much obstruction, this made the Mi Army’s aircraft carriers quickly begin to fall.

At this moment, in the carrier’s command room, Major General Riels’s heart had sank.

When he saw that the aircraft carrier was attacked and destroyed by those biological giants and a group of biochemical soldiers landed at the same time, after the main facilities around the aircraft carrier gradually lost control, he knew that the great forces had gone, and he would become the Milian nation The sinner was also the first aircraft carrier commander to be captured in the history of world war.

Now, there is only one doubt in Riels’ mind, that is, where did the biological giants come from? There are also those biochemical fighters who are fascinated by ghosts. In what ways did they escape the monitoring of the Mi Army aircraft carrier submarines and satellites and successfully invaded the aircraft carrier?


Just then, the electronic door of the commander’s room suddenly burst into a loud noise, making the alarm sound continuously.

After seeing a few biochemical soldiers wearing biochemical nanosuits suddenly came in, they pointed the advanced weapon in their hands to Riels’s head and motioned him not to disturb.

After Riels was under control, several biochemical fighters came in at this time.

After the others came in, one of them took off his helmet, which was a Western face.

However, after seeing this face, Riels couldn’t help but widen his eyes and looked extremely shocked: “You are Hadia. Thirty years ago, the world’s number one arms smuggler, was injured in a siege by the special forces of the Mi Army. After you fled, there was no more whereabouts. Why did you show up here? “

The man who came in was Hadia. When he heard that the commander of a good aircraft carrier could call his name and say some of his background, he seemed a little surprised. He couldn’t help but look at the man a few more times. “How did you recognize me?”

Riels said, “Before saying the answer, can you please answer me a few questions, how did you use the biological giants to escape the surveillance signal to invade this aircraft carrier?”

Hadia looked very disdainful, saying: “We have the best hackers on the planet, and it is not difficult for us to invade your military satellites. We use the signal to disguise and deceive the Mi Army aircraft carrier against us. It’s not too challenging, answer me, how do you recognize me … “

Riels got the answer, but he still seemed confused, and said, “That siege operation thirty years ago was the first time I went to the battlefield. It was the cruelest war experience in my life. Because of my timidity at that time, in that cruel assault, I flinched from my fear, hiding in a hidden building, watching with my own eyes after being hit by a bullet, and taking you away. , Naturally was extremely impressed … “


However, ~ ~ just finished talking about Riels. Hadia suddenly took out a pistol, and when Riels was caught off guard, he shot at Riels’s head. Head Riels.

When Riels fell into a pool of blood and died, only listening to Hadia’s tone seemed very eerie anger, saying: “*, I didn’t think of the thing that made me feel shame and disgusting thirty years ago. The insider is still a coward who hides in the corner and witnesses the whole shot of my cowardly deceived and betrayed. If you do n’t recognize me and tell the old story of thirty years ago, maybe you wo n’t die. , You will enjoy the highest treatment of captives, but since you are an informed person, there is only a dead end … “

After spitting at Riels’s body, Hadia kicked him aside and came to the aircraft carrier’s console and approached his opponent and said: “Temporarily control this aircraft carrier first, and deceive by signal. Hold on for a while and fire missiles at the same time, giving me cruel tortoises from the turtles sent by the various countries lurking in the northern part of the northern archipelago, letting them enjoy the baptism of artillery and let them truly be in my third empire Tremble under the deterrence of the army … “

One of the men immediately executed Hadia’s order. After controlling the aircraft carrier, they were doomed to greater chaos and a more crisis situation began to spread. (To be continued.)

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